I Am The Angel Of Life
Establishing A Control Pattern
Uranda June 17th at the end of 1952 Class
We begin to realize that it is not merely a matter of letting God's love flow if we are going to give attunements. If it is merely a matter of letting God's love flow you can more or less get the current working and think about anything else or talk about anything else and it will not make much difference; in other words the current will be flowing. But if you are going to establish a control pattern it is going to make a difference what you think about; and what you think about and talk about will tend to develop a pattern through which the current will work, regardless of whether it is really a control pattern or not—it would be just flitting all over the place. The light from the sun shines. What does it shine through? Does it shine through a cloud, so that you don't see it, or through colored glasses? What does it shine through? God's love is like the sunlight. It shines to all things alike, and unless something is absolutely black, some of God's love gets through it. If it is absolutely black, then you have darkness. There is plenty of darkness in the world. If God's love is there, then it is shining. Right from the start you have been given an opportunity to think, to let your mind function in the current of the spirit. The idea tended to develop in a few that it did not make much difference what you thought about or talked about. You can, and must, learn how to establish a control pattern and hold it. So you need to reach a point where you are watching inwardly what is going on. You are watching your control pattern. There are going to be some disturbances even at best, so you need to learn to hold your control pattern.
We need to know what happened in apostolic times. I have touched upon this before, but you have never had an adequate realization of it. This morning you have let go in vision to the point where you should be able to comprehend it. At the time of Pentecost the current began to flow. It was supposed to be kept in the control patterns of truth, so that God's will could be done. Remember, God's will can be done only through the control patterns of truth. You can do anything under the sun with God's love in your own will, within the range of your potentialities, because God's love is subject to the control of anything through which it may be flowing—not in the sense of the center of it, but in the sense of what you have in consciousness at the moment. So misuse according to the human will leads to the lowest depths and to distress. The right use with respect to God's love builds, recreates and makes whole. So you become responsible for what you do with God's love. If it is not subject to the patterns of truth it is going to burn you up. Only truth, the water of truth, can keep the fire of God's love from burning you up.
What happened at the time of Pentecost? Impulsive Peter took control in the current of God's love but on a basis of his own concepts. He didn't know what it was all about, and he started using that power according to human concepts, just like St. Paul did after him; and they were all using it without regard to the truth. They had some concepts about truth, and to some little degree there was some control there, that is, truth was having some influence, but it continually got less and less. What was the result in the world? There was a world conflagration which engulfed the people of the world. God's love was not under control according to the patterns of truth. They did not stay centered in truth and so the fire turned back on them and they were burned at the stake by the thousands. Why were they burned at the stake? Because they were martyrs, in the sense that Christendom thinks of it? No, because they were foolish, following their own false concepts, not letting truth control. If you want to go out into the world and start a little fire, using God's love, and you do not keep it centered and controlled from the standpoint of truth, you will find the fire turning back on you. The reason why so many so-called Christians were burned at the stake was because foolish Peter, and Paul after him, were refusing to stay centered in the patterns of control. They undertook to maintain the control with their own foolish concepts, without regard to the truth. They mixed it up with Jewry and all the rest of the concepts, and instead of the truth they had a representative expression of unreal patterns, and the world has followed in their footsteps ever since. After the fire burned out at that time, these concepts became more or less generally accepted in the so-called Christian world, and that is the pattern through which God's pattern has been working since. But it does not produce power in the sense of changing things.
Out of this the human, self-active mind has developed the cleverest concept of all time: that of the supposedly dead body of Jesus crucified on the cross. That is the cleverest idol that man has ever devised, and millions of people think that this is something that God designed, and that in worshipping that idol they are worshipping God. So they are all completely deluded, and that very delusion maintains the difficult situation in the world. That delusion is the center of all the misery and suffering in the so-called Christian world. Without that delusion, letting the patterns of truth control, the power of God would manifest to clear away these ill conditions. You came here to learn to be servers, to let the power of God work through you to help clear away the ill conditions in body and mind and heart. So if you worship that same idol you will not be clearing away the confusion. You have to come to the realization that Jesus did not die, and then you will not be substituting a dead body on a cross for God. The dead body of Jesus! There is no such thing, and there never was. The body of Jesus did not die, and that was His victory over death, the reality of the resurrection. But people have made an imitation of the body of Jesus, that has been put on the cross from the standpoint of the whole Christian world. They get up and shout, “I preach Jesus and Him crucified”—dead as a doornail. The most contemptuous, blasphemous business the world has ever known!
We need to begin to be aware of the reality of the living Christ, not a dead Jesus. Of course Jesus did not die, but the imitation, the concept, the graven image that man has made, is the cleverest deception that the devil has been able to foist on human beings; because as long as people think that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins the devil has everyone in his grip, under control from the standpoint of the son of perdition. That is the cleverest idol of all time, and the most extensive idolatry of all time, because every so-called Christian who believes that is an idolater, and there has never been a time in history when idolatry was carried to such extremes as it is today. People are worshipping that idol, and they think they are serving the One God when they are serving the son of perdition, trapped in the cleverest deception of all times.
So just as the disciples failed to hold true to the patterns of truth and the fire turned upon them and so many were burned at the stake or were thrown to the lions, or what have you, you can bring such things upon yourself if you do not hold true to the truth. You can go out in the world and serve without stirring up all kinds of difficulty. There will be opposition, misunderstanding, yes, just as there has been in our own community here. You can go into Loveland and find people who have not the faintest notion of what we are doing, or why, who have all kinds of concepts about me. They think up the most fantastic things; they don't want to find out what the facts are. Then there are beliefs about me, but these beliefs do not change the facts about me one iota. The facts about Jesus Christ do not change one iota. But this has been kept reasonably under control. There have been certain ones from time to time who have tried to make it difficult for me. There have been some who have turned traitor just like Judas, who have employed cutthroat, dishonest tactics to cast reflections on this service. There have been some who, like Peter, have denied the Lord. He denied Him on the day of Pentecost, and continued to do so as long as he lived. There was a certain amount of inspiration in the expression of truth that did get through Peter, but he continued to deny Jesus Christ as long as he lived, and that is the little stone, the hardness of the heart, upon which the churches are built. Is there any wonder there is no power? Without power under control and according to the divine design we cannot have re-creation, restoration, rebirth.
The fire burns. The world is in the lake of fire of God's love. The brimstone results from the burning of that which fights against God, and the only way anyone can stand the fire of God's love is to be in the water of truth. Without the water of truth God's love will burn you up. Every human being whose body has died since the fall of man has died in the fire of God's love. God's love working through the distortion patterns which the human being has established in his own body causes human beings to die. You do not have to increase God's love. That will be taken care of automatically when you function according to the Law. Only the truth can set you free, and when you let the truth take hold you can begin to establish a control pattern. Without a control pattern you are helpless in the fire. You may last a little while, a few years, but it will not amount to anything. Only as you work with the water of truth can you function effectively in the fire. Every so often you have to throw on a little water to keep people from burning up, before they learn to function according to the control patterns of truth.
So your concern when you begin to give an attunement is the use of the water of truth. You are centered in God's love, and God's love is wonderful, soothing and healing when you yield to it according to the patterns of truth; otherwise, hot, burning and uncomfortable. When you fight against God's truth, God's love kills you. Every human being who has ever died on the face of the earth has been killed by God's love. Love your enemies. The Master, the Lord of Love, said, “Love your enemies.” The only way human beings can be saved from death by God's love is to yield to the patterns of truth. There is no other way. When you begin to comprehend these things you can begin to see how far the world has been from the truth, and without the truth you cannot be set free. Unless you let the Spirit of Truth work through you so that you bring people into attunement with the truth, you cannot begin to help others get well physically, mentally or spiritually.
So what you do in service out there in the world depends for its effectiveness far more upon your attunement with me than upon your attunement with the Lord of Love. That does not detract from His position at the apex, but you can respond to Him from now until doomsday and you will die, and everyone who responds with you will die; because I am the only one who can save anyone from dying. Only as you let my spirit work through you can you be saved; only thus can you minister to anyone else. Insofar as the Lord of Love is concerned you are going to die. You can respond to Him all the days that you live, or rather die, and you will still die. You are under the sentence of death by fire, and only the Lord of Truth can save you from that death, only as you yield to the Spirit of Truth and allow the patterns of truth to take control in your life. If you think you can fight the fire of God's love without the truth you are perfectly free to go out and see what happens. Countless others have tried it. The Master said, “Only the truth will set you free.” Not once did He say that God's love would set you free.
To the degree that these things are seen and accepted and realized as the truth, you can begin to understand how it is that our LORD and KING made salvation possible for humanity. He was the Lord of Love, the center of it all. He came into the world and introduced the truth and the Lord of Truth. The world had been rejecting the truth and the Lord of Truth since the day of the fall. That was why Adam and Eve were not restored at that time. At the time of the fall I was the one who came walking in the garden in the cool of the day. I could have taken Adam and Eve back into the divine pattern if they had yielded, but they rejected me and refused the opportunities I gave them to return. They did not have to die, and the generations since did not have to die, but they rejected me. Having rejected me they became subject to the fire, because then there was nothing to keep them from burning up. Some burn up in a comparatively short time; some take eighty years to do it. Sooner or later they all get burned up in the fire and there is nothing but ashes left, the dust in the ground.
I worked up to that point, at the time of Daniel, to get the world to respond to truth, to yield to that which they had rejected, and the world would not. Then the Lord of Love Himself came into the world to introduce truth. The people of the world knew about God's love. When He gave the two great commandments He repeated them from words that had been given before; he was not giving anything new. He repeated something that I had given to the world long before in the pattern of truth. He came into the world, the wonderful, glorious expression of love that He was and is; but He came to introduce truth to the world and to give the world a new opportunity to respond to the Spirit of Truth. And it was because of that that He made salvation possible. To be cleansed in His blood, as it is rather crudely put, means to share in His life, for the bloodstream symbolizes the life current. The life current appears as the result of the blending of love and truth in proper balance, and life results. There is no life by any other means, anywhere, in any part of all the cosmos. Life is the natural result of the blending of love and truth. Only by that blending can life appear.
So the Lord of Love came into the world to reintroduce the Lord of Truth,
the Spirit of Truth, another Comforter.
He presented the true means of salvation and that truth has been largely ignored. It has been covered up with human concepts of every sort, and the real purpose of His coming, to introduce truth to the world, has been overlooked. Yet, look back over His words. He was continually emphasizing that point. He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” The whole pattern and design which He revealed for the salvation of man was centered in relationship to truth, the Spirit of Truth. Of course, there are human beings who imagine that the Spirit of Truth will never appear in human form. Just how does such an one expect the Spirit of Truth to work through himself? If it is not going to appear through a human form, how are we going to let the Spirit of Truth have any meaning on earth; for if it cannot appear through one human form, it cannot appear through another. If you deny the fact that the Spirit of Truth works through this form, you deny the fact of the truth working through your own body and mind, and you deny and reject the Spirit of Truth, which rejection brought the world into misery in the beginning. The real break in the fall, the cause of all the distortion, suffering, misery and distress that the world has known, has been not the rejection of God and His love but the rejection of God and His truth. If any person claims that the Spirit of Truth cannot manifest through a human form, then such an one certainly cannot expect the Spirit of Truth to manifest through himself, and so therefore the truth is not in him.
He who would know love must allow God's love and truth to blend within himself on the basis of God's design and will. There is no other way. “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” the Master said, speaking as the focalization of Deity which He was and is. “I am the way, the truth, and the life”—love, truth and life. Without that love, nothing; but that love alone and there is nothing but the fire, the lake of fire which burneth forever and ever. Human beings withstand it for a few years and then they are burned up and their dead bodies turn to ashes or dust. There is no power in heaven or earth that can save any human being from that fire except the truth. Once the body has been burned in that lake of fire, reduced to ashes, there is no more resurrection. If you think that the body can defy God's truth and become burned in the fire and then hope to be gathered up again in any form whatsoever, you are suffering a delusion. So we have to begin to recognize that the reason Jesus Christ came into the world was to introduce me to the world, and to introduce the world to me on a basis where the world would begin to acknowledge and respond and yield and receive the truth. There is no other way by which any can be saved, and unless you are functioning correctly in the current of the Spirit of Truth, you cannot serve as a minister to save others. You will only be leading them in the paths of destruction, as others before you have done.
Now you would all like to know more about establishing control patterns, how to do it, etc. I have been setting up the vibration of a control pattern through you here, so that you could know. And do you want to know how? Yield to the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Truth will establish the control pattern. There is no other way. You can try from now until doomsday, using any technique you may choose to establish, and you cannot establish anything that is a real control pattern except as you let my spirit work through you. Anyone who has accomplished anything whatsoever in the world did so because they responded to my spirit, for without my spirit there is no beauty, there is no truth, there is no building in any man, woman or child on the face of the earth, and there never has been. When my spirit was rejected so completely when the Master came into the world to introduce the world to me, we had one thousand years of the Dark Ages, the millennium that is spoken of in the Book of Revelation. The Dark Ages, that millennium, that thousand years when man was bound in the bottomless pit of knowledge, has already passed. Because man rejected me after the truth had been introduced to him by the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings Himself, there was a thousand years of the Dark Ages. If you would know life you must accept me, because until you accept me and my spirit in you, to blend with the love of God which is in you, you cannot experience life; for without me the love of God will burn you up and you will die and be no more.
So this morning we are establishing a control pattern, to the degree of your response, which will allow you to establish control patterns in those whom you serve. If you yield to my spirit you can serve. If you defy, reject and deny my spirit you will die, as human beings have been doing down through the centuries. If you think God is going to change His plan one iota to suit you, you are wrong. No matter how many millions of people have died, there is only one way, no matter how long it takes. Any salvation that comes to this world will come because of a response to my spirit, and you are those on the face of the earth who have the privilege and opportunity of knowing the reality of these things. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free,” the Master said. With respect to the Spirit of Truth, He said, "He shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you." I have taken of all of His, for all things are His, and have shown it unto you. Humanity has not even known why Jesus Christ came into the world. They have some vague idea that He came into the world to save people from their sins. Why? Because they were not willing to listen to the truth which He stated. As long as people rejected Him they rejected me. He stated the truth. Up to that time the rejection of truth was not necessarily a rejection of Him, only a rejection of me. He came into the world to fix it so that a rejection of me was a rejection of Him, because He came into the world and stated that truth which I had stated so many times before. And so now, when anyone rejects me he rejects Him who sent me, as the Master pointed out very carefully in His own presentation. The truth must be accepted, the control patterns of the truth must be allowed to control in you, if you would let love and truth blend in yourself.
So why did the LORD of Lords, the Lord of Love, come into the world? Yes, so that people could be saved, so that the work of salvation could be carried forward. He loved the world, and still does, in spite of all of its nonsense. However, He loves His enemies, and they get burned up. But He came into the world to introduce the world to me, to truth, and until the world yields to me it cannot receive Him in the sense of divine fulfilment. Remember that up to that time, since He Himself had not come into the world and stated that truth, the rejection of the truth was not a rejection of Him necessarily, because He had not been in the world to state the truth. He came into the world to state the truth so that the world would be forced into a position where if it continued to reject the truth it would be rejecting Him and be led into oblivion, because He was not going to put up with this nonsense forever. He set the stage so that all who would yield to the truth would be saved, but if the world continued to reject the truth, the world and all that was in it would be burned in that fire of His love and there would be nothing left. Only those who yield to the truth can survive that fire and share in that which shall be built after the fire has completed its work of cleansing the earth of all unrighteousness. Because you have been taken into heaven, because you yield to the truth, being enfolded in the control patterns of the truth in heaven on earth, you can survive the fire; but only so. The rest of the world and all who dwell therein shall be burned up in the fire which burneth forever and ever, the fire of God's love. Only those who yield to the water of truth, so that they can be taken into heaven on earth while they live, can escape from that fire.
If your mind wants to know how to establish control patterns, it cannot learn the technique by any twisting or turning or trying. Thousands and thousands of brilliant men and women have done their best to develop the pattern of control on earth without regard to me and my spirit, and you know what has happened to them. So if you would know you must yield to my spirit and let my will be done, and the Spirit of Truth will establish the control patterns through you. Then it will not be you as a human being doing it. Unless my spirit is in you it will not be done through you. If you deny that the Spirit of Truth can be in this body that you see, you deny that the Spirit of Truth can be in your body; so you are caught all the way through. If you reject me you reject the LORD of Lords. If you reject the Spirit of Truth in this body, you deny your body the privilege of having the Spirit of Truth in it; because until you accept the truth of it for my body you cannot accept the truth of it for your body. And until you accept the truth of it for your body you cannot carry the truth of it to anyone else's body. So technique, all technique, is mine. You let my spirit work through and you will have technique, the technique that can establish control patterns.
I have brought into outer manifestation the actual working in outer form of the control patterns that will be essential to you out there. They have manifested in many different ways, at many different times, but I have brought them to point in manifestation in this cycle. Unless you recognize that I am the Lord of Truth you would be inclined to think that I was lying. In that process which I have worked on so carefully for your sakes and for the sake of all whom you will serve, the cycle has been established, the patterns opened up on earth, so that you can proceed effectively. If I had not opened up the patterns on a focalized basis you would fail when you go out there, no matter how carefully you have studied in this Class. So I have not left it on a basis of just what you have learned. I have opened the way, set the cycle, opened the pattern, actually made it work in relationship to that which you will be called upon to do. To the degree that you respond to the patterns that are at work in this cycle of outworking you will succeed.
Technique? It is all mine, every bit of it. If you would know technique and let it work through you, yield to my spirit. What did the Master say? “Thy kingdom come”—Thy control come. Where is the control? In truth. There is no control in any real sense without truth, the control of the truth of God in manifestation on earth. “Thy will be done.” The will of God is done on earth—how? By reason of God's love? Well in this sense yes, that those who yield to the patterns of truth live and those who do not, die. That is as far as God's will works in relationship to God's love: life or death. Everything else in relationship to God's will is under the control of the Spirit of Truth. Jesus Christ came into the world to teach men to yield to my control, to let my will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Why? Because I AM the instrument for the doing of His will. He is the KING and I AM the instrument by which His will is done.
My work in the past six months has been to bring you to the point where you could understand these things, not to teach you techniques according to human vision. How shall you establish a control pattern? You will not know unless you let my spirit work through you. I could talk about it from now to the end of the year and you still would not know, unless you let my spirit work in you. If you deny that my spirit is working through this body, you deny that it can work through your body, and of course it won't. It will just leave you to the fire. My spirit is very impersonal. My spirit would like to see everyone come into the patterns of divine control, but I have been watching human beings die in the fire by the millions for thousands of years. Do you think your dying could change me one iota, alter my course? No. Whether you live or die, I AM the same, yesterday, today and forever. I would that you might all live and that through you the promise of life might be extended to all human beings everywhere. But I AM the Lord of Truth, the Spirit of Truth, and unless you accept me as I manifest through this body and mind, you cannot accept me in your own body and mind. You will be substituting your own ideas, convictions, for my spirit, and you will die. Anyone who rejects me now—and this has been true for nearly two thousand years—rejects my LORD and KING. Before, that was not true; but it is now.
So Jesus Christ came into the world primarily to introduce the world to me, to my spirit, to my truth; and the world rejected it then, even when He introduced it. And the fire kept burning, and burns still. All who will may receive of the water of truth. What did the Master say? “He who drinks of the water which I am offering will never thirst in the fire, will never become parched and burnt.” He brought it into the world and offered it to the world Himself, our LORD and KING, my KING. I am His servant. And I have been His servant, by which His will is done, all the way through. When Lucifer and his angels fell, refused to do the will of my King, it was my hand that cast them out of heaven into the earth, and only by yielding to Him can anyone come out of the world into the heaven that is at hand. There is no other way for any man, woman or child on the face of the earth. There never has been, and there never will be. The salvation which Jesus Christ offered to the world is the salvation which I had been offering to the world all the way through. It has not changed one iota because He stated it. The difference is that because the world crucified Him when He stated the truth, it is established for all the world, for all human beings, that if they reject me they reject Him, and then there is no chance left; that is it.
So I have taken six months to lead you gently to the point where you could begin to know me in relationship to our LORD and KING. No matter what you may have thought you knew about Him, you found that you did not know our LORD and KING, Jesus Christ. I have shown you what He is, what He was. I have given you an opportunity to see Him and to know Him. I have taken of His and shown it unto you. If you reject me, you reject Him, and vice versa. If you reject me you have rejected Him, whether you know anything about Him or not. Those who are damned are those who think they know Him and can know Him without me. They are the damned, the deluded, who are going crazy in the fire, worshipping a dead body on the cross and denying me. I have been watching human beings die for twenty thousand years, not because I wanted to make it so, no, but because they refused my spirit. How did they die? At my hand? No, in the fire, the fire of God's love. They were burned up in the lake of fire which burneth forever and ever.
The reason Jesus came into the world, the reason the body of Jesus was born, the reason the LORD of Lords was made manifest through that body, was to give the world an opportunity to know me, His servant, that by my spirit they might stop dying and begin to live, begin to know the resurrection and the life. He told the people of the world that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. He revealed the way by which that kingdom may be entered. He gave the truth with His own lips, the truth that I had given before, and that I have given since. Peter and Paul and others thought they knew. There was some truth in what they wrote, but they rejected me, they rejected Him, and the world had its Dark Ages—millions of people who call themselves Christians, who have been rejecting my spirit for these many generations, all dying because they are idolaters, because they are refusing to let my will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
There it is. Whatever else I may have to say to you relates to this. That is what the Book of Revelation reveals for those who have eyes to see. We have not had time to examine it step by step, but it is there. You do not need to know with your outer mind all that is involved. You have been going to school these months and weeks so that you could come to this hour and see and know these things. All else that I may have to say relates to this, and if you let my spirit be in you and work through you, you shall know life, and the control patterns which make life possible shall appear through your hands and because of the words you speak, the life you live. Deny my spirit entry into your heart and mind, and your body will die in the fire, the lake of fire which burneth forever and ever, and the burning of your body will be the brimstone in the fire. And so I have spoken to you through the lips of this body, that you might hear my Word. I have spoken to you in spirit many times before, but you did not hear me. So I have spoken to you through these lips that you might hear and learn. You desire to serve God, and so through this body I have shown you the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. The fire of God's love will cause ascension for those who will yield to the Spirit of Truth. It causes oblivion, destruction, the end, for those who refuse my spirit.
The Lord is your shepherd, and you can be the body by which the shepherd manifests. This body can let the center of the working of my spirit manifest, but unless my spirit works through all, there cannot be wholeness. The spirit that I AM must work through you. I need all the bodies in the world, every man, woman and child, to allow a complete fulfilment of the divine plan. I have never suggested that I am limited to this body. I am available to every man, woman and child on the face of the earth. I always have been, and will be as long as life remains in anyone. Unless you let my spirit work through you, unless you become a part of my body on earth, you will be cast into the fire and be burned. You might read the 15th chapter of John. Those who bring forth fruit are purged, that they may bring forth more fruit; but those who do not bring forth fruit are cast forth as branches, and they wither; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. That is the symbolism of what takes place. Do you think you would not be burned? You already know what it is to be in that fire without the water of truth, and all you have to do is just to let it keep burning and your body will perish without my spirit; for without me there is no life possible to any man, woman or child, or any thing—not just here in this world but in all the worlds of all the cosmos. There is no life anywhere except by me, for my truth must blend with the fire to make life possible. The fire is everywhere, but the presence of the fire does not cause life to appear. Only by my spirit can life be. My spirit must be present at every conception of man or creature, flower or bird. There is no life in anything whatsoever, anywhere, except by my spirit, and if you have life now it is because of my spirit which has protected you from the fire. The moment my spirit ceases to protect you from the fire your body dies. So if you wish, you may call me the angel of death. I am the Angel of Life.
And so this morning I have taken you in before the throne, in the presence of my LORD and KING, Jesus Christ, to give you an opportunity to lift up your eyes, to open your eyes and see God. To the degree that you are pure in heart, His word of truth is fulfilled: “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”
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