May 26, 2022

The Simultaneous Cosmic Current

The  Simultaneous  Cosmic  Current

Alan Hammond

Our Divine And Cosmic Identity  Volume 1  Chapter 47

The true experience of life is designed to be one of continuous expansion, so that it is always full of interest, with a sense of something new and glorious opening up. We often have hints of this true experience through young people. Their whole lives are before them. However, because most human beings are identified either with their bodies or their minds, after about the midpoint in life they begin to feel that their lives are shrinking. Human civilizations have the same basic experience. They seem to flourish, after a fashion, for a while, then decay. But we are interested in knowing for ourselves and reintroducing the truth into human experience. There is always a level of our Being which is in an expansive phase. Fundamentally, it is the lack of fine substance between the undimensional and the dimensional realms in the human psyche that has caused this disruption of the true process.

Certainly, in the spiritual field there is arrested development in human consciousness. Very little expansion of awareness had taken place since the presence of Jesus on Earth 2,000 years ago, until very recent days when Uranda and Martin Exeter continued the development of consciousness relative to true Identity and function in that Identity. We currently share in the ongoing development of their ministries, seeking to let there be an expanding expression and vision of life through human form. We have every confidence that, although some of the subjects considered may seem outside some peoples’ current experience, they may prove of value later in the awakening process, because the true spiritual Tone and lines of force are inherent in the meditations.

We don’t anticipate that the human mind is going to become aware of all the knowledge that exists in the cosmos. The mind isn’t designed for that purpose, anyway. But it is designed to have its own scope of awareness and function within the Divine Design. We recognize that in order for the true mind of the body of mankind to be present, it would require many Self-aware human beings and their coordinated thinking to facilitate the proper function of that body. There are so few people on Earth at the moment with either adequate fine substance or the basic premises in consciousness to do much real thinking. Nevertheless, we have no trepidation about that, for we know that the overall process of restoration of the true design on Earth is under way, regardless, and we are content to play our part at this juncture in the process as it is, here and now.

Many people believe that God used to speak through human beings a couple of thousand years ago, through people in the Bible or in other religious scriptures, for example, but that God has stopped saying anything now. However, Life is just as much in expression now as it ever was, and Life has something to say through human beings relative to the situation as it is now. Most people rule themselves out as possible participants in God’s expression, so they don’t have as full an experience in this regard as they might. When we seek to articulate the current of Life and Spirit that is moving now, we may quote people from the Bible because they may have articulated something we are experiencing now, and many people accept them as authority figures. But actually Life, we, in this moment choose what we will quote and what we won’t quote, simply because we want to say what we want to say now.

So it might be interesting in this light to examine something that Jesus said, to see what significance there may be in it for us today. He said, “Before Abraham was, I am.” Does that relate in any way to our personal experience? I think it does. There are various ways one can approach this statement. When we read about magnificent expressions of character, where there was nobility, honor, beauty of spirit expressed through historical figures, we recognize that that is the same character and spirit that I Am. Each of us can say this because I Am is fundamentally one spirit. The expression of it back there was my spirit. It was Me.

When we know ourselves, we know that the very core of our Being is this magnificent quality of character. This is who I Am. Spirit ultimately is one. That is why, really, to say “I agree with you” to another human being is quite a modest level of union. That is the expression of one separate person saying to another, “I agree with you.” There is, however, a level of experience that says, “I am one with you. The spirit you have expressed is my spirit. That is Me.”

This is love. Love is oneness. That is why, if one truly loves someone, there is the experience of oneness. There is then movement to protect, to enhance, because there is this experience of oneness. We are one. Friendship is rather a pale word also. By contrast, oneness—love—is the angelic experience of relationship. We are this one quality of Being. And so it is when we read about this spirit in expression in the past, we could each say, “I was there!” This quality of Being, of nobility, beauty, strength, was being expressed then. “I Am” was present then. “I Am” is present now.

There is another way we can think about Jesus’ statement, “Before Abraham was, I am,” which may initially seem a little superficial. But the fact is that each of us experienced Jesus’ words, in this sense. We were born and we generated in our consciousnesses an awareness of ourselves. After that, there was generated in consciousness awareness of other people and things. We may have learned about Jesus or Abraham in Sunday School, for example. Thus before Jesus (and Abraham) was, I Am. All these other people—even the whole world—were generated in my experience after the generation of the awareness of Self: I Am. In my consciousness, before any of these historical people appeared, I Am.

Finally, it wasn’t just the human being, Jesus, who said, “Before Abraham was, I am”; it was the Divine Being, the life essence, speaking through the form of Jesus. But Jesus said to everyone, “Follow me.” So if Jesus could say, “Before Abraham was, I am,” this is true of each of us also. Now this may not be our experience in this moment, but we can have the idea on a shelf, as it were, in our consciousness, so that we can eventually face the fact. Of course, such awareness cannot be plastered on from the outside by merely clinging to a concept. Each individual must generate for themselves adequate fine substance that connects the outer consciousness into the undimensional levels of Being. Then the awareness flows from inside-out. But it is useful to have a general picture of the truth.

There is some truth to the experience of self-centeredness. Most of our experience of self-centeredness has been of the human-nature variety, our own in particular! However, we see it in virtually all human beings now, that they are identified as segregated, isolated individuals who have little relatedness to, or respect for, the cosmos. And they demonstrate this through their lack of respect for the people and things immediately around them, which are part of the cosmos. However, if there is a generation of fine spiritual substance, the outer consciousness is blended into the undimensional levels of Being and the outer consciousness becomes aware of the true Self. Once there begins to be awareness of this beautiful Self, the beauty of Being, we realize it is the same Being that is at the core of all other forms. As there is reverence for one’s own Being, it naturally follows that there is reverence for Being wherever it is encountered. This is the fulfillment of the two Great Commandments: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God”—the truth of one’s own Being—“with all.” As we do this, we naturally love our neighbor as ourselves, because all are aspects of the same Self. This is the true Self-centeredness, which ultimately includes everything.

The cosmos is the one vast body of Being. Much of it is invisible to human awareness. We only really notice the physical aspect, but this cosmic body is animated by radiation emerging out of the undimensional levels of Being. We could call that the vertical radiation—or the current of the Spirit—coming down out of the undimensional into the dimensions of time and space. That radiation is simultaneous throughout the whole cosmic body, causing immediate and coordinated action throughout the universal body. This radiation creates and sustains every atom, moment by moment. If the vertical radiation ceased, the universe would instantly disappear.

Now, in the dimensions of time and space, it seems as though there are what you might call secondary causes operational, such as the movement of light or heat or sound. I suppose you could call them examples of seemingly lateral radiation. But bearing in mind that the vertical radiation is moving simultaneously throughout the whole universe constantly, what seems like lateral radiation is the reflection of the changing relationships of factors in the undimensional levels of spirit. To make it easier to understand, if you walk from A to B, that is a reflection of some changing relationships of factors in spirit. Those changing relationships are conveyed in the vertical radiation and in the manifestation of lateral movements in time and space. Vertical and lateral radiation are one. Of course, with the lack of fine substance in human beings to connect the undimensional and dimensional world, that translation of vertical radiation is distorted. However, if we are aware that all movement in time and space relates to the changing relationship of spiritual factors, we can consciously participate in relating to the essences of spirit present in our immediate circumstances.

In current human consciousness, light is considered to be the swiftest form of energy in the cosmos. But there is much more to the picture than that. There are other energies that move much swifter than light, which only creeps around the cosmos. Perhaps an example by which we can glimpse some other modes of energy relates to thought and telepathy. Consider this: in a human physical body there are billions of atoms and, relatively speaking, vast distances of space between them. And yet, that little cosmos shares universally and instantaneously certain sensations, certain thoughts. So it is with the cosmic body, where throughout that one body there is the simultaneous experience of sensations and awareness carried by the universal, vertical radiation from the One Spirit. Obviously these sensations and thoughts are not as we experience them in our human forms, but the principle is the same.

There are many implications to this universal unity of experience. It means that we here on this little speck of dust in the cosmic body are in instantaneous, continuous communication with the whole body. Thus, for example, in this very room this morning we have immediately connecting factors relative to the Central SUN of Suns. That is true at all times, because we are an integral part of Being at every dimension. So each of us can begin to relax in the outer consciousness and become aware that I Am an integral part of the cosmos at every level. I do not have to try to control the movement of Life, the movement of the Whole. I am identified as a part of the Whole, and ultimately I am also identified as the Whole. I do not have to anxiously hold life under control. I can relax and move with it because I know the nature of it, and I know its unfolding experience is always from glory unto glory.

As a focus of Being in consciousness, I know that God, the Lord, the Whole, wants me to serve in the Whole exactly where I am—in time and space, in this galaxy, in this planet, in this human form, in this consciousness, in the midst of these specific vibrational factors in which I find myself. If I don’t express my beauty, nobility, honor exactly where I am, where am I going to do it? If not here, where? And if not now, when?

So we are aware that we can bring to focus, here and now, exactly the same absolute forces that are at work throughout the whole universal body. In fact, this is precisely why we are here. All those divine, vertical factors are brought to focus in the quality of the sublime Being which I Am, We Are. As that radiation moves from us, undimensional Being acquires form in these dimensions in which we currently find ourselves. Life is an eternal experience of expansion, and a movement from glory unto glory, as we express who we truly are.

Alan Hammond