December 08, 2016

The 18 Keys and The Book of Being

The  18 Keys  and  The  Book  of  Being

Uranda   Gabilan Ranch, Salinas, California   March 17, 1948

To the Blessed Ones at Sunrise Ranch, Greetings. From The Sign In The Center of The Hall Of Orientation, as presented in the booklet, The 18 Keys, I quote as follows:

“Thy name, thy age, thy place of birth, thy race, thy color, and the creeds by which thou hast come along the Way, are of no consequence here, except that by thy name thou hast identity to those whom thou shalt come to know within these walls and doors—but thy name is as yet but a seed which shall come, in season, to have such meaning as thou thyself shall give it through the expression of thyself in daily living.”

Contemplation upon this quotation should produce within you a new Realization of the importance of that which you are causing your name to signify among those with whom you are associated in the Service of our KING. Such Realization should cause you to pause and consider well that which you have caused to be established in the minds of others in relationship to your name; for it is the Living of your Life that gives meaning to your name, and it is your own expression of Life that is associated with your name in the minds of others.

From The Book Of Being, I would quote as follows: “The LORD doth inquire of thee: ‘Art thou the accuser of My Children?’ Thus saith the LORD: ‘Blessed are they who behold My Nature in My Children.’”

Consider well this quotation from The Book Of Being, and let it be written in Letters of Fire upon your hearts, that you may let your whole expression of Being be conditioned thereby.

Whether it be from judging according to the limitations of human understanding, or whether it is the result of the expression of your life as it is in fact, is not, for the moment, under question, and with respect to this point I myself judge not at this time; nevertheless, though you have been in the School, and in the Service of the LORD, these many years, there are yet, in relationship to your names, individually, certain attributes or characteristics that are signified by your name in the minds of others with whom you are associated, that are not worthy of you as Members of the One Body, or as Branches of the One Vine, which must, if they be real, be purged from you that ye may be clean through the word that is spoken unto you, or which must, if they only seem to be present because of limitations of human judgment, be removed from the consciousness of those associated with you by reason of the fact of your own living in the expression of your daily activity. Therefore, whether these things must be purged from you individually, because they are a part of you, or whether they must be purged from the consciousness of others in relationship to their thought of you, the essential purging can come only through the daily expression of the Reality of your own Being.

Since you are in a period wherein you have been Commanded to think upon and speak about the Reality which you behold in another, you have also in this period an opportunity for prayerful self-examination with respect to the things to which your attention is drawn in this letter.

As I look into your consciousness, individually and collectively, I see certain ill things connected with your individual identities, as above outlined, some of which I would mention, that you give particular heed to yourselves individually in this period of self-examination, that you may let the Spirit purge away that which is in you that is unreal with respect to yourself, and likewise let the Spirit purge away that which is unreal in your consciousness with respect to others.

The unreal things which are signified by your individual identities and yet remain in consciousness, so that they must therefore be purged away, which I would mention now, are as follows:

1.  The appearance of arrogance.

2.  That which seems to be human pride.

3.  That which looks like aloofness.

4.  That which gives the impression of back-biting.

5.  That which some have thought to be judging.

6.  That which appeared to be a non-cooperative attitude.

7.  That which some have thought, rightly or wrongly, to be a jealousy or envy with respect to position and authority.

8.  That which, somehow, impressed certain ones, regardless of the accuracy of perception, as a desire to be great in the eyes of others.

With respect to the Hall of Greatness, in The 18 Keys it is written: “The Master Teacher said, ‘Let him who would be great among you be the servant of all.’ If this instruction displeases thee, whether thou dost understand or not, this Door will not open unto thee; but if thy purposes are honest and. thy willingness sincere, the secrets of true Greatness await thee here.”

That your pure minds may be stirred up to remembrance of the Living Word, and that you may more vividly behold the Way by which you may effectively function together in the Current of the Christ Love, which is the Spirit of Togetherness, I would quote for you the first and the sixth phases of the Seven-fold Key, as it is written in The 18 Keys:

“1. Truth provides the Meeting Place for Awakened Minds, wherein the Pattern of Being, as it relates to all persons, things and ideas, may be brought into the clear Focus of Vision in the Light, that, through Understanding, all who will may share in the Mutuality of Appreciation.”

“6. Creative Activity, to bring true satisfaction, must be oriented to the Supreme Center, which is the Essence of Creative Activity in the Absolute Focalization of Truth and Love, and it must, in its relatively correct position in relationship to the Whole, be motivated by the Spirit of the Givingness of the Creator, and not by the gettingness of the created, that the Joys of Intelligence and Reason may be increased, and not diminished; for only as Man functions in Intelligence and Reason through the unifying Force of Love according to the Pattern of Truth, can Man be consistently and continually Harmonious with and in the One Law by reason of which Man is privileged to enjoy Dominion.”

Let your meditations upon these two phases of the Seven-fold Key establish in you a clear recognition of that which is required of you.

With this letter I am sending to you the record of the Morning Service of September 14, 1946 [The Work of the Spirit of Truth] that you may consider it well, in recognition of the necessary purgings by which you may be cleansed and purified according to the necessities of that Service to which you are called in the Holy Name of our KING. After you have considered this Summer Session Service together prayerfully and carefully, let it be prepared for release to the School, that it may go forth in the Current of our Special Focalization Session.

Blessing you in the Holy Name of the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, I await your expression of Responsive Realization concerning these things, and, continuing ever with you in Spirit, I AMUranda.

P.S. In John 13:34, 35 it is written: “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”


The  Work  of  the  Spirit  of  Truth

Uranda   September 14, 1946   Summer Session

Concerning the work of the Spirit of Truth, our Master said that he should reprove the world of sin because they (that is, the people of the world) believe not on Him. Any individual who believes not on Him is in sin, and if he does believe on Him he brings forth the fruit of the tree of life and reveals the Father. There is the dividing line. It is not something that I can alter or change, nor would I if I could. “He that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad,” said the Master. The Spirit of Truth, the Comforter, “will reprove the world of sin...because they believe not on me.” They who believe reveal the Father and bring forth the fruit of the tree of life on earth. There is the simple, fundamental fact, and we have to face it whether we like it or not.

As a background of that vital fact, let us consider something else. I shall not undertake to list the things which human beings do, and the attitudes they hold, or the nature of function by which they bring forth the fruit of the tree of death, but some of them are: human pride, jealousy, fear of that which is of the unreal, which means faith in the works of the devil; and out of these spring such things as hate.

I was thinking of the first sin. Lucifer, the bright and morning star, was in heaven with the Lord. Let not the thought of heaven take you away from the earth; for in the beginning, and as it shall be in the end, heaven and earth were one. Lucifer was the bright and morning star, that which gave impulse to the expression of God on earth in a new cycle of time; for divine man was in heaven, even though he was also on earth. Remember that. Lucifer, watching, seeing the fulness of love and devotion given to the Lord of Love, began to be arrogant; he began to be jealous of the Lord. Was he not created beautiful? Why should he not receive the same degree of devotion, the same degree of response, and have the same degree of influence? Why should the Lord of Love receive all the wonder of the expression of love response? Lucifer began to be jealous. He began to think that there was no reason why he should not receive at least a portion of that love response. He began to think that he was just as good as our Lord. Pride entered in, and Lucifer in heaven—heaven and earth were one—the bright and morning star, let the serpent begin to turn into the dragon. And what happened?

Michael and his angels threw him out of heaven. It mattered not who it was, Lucifer or anyone else. Lucifer and his angels were thrown out of heaven. It was not the LORD of Lords who did it. The sin was against Him who is our King. The LORD of Lords did not have to do it. Michael and his angels did it, and they did it promptly, effectively and with dispatch. Lucifer and his angels were thoroughly thrown out of heaven into the earth, that if it might be that they should repent on earth, they might, in season, return to heaven. Do you think that the one who threw Lucifer out of heaven into the earth could stand as a respecter of persons in the process of throwing the dragon out of the earth? Just as surely as the cleansing came in heaven, so must it come on earth. Time has been given, but the dragon is going to be cast out of the earth also.

I have come into the world as a voice from heaven, saying: “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins.” Those who are on the Lord's side, those who will let themselves be established in Him, are being called; but those who choose to be the angels of the dragon on earth will receive no more tender mercy from Michael and his angels than they did in the first place, when it comes to the cleansing in the earth. Except the cleansing come individually, and then a still higher cleansing collectively, the cleansing of the earth will remove the individual. Lucifer and his angels undertook to fight. It was a sad mistake. If it had not been for intercession on the part of the Lord of Love Himself, Michael would not have just cast them out of heaven into the earth, they would have been annihilated.

The gratitude which has been shown to the Lord of Love through these thousands of years for His intercession, that they should be cast into the earth only, that they might repent and return, has not been such as to make one think that a great deal of mercy needs to be extended much longer. Nevertheless, in order that man might have every opportunity, after our Master came on earth and was rejected and crucified of men, Michael, to keep that act from being in vain if possible, himself took up the work of intercession; for if it had not been so, that dark day would have brought the end for the human family. That the act of the Lord of Love might mean something, that it might not be in vain, Michael himself accepted the intercessory work for mankind for a season.

We stand at the door. Michael stands at the gateway of the garden, at the entrance of the kingdom, with a flaming sword that turns every way. The call has sounded: “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins.” For those who believe not on Him the blow of death is dealt them now, and that which comes will but slay the slain. The only sin is the sin of not believing on Him, and lip service and claiming to believe carries utterly no weight with the angel who stands at the gate. Either there is the return to the Father, and the bringing forth of the fruits of the tree of life, or there is no entering in. That is belief. And failure to believe on Him is the only sin as far as Michael is concerned, under which the world stands condemned; for all other so-called classifications of sin are merely stems or branches of that one sin, and they mean nothing.

I have not talked to you about sin, in the ordinary fashion, because human beings only talk about the branches of sin. I have wanted to do it when I might point you vividly to the one sin: the sin of not believing on Him. That is the only one about which I am concerned. To the degree that there is response which lets the individual come closer and closer into an actual state of belief on Him, his so-called sins in the world amount to nothing as far as the intercessor for the human race is concerned. But if they believe not on Him, all the claims of all the self-righteous ones on the face of the earth amount to nothing. All the works you have done, no matter how much you have thought you served Him, or how much you have given supposedly in the name of the Lord, mean utterly nothing unless they be the fruit of belief on Him; that is, the revelation of the Father and the bringing forth of the fruits of the tree of life on earth. That is the necessity. It cannot be done in human strength.

Only in love response to Him whom the world has rejected can it be done, and that stands as the one requirement. When human beings stop rejecting Him and stop crucifying Him, they are welcomed at the gate, but if any shall think to enter in past that flaming sword that turns every way without having actually believed on Him, they follow after the figment of a fanciful dream.

“The first shall be last, and the last shall be first,” applies here to that first sin: "They believe not on me." And so these things are said in the infinite love of God, according to the absolute nature of the pattern of truth, in the simplest possible form. The battle is not done as far as the clearing away is concerned, but the victory has already been won. It is merely a matter of waiting to see who will share that victory. The hand of the angel has long been stayed.

As you begin to realize these things vividly and truly, and as you recognize that this is the most serious subject possible to the consideration of man under the sun, you have a deeper realization with respect to your calling as a member of the One Christ Body on earth. The utter impudence of man in presuming to continue to hold back in the face of all that is done does not augur well for man. But all of you may have opportunity in the closing days of this cycle, and to the degree that you actually realize the responsibility that is yours as a member of the One Christ Body you will see that, now, this Christ Body is a form in which the Spirit of Love and the Spirit of Truth are incarnate together at the same time in the one form, that the polarities may be established and the work of intercession may continue for a little time; for the angel with the sword, when he begins his work, will not be interceding for anyone, and except there be intercession, who should remain? This is that to which you are called, and except you be cleansed, how should you stand untouched of that sword? If you be not cleansed until you are touched of the sword, how should you intercede for any? It is so ordained. No man can alter or change it except for himself, choosing as to where he shall stand: either upon the rock or the sinking sand.

© Emissaries of Divine Light