October 03, 2015

We Have Been Sent — We Are Here

We  Have  Been  Sent — We  Are  Here

Martin Cecil   July 29, 1977  Class

From one end of the heaven to the other­—our field of operations is the heaven.

Those who awaken out of their dream state awaken to the heaven, and we are right there.

You have starting points. Seeds have been sown—ample seeds have been sown. You may say, “Well you were not very specific in this area. I wanted to hear more about that or the other thing.” Why? So that you could think in your human ego that you were wise and capable. “Oh,” you say, “I did not have that in mind. I just wanted to be able to function rightly.” It is the same thing! It is the same old human ego wanting to function rightly. I am not interested in your human ego functioning rightly. I do not know what that would be anyway. Do you? Let that pass away.

There is something new emerging here, an angel who is going to take charge of you as you have thought yourself to be in the external sense. So as charge is taken, you find that what you thought yourself to be has been dissipated to that extent and what has taken charge is what you are, because that is what you are expressing. And you are what you express, fundamentally, not what you eat, by the way. It is not what you take into your belly; it is what comes out of you that gives you value and meaning and gives you a sense of self. Most people try to gain a sense of self by stuffing themselves and they may have the experience of a big, bloated condition, whether physical or mental, but it is not the truth, not what the individual really is. What  you really are is what is expressed by you out of your heavenly heredity and when it is expressed you know that; that is what you are. If it is not expressed you do not know it and no amount of information will cause you to know it.

It is necessary that there should be the seeds planted in the garden so that they may grow. And that has been done in a concentrated way. These seeds germinate and spring forth in the moment and you know what is needful in the moment. This is true as you abide in the tone of life; and as you abide in the tone of life, the design of life becomes apparent and you know what you need to know in the moment, as if by magic.

You are not depending anymore upon the information which was seemingly usable by your human ego in times past. There are those who have been functioning on this basis, accumulating more and more information so that they could be more and more effective, supposedly, in their living who suddenly begin to find that what used to work does not work anymore. And they are left desolate until they say, “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” Blessed is the one of heavenly heredity who finds expression. Then you begin to know the truth, the truth of yourself amongst other things, but you are not self-centered, you are not peering around to see if you can see yourself somehow. You can’t. There is no way by which you can see yourself. Anything that you can see is not you. People are very busy building images of various sorts. We do not need to build any of those. All we need to do is to be ourselves in expression; that is all that is necessary. Somebody else may see us. That is their good fortune, we trust.

So the seeds have been sown. Never deny that. Give thanks for that and don't be on the grab for more seeds. Other seeds will be sown naturally, but don't try to accumu­late information because all you are doing is accumulating concepts, which will never be the truth. So I can say in this moment “I have yet many other things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them until you do a little more living”—and in any case all that is necessary is present for each one.

You are not going anyplace; you stay home and the world comes to you. You may say, well the world is waiting for you. That is one way of looking at it perhaps, but another way, from the standpoint of angelic consciousness you are waiting for the world. You are waiting for human beings to come home. And you do not sit around on your backside, hopefully expecting them to come home. The waiting is waiting upon the Lord so that you might be in position to offer what is needful as the world passes by you, which it will, and out of that which passes by will come elements of response that can be brought home. And this is your greatest joy. You also know that there are elements present that are going to pass on by. Seeing that the movement, the creative movement, is a spiral, maybe some of those elements that pass by once will come around again. It is interesting to observe that on occasion.

Never try to hold on to anyone; let them pass on by if that is what they are doing. Do not run after them. If you do you leave your place where you belong, because you do not belong running after people. The Lord never ran after anyone. The Lord just holds the door open for those who will come through, and He offers help in that regard, but a person who is moving away, let him move away. Your welcome is to those who will not detract from your lightness.

So we stand where we belong, in the moment, allowing the birth of whatever it is that should appear in the moment, whether it is in a word or an action, whatever. We begin to discover what it is that complements the spirit which we express and it may be said that in a sense all learning is self‑learning. One is never taught anything by some­body else. We learn through our own experience; this is the education in which we are properly interested. It is a giving forth. Yes, we need the seeds and someone else will sow the seeds, but unless the seed germinates and grows in us the seed means nothing. We may have sackfuls of seed, and a lot of people do. They do not think of it as seed; it is knowledge to them, useful knowledge which they are going to use to achieve this and that, when really it is just seed for the garden, that's all, that it may grow in the experiences of living. And in that you learn. You are self‑taught in this way.

You can't really learn anything that is of any value without your own expression in living. So from the standpoint of education, certainly there is a need for someone to be on hand to sow a few seeds. What we have to offer to others is seed, and then the climate which helps the seed to grow. And we cultivate the soil a bit. But unless the person lets it find expression in his own living he has learned nothing, even though he has a warehouse full of sacks of seed. So be willing to learn as you go. And you will find that you actually know a lot that you didn't think you knew. And when you speak, you learn just as much as anybody else.

The spirit of truth in expression through you is living and serving. It enables you to handle everything that is present with you at all levels and all departments. That is not a clear‑cut thing right off the bat but gradually it emerges. As it does so, you know it and you are not just swallowing something that someone else said. Let what is of the spirit of truth move through you and in your experience of living and you will find that all that is necessary is present. Do not imagine that we all have to know everything. You can think of many specific fields where you have not developed too great an understanding as yet, and perhaps in some of the fields you do not need to. You are not all musicians, for instance; you are not all cooks; you are not all typists. So let's not become structured in our view of the way things should be handled. Let us be open so that we can let it move in whatever way it should. There is a fluidity in our experience and in what we offer others. Nothing is set.

You are not going out into the world because you are in the world already, but various aspects of the world will be coming to you, will be presented to you, as the opportunity for offering what is right and fitting out of the holy place. You stay in the holy place; you stay home. What a wonderful thing to stay home and be anywhere. You are being sent in the sense that you came into the world, but you are here now.

“And he shall send his angels.” We begin to realize what that means in relationship to our own experience. We have been sent; we are here. And we gratefully accepted the opportunity of being here, the privilege above all privileges, of serving the Lord in these special days. There have been angels who have come on earth and found themselves able to emerge to some extent through human consciousness in days gone by, and we read about some of them in the Bible for instance. They were always looking toward something that was not yet in point insofar as they were concerned. Except on the occa­sion when the Master was present, nothing ever finally did come to point. It did come to point insofar as He was concerned but nobody else seemed to know it; in other words, He was there and He could have done what was needed to be done if anyone else had been willing that it should.

But now in these days toward which it may be said that all the prophets of old looked, we have the privilege of actually being here. Of course we may have been back there too and those times may have seemed to be a little more discouraging than the way things are now, yet most people see discouragement wherever they look. But this is the fulfilment—and we are here to make sure that it is. And if we were chosen to be here at this time, are we going to impute a wrong choice to the Lord by saying, “Oh no, not me, Lord.” Somebody said, “Why me?” Who else? Who else begins to under­stand? Who else begins to share the consciousness of the angel? We know why we are here. “And he shall send his angels”—He has sent His angels—“with the great sound of a trumpet.” The tone is sounding loud and clear for increasing numbers, the great sound of a trumpet—Gabriel's trump, if you like. Human beings have been anticipating this, some­thing to do with the second coming of Christ, I guess, cocking their ears for the sound. But it is here! There are not too many hear it but increasingly there are those who do hear it without realizing that they are hearing it. We hear it and realize that we hear it and we can invite others to share that realization.

I am sure that many things have been said to you that perhaps you had not heard before, but when you did hear you said, “Of course! Yes, I knew that all along; I just couldn't put it into words.” One is aware of many things without having consciously allowed them to come to point as to what they are. And you are aware of far more than you think you are aware of, because you have not allowed it to emerge yet into your own expression adequately. But as you do you may say, in one sense, “Oh, how did I know that?” But in another sense you knew it, obviously, because you expressed it. And you woke up to it yourself. While you were ex­pressing you woke up to it yourself in the sense of your human consciousness. Seeing that you have been identifying yourself with the human consciousness heretofore, it emerges into your awareness on this basis, but what it really is is the expression of the truth of you coming forth into human consciousness.

So the angels have been sent with the great sound of a trumpet. This is a fact now! It is not a futuristic thing insofar as we are concerned. It may be futuristic insofar as many others are concerned but not to us. “And they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” From one end of the heaven to the other­—our field of operations is the heaven. Those who awaken out of their dream state awaken to the heaven, and we are right there. And we find people from one end of the heaven to the other; there is quite a spectrum insofar as the heaven is concerned and it takes all of us and many more to encompass it. The elect, whoever they are. You may say, “Well who are the elect?” Let's find out! Don't try to define it with the mind, as though that would mean anything. Let us discover what the truth of the matter is in our own experience be­cause we gather the elect, and when they are gathered, there they are. We know who they are.

Gather the elect from the four winds—this has something to do with the creative working of the four forces. We will not violate those forces; we will not violate the working of the Law. It is on this basis that the elect come. They either come on this basis or they don't come at all. It is the only way and we are here to administer this. We are, in this sense, stewards and administrators—as the angels of God in the flesh on earth. And you find yourselves in this position with such consciousness of it as is now true of you. This is not the ultimate, obviously.

The spiral has been going around, presumably a little higher. There is something new to be known, some participation in a way that wasn't open to you before. Now it is, and the adventure, the delight, of letting this new experience come so occupies the consciousness that the old experience simply vanishes without regret. Human beings spend so much time regreting things. It is so much easier to let everything go when the time comes for it to go, because it leaves ample space for the welcoming of whatever is to come. Fundamen­tally this happens each moment; we learn to do it in each moment—in the larger wheels of the various cycles we do it just as easily. I trust there is no weeping or wailing or knashing of teeth. As angels of the Lord you know we have ample time; we don't have to fit everything into a few short years. There is plenty of time.

We also realize that there are very specific creative cycles for which we are responsible here on earth, and we are concerned that these should be handled with effectiveness to the glory of God—in a particular sense to the glory of our Lord and King who chose us and sent us into the world, and because it was His choosing and His sending we can conceive of no greater honor—no greater honor than to be here now to get the job done. Praise the Lord! I think it would be only fitting if we shared a moment of devotion.

Our great and glorious Lord and King, in the consciousness of our presence here at Thy command we are filled with a deep humility that we could have been chosen with others of Thy servants to provide what is essential on earth in these climactic days. We rejoice together in the opportunity that is before us as we play our parts with all Thy servants everywhere in letting Thy will be done. In a personal sense, O Lord, I am most thankful for this opportunity of presenting these blessed ones before Thee at the conclusion of this particular cycle of training, that in a keen awareness of their respon­sibility, of their privilege, all things may be caused to continue to work together be­cause they play their expanded parts in what is unfolding through Thy body on earth. O Lord, how thankful I am for each one in this moment and in all the days to come as they continue to serve in Thy name, to Thy glory, in the Christ. Aum‑en.

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