Holding The Line
Uranda July 10, 1953 Class
There are many critical vibrational patterns in the world. We had atmospheric disturbance yesterday evening, and human beings are inclined to respond even to atmospheric pressures. We had rain here, which was very welcome. I do not know how many of you know that there was a very severe storm in Denver — a cloudburst with almost four inches of water falling at one point; but there were the severe convection currents and atmospheric pressures and changes. Human beings are inclined to respond somewhat to such things — we need to reach a point where we do not. We may feel them but we should not respond to them.
Another aspect of world pressure that is at work is the struggle that’s going on in Soviet Russia. A man who has wielded much power over the lives of others and used it with heartlessness comes at last to his own pattern of difficulty. These things all have a part to play in the world vibrational pattern, and fear factors are projected into the mass consciousness, elements of uncertainty, so that human beings under some attunement to these things, touching them and not being aware of their sources, tend to accept some little immediate thing, something that is at hand, something that can be seen, as the trigger which starts the reaction pattern. And sometimes the triggering acts very much like an atomic bomb. The process in the atomic bomb has to be triggered to get it started; a comparatively little thing, and then the larger explosion, the greater reaction, the greater influence.
We have these things far and near, with human beings everywhere suffering from various patterns of futility. We have a gigantic struggle going on in our own country. President Eisenhower is in the midst of it, attempting to hold the line, attempting to hold a basic sensible pattern for the welfare of our nation; but the pressures of all sorts exerted which tend to confuse many issues, for human beings have not learned to function outside of the patterns of selfishness and greed, and general patterns of uncertainty. There are the various reactions which center around the situation in Korea. We have the spectacle of a nation divided, and a civil war and conflict that drew in the great powers, and now all the great powers on both sides trying to get out of it. And both more or less manoeuvring for position in relationship to it, seeking for some kind of a truce agreement. And then, in relationship to that, there are the projections of the vibratory patterns into the mass consciousness of those who have loved ones in that conflict who have met with accident, or who are numbered among the casualties, or the prisoners of war, etc.
Everywhere there is a sense of great futility, a sense of the senselessness of so much that goes on in the world. And unless we watch ourselves we tend share those feelings when they come within the range of our perception — we tend to become subject to this sense of futility and senselessness and, feeling it, the human mind is inclined to search about, perhaps unconsciously, but to search about for some reason. What is it that makes me feel this futility, this senselessness. And so, the human mind sees this thing, and sees that thing, recognizes something someone had done over here, etc, and forthwith the individual finds the reasons which he assumes to be the cause of what he has perceived — the futility and the senselessness. And the so-called reasons, the things he has assumed to be the cause, have actually little or nothing to do with it. He has merely identified his feelings with something or someone. And consequently there is more confusion. Instead of clearing the pattern, that adds to the confusion, adds to the difficulty, because it projects into the world consciousness concepts, ideas, attitudes which are not based upon fact — they are based upon fiction. And so there is more confusion.
All of this emphasizes the vital importance of learning to hold a vibratory pattern. Now we can take an attitude, I suppose, and say that we will hold this pattern for ten minutes, or a day, or a week, maybe a month if you are feeling real generous — and if everyone concerned doesn’t clear the deck in that time we are going to quit. I see, right here on Sunrise Ranch, patterns of confusion, unnecessary stress and strain, because things perceived are identified with those aspects which the mind has assumed to be cause, and they are not. Therefore there is no real way to correct the thing. The individual has to continue to feel, or perceive, the vibratory patterns presented and must reach a point where he is willing to relinquish the fictional aspect of the matter before he can make any step. But generally speaking human emotions and feelings are so tightly bound up in such matters that they want the fictional causes corrected, straightened out to the individual’s own satisfaction before he will consider accepting the idea that the pressure can be dealt with. In other words, the human being arbitrarily takes the attitude that God must deal with these things according to the individual’s own human concepts of what should be done, what should be corrected, where and how, and when, and with whom.
That defeats the pattern of our progress. It injects things that increase the load, increase the problems in various ways. We undertake to hold the pattern for such individuals as long as possible, but sooner or later each on must reach a point where he or she is not identifying himself with the wrong thing, and where there is a willingness to admit the fictional nature of what has been assumed to be the cause. This is one of the favourite tricks of the devil; it’s a very clever and effective trick that has worked with untold billions of people. Let’s examine it just a little.
If there is pressure which the individual perceives and he can be caused, on an emotional basis, to accept the idea that the cause of this pressure is with some circumstance, some thing, some person, on a fictional basis, then the individual is in the position of demanding that this circumstance, thing, or person, must be corrected in order to permit the individual himself to feel freedom from the pressure. But because that is a fictional pattern in the individual mind and heart it can’t be corrected. The human being demands of God, or of the Lord, or of His servants, “You clear this and I will function thus-and-so.” But that to which the individual looks is a fictional thing. It cannot be corrected except to eliminate it or to give the appearance of something on a fictional basis. If I, for instance, were to disregard the basic principles of reality, I could in such a case produce a fictional set of circumstances which would apparently correct the fictional difficulty and the individual would for the moment be satisfied — but for the moment only, because immediately that individual would, the first time pressure came, develop another fictional pattern, and I would be under the necessity of producing a whole set of fictional outworkings to make the individual feel that he or she was being given adequate consideration, that I was adequately doing my job, etc. Whereupon, for the moment, everything would be lovely. But it wouldn’t last; it wouldn’t hold; and we would soon have our whole program based, not on the rock of reality but upon the fictional patterns devised by human minds — and that is sinking sand. Sooner or later there would be a pressure come along and the whole house would fall, because the fictional patterns would extend into a range beyond my ability to produce a fictional pattern that would seem to correct it. And all that while I would have to be violating the Laws of Being and my own basic calling and principles of life. So that way leads to ruin, absolute ruin!
It is on this point, generally speaking, that there are those who leave us in the wrong way; they decide they can’t take it any longer, that they are going to have to leave, they are going to quit in some fashion, and so they decide it’s time for them to pull out if they are not given adequate consideration, adequate And appreciation, etc. And so if I and those who may be working with me are not able to establish the right vibrational pattern and the acceptance of it, in such individuals, a parting of the ways comes, and that’s that. As servers in the field you will be faced with this sort of thing over and over again, not just once in a while, but many times. Are you going to try to shift your foundations to fit the arbitrarily projected structure of another? If you do you will soon be so far off your foundation and into the sinking sand that it is all gone, hopeless, and you fail. No, we cannot afford to shift our foundations — we cannot shift the true Foundation; we cannot afford to shift our contact with the foundations.
So often human beings will come along and say, “Look at this nice little structure over here; I’ve built this very carefully; I’ve spent a lot of time on it. This is what I like. Now, I’ll let it be included in what you’re doing if you’ll just move over here — move your structure right over and fit into it. I’ve already got this here — fit into it!” And sometimes the human being who is attempting to serve thinks, “Well that would be a nice addition. I certainly would like to have that. Maybe if I shifted over there and got it in, then maybe I could shift back — but before he got that operation done someone over here says, “Well now that’s fine. I’ve got something over here. Come shift over here and include this too, and you’ll grow much more rapidly. Things will really take on form if you’ll just shift over here and take this in.” And pretty soon you’ve shifted so far, and the burden has gotten so heavy, that you have absolutely not chance of ever getting back on your foundations. It won’t work.
We cannot afford to shift. That which is to take part in the building of the Temple not made with hands must come to that building. We are not going to shift the building to the material no how matter how pleasant or fine it may appear to be; no matter how slowly the structure may seem to rise. That which is to take part in the building must come to the Foundation and fit into the building. There is no other way. We are not going to be trying to shift it around to please human desire and fancy — no matter who may come or go. I would rather one or two who are faithful and true than many who are pulling this way and that, and refusing to share in the building of that which is of the Divine Pattern.
Someday, sooner or later, there will be those appear out of the world’s pressure and turmoil who have the capacity, the willingness, to accept a stable dedication. I can afford to wait. I don’t know how many others can. I can afford to wait. And someday, there are going to be those who provide a stable Core vibrational pattern. It is to this that I have been long inviting you, according to your capacities, according to your ability, that you may share in the building of a structure not made with hands — a structure so stable and so sure that there will be something manifest in the world to give assurance that there is something dependable on earth, something of God, something that lasts, and that is not pushed down by the pressures that come and go, the storms that pass, the atmospheric storms around us, or the vibrational storms, or anything else.
In the testing of the material, I do not have to arbitrarily produce conditions which will test. I work to the end that the Temple may be built, but the daily outworking of circumstances tests the material to see whether it will check, whether it will break under the pressures, how it will withstand the wind and the rain, how it will withstand the heat of the sun, and all the rest; perhaps sometimes there’s a little hail. In any case, we have to remember that while we work with individuals the world body of mankind is our serve. Unless we have that vision, sooner or later personal factors of love, concern, for individuals will break the pattern. Unless we remember that we serve a King Who is worthy of our uttermost devotion, and that our pattern of service extends to the world body of mankind we will tend to get involved in personalities — those whom we love, those for whom we have a high regard, those whom we would like to see sharing in the true outworking of the Divine Pattern, and who begin to break from the field, who begin to violate the basic principles of polarity and become subject to world pressures whereupon they identify individuals or circumstances or things as the cause of these pressures on a fictional basis. And then the individual is lost in an emotional conviction that if this person did so-and-so, if that situation were different, if this thing were not there, or if we had the other thing, then all would be well and all the troubles would be over. That is one of the worst snares of the devil because the changes of that nature that supposedly would make one content, will not. Even if those changes were achieved the same thing would happen all over again — the insatiable pattern of human desire, wanting this and that to be thus-and-so, and then I will serve God, then I will be true to the King, then I will devote myself to serving the body of humanity. Oh you will, will you?
If it takes those specialized conditions to make you a server, you will never be one. You must learn to take it as it comes, without saying, “This condition, and then I will serve; that person change, and then I will serve; give me the other thing, and then I will serve.” As long as the pattern is thus, you are a servant of the devil. The time comes when we have to face the facts, and look squarely at the fundamental principles of Being and realize that if persons and things and circumstances can push us around and make us serve or not serve, then we are not under the control of God. Oh, there are many things we would like with respect to persons and things and circumstances that would be pleasant and perhaps desirable, but if we are controlled on that score we are not controlled by God, we are not controlled by the truth, we are not being honest with ourselves, with God or our fellow man — and it takes integrity, it takes honesty.
What is this matter of holding a vibrational pattern? — and how long shall we hold it? How long? Our LORD has been holding it for twenty thousand years. Perhaps He should decide to quit tomorrow. Wouldn’t that be nice for us! Suppose He were to say, “I’ve held it long enough. Let them take the consequences.” I’ve had a little experience along that line myself. I don’t think there are many here that would like to see me step out of the picture and go on a vacation for three or four years — and say, “Well, I am going to quit holding the line for you. I will come back some day and see what’s left.” I wonder how much would be left? There would be those who would valiantly seek to do the job, but I have a job to do too! You’re not supposed to be able to do my job. Or are you? If you can do my job I will go on a vacation. Please step forward. I am not supposed to do your job either. It works both ways. I am perfectly willing to fill in, and I have and I will — but I am not supposed to do your job and you’re not supposed to do my job. Together we all have a pattern of service to the glory of our King and to the blessing of mankind. And the question is, “What does it take to turn us aside?”
Holding a vibrational pattern — this is not something that can be easily outlined for clear understanding, but it is something that you have to learn to do. Some of our servers in the field have learned to do it and some of them haven’t. Those who do it are making progress, and those who haven’t learned to do it may still be on the scene but they’re not really getting the job done. Underlying factors break the vibrational pattern, and external things produce reactions. When can we learn to hold steady? Suppose there are pressures, things we do not like, things that should be changed — if we become subject to those things we’re no better than they, whether they be persons or circumstances or things. We are going to reveal who is our god — to worship false gods or God Almighty? If we are a part of the body for the manifestation of God Almighty, then let’s act like it. All mighty, not just partly mighty.
Does than mean then that we’ll have the power to go out and smash things and turn them around, and force people into this pattern, and say, “If you don’t do as I say, I am going to kick you out, etc.?” Is that what it means to be all mighty? You are going to shape things real fast into the pattern of your own desire? No! But when human beings think of power and the Almighty, that tends to be what they think about. They say, “Oh, I wouldn’t be a dictator, but this ought to be so, and that ought to be so, and my neighbour over here should be thus-and-so; this person should change; this person should change; all these folks, we could make a little adjustment and get along much better. So, if God’s power is Almighty, let’s make these changes.” The same approach the devil used in testing the pattern of our LORD, “If thou be the Son of God command that these stones be made bread.” And it doesn’t work.
No, its not that the Almighty Power of God is going to enable us to shape things around to please ourselves! It is that the Almighty power of God is going to make us able to stand and hold the line in the right vibrational pattern, while this chaotic mass swishes back-and-forth and up-and-down until the parts that belong come and stay, and become a part of the Almighty. But meanwhile, we are going to have the ebb-and-the-flow, the ups-and-the-downs, the things that ought not to be, and the things that are in the process of changing. We begin to show whether we belong to the pattern of creation or the pattern of the Creator.
The pattern of the Creator is thus — if we are a part of that then we are Almighty to hold that pattern, hold the line while these things swirl about in the realms of the creative action. We are inviting all who will to come out of the swirling into the stable pattern of the Almighty. But, which will it be? Not to arbitrarily be able to change things — no! That is not what signifies power: To make things be what you want them to be, but to hold the line on the right vibration while everyone else is trying to make things over to suit themselves — and that’s the mess! We have fifty people, and each one wants it his own way, and each is going to make it over to suit himself, more or less, exaggerated just a bit so we can see it. And I’ll stand on the sideline and just hold the pattern while you’re wearing yourselves out trying to make each other over, and to make circumstances and things be thus-and-so. I’ll wait.
Here’s the Pattern; here’s the Design; here’s the Foundation; here’s the Power to make you a part of this. When you get tired of trying to make each other over, if you are not yet exhausted and ready to die, come over, come over and join us — and I’ll wait. I’ll just wait. I’ll hold the pattern. It’ll be here. Oh, I know, you must make each over a bit more, you must make yourself over a bit more. You’re not quite ready to fit in, so you’ll make yourself into some certain design, you’ll make your neighbour into some certain design. It won’t be worth the snap of your finger when you get here — but take your time, work on it hard, wear yourself out, spend the days of your years doing nothing. The Almighty can wait. He can afford to. Can you?
Just to hold the pattern, the pattern of Truth, the True Design — offering it, but not trying to jam it down anyone’s neck. Not saying, “Well, I am going to make you over.” No, but when you respond you find that you are made over, changed. But you can’t change yourself in advance. You can’t shape this to fit your fancy! So if you are going to shape something to fit your fancy, go on back down into the mess and take your chances — that’s all. This is the Design. Here is the Foundation. And there is the Power here to cause you to conform to this. Hesitate! For what? Because you haven’t made yourself over enough, or made someone else over enough? It won’t work. You must be a part of this, or you’re a part of that which the creative force is acting upon — and that swirling morass out there is being acted upon. That is not where you find the stability, the sure things. You say, “Well, I thought I would grow to the point where, in my contact with this that you’re talking about, I could then go out and I can make things over. I can do this! I am going to have Almighty power so I can go out and be little dictator number three-million six-hundred and ninety-eight. No! Not at all. You hold the line.

Geographically, you may be here or there, if you’re a part of Center — but if you go out trying to carry the Almighty Power to shape and mould and do according to what you think ought to be done, it will not work! You’ll just fail. Millions have tried it and failed, and brought the things of God and the power of god into disrepute among the children of men. They say, “Oh, so-and-so has tried it; all of these people get fanatical; they get this-way-and-that, and look!” Sometimes people are called faith-healers. People will even tend to classify you as a faith healer, which isn’t true at all if you are functioning correctly. But you’ll have all kinds of tags hung on you. If you have a diamond, say a nice three-carat diamond, and someone comes along an hangs a tag on it, “Cut glass.” Does the tag make the diamond turn into cut glass? No. But, if it is cut glass instead of being a diamond, it’ll be terribly offended, because it wanted to appear as a diamond. Tags do not change you unless you let them. I’ve been called all kinds of things; and my LORD before me was called a servant of Beelzebub. But the tag doesn’t change you, unless you let it.
And I’ve been informed at various times along the way that carrying the business of holding the line, and insisting that this be thus-and-so can be carried too far, that if I just yield a little bit, if I just say, “Yes, well, maybe we can altar the Divine Design to include this little habit pattern of yours, or this little attitude, or… We won’t insist that you clear completely. I know God love’s you so much that He’ll take you right in, if you are just a little bit off; we’ll have a special colony for people who are a little off, and we’ll make it nice for you in heaven.” You want to be a little off, in the colony? There isn’t any such, but if that’s your aspiration, OK — you’ll never get there! Why be a little off? Why not say, “I recognize that our LORD and King has had to hold the line for the Pattern of the Original Design — all the negotiations, all the pressures, all the rebellions and revolutions and pushings-and-pullings have not caused Him to budge from that one iota. Not one iota. It’s still, after twenty-thousand years, with human beings existing in misery and dying, it’s still the same thing that it was in the Beginning. Either this, or! It’s just the same. No change.
How is it put in the Bible? “My word shall not pass away” — my Law; not one jot or tittle of the Law. It’s just the same. No matter who dies; no matter who suffers; no matter how much misery anyone has — all of this will not change. God, or the Pattern, the Design — it’s exactly the same for you today as it was twenty-thousand years ago. It’s exactly the same as it will be in the future. So, if we’re true to the truth we hold the line! Of what? Of the Divine Design. And say, “This is it. Come and share it.” We reveal it, and do our best to present it so that it can be seen in it’s true beautiful light, so that it can be as appealing to the human consciousness as possible — but it’s the same thing, and its not going to change. And you cannot negotiate with God and say, “After while, I am sure that God will be willing to sign a truce.” He will be willing to modify His terms a little, after enough of us die on the battlefield of life, enough of us suffer. I am sure that He will say, “Well, its time to call a truce. And we’ll begin to work out colonies for all the distortion factors. Some of you can have this part of the earth, and some of you can have that part of the earth, and we’ll take a little part over here; it won’t have to be very big, I know, but we would like to have a few hundred acres for those who would reveal the Divine Design, with nothing off, nothing distorted—the Real thing.” No truce! No truce. No negotiation is going to work. There is the invitation, “Come and share it.” But don’t imagine that you can put enough pressure on God to make Him compromise, and say, “Well, I’ll accept some of your ideas if you will accept some of mine.” It doesn’t work that way.
Holding the line! On what? On truth — the Divine Design. And do you think you won’t feel pressures? Do you think I don’t? Do you think I don’t know what it is to feel sadness at human beings pulling and turning away, or doing a thousand-and-one things that they ought not to do? I’ve had people go so far as to try to make me compromise a bit by saying, “Well, do thus-and-so or I am going to quit.” Well, if you’re going to quit you’re going to quit; that’s a fact. I am not going to change! Like it or not, I don’t compromise — like it or not! Is it just my way? Am I being some kind of an arbitrary human being? No. I have pointed you to the truth. I’ve pointed you to our King. I’ve pointed you to the Divine Design. And its that way! Now if it isn’t good enough for someone, well that’s too bad. It’s good enough for me.
And that is what I stand for. And it will be the same whether this human form violates the principles or not. It doesn’t change it any — for that which appears as the man would go down as well as anyone else, by reason of a violation. So why do it? What’s the gain? Nothing. And until you begin to have this realization and this basic attitude, maintaining at the same time a willingness to conform in the patterns of the Divine Design, you can’t really serve. It takes flexibility, great flexibility. I think I have revealed that flexibility, moving from point-to-point in various ways, serving here and there and everywhere. Sometimes human beings take an inflexible attitude, and they say, “You’re flexibility is going to have to take care of this, because I won’t budge.” Well then, of course, when it’s put like that, I get inflexible — then I begin to be inflexible, not because I can’t be flexible but because to yield on a point like would be to damn the one whom I seek to serve; to increase the idea that if we struggle hard enough, press hard enough, work hard enough, and suffer enough, God will compromise. But, Blessed ones, God will not compromise, and that’s that! And anyone who hopes to secure a compromise pattern with God has a vain hope. It’s a vain desire.
The Lord is your shepherd, you shall not want. Stop your wanting! Yield to the Divine Design, to the truth — and stay true to the truth. Be honest. Reveal the basic integrity, and the Almighty Power of God will be in you and express through you, to help you to hold the line while someone else pushes-and-pulls, and goes back-and-forth, and decides, “Well, maybe some day I’ll yield too. First I must do this; first I must do that, and the other thing. I’ll probably yield some day — when I get tired enough. But please just wait. Hold the line. I hope that there’s a place for me in the Temple. I’ll get around to filling it some day.” Some day!
Some day. And so, we wait, letting the light shine, revealing the truth. What shall it be? What shall it be; when and where, and with whom? What shall it be? We shall see what we shall see.
© emissaries of divine light