Our Body — My Body
from Intercession and Healing
Uranda July 23, 1953
Intercession relates to processes of nullification with respect to the things that ought not to be. It relates to the principles of changing the future, and if we are not offering an opportunity to human beings whereby they can let their future be changed we are not serving. We are interested in changing the pattern of manifestation so that that which is in the future will come into manifestation according to the Divine Design, under control, revealing the kingdom on earth. It is important that we see intercession in the light of the Truth, the Light that Glows, and learn to function on an intercessory basis. If you are a part of the Body of God you have a responsibility of sharing intercession. You do not just share the receiving of God's blessing, if you are functioning correctly; you share the giving of God's blessings. Intercession is based upon Divine action in relationship to human action. Intercession relates to changing the future, nullifying ill things.
If we, being members of the human family, try to separate ourselves on some arbitrary basis from the vibratory factors of the human family, the human body, the body of mankind then we are removing or destroying, or attempting to remove or destroy, our means of contact with the body of humanity. When we look at the world body of humanity, whether it is China or Africa, United States or Canada, or some other place, or the whole thing put together, are we here and is that over there?—just we and they, as if they were two separate things? Now, there are two bodies: the old body that must die, that is true; the old body of humanity that must die, not because God so ordains, but because there are those in it who refuse to let it be any other way—and there is another body taking form, the One Christ Body, or the Body of God, the Shekinah Body, whatever name we might use. But we are not looking at that body out there and saying, “That is the body that is separate from us. We are one body and that is another body.” If we do that we will never be able to draw the people out of that body into this one. We have a relationship to that body.
We have learned, presumably, to function without reaction to what we feel, perceive through the heart or emotional realm. So we perceive that which is in our body. It manifests in other human beings, yes, but it is our body. If there is the ill condition over there, that is a condition that exists in our body. We are not separate from it. We recognize that out of that old body a new body is being born, it is taking form. Human beings are letting themselves be resurrected from that old body into the new, from the old world state into the new world state, into the Divine State, into the kingdom. The change is taking place step by step. As far as we are concerned this old body is going to pass away just exactly the same as your body passed away that you had two years ago. Your body of two years ago is gone. Perhaps some of the skeleton is left, but I am thinking of it from the standpoint of the vital tissues. Every fourteen months, in normal health, the vital tissues of your body change. The body you had two years ago has passed away and it is no more, and you have a new body.
Now, as far as we are concerned, the same process is going to work in the body of humanity, the body of mankind. Some of the cells will pass away, some of the substance will be removed, etc., and new tissue will form. But that is not saying, on any arbitrary basis, “We're going to eliminate those human beings over there. We're separate from them.” We are members of the body of mankind, the body of humanity. The body of mankind is supposed to be the Body of God, but it is not letting God manifest. Your body, as a human being, is supposed to be the body of your Lord, to let your Lord, your God Being, manifest. How well are you doing it? The body of mankind must go through this process of change, of restoration, of resurrection, however you want to put it—rebirth—but we are a part of that body. If we see the people in China suffering, that is our body that suffers so—the people in all the difficult situations in the world.
Wherever a human being walks, there I walk. That person's body is my body. Whatever of suffering, whatever of joy, it is my body. I have a relationship to every man, woman and child on the face of the whole earth, and I exclude no one. There are those who exclude themselves, but I exclude no one. If you share my ministry, then you are a part of all of this, and all of this is a part of you.
If we say that wherever a human being suffers, there you suffer, are you right or wrong? You are wrong. Why? Because you are supposed to be a part of the body that is centered, that is not responding to suffering, not responding to the distortion patterns of being. You are supposed to be a part of this body that is according to the Divine Design—but it is still a part of the body of the whole. If you accept the suffering as a part of yourself, then the distortion pattern is governing in the rebuilding of the body; the distortion patterns are in control and the kingdom isn't, and so it appears to man that the kingdom is a mockery. But we must be the kingdom points of control in relationship to design, by which influence is exerted so that the renewing of the body of mankind may be on the basis of the Divine Design, so that it will not be controlled by its sufferings, its miseries, but by the Divine Design. But does that mean we are separate from that? No.
from Father, Forgive Them Uranda March 23, 1953
We remember that as the superficial pattern of response that has been engendered in the world was drawing away from our Lord while He was on earth. He recognized that with the breakdown of that response, it was inevitable that the pattern of world reaction should come in upon Him and that He would have to meet man's concerted effort brought to point by which man hoped to destroy God. At the time the Master was on earth, there were thousands who were willing to follow Him to be fed by the loaves and the fishes, there were thousands who were willing to be entertained by His charming voice, they were willing to be enthralled by the Spirit of His Presence and His Being, as long as it seemed completely safe and as long as it seemed that they could get something from Him. And when the idea began to develop that perhaps He would set up a Kingdom and remove the rulers of that time from their earthly thrones, there were those who were willing to follow for a little way. But as soon as there was a little pressure, all of this interest in what our Master had done and said, was shown to be largely superficial. And those who had a short time before shouted, “Hosanna to our King,” quickly melted away into the shadows and very carefully hid themselves to avoid any possible detection. Those who had eaten of the loaves and the fishes, found it expedient to be far away. Those who had been healed by His hands, had business somewhere else.
It came down finally, to His disciples. One of those disciples thinking to force the Master into a pattern of action, decided on some clever strategy, as he thought. He felt that the Master was not adequately utilizing His power, His opportunities. He felt that with a little political maneuvering, the cause of the earthly kingdom which he anticipated, would be advanced. And he became impatient with the Master. The disciples, by and large, had failed to recognize the true nature and the true purpose of the Master’s life and ministry and teaching, even though they had walked with Him in the way for around three years. And so Judas proceeded to develop an idea which he thought would be very wise. He did not imagine that he was sending his Lord to the cross when he started this bit of political maneuvering. He had it in his head, in firm conviction, that if the matter was put to a test, if an issue was forced, that Jesus would be forced to use His great power to remove the mighty from their seats and the setting up of the earthly kingdom would be thereby hastened. When Judas began to realize that our Master would not use His power in defense of Himself he saw the whole plan crumbling, he realized what he had done and remorse overcame him, and he hanged himself. A little later, after the betrayal, Peter denied Him, most followed afar off. But the most significant part of the outworking came before the actual betrayal, came before the mockery of the trial began. This was in the Garden of Gethsemane.
The Master took His eleven disciples—for one was busy about his own self-determination and he was not there—the Master took His eleven disciples and went into the Garden that is called Gethsemane, and He established eight of those disciples in one group, the base of a pyramid, of a creative triangle. He took three of those disciples a little further on, a line nearer the top of the creative triangle, then He Himself went a little further and established a point as the apex of that creative triangle. Even then, with the thousands of His would-be followers scattered and turned away, there was still an opportunity for those eleven disciples to help hold the vibrational pattern. Eight forming the base of the creative triangle, three a little nearer the apex, and the Master Himself at the apex of the triangle. But most of the disciples promptly went to sleep. Instead of watching with Him, holding the vibrational pattern, staying centered in Him, they went to sleep. Just as surely as Judas failed Him, those who went to sleep failed Him. It is not only those who deliberately fight against God in a pattern of self-determination that tend to defeat the manifestation of God on earth, but those who are so asleep, so lethargic, that they do not respond, no aliveness can be stirred into them, no sense of responsibility. They are ready to go to sleep and let God do it.
Here in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Master began a most remarkable pattern of intercession. His followers had turned away. One of His disciples was out betraying Him, and ten of the disciples were asleep. Do not imagine that all went to sleep. Someone was there to write the record, someone was there who knew what happened. The very fact that there is a record proves that they were not all asleep, but most of them were asleep, failing our Lord on earth. In the face of this, it would have been so easy for our Lord to find reasons to be discouraged. He had helped so many people, He had ministered such long hours, He had done so many things. He had spoken so many words, and here He was, alone and neglected. He had so many reasons to be discouraged. One of His disciples was out to betray Him, and there, a little ways away, He could hear the snores of disciples who were supposed to be serving with Him. They were asleep. The pattern of reaction out of the world was rushing in upon Him because those who were supposed to hold the pattern with Him were afar away or asleep. He was left defenseless. There was no one of those who were asleep or of those who were far away who had any real realization of what they were doing. And so, that hour passed. In the agony of facing the vibratory patterns of the world, the mental and emotional pressures of human reactions, human rejections, human failures, in the face of that monstrous ingratitude, there was no judging, there was no condemnation, there was no resentment, there was the same spirit and attitude which found expression from His lips later upon the cross, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” This attitude of forgiveness, this attitude of refusing to respond to all that man had done, all the rejection, allowed Him to remain perfectly centered in God the Father.
There are those who believe that Jesus on the cross said, “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” He did not make any such statement. The words are given in the Bible—“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani”—were translated by hearers who understood some Hebrew, but we must remember that the language then used was the Aramaic. It was the common language of the people, and Hebrew as such, was not generally used among the people at that time. And the Master spoke some words in the Mother Tongue, the tongue that was used in the Garden of Eden before the beginning of the Tower of Babel, and because those who stood near, generally speaking, did not hear plainly what He said, they did not understand what He said, they jumped to the unfounded conclusion that He said, “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” Such a thought did not cross His mind, such an attitude never entered His heart.
The expression that came from His lips was a recognition that darkness was covering His face and that His work on earth was done. Not once in the whole pattern did He veer from the attitude of, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” And it was because of this that He remained perfectly centered in God and was a channel through which the power of God was made manifest. He did not fail. If He had given way to resentment, or if He had felt that He was somehow separated from God, lost His attunement with God, He would not have been a channel for the manifestation of the power of God. So, in the attitude of forgiveness He was interceding for man. During this cycle, beginning in the Upper Room, continuing through the Garden of Gethsemane, and on through the mockery of the trial and to the cross, the Master was interceding.
What is intercession? Intercession is that polarity in God which stays centered in God, which keeps ill actions from producing their results in the human being who commits the wrong action; not interceding in the sense of withstanding God's judgment, but in the sense of holding so centered that wrong reactions on the part of others are not allowed to produce, in any immediate sense at least, the results which they otherwise would produce. If you meet any situation in the attitude, truly, of “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,” you are sharing in intercession.
Intercession is with respect to the vibratory patterns at work in this moment in connection with wrong actions on the part of others—any other, whoever, wherever it may be. An intercession makes null and of no effect, it nullifies, the power of evil in the moment when the evil is active, not after it is all done. The spirit of our Lord and King in the Inner Planes can have meaning on earth in relationship to intercession at this time, in this moment or in any other, only to the degree that human beings on earth yield themselves in body and mind and heart to His spirit, letting themselves be members of His Body, branches of the One Vine, so that His spirit can act on earth through human beings now, to produce intercessory function, to produce a pattern of vibratory current, an attitude, a centering, which can nullify wrong actions. But if there is to be any true intercession, that nullification must take place during the cycle of the evil action. After the cycle is completed in any given case, there is nothing to stop—it is done. Out of that something else may spring, another cycle, another vibratory pattern, and that new vibratory pattern may be dealt with by intercession, by nullifying it. But in any case, with respect to any cycle, the process of nullification must work during the cycle itself, not after it is completed, because then there is nothing you can do. If the spirit of intercession in our Lord and King, which was so gloriously manifest on earth when He was here, is to have any meaning in these days, it must be because human beings have so yielded themselves to Him, in body and mind and heart, that His spirit can work through them as members of His Body, by reason of which that nullifying power of intercession may work on earth here and now. That which is in heaven cannot have meaning on earth except as it comes to earth through human beings. And this is just as true of intercession as it is of anything else which must come down from God out of heaven into the world.
The God Being in any human being has never at any time sinned. And that God Being whether in yourself or some loved one or some friend or someone far away, that God Being is eternal and has eternal identity. That focalization of deity did not in any case sin no matter how sinful the human being may have been. According to the Master's Word, there is only one sin. There may be various patterns of evil action resulting from this one sin, but we must remember that in actual fact, there is only one sin according to the Word of Jesus Christ our Lord and King, and He said that “When the Spirit of Truth should come, he would reprove the world of sin—the one sin—of sin because they believe not on me.” The God Being, the focalization of deity in you or in anyone else, has always, without a moment's break, recognized the focalization in the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings. Not once did any God Being in any human being at any time, break from that pattern. The focalization of deity in you believes in Jesus Christ, our Lord and King. The focalization of deity in every man, woman and child on the face of the earth, without a single exception, is perfectly centered in believing in the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, and that is without exception, that has been true regardless of race or color or creed. It is true regardless of what the human being believes or does not believe. The focalization of deity in every human being who has over lived on the face of the earth has been centered in that God Being who was made manifest on earth through the body of Jesus, and that God Being has been all the way through, without a single exception, the focalization of deity for all the God Beings who have had anything to do with this world, whether the inner planes of it or the outer planes of it.
Remember that the work to which you are called is intercessory work. You have absolutely no business seeking to have a part in God’s ministry on earth unless your primary desire and determination is to share in the intercessory work on earth which finds its centering in our Lord and King. What are you doing when you give an attunement? You are beginning the work of intercession, to nullify the cycle of wrong function in body or mind or heart, to restore health which cannot be until that intercession has been allowed to have meaning right here on earth. The power of God to forgive sin and to intercede must manifest in you and through you if there is to be the manifestation of healing under your hands. For unless you, as a member of the Body of God on earth are allowing the intercessory spirit of God to work through you, and unless you are letting God’s forgiveness work through you, what you attempt to do in giving an attunement will mean utterly and absolutely nothing. If you are going to serve it must be as a member of the Christ Body or the Body of God on earth, through which the intercessory work of God, God the Father, is allowed to manifest on earth now, because God the Father sent our Lord and King into the world to begin the manifest focalization of this intercessory work, and it was made manifest in every healing that resulted from the Master’s ministry. Every time He spoke a word that calmed the turmoils in a human heart, every time that a human being responded to Him enough to let the power of God have meaning, that was intercessory work and it was a process of forgiving sin. So only as we are members of His Body, yielded to that same spirit, dedicated to that same purpose, can we now be of any value. Only as you learn to let the true spirit of intercession work through you in body and mind and heart, can you truly serve. Your business is to nullify the evil things that are. Your business is to intercede. Your business is to forgive sin. So let it be.

from The Work of the Spirit of Truth Uranda September 14, 1946
I was thinking of the first sin. Lucifer, the bright and morning star, was in heaven with the Lord. Let not the thought of heaven take you away from the earth; for in the beginning, and as it shall be in the end, heaven and earth were one. Lucifer was the bright and morning star, that which gave impulse to the expression of God on earth in a new cycle of time; for Divine man was in heaven, even though he was also on earth. Remember that. Lucifer, watching, seeing the fulness of love and devotion given to the Lord of Love, began to be arrogant; he began to be jealous of the Lord. Why should he not receive the same degree of devotion, the same degree of response, and have the same degree of influence? Why should the Lord of Love receive all the wonder of the expression of love response? Lucifer began to be jealous. He began to think that there was no reason why he should not receive at least a portion of that love response. He began to think that he was just as good as our Lord. Pride entered in, and Lucifer in heaven—heaven and earth were one—the bright and morning star, let the serpent begin to turn into the dragon. And what happened?
Michael and his angels threw him out of heaven. It mattered not who it was, Lucifer or anyone else. Lucifer and his angels were thrown out of heaven. It was not the LORD of Lords who did it. The sin was against Him who is our King. The LORD of Lords did not have to do it. Michael and his angels did it, and they did it promptly, effectively and with dispatch. Lucifer and his angels were thoroughly thrown out of heaven into the earth, that if it might be that they should repent on earth, they might, in season, return to heaven. Do you think that the one who threw Lucifer out of heaven into the earth could stand as a respecter of persons in the process of throwing the dragon out of the earth? Just as surely as the cleansing came in heaven, so must it come on earth. Time has been given, remember, but the dragon is going to be cast out of the earth also.
I have come into the world as a voice from heaven, saying: “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins.” Those who are on the Lord's side, those who will let themselves be established in Him, are being called; but those who choose to be the angels of the dragon on earth will receive no more tender mercy from Michael and his angels than they did in the first place, when it comes to the cleansing in the earth. Except the cleansing come individually, and then a still higher cleansing collectively, the cleansing of the earth will remove the individual. Lucifer and his angels undertook to fight. It was a sad mistake. If it had not been for intercession on the part of the Lord of Love Himself, Michael would not have just cast them out of heaven into the earth, they would have been annihilated.
The gratitude which has been shown to the Lord of Love through these thousands of years for His intercession, that they should be cast into the earth only, that they might repent and return, has not been such as to make one think that a great deal of mercy needs to be extended much longer. Nevertheless, in order that man might have every opportunity, after our Master came on earth and was rejected and crucified of men, Michael, to keep that act from being in vain if possible, himself took up the work of intercession; for if it had not been so, that dark day would have brought the end for the human family. That the act of the Lord of Love might mean something, that it might not be in vain, Michael Himself accepted the intercessory work for mankind for a season.
We stand at the door. Michael stands at the Gateway of the Garden, at the entrance of the kingdom, with a flaming sword that turns every way. The call has sounded: “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins.” For those who believe not on Him the blow of death is dealt them now, and that which comes will but slay the slain. The only sin is the sin of not believing on Him, and lip service and claiming to believe carries utterly no weight with the angel who stands at the gate. Either there is the return to the Father, and the bringing forth of the fruits of the Tree of Life, or there is no entering in. That is belief. And failure to believe on Him is the only sin as far as Michael is concerned, under which the world stands condemned; for all other so-called classifications of sin are merely stems or branches of that one sin, and they mean nothing. To the degree that there is response which lets the individual come closer and closer into an actual state of belief on Him, his so-called sins in the world amount to nothing as far as the intercessor for the human race is concerned. But if they believe not on Him, all the claims of all the self-righteous ones on the face of the earth amount to nothing. All the works you have done, no matter how much you have thought you served Him, or how much you have given supposedly in the name of the Lord, mean utterly nothing unless they be the fruit of belief on Him—that is, the revelation of the Father and the bringing forth of the fruits of the Tree of Life on earth. That is the necessity. It cannot be done in human strength.
Only in love response to Him whom the world has rejected can it be done, and that stands as the one requirement. When human beings stop rejecting Him and stop crucifying Him, they are welcomed at the Gate, but if any shall think to enter in past that flaming sword that turns every way without having actually believed on Him, they follow after the figment of a fanciful dream. “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first,” applies here to that first sin: “They believe not on me.” And so these things are said in the infinite love of God, according to the absolute nature of the pattern of truth, in the simplest possible form. The battle is not done as far as the clearing away is concerned, but the victory has already been won. It is merely a matter of waiting to see who will share that victory. The hand of the angel has long been stayed.
As you begin to realize these things vividly and truly, you have a deeper realization with respect to your calling as a member of the One Christ Body on earth. The utter impudence of man in presuming to continue to hold back in the face of all that is done does not augur well for man. But all of you may have opportunity in the closing days of this cycle, and to the degree that you actually realize the responsibility that is yours as a member of the One Christ Body you will see that, now, this Christ Body is a form in which the Spirit of Love and the Spirit of Truth are incarnate together at the same time in the one form, that the polarities may be established and the work of intercession may continue for a little time—for the angel with the sword, when he begins his work, will not be interceding for anyone, and except there be intercession, who should remain? This is that to which you are called, and except you be cleansed, how should you stand untouched of that sword? If you be not cleansed until you are touched of the sword, how should you intercede for any? It is so ordained. No man can alter or change it except for himself, choosing as to where he shall stand: either upon the rock or the sinking sand.
from The Lord of Truth's Commission Uranda September 10, 1946
I have called you, and chosen you, and drawn you to this hour because you were willing to come just as you were. That is all that was required, all that was asked—that you hear the call—that you respond—that you come, as you were. And so you came. It is not that you would gain some great place in the Kingdom, that you have come. It is not because you have been promised anything that you are here. It is simply because you are willing to love the Lord, in pure devotion to our King. And you are not the only ones who share in this hour, for there are many who are closely with us in Spirit, and all those responding ones whom you and they represent, have a share in this hour.
The time is at hand when it shall be revealed as to whether the Lord of Love came into the world and finished His work in vain or not. I think that they haven't been in vain. It has been revealed throughout history—certainly for six thousand years, if anyone questions the length of history—that he who depends upon man depends upon a broken reed, but he who puts his trust in God finds that God never fails. You have come to know that the Lord He is the God, and the power of the Living God is a reality in the earth; not something hoped for in some vague and distant future, but something that, here and now, is accomplishing His will on earth. It is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.
The perversity of the human will which undertakes to contest the Almighty! When the cycles changed and when the New Age began, the LORD of Lords Himself came into the earth. He walked among men; He revealed the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He gave instruction and training. The world rejected Him—that was to be more or less expected—but even that nucleus of disciples whom he had called and trained and who had seen Him perform the wonderful works, failed to carry through, according to the vibration which He established. They decided that they knew more than He did about how to use the power of God, and they spoiled it and doomed the world to the Dark ages, and all the misery, suffering and death that has been for nearly two thousand years. Once more, the way is opened; the provision of the Lord is made manifest and, regardless of pain or suffering, sadness or heartache, regardless of world reactions, rejections, denunciations, oppositions and criticisms, we have come to this hour.
All that was offered to the children of Israel, all that was offered to the disciples of Jesus Christ when He was on earth, is offered to you tonight. What will we do with such opportunity, such privilege, such responsibility? Three times within the scope of five thousand years man has been given an opportunity, through the Love of God—three times in five thousand years—and you share tonight in the third time. All that was offered the first time, all that was offered the second time, is offered the third time, and the last time. The third and last time is offered to the world through you. These are not things to be lightly considered. They are not to be weighed in the balance with personal things or desires. They cannot be evaluated by human standards. You, more than any others who have shared in the opportunities before you, are utterly without excuse, if there be any failure to recognize that which is involved in the outworking of the Plan of God on earth.
You are truly beginning to open yourselves so that the King of Glory can come in. “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; (and ye everlasting truths) and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.” What are the gates? They are the gates of your human mind. What are the everlasting truths? They are the realms of the heart, that capacity in you to feel and to know Love, if you let it be so; and if you do not you will use it to feel and to know the things of hell. And so it is with all the world. You cannot keep from using your capacity to feel, for you will feel that to which you are attuned, that to which you respond, that to which you give your attention. These are the everlasting truths that must be opened up and, as the gates and the doors are opened, the King of Glory comes in. “Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory.”
As you open yourselves to the Lord of Love and abide in attunement to Him, you have nought to fear from the Lord of Truth, for perfect love casts out all fear. But the Lord of Truth carries a sharp, two-edged sword, and the unreal will be cut away if it means the cutting off of every man, woman and child upon the face of the whole earth. The unreal is doomed to oblivion, where it belongs; and tonight I stand before you, not so much the Representative of the Lord of Love, but as that one who carries the Sword, and with the Word that gives assurance that the unreal is doomed if it means the damnation of the whole human family. God is no respecter of persons. The Sword of Truth will accomplish that whereunto it is sent—whether in the body, or out of the body. It matters little in that fulfilment if the human family chooses oblivion. Though the world might destroy this body, it cannot destroy me. But I can destroy the world, and I will if it is necessary in order to destroy evil from the face of the whole earth. Michael and his angels have fought in Heaven, and Michael and his angels now fight upon the planes of this world. The same Victory is assured. There has been a long period of waiting. There has been a long period in which the Lord of Love has opened the way, and in which the Lord of Truth has shared, and by intercession, giving man every opportunity.
I have carried the polarization for you for this cycle that closes. I cannot do it in the cycle that opens. Your own polarity in unified love response to the Lord of Love must sustain you, if you are to be sustained. On two commandments hang all the law and the prophets; on the fulfilment of the two commandments you are sustained; and without the obedience to these two commandments, there is nothing in the world that can hold you up. It is a case of either—or else. And remember, you cannot disobey the second commandment if you obey the first one; so if you obey the first commandment—just one commandment—victory through you is absolutely certain, as certain as the sound of My Voice. My Voice has sounded in the world down through those thousands of years many times, in many ways, and the world has been inclined to take little heed. Human beings are such forgetful creatures. They think the signs of God should be repeated unto them every ten minutes, to keep them polarized for nine minutes.
Tonight, I do not speak to you as a man. Tonight, I do not speak to you as the Representative of the LORD of Lords, although I am that—but tonight I speak to you in my own right, in my own Place. You know how I love you, and have loved you, how I have ministered unto you in the Way. No service has been too small for me to render to you; no time of waiting has been too long as long as I secured results within the time limits of the Cosmos itself. But tonight, I speak to you the pure Word of Truth, and if it be filled with Love, it is because you are attuned in Love to the Lord of Love. That does not mean that there is no Love in me, but it does mean that there is nothing harder than the Rock of Reality.

Whether I appear in this form or some other matters little to me, except that I would love, more than I can tell you, to see you whom I have loved share in the Victory. But there is not any question about the Victory. The only question is as to who is going to share in it, and I cannot make you share in it. I am capable—and I think the history of the past five thousand years proves it—of doing my part. The LORD of Lords certainly is capable of doing His part. Under His Love, attuned to our King, you are capable of doing your part. But without that attunement, it is hopeless for you, not for me. I have come to you and opened to you, for your consideration, the Word of God that is called the Bible. I have explained it to you from cover to cover. I have talked to you about it. I wrote most of it. There is not an important era of history recorded there, but what I shared it with the children of men. The Word is being fulfilled, and shall be fulfilled, either through human beings, or in spite of them.
With God, it is not a question of maybe. In the outworking of the Cosmic cycles, man has been given every possible opportunity. Under those Cosmic cycles that are set and ordained by the GOD of Gods, there can be no more unnecessary delay. The time is running out, and the LORD of Lords cannot, even if He would, extend that time. He would not, yea, could not, within the scope of Reality; and He is not going to violate that by petitioning the GOD of Gods for any further delay. Mankind has continued blindly in his path of self-activity until he is very near the final wall. If human beings knew how close they are to oblivion, they would not sleep very comfortably tonight, unless they knew the Peace of God. The atom bomb is terrible; but it is not as terrible as the wrath of God; it is not as sure and certain as the Sword of Truth.
Before God and man, I can say that under our King, through those thousands of years, I have done everything possible to open the Way of Salvation for man, so that man might walk therein. I have gone through such life cycles for the last time. I have no regrets with regard to any of them. Each time I have come in Love. But it is not my doing when I say for the last time, and it is with all the Love and Reverence for God that can be expressed in words that I say it, for the Cosmos moves in its appointed cycles. If man wishes to move with it, he must attune to it.
The earth in going to be cleansed of evil. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should have everlasting life. It is for this cause that our King Himself came into the world, He Whom I love more than all else. And I have seen Him suffer; I have seen Him rejected and crowned with thorns; I have seen Him stagger under the cross; and I have seen Him hanging there in that awful hour of darkness, when the world sealed its own doom. But I saw Him come forth from that tomb the Victor. He who holds the Sword of Truth will see to it that the world that responds not to Him receives according to the judgment wherewith it judged. Every knee shall bow before Him, and every lip shall acknowledge Him.
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