May 09, 2015

Divine Healing

Divine  Healing

Channels  of  Emotion  Through  Feeling  Response

from   Beneath The Shadow

Uranda   February 12, 1944


Physical and mental emotion, properly utilized and maintained on the right Polarity,

permit the healing of body and mind.

Serenity amid the depths and heights of emotion is essential.


The time has come in the outworking of world events, and of the advancement of the faithful ones in the Third Sacred School, when we may wisely deal more fully with the subject of Divine Healing. All of the material heretofore released in regard to healing should be recognized as a prelude to that which is herein contained, and special attention is drawn to the manuscript, Healing Radiations, to the Special Healing Service, and to the basic teachings presented through all the lesson material of the Third Sacred School, whereby the individual is assisted into an aligned expression of body, mind and spiritual nature, in harmony with the Divine Will of God according to the polarization of Reality. 

In the Winnipeg Service of September 23rd, 1943, I dealt with the matter of the Veil which separates fallen man from a conscious association with and in what we speak of as the Inner Planes, or the Realm of Reality, into which the ill things of evil have never penetrated. Confusion results from too much mental effort in trying to figure out the exact nature of the Veil and its place in relationship to material or physical things. The outer manifestationthe negative form manifest in the Negative Triune Worldwas established in the Edenic State in the beginning, at a time when there was no manifestation of a Veil between Heaven and earth. If the matter is not clear in your consciousness, it is not wise to start running around in circles, mentally speaking, trying to figure it out. The wise way is to relax and let understanding come. Insofar as the Veil is concerned, the nature of it and the placement of it cannot be fully understood from a human standpoint until it has ceased to exist for the individual. This I may say: It results from a lack of alignment between the vibrational function and manifestation of the Inner and the Outer Planes. When the vibrational manifestation and function of the Outer Planes is in true Polarity, it will be, automatically, in perfect alignment with the manifestation of vibrational function of the Inner Planes, and at that point the Veil will cease to be. 

The reason for this consideration of the Veil, in beginning the expression of special instructions in regard to healing, is this:  The primary processes of healing require that spiritual expression and mental function be so healed that Divine power can reach the body and bring the triune nature of man into alignment through repolarization with Reality, so that the perfection of the Inner may manifest through the Outer; and to the degree that this is accomplished, there is not only the manifestation of healing, but, also, the severance of the Veil to the degree that the individual consciousness is ready to perceive that which is of the Inner Reality. This does not mean that you have not experienced effective healing if you do not yet have a full conscious understanding and perception of the things of Inner Plane Reality. Healing of the body may manifest through an alignment on the basis of faith, which releases the power of God in the body of the individual, before the consciousness is completely illumined. 

In the Third Sacred School we have had many very remarkable cases where spiritual healing has been made manifest, in which we rejoice and praise the Lord. How frequently have I admonished you not to try to understand. It is only as you let understanding come forth from within you, drawn by the Truth of my words, that you can know, and know that you know. As the illness of the world body has reached such a critical state, wherein healing of body, mind and spiritual expression is so obviously needed for the world-body, we, as Emissaries, should give careful, well focalized response to the Source of Life, whereby we, individually and collectively, may experience a still greater degree of healing in the triune nature of being. As we, individually, experience the healing that is needful to us, whether it be instantaneously or over a long period of time, we are helping to bring into manifestation the healing that is essential for the body of Responding Ones within the Third Sacred School. When our unit body experiences healing and expansion of consciousness and an increased release of the life forces, we tend to bring about the same results in the world-body of Responding Ones.

We recognize that it is futile to undertake to cause the healing of individuals who do not have a response to Reality and who have not chosen to turn to God. Likewise we recognize that the world unit that has turned against God, that is fighting against God, and that refuses to function in love response to God, cannot be healed of its afflictions. Remember that there are two world units. That which we experience individually, tends to influence all Responding Ones who are seeking to walk in the Way, the Truth and the Life. If, individually, we were all to experience complete and instantaneous healing, we can see that the world response is not such that it would be greatly benefitted, for until the world response is ready to function on an instantaneous vibration, instantaneous healing in ourselves would leap ahead of the world and leave the world uninfluenced.

Therefore, we, as Ministers and Priests before God, must be willing to let our function be in the Patience of the Lord, that we may await the fulness of healing at a time when the world response permits the greatest manifestation of blessing on the vibration of the healing which we experience. In other words, if our individual healing is to be of value in bringing about the healing of the world-body of Responding Ones, our healing must take place on vibrations upon which the world-body may respond and be benefitted. Remember that this is a basic principle, which we must consider in relationship to all the processes of healing which we experience or hope to experience during this phase of the world's transition.

However, although the above general rule is basic, no one should jump to the conclusion that that means that no one among us can experience immediate, or even instantaneous, healing. It is not for you, individually, to judge as to when the world may be most fully helped through your individual healing. This works both ways. It means that if you do not experience immediate healing, you should abide in patience, letting it work out in due season, but it does not mean that you should jump to the conclusion that you cannot experience healing until some far distant time. It is not for you to judge as to when your instantaneous or completed healing shall manifest. It may be that the world response needs your immediate healing as a channel, through which additional Divine Power may manifest in the earth. It may be that a gradual process of healing will most benefit the world in your case; or again, it may mean that the manifestation of your healing should wait until some future time.

One of the basic realizations necessary to you, individually, if you are to experience healing as and when it may be most beneficial to the world-body of Responding Ones, is that it is not for you to judge as to when your healing should manifest. You must not jump to the conclusion that it can only come at some distant time, and you must not become troubled if it does not manifest immediately. It is for you to abide upon the Rock in all peace and serenity, letting all things work together in perfection, in and through you, and in and through all Responding Ones who love and serve God. Remember that as Jesus healed individuals when He walked upon the earth, so must the world-body of Responding Ones now be healed; and as a member of the world-body of Responding Ones, the healing processes that take place in you are channels through which the power of God operates in bringing about the healing of the world unit of Responding Ones.

As I dictate the words of this message to you, I have especially in mind the case of a blessed brother who has walked in the Way with us for several years. His Light has been and is shining. He has rendered splendid service in the Master's Harvest Field. He has remained faithful and true when others around him have wavered and fallen away. He has reached a very fine state of illumination, and he knows what it is to abide in the Peace of the Lord. However, he has a physical ailment which certain doctors have said would bring his manifest service upon this earth to a close within two or three years. Regardless of this verdict, which is based upon human understanding, our brother has remained tranquil and serene, and he continues to abide in the Peace of the Presence of the Lord. He recognizes that we, as Emissaries, are not afraid of death. We do not seek healing because we are afraid to die. It must be recognized that from a standpoint of the operation of Cosmic Law, a fear of death would prevent true healing.

There have been a few instances where a desire for healing has been one of the primary motivating forces in drawing individuals into the Third Sacred School. In these cases, one of two things has taken place: Either the individual has let go of the driving force of the desire for healing, or the individual has been repelled from the School, because he or she thought that the results were not satisfactory. In certain of these cases, where the individual is no longer walking in the Way with us, I have spent from one to two years giving all the assistance possible in helping the individual to reach a state of consciousness where healing could be experienced; but in these particular instances, the individual allowed himself or herself to become greatly disturbed over some matter, so that the vibration was completely upset before the focal point for the release of the Divine Healing Power could be reached, and then the individual was inclined to blame me because there was not a manifestation of healing.

It should be remembered that under Cosmic Law I cannot force healing upon anyone. I can and do assist the individual in reaching a point of consciousness where the Power of God begins to work to bring about an alignment of the triune nature, so that, at the appointed time, healing, according to the individual's responsive need, and the world's needs, may manifest to the glory of God and the blessing of all mankind. I do not at any time take the attitude that any certain individual must be healed. I know that as surely as the sun rises and sets, each individual will receive healing, according to his or her response, and according to the best possible outworking of the Cosmic Plan in the earth. The time has come when an increased manifestation of healing power, in and through the individuals of the School, is in order. It is not for me to select the individuals through whom that increased healing power shall manifest. The increased healing power will be released through the individuals who give themselves as channels for this purpose, that mankind may be blessed and God may be glorified in the earth.

All of the lesson material in the Third Sacred School is designed to assist the individual in experiencing a repolarization, whereby the triune nature may be drawn into alignment and into harmony with Reality. When the consciousness of the individual has received a sufficient degree of healing to become a clear and properly polarized channel for the release of healing power, there are certain further steps necessary to a full release of the healing power through the physical body. In the case of the brother whom I mentioned above, we have a splendid example of an individual who has reached this point. His basic understanding is very fine, and he lives the Truth. Now we come to a point where you may more readily see why the teaching in the School has repeatedly and consistently emphasized the absolute need of serenity, of tranquillity, and of a peaceful vibration within the body temple.

This additional step of which I am speaking, has to do with the emotional function of the individual's life. Emotional reaction and response to that which is destructive, to that which is not of the ideal, are very harmful. On the other hand, when an individual has come into a high degree of polarity with Reality, and he has learned to abide in peace, which brings forth a true attitude and expression of serenity, he is in position to begin to experience a more intensified degree of emotional response, by which the physical body may be drawn into the transforming power of the Christ Love.

Here we see that unless the body itself is enveloped in an emotional response to Reality, it cannot receive the fulness of Divine Healing. It immediately becomes apparent that it would be absolutely futile to try to get an individual, who has not learned to be tranquil, into a state of consciousness where he could let the emotional response of the body manifest with safety. Such an individual, functioning on an erratic vibration, might for a moment experience emotional response that would allow a degree of the release of the Healing Power, but in an hour, or in a day from such a time, there would be a manifestation of adverse emotional reaction, which would immediately nullify the benefit that had been previously experienced. You will all recognize that I have dealt very little, thus far, with emotional response. Here, the reason for this should be very apparent to every one of you: but this does not mean that emotional response has no place in the full outworking of Reality in the individual's life.

We recognize that religionists, generally, have attempted to influence people through their emotions before they were sufficiently stabilized in Reality to allow the emotions to be well polarized and consistent in the direction of their manifestation. There is nothing wrong with emotion. To say that a person should not feel emotion is foolishness. Sometimes it is necessary to work for a long period in bringing the emotions under control, and making it seem that they are not in manifestation before the individual can be sufficiently polarized to begin to allow the emotions to function on a constructive basis. You will note that you have had a long period of training in harmonization in and with Reality on the basis of patience and serenity, prior to this time when we undertake a consideration of the function of emotion in relationship to the healing of the physical body and the increase of illumination in the mind.

Many individuals, including our brother above mentioned, have developed what I will call a crust around their emotional feelings. They feel emotion within themselves, but seldom let it manifest. In most cases, and especially in the case of this certain brother, this has been to great advantage. There is nothing wrong with the fact that he has come along the Way as he has. However, there now comes a time when this crust around his emotional reactions needs to be dissolved. This process of dissolving or removing the crust around the emotional life needs to be done with care, and not too rapidly. The right polarization in consciousness must be maintained; the vibration of peace in the Presence of the Lord must continue, as serenity is most essential. Therefore, the direction in which the individual begins to allow an increase in the manifestation of emotional function must be very carefully selected, and the whole matter must be kept under control.

Here we need to pause in consideration, more or less parenthetically, of a matter of viewpoint and attitude that is very important. We may recognize that from a physical standpoint, or an outer standpoint, certain conditions exist as facts. We may have a clear understanding of the nature of these adverse facts and of the ill conditions which exist, but we must not allow the emotional reactions in our viewpoint to be controlled by our recognition of the ill facts. For instance, if an individual has an ill condition in his body, and he knows that the condition exists, he does not need to try to deny the fact, but he must not, on the other hand, have emotional and conscious response to the ill conditions that exist.

To illustrate, we may say that the individual should recognize the outer physical facts as they exist; he is not to try to deny them but since the facts are recognized, they should be set aside, as it were, on a shelf, not to be denied, but, on the other hand, not to be used as channels through which all of the attitudes and reactions and emotions of the individual are to be controlled. Once the facts concerning the ill conditions are recognized and set properly aside, so that they do not become the primary motivating and influencing factors in the individual's function, the individual can look past the ill conditions to Reality, and see that which is of the Eternal.

On the basis of the right polarization in Reality, and maintaining an attitude of serenity, the individual may then begin to allow his response in love to the Lord to produce the release of Divine Power through the channel of emotion. Emotion is the channel through which Divine Healing reaches the physical body. Physical and mental emotion, properly utilized and maintained on the right Polarity, permit the healing of body and mind. However, if the emotions control the individual and he is given to reacting emotionally in whatever direction he may be influenced, from an outer standpoint, at the time, the manifestation of healing, even though once experienced, will be quickly dissipated.

We may well consider, now, the question as to how this emotional release is to he experienced. It is not my intention to give a complete answer in this paper; and also, you will find that much of the answer to this point has already been given in the numerous lesson papers released to you, so you are not left without a basis upon which your understanding may be established. If you rush into this matter and try to understand it intellectually, all at once, you will only spoil the channel for yourself and for those who might be blessed through you. Remember, do not try to understand—let understanding come according to your response and your need.

As mentioned above, the direction of emotional response and release must be carefully selected and prayerfully maintained, so that it does not become like a wave of the sea, that is driven by the wind and tossed. The point through which the channels of emotional response are established should be stable and trustworthy. The primary focalization of such response should, of course, be to the LORD of Lords, our Beloved Master. The individual himself must choose as to whether he is willing to accept the assistance that may be experienced by means of intermediate points of focalization which have been established in the earth by the Lord.

It should be understood, and must here be emphasized, that when I speak as I have in this paper, about emotional response, I am talking about its manifestation on an impersonal basis. The divinely ordained qualities of nobility, purity and the fitness of things, must ever be maintained. Let it be clearly understood and always remembered that what is here written must be seen and understood in relationship to all the instruction that has been released in the Third Sacred School, and that it is an integral part of that which has been taught regarding all phases of life. Unless this phase is considered in the light of that which has been taught in the School heretofore, any attempt to understand what is here presented will be futile.

Emotional response that permeates the triune nature which is polarized in Reality, to and through the selected channels of response to a focalization in the LORD of Lords, is necessary to a true release of the healing power that will fill body and mind and spiritual expression. If I, in my place, am accepted and recognized as a manifest channel, through whom spiritual power and healing power are released into the earth, then the focalization of response through me to the LORD of Lords must be maintained on a basis of the fundamental principles which have been thoroughly presented in the School, and the correct vibration must be carefully maintained in serenity and tranquillity, without emotional outbursts. In other words, we have here a consideration of controlled emotion, on a basis of the fundamental principles of Reality, which allows Divine Power to reach and permeate all phases of the the triune nature of the individual.

In concluding this period of instruction, let us note carefully the three primary points we have been considering. To summarize: 1. Most people are controlled primarily by their emotions of the moment as produced by external stimuli, without regard to constructive or destructive results. In such cases the emotions must be brought under control, because an emotional response of the moment that has constructive potentialities, and so becomes a channel for the release of Power, may be blocked completely, or turned into a destructive channel, through adverse emotional reaction an hour, a day, or a week later, in which case the use of emotional channels is dangerous, and may prove harmful. 2. Training is essential to subjugate emotions, sometimes to a point of seeming extinction, until the right Polarity is firmly established. 3. Once the emotions are under control, and Polarization in Reality is consistently proven by the fruits in the individual's life, the channels of emotion, through feeling response that permeates the triune nature, can be used for the greatest possible release of Divine Power in Creative accomplishment. Serenity amid the depths and heights of emotion is essential.

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