April 16, 2015

My Representation Relates To The Father

My  Representation  Relates  To  The  Father

from  Assembly — Sunrise Ranch

Martin Cecil   April 21, 1981

We have the necessity of assuming the responsibility ourselves—because we have been offered the opportunity to do so and have received the training that is essential—assuming responsibility for this aspect of the mind of mankind which extends the authority, the direction and the encompassment. Encompassment is important because there is an awareness of the wholeness of things; there's not just working with little bits and pieces. So the Son, the Son consciousness, which represents the Father. 

If we speak in terms of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost levels of consciousness, the Son represents the Father. This was most clearly demonstrated by Jesus: “I and the Father are one.” The Son represents the Father. And of course the Holy Ghost does too, but from the subconscious standpoint. The Son representing the Father is the one who carries the authority, an authority that may or may not be acknowledged by the irrational minds of human beings; but the fact of the matter is that the Son carries the authority when the Son is present. There begins to be some evidence of the emergence of this Son state of consciousness and you are aware that this relates to your own experience. 

Here is the authority which is capable of providing right direction, so that right use may be made of knowledge, amongst other things, and right encompassment of knowledge, amongst other things, so that there is the ability to let it be incorporated into the creative action that needs to appear under the direction of the Son. We have recognized that there is increasingly an offering upward through people who are rising up of their various levels of expertise or knowledge. We don't need to imagine that we know everything about everything; but we know what is necessary from the standpoint of the spiritual direction that is essential. There are plenty of people, all over the place, who have the expertise and the knowledge which we are in position to use when we truly represent the Father. And this comes increasingly into our hands. 

There isn't any one of us with respect to whom it might not be said that in the field of expertise there isn't someone else who is more knowledgeable. We would easily admit it, acknowledge the fact. It doesn't put us down at all, because we have a very different role to play. 

We have the responsibility of the Son, the Son state of consciousness. The Son state of consciousness is not separate from the Holy Ghost state of consciousness. There are the conscious and subconscious aspects—they are one. Now this relates to the matter of communication. The first order of communication was summarized a long time ago when the first great commandment was articulated. There is no right communication between human beings until there is the communication established with the Lord, upward communication, communication with the Source. This is the first order of business. This is what makes possible unification with the Tone; that unified experience with the Tone is the Son experience. The Tone proceeds from the Father; the Son reveals the Father on earth. So here is the first element of communication that is required. We have, I'm sure, all seen this; we've been aware of it subconsciously as well as consciously—that we have nothing to offer, we have no authority, we have no ability to provide right direction, we have no understanding, no capacity to encompass, except on the basis of our oneness with the Father. When there is oneness with the Father, the Son is a reality on earth and there is then the ability to encompass and direct in the creative achievement of what is necessary. 

Now we may see this as initially relating to an internal matter, just as we've seen it in relationship to ourselves as individuals. There is the same element with respect to the body as a whole; there is something to happen internally. But at some point along the way I'm sure we all came to the awareness that until the stance began to turn outward, what was to be achieved internally would always remain under a ceiling. We know that we cannot isolate ourselves and say, “Now I'm going to let all my heart be purified so that what is of the Father may come down and find release in my conscious mind as the Son consciousness and my subconscious mind as the Holy Ghost consciousness.” We may see that that is what is necessary, but it's not going to be done if we isolate ourselves and concentrate on this business of cleaning things up internally. Something begins to happen when we get beyond that self-centered condition and begin to recognize that there's something beyond ourselves as individuals so that we begin to give expression to the reality rather than just expect the reality to somehow achieve remarkable works in ourselves internally. 

It is the movement, the expression of life, that cleans things up. It is the movement of the Holy Spirit through the subconscious mind of mankind that is in the process of cleaning things up, and has been for two thousand years. Things are not being cleaned up by all the bright ideas that human beings have had, and all the marvelous things that they have done in the field of science and technology and politics and economics, and all these various areas. This is the world which the human nature consciousness thinks is so important. But there is another world where the spirit of God works, and this is what is important. It's been happening and we have emerged to a level in our own awareness where we see that it's been happening. We're not the only ones who see this. Others have seen what's happening in a general sense, but they don't really know why it's happening, or how it's happening, what it is that is at work, and have not yet an awareness of the reality of the emergent Son state of consciousness. Well that's fine. It’s much better if people remain somewhat unaware, for a while yet anyhow, so as to give those who participate in the Son state of consciousness an opportunity to prove out in their own experience the validity of that state, prove out the authority of it. 

Now there's a balance in here. We can't prove anything out much if we're shrinking violets. But neither can we prove anything out if we become bombastic and arrogant. It is a quiet thing, but something that is very sure. But we are indeed immovable, in the sense of being pushed around by human nature. So there has been the working of these things, of which we are now aware. We begin to see with greater clarity our own personal responsibility in the field of authority and direction, making right use of what is brought to us rising up from the subconscious mind of mankind. It all comes into the hands of the Lord through the Son. 

In this unfoldment of things there have been various necessities which certainly not be required when the resurrection has taken place. One of the necessities during this time has been the willingness on the part of all concerned to occupy what may well be called substitute positions. There isn't one of us here who hasn't had to do this. And we still have to do it. What has been working hasn't clarified to the point where the absolute reality has emerged. We can see these substitute requirements in more or less elementary ways—obviously in the developement of Sunrise Ranch here, Uranda was driving around on a caterpillar tractor. It was hardly what he came to do, and yet it was an essential factor in what needed to work out. I personally have done the same thing of course; all of us have done various things—and still do. 

I doubt if anything is really finalized yet. It's all substitute; virtually everything is substitute. Now there are very many reasons for this, of course, because the whole outworking in the body of mankind is involved here. It's not just what is working out in the Emissary ministry. It's what's working out in the whole body of mankind. And there are those within the range of our Emissary ministry who had to hold the line in certain places—here or there—in a sense, waiting for this to unfold to the point where the reality could fill in. It wasn't on hand to do it yet. 

I suppose part of that might relate to the matter of age in human beings. Maybe we have waited around for a lot of you to grow up to the point where you could be useful. I mean physical age, as well as the other kind—spiritual maturity. And there are those who have specific parts to play, putting in an appearance from time to time, as the individuals concerned reach the point where they are capable of doing it. If there is some particular task to be taken care of, and we look around and we say, “Well there's really no one can do that”—this from my standpoint has often been the case—well, one has to select the nearest to it, and allow that to move. It moves more or less automatically anyway. And people find themselves in this position and that position, not so much because they were appointed to be there but because they were on hand to do the job. Well, here's a substitute, holding the line, doing the best they knew how while waiting—probably the individual didn't realize that this was the case—while waiting for whoever it was to come up and be available to do what was required in that task. 

As I say, with respect to all of us, we've been holding substitute positions. I know I certainly have. I have functioned over the years very much as though I was a part, a direct part, of this body of the Son that was developing—which in fact, I am not. Perhaps the way things are coming to point now this can be more clearly seen. My representation relates to the Father. But the Father is represented by the Son on earth. And the Son relates to this Assembly, and many others. This is why in this Assembly we are concerned that the responsibility should begin to be taken from within the Assembly for what it is that happening. In assuming that responsibility, there are those who begin to find themselves in positions of particular focus of authority. This, to some extent, shifts and changes around, not always the same. It depends what the immediate necessity is—not so much anymore merely in relationship to the internal process that is working out through the whole body of mankind, but what the body of mankind is supposed to be doing on earth! 

I suppose you could say it can't do very much until it comes out of the tomb. But there is, presumably, something to be done while the body is still in the tomb. How is it going to get out? Well we have seen this coming to point with respect to that stone blocking the entrance. Something has to be done about that. Gradually, of course, coming into the garden beyond, there is an awareness that mankind has a purpose that far transcends any of these petty internal matters. The body of mankind needs to be a healthy body, capable of functioning in a balanced way; but there is creative action to occur by reason of that body, creative action beyond itself. 

In the self-centered state, human beings are always just thinking about themselves—and the human race has just thought about itself and how it can survive. Well it needs to know why, what would the reason be for human survival on earth. Presently there doesn't seem to be much. But we begin to be aware of the fact that there is a body here; it is emerging from the tomb; the stone is in the process of being rolled away by reason of the action from within the body itself, so that there may be an awakening to the reality of the fact of the garden. The garden was there while the tomb was sealed, but inside the tomb it wasn't possible to know that that was so. Only coming forth is the fact known that the garden is present. We have a certain theoretical awareness in this regard, but as yet the factual reality has not been known because the stone still blocks the exit from the tomb. So life occurs in the tomb. Resurrection reaches a certain level still in the tomb; and for the moment this is the state of affairs. We can't rush it, but let it work the way it is working. 

I have a particular representation here of the Father. There is representation of the Son and of the Holy Ghost also. Perhaps we could see these particularly finding their focus in Michael and Bill, so that there is representation here of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. That's about as far as it needs to go at the moment. These points of focus all represent something which is of far vaster proportions. While there is an inclination to think of God as being one person, it is usually thought of as a pretty big person, somehow. In other words, God is of vast proportions. Not the same type of dimensions as are known in the external world, but nevertheless of vast proportions. So a point of representation is of something vast. The point of representation of the Son is also considerable, including all of you and many more—and the point of representation of the Holy Ghost is of something, in the sense of volume, vaster still. 

There begins to be the emergence of something as an operational function, divine function, here on earth—identifiable—seen from the standpoint of representation but also known from the standpoint of the fact of the matter in one’s own experience. And so these things are moving. The creative cycle is at work, raising something up so that it emerges out of the fog and can be seen. We rejoice to let it happen. I am sure that all of you here gathered in your representation of the Son consciousness are delighted to let this emerge—this state of oneness, unification—emerge in your own experience as you assume increasingly the responsibility for what is emerging through the Son consciousness which you share.

© Emissaries of Divine Light