We speak of the invisible
planes of being as the positive aspect of the Whole Holy World, and these three
outer planes of being in which we function as the negative aspect of the Whole
Holy World. The positive and the negative are the male and female. Living on
earth as focalizations of the crowning creation, the crowning manifestation of
the negative triune world, we begin to realize what it is to share motherhood—regardless
of whether we are male or female something that God the Father has fathered in
us is born through us. But if there is to be a child born in this sense if must
first be conceived, it must have its period of gestation in the womb, and it
must have the privilege of birth. Man, mankind, is the mother aspect of God
Being in this world. The invisible reality of God, being the reality of many
God Beings, is the father aspect in relationship to this world. We
begin to have an awareness of Deity.
Some little time ago I
presented for your meditation something with respect to the vibratory factors
of the Names of Deity. We recognized that the names as they are popularly used
are not the true names, they are substitute names, substituted because in
popular usage they would be spoiled, it would be a sacrilege, it would be
blasphemous. Actually, what man does with these substitute names is not too
important. They should be held sacred, and I am not suggesting that profanity
is permissible, but the popular usage of the popular names of Deity does not
spoil the vibratory pattern of Deity or the vibrational factors.
We find in the religions of
the world various usages of the names of Deity. Whether we think of Allah, or
some other name of Deity, we recognize that they all mean the same thing, but
they are substitute meanings. We can feel the reality of Love and Truth and
power, if we let go of prejudice, if we say “Allah.” We must recognize that in
the Christian world, or so-called Christian world, the use of the words God and
Jesus and Christ is something that is done promiscuously, without
understanding, and consequently without real meaning.
There are multitudes of
people who give God a series of orders, make a series of demands which they
call prayer, and they finish up “in Jesus name we ask it”, or something of the
sort; and they imagine that it’s prayer, which it is not; and they imagine that
they are asking in His name as he instructed: “Whatsoever ye shall ask in my
name, I will do it.” And they think they are doing it, but they are not. You
have begun to realize that such things are not prayer, that the people who give
orders to God are sacrilegious. Telling God what to do is blasphemous. There is
no necessity of giving orders to God or telling Him what to do.
“Whatsoever ye shall ask in
my name, that I will do.” Yes. Does that mean we are to ask God? It doesn’t say
so. That has been an assumption, that man was to ask God, because it was suggested
that we should ask in His name. If we are functioning in His name we are a part
of His body, which is identified by His name. Anything else is a forgery. But
if we have become an actual part of the body of God, then we can’t say anything
without saying it in His name. If we honor His name, the family name shall we
say, the name of our Father, then we live accordingly. But what of this
“Whatsoever ye will ask in
my name, that will I do.” But must we ask God? No. The asking is God’s asking.
Does He ask Himself? No. He asks His creature to do thus and so. He asks the
cell, the nerve, the tissue, the organ, whatever it may be. The asking must be
from God to the creation; not the creature asking God something, but God asking
something of His creation. If we ask in His name we will have been received
into His body because we have let the Shekinah Pattern of Being fill our
bodies, and it will be the Word of God working through us, giving a command,
shall we say, not to God but to the thing, to the organ, to the tissue, to
anything. And if the patterns have been worked out properly there will be
obedience in the substance, a cell, it matters not.
If we ask in His name, He
said, “I will do it.” Who was speaking? The words of the Father were being
spoken through the lips of Jesus so that it was the word of the Father that was
being spoken, but from what point did He speak? From the point of the Father,
or from the point of His position as the Lord of Love, representing the Fire?
He represented the Father, yes, but His particular position in revelation in
the Cosmic Scheme of things was the revelation of the Father as the One who
focalized the Spirit of Love. We speak of Him as the Lord of Love. Right. Well
then, “I will do it.” What is the power, from whence does the power come? The
power of Love. The power of the Fire. The Fire that burneth forever and ever.
The Fire that purifies. The Fire that human beings have thought to be hell is
what? God’s Love. It does bring about torment to those who are fighting His
Love, but the Eternal Fire does not bring torment to those who yield to it. And
so, the Fire is the creative power.
“Whatsoever ye shall ask in
my name” in Shekinah, the power of Shekinah will accomplish because it will be
the word of God in expression through your lips. “Whatsoever ye shall ask in my
name, I will do it.” Belonging to the body of God, filled with the Shekinah
Pattern of being, the word of the Father passes through your lips in command
and by the power, the creative Fire, it will be done. Just as simple as that! We
can let the creative word of God pass through our lips, asking something out
here to obey. And if the patterns have been set up correctly that substance
will obey, it wants to. The substance of your body wants to obey the Divine Command.
And so, by the power of the Creative Fire it is done, the same power, the same
creative force that brought forth all things.
Now we remember, “In the
beginning was the Shekinah, and the Shekinah was with God, and the Shekinah was
God,” in manifest action and reality. “The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by Shekinah; and without Shekinah was not anything made
that was made. In Shekinah was life.” In Shekinah was life. Why? Because
Shekinah is the pattern wherein Love and Truth find union and bring forth Life.
And the Life that is to be used in any moment is born in that moment, it is
there, if there is the union of Love and Truth. But if you believe many things
that are not true then you are asking Love to have union with a lie, and it
won’t do it. Neither Love nor Truth will commit adultery. You can’t
force them to. Love and Truth will not commit adultery. Human beings who imagine
that they go through life without committing adultery are committing adultery
every day because they are trying to force Love and Truth to have union with
something that it is not supposed to have union with.
Love must be married to
Truth before Love can father anything that can be born on earth. Truth, by
itself, without proper union with Love, brings forth nothing. It’s barren. It
does not bring forth Life because there is nothing to father Life in the womb
of Truth. When we begin to realize that Love and Truth belong together in a
state of wedded bliss, true union, they’ll have a child and that child will be
Life. And as long as Love and Truth remain in union in you Life will be
manifesting through you. Love and Truth are in union in the babe, in the little
child, but our educational processes go to work and pretty soon they start
separating Love and Truth. Finally they are divorced in the individual, as far
as he is concerned, and life begins to diminish and the body dies. That is the
process of existence. So if we would have the processes of living we must let
Love and Truth be married in us, that they may be in union in us, and then Life
appears, like a fountain.
Life is from God but how
does Life come from God or manifest in any form? Love and Truth must be in
union in the form through which Life is to manifest whether it is a blade of
grass, an amoebae, or a man, or a woman. Love and Truth must be in union in the
form through which Life is to manifest. Then we can begin to live. “And in
Shekinah was life.” Shekinah means the union of Love and Truth with the
manifest child of Life—Glory, the glory of the child, of bringing forth. And so whatever is
to appear through us as human beings, or as a body of human beings, as mankind,
if it is to be the reality of being it must be fathered by God (why do we call
Him the Father if He isn’t going to have the function of a father?) and cause
something to be conceived in us, that it may gestate in us, and be born through
us. The function of the father and the function of the mother.
Mankind is supposed to be
Mother God made manifest. Now, mankind is not at the present time. The body of
mankind has played the whore and has had union with everything it could find,
except God—union
with all kinds of things but not with God the Father. But if God the Father is
to have meaning then God the Mother must have meaning and the whole body of
mankind, including every man, woman, and child, is supposed to be a member of
God the Mother.
Now this pattern is
clearly revealed in the Biblical portrayal, and what we find spoken of as, to
use the ordinary word, as Jehovah in the Old Testament, was supposed to mean
God the Mother, not God the Father. Jehovah is supposed to be the manifestation
of God the Mother, not God the Father, although God the Father is revealed
through God the Mother, and the union between the two is supposed to bring
forth something the manifestation of not just the fact of life but of the
forms, the experiences, by reason of which Life may appear. If we just have
life as an illusive spirit it has no meaning on earth. There must be a form for
the manifestation of Life. And what are these forms? We say your body. Yes. And
its capacities. Yes. But the experience is a form through which Life appears.
According to what? The control and design of Truth and the fire of Love, for
you cannot separate these three. That is the family pattern, and if you try to
take the child away from the parents, or if you think you are going to separate
the parents, you lose all three. It will not work, it is a family pattern—Love
and Truth and Life, and Life is the child, Truth is the Mother, Love is the
But the Shekinah family
must manifest through something—your body and its capacities, yes. And
when we have a unit body with many members, or what we might call the Christ
body, then the Shekinah family is manifesting through that unit body, and the
unit body is a manifestation of God the Mother, which must be then in union
with God the Father, the One Who Dwells. But the forms through which the
Shekinah family appears are many. Your body as a member of the body of mankind,
on an individual basis, the body of a group, friends, all kinds of
relationships—but the body of experience, for experience is a form through
which something invisible is made visible to the Glory of God, to the
manifestation of God’s Life on earth, and to the blessing of the children of
“In Shekinah was Life.” It
is the only place where you can find Life, for the Shekinah Pattern of Being in
one way or another makes possible the Life manifestation in any part of
vegetation, the insects, the birds, fish, the animals, wherever life is found.
So we begin to really know Life, not just about it, not just the results of its
presence. We begin to know that we can know Life and know what it is. And once
we begin to know Life we are in position to function in relationship to Life.
Once we realize that the body of mankind, properly including every man, woman
and child of every color and race regardless of creed and belief, every one is
supposed to be a member of the body of mankind, which in turn is supposed to
become the body of God the Mother that God the Father may conceive something in
God the Mother and that it may gestate in the womb of God the Mother and be
Now there is a creative
process. How do you think the animals were formed? How do you think anything was
formed? They were all made by Shekinah. There was the union of Love and Truth
with the consequent birth of Life, but it had to be in relationship to a form
of some kind. How was the form provided, the body of man or the body of
anything? By reason of the Fatherhood of God and the Motherhood of God. God the
Father in the so-called invisible realms, God the Mother in this realm, and
there was the conception with respect to that which was to take form and the
body of God the Mother provided the means whereby that which was conceived was
given form and was brought forth in what we call birth, creation, with respect
to vibratory fields and cycles, etc., some of which we have studied.
Once you begin to
comprehend this you realize the sacredness of God and the things of God, you
realize that you can be a part of God the Mother only as you keep sacred things
sacred. We think of the female body as being a beautiful thing. You are
supposed to be a part of a female body, man or woman, it makes no
difference the body of Mother God. And a substitute name for the
Mother is Jehovah. Now that is not
the right pronunciation. Just as the name Jesus
is a substitute name, it is not the right pronunciation.
Once we begin to comprehend
these things intellectually, if the mind is willing to rest and be still, we
can begin to perceive through feeling, the
eye of the heart, that which cannot be known any other way, and the ear of the heart, the
perceptions of the feeling nature. So the mind begins to have an awareness of
idea, of Truth, of design. But the mind does not try to struggle with it, the
mind comes under control and is at rest, at peace, relaxed, serene, tranquil.
“Be still and know that I am God.” And then we begin to know that the name of
our Lord, the Lord of Love, the name that applies not only to the body but to
the Shekinah Pattern of Being which He revealed is something of exquisite
beauty, of loveliness. And we remember that the letter killeth but the spirit
giveth Life.
And what is that spirit?
Yielding to it, we can know it. If the mind is tranquil, if there is serenity,
if there is peace and trust, true yielding, we can begin to know the name of
our King, and through His name we can begin to know the Spirit of His Presence.
For the King is also a Prince. He is King to us and a Prince in relationship to
the still higher pattern of Being, the Prince of Peace.
And in the stillness, in
the quietness of the Holy of Holies, we hear the breathing of the breath of
Life. And upon the breath we hear a name (Uranda chants) Jesu Jesu Jesu and
there is and answering (Uranda chants) Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah and there is a union, union of God the Father
and God the Mother, and something Divine is conceived in the body of God the
Mother. And in season the child shall be born and the form shall appear by
which Life is made manifest, that all who will may come to know that The Lord
He is the God. THE LORD HE IS THE GOD.
Our Father who art in
heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name to us. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth
as it is in Heaven. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever (Uranda chants) AUM-en AUM AUM AUM and so are you enfolded in the Cosmic ALL that IS that you may dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty, for the shadow is the Evidence of His Presence and Shekinah is the Evidence of the Presence of the One who dwells. So let it be in you and through you now and forever. AUM-en.