December 10, 2014

The Body Is Me

The  Body  Is  Me

from   The Creative Process is Perfect

Martin Exeter   May 3, 1987


Finally there begins to emerge a body,

and that is all I have been interested in from the word go

Many of you are beginning to realize what it means to be in the body. The son of perdition may explain it in terms of loss, loss of what human beings have been persuaded is freedom. But there is no freedom for any human being to experience outside of the Son of God, outside of that one body. All the forms of life on this planet, for example, are included within the scope of this body. All forms of life are free to be themselves. They are not free to be anything other than themselves. This is still widely revealed in the various forms of nature. A lion is not free to be a camel. It is quite free to be a lion. 

Insofar as human beings are concerned, the fact of the matter is they are only free to be what they were created to be. Otherwise they are in bondage. All human beings find themselves in bondage to the extent that they are not revealing what it is that they were created to be. And what it is that any individual was created to be does not exist outside of the Son of man. 

There comes a time when it is not a matter anymore of dealing with individuals as though they were not a part of one body. There is no need to discuss anything with anyone—and I do less and less of that—relative to anything that is not included in the one body, because it means utterly nothing to me. There is something else to be done. We have reached a point where what needs to be done must be done, and all the talk and discussion won't ever get anything done. 

Being, in experience, part of this one body allows for a very clear awareness of what it is that needs to be done. Nobody needs to be told. If one insists upon needing to be told, one is making a very strong statement that "I have no place in this one body." There is the one spirit which moves through this one body, and all those who compose that body are capable of being moved by that one spirit. There have been so many holdouts, haven't there? "Well I want it to work the way I want it to work. I want to do what I want to do. I want to go where I want to go." All this. But those who have had any association with this body for any length of time know better. That's not the way to go. It has no interest for me, because it is not part of what is required of the one body. 

There is one answer. I suppose it could be summarized in the words, Come home, and stay home, going no more forth, so that the creative process has a body on earth which is trustworthy: it will always be there. Now we can say "Hooray for the body!" But the body is me, each one individually, or there isn't any. And that must be the attitude of each one. Otherwise one is pulled this way and that way by the son of perdition, and one has no part in the body. 

The fact is that for myself, and I know for others as well, there is no reason whatsoever to be present on earth except to do what is necessary to permit this body to act; not to act on the basis of the usual human ways of doing things, but to act because it is the body of the King. It is His body, and when we are a part of that body we come into position to say, "It is my body." It is not a secondhand body. 

We share this tremendous opportunity—tremendous privilege and tremendous responsibility. The question is, are we going to do it?—it is very simple, really—or are we going to go our own human way, inspired by the son of perdition? He inspires, you know, as well as driving with a whip. He can provide what seems to be necessary in a multitude of different ways, and human beings have been falling for it for millennia. 

Finally there begins to emerge a body, and that is all I have been interested in from the word go. And there are those who have shared this interest with me. I thank God for all of them. But there are those who of course halt between two opinions, maybe not deliberately so—some deliberately so—but because the reason for fear, the controls which operate through fear, have not yet been faced and honestly seen.

When one honestly sees what the human state has been, one is so revolted by it that one could not associate oneself with it anymore and retain the slightest degree of integrity. This is the fact of the matter. I am not preaching hellfire and damnation. I am merely indicating what the fact is, and we can be exercised by the fact. I rejoice that there are those who are facing the facts and letting the creative process work. 

There is something new being experienced. There was something new being experienced this afternoon in the West Chapel, with people right there. Well we need to be right there. What is more important, of course, is that we need to stay right there, so that the King has a body He can depend on. It is His responsibility to act through that body, not for us to develop any fancy schemes. We become aware of what the action rightly is as we participate in the creative process. It is not a spineless operation, but we don't need to make choices. It becomes obvious what is needed, and we do it. It becomes so customary that we love it. We love to be, and we love to do what the fact of our being brings forth. We love that individually and it is consequently loved collectively. 

There is one body. There is one body which can be trusted. The creative process is working, and it works perfectly all the time. It works on the basis of what is present in individual human beings, and brings forth accordingly. The bringing forth is just perfect always, on the basis of what is present—completely just, just the way it should be by reason of what is present. 

We are content to let the creative process work. It doesn't make any mistakes. You don't need to be suspicious about it. Let it work. It will prove itself out. And what is brought forth, the effects—integration, disintegration, whatever they are—will be absolutely perfect, just exactly what they should be. 

Let us let the field be clear so that what is in us may be harmonious to the creative process, and what is brought forth will still be perfect but of a different nature altogether than what was brought forth through human nature and human beings subject to the son of perdition. And the world is transformed in consequence.

We don't need to discuss it very much, do we? It happens automatically when we let it. We don't try to manipulate anything. Most human talk relates to this matter of manipulation. But there is a willingness to let the creative process work, and to prove out one's own stability, one's own trustworthiness. What a marvelous thing. This is what has been called the restoration, the restoration of man to the state of being made in the image and likeness of God, so that the expression of God by reason of man is natural to man. Then one may say, "That's me!" And so we rejoice to be ourselves. 

Let there be expanding life throughout the body of mankind, even though there may be a recognition of the fact that most human beings cannot stand expanding life. It behooves those who are aware of what it is that is happening to come into a position to accommodate expanding life, without being pushed out of the picture.

© Emissaries of Divine Light