A Personal Word
from Letters For Living Volume 6 Page 2
Martin Cecil 1980
I do receive a very
large number of letters. In a practical sense I am no longer in position to
read them all unless I did virtually nothing else. Having other responsibilities
in multitudinous ways, I seek to maintain a balance. To do this requires that
others assist me with my correspondence. However, I am kept informed of the
names of all those whose letters I do not read personally, as well as the tenor
of what is expressed.
My responsibility is to
receive and to encompass the spirit of all that flows to me in this fashion,
that it may continue its journey upward to my higher point of focalization (the
Lord to whom I am responsible). The returning cycle passes through me again to
be released in whatever way is fitting and right to those whose response is
offered through letters and in other ways, that the blessing might continue to
flow forth through them and on beyond to others. One of the ways by which the
returning blessing from the Lord is released through me is in the words of the
services I give. The mailings themselves are, from my standpoint, a personal
word to each one who receives them, providing abundantly to fill all the empty
places in the experience of each one. In one sense the mailings are an
acknowledgment of the response that was offered by the one who receives them.
But of course they are more than this because they provide the positive
expression which may inspire further response.
Response offered to the
Lord through me by your letters opens the door for the Lord’s giving which
pours forth in the right way but is not properly obtainable on demand or in the
way that anyone may want it to appear. When response of whatever nature is
given without strings a sensitivity may begin to be developed by which a person
may find increasing attunement in the creative cycles that are already moving
but of which most people have little or no awareness.
© Emissaries of Divine Light