May 29, 2015

Attunement  to  the  World  Body  of  Humanity

Uranda   November 1, 1952

I was thinking that when we give an attunement to an individual, if there is no particularly difficult condition the period involved may be comparatively short insofar as establishing a basic pattern is concerned. But the more difficult the condition the more necessary it is to consider time elements. Even in creative activity, such as was made manifest through divine man before the fall, that which was to be created was not brought forth as a finished thing in an instant. The vibratory factors had to be established and maintained long enough to allow the specific formation in harmony with the pattern. A specific creative field had to be set up, the reality of the creative fire had to be there, the working of the control factors in truth had to be established in fact, the design had to be projected into the field, and the whole vibratory composite or focus had to be maintained long enough to permit physical substance to take form in relationship to the particular pattern. The divine design with respect to such development for the human being in the prenatal period is nine months from conception to birth, nine months for the development of the form of a babe. Conceivably a specific flower, such as the pansy, might be developed in the creative process in nine days. I am not suggesting that is what it actually is, but illustrating. Whatever the period of time, the vibratory factors had to be held in focus until the job was done. Anything else would have produced an abortion, as surely as disturbing the development of the vibratory factors during the prenatal period in the development of a babe.

Here we have the responsibility of setting up a creative field, of bringing all the factors to focus in miniature, yes, but nevertheless in fact, as they relate to the kingdom of God on earth, establishing and maintaining those vibratory factors in harmony with the agreement which we have been considering. Every time a word is spoken, an attitude is taken, even a thought is accepted in the mind, or every time there is an act which is contrary to that pattern and the purpose of the creative field, there is that which would defeat or destroy. The period of time that is involved or required for the accomplishment of our goal is not of immediate importance. Whether it can be done in five years or fifty years or any number of years is really, as far as we are concerned, beside the point. Should you have any less dedication to purpose if you felt it would be fifty years rather than five? Or should you be any more zealous if you thought it required five years instead of fifty, or some other period of time? Is there any greater calling, any greater purpose, anything to which life can be more properly dedicated, regardless of the period of time that it takes to do the job?

In this process we are giving an attunement to the body of humanity, the body of mankind as a whole. When we give an attunement we only have to touch a very limited portion, a very small portion of the body, or it can be done “no touch” perhaps; but the specific focalization involved, as far as touching the body is concerned, is a very small part of the body directly involved. We do not have to feel that in order to give an attunement to the world body we must somehow be able to take the whole world's body in our hands, get it completely enfolded that way somehow. Some of you have had the privilege of receiving an attunement from me on the basis of our latest development of technique, which development was focalized through Albert Ackerley. I have been working out the various factors with respect to it, and those of you who have experienced it can testify that when you let go and respond rightly it penetrates; something happens all the way through the body. And it works very quickly, penetrates deeply, leaves nothing out, and I only touched two small points on you on your throat and one point on the shoulder or arm, a little bit of the upper arm and two points on the throat, and yet the whole body, from tip to toe, knows something is happening. It works, it penetrates. This has significance in relationship to our whole program. If within the scope of those who serve consciously with us there is enough to represent two tiny points in the throat and one or two points on the arm, three or four points to touch in the whole body, we have enough to give the whole body an attunement. The point is, then, that just as you do not have to take hold of every cell in the body and somehow work it over in order to do something to the whole body, neither do you have to take hold of every human being on the face of the earth as a separate individual, providing we have a true creative field, providing we are giving a true attunement, providing we as a body function as a true server should, not breaking patterns.

Regardless of what I may have said in the past, all that I have expressed that was designed to inspire and to set you on fire in the fire of God's love, regardless of all the many times we have shared an hour of meditation, regardless of all the wonderful blessings God has granted, in spite of all the things which may be properly classified as blessings, there is yet within the scope of those here gathered that which is not true to the agreement, the creative field, our purpose, that which keeps the attunement from reaching into the world body because it is stopped here. There is that which has not really penetrated to a point where there is an integrity, an honesty, in relationship to the agreement. Now, it is quite possible that someone might place a hand upon someone's throat and not give an attunement. There might be motivations which were not altogether right. The mere fact that you touch someone's throat is not all that is involved. So the question is, What do we do? I have been caused to stop and look and meditate upon the pattern of my presentation, the spirit of it, the extent of it, and of my ministry to you and through you, wondering what I could say, in what way I could say it, with what power of spirit not yet made evident, that would cause the meaning of the Word to so penetrate into the whole of the mind and the heart that there would be a true remembering. Oh, there are those of you who are beginning to really do it, and I thank God. But there are those of you who tend to more or less constantly break the pattern, refusing to be a part of the means by which an attunement may be given to the world.

I have felt that if I were to be effective from the standpoint of the world body I should, within the scope of those who have gathered here, be able to be effective. The fact that I have been effective with some gives me hope and assurance. I know it will be done somehow, through someone, somewhere, but I have so longed that it should be done through you who have shared so many of these vicissitudes of our beginning here. But there are those things which are not yet a true pattern of our ministry. Words are spoken that misrepresent us and our purpose. Spirits find expression that are not of my spirit, and they are not of the spirit of my Lord and King. From whence do they come? Why are they here? It takes time, yes, that I grant. I have never suggested anything else. But when I see unnecessary delays which close the door to searching, hungry ones in the world, when I see outworkings where actions, attitudes, words are contrary to our true purpose, where thoughtlessness, untrustworthiness, makes it difficult for those who would respond and share the reality of our ministry, I wonder. We cannot do it by ourselves. There are not enough of us here. We need more, more and more—not just a few dozen more; thousands and tens of thousands more, and more than that. We cannot tend to close the door and have the larger number and the deeper dedication. Why are we here? For some selfish purpose? We are here to serve. We are here to share creative activity. We are here to do a job to the glory of God and the blessing of the children of men. Until that reality of rebirth takes place, and until the results appear in life and action, we cannot do that job in any real sense. What can I say more than I have said, or do more than I have done, to bring about a true, completed sharing of that which God provides day by day, that as one body of many members we may truly let the kingdom come and let God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven?

I thank God for the progress that has been made and for the faithfulness of the service that has been made manifest, but if we would establish the pattern, and maintain it, by which we may truly give an attunement to the world body of humanity there must be more than has yet been made manifest in dedication, in yielding to the control of the spirit of God in living that to which we are dedicated. I thank God for you, but you are supposed to be a contact point by which we may reach ten thousand more, and each in turn ten thousand more, not for ourselves but for all, that there may be wholeness and wholesomeness, completeness, that the way of God's love and the reality of His truth and the wonder of life may appear, and that the things of God may have meaning to all the children of men. But that takes creative activity, the reality of divine attunement, which is present in fact all the time, something that is not violated because of human pettiness, self-centeredness.

Blessed ones, as long as we move as slaves driven to a task by circumstance, we will be that, and it will be revealed by attitude and by word. But when we begin to move as men and women, sharing the creative work of God on earth, it will be revealed by word and attitude, and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak and there will not be words which ought not to have been said. There will be silences that are golden, there will be a speaking of heart to heart that does not require so much noise of chatter. There are too many words and not enough meaning. We are invited to be men and women in Christ, to follow our Lord and King, to share God's creative activity on earth. That does not mean that we cannot live and enjoy the little things and large. It does not mean that we cannot have pleasure, that we have to be long-faced and supposedly solemn. It does mean that the things that hurt and the things that destroy and the things that defeat will be eliminated and caused to pass away. It does mean that we can really, in all things, be a blessing one to another, and we can be trusted to be a blessing to others in the world.

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