February 27, 2017

Transformation and Transmutation

Heavenly  Heredity

from   Transformation  and  Transmutation

Martin Cecil   May 13, 1979

It is good that we should have these times when we may be together in this Chapel setting, keenly aware of our purpose, for we do come together in such a gathering for particular creative purposes. Something of a special nature may be experienced and initiated at such times, even though we never cease to be a part of a creative process. There is a time for everything under the sun. Wherever we may happen to be in the geographical sense we still participate in this one creative process. We may be reminded of this in a very specific sense as we gather here this evening, for instance. But we also know that while we are here present in person there are a lot of others who participate with us in this creative process but who are not here. We all share in this one unfolding purpose.

We see the effects of it round about. We enfold those effects but we do not judge them. Sometimes the effects of which we become aware are very close at hand; sometimes we observe them further afield. In no case do we judge or condemn. We simply enfold. We are in position to do this to the extent that we have allowed the generation of spiritual substance, which I suppose we might call a life plasma. It is only generated by living, and when it is generated it allows the greater experience of life. This we have seen as the substance of connection, rightly, with God and also the substance of action, rightly, from God into the world. The connection and the action all occur in this realm of spiritual substance or life plasma. Life plasma is very compelling because it provides the medium for the easy working of the Law within the range of human experience in a very particular and personal way. We may speak of the working of the Law in terms of radiation and response. Radiation moves freely through this substance when it is present, providing the connection. The radiation extends out in action. Response moves freely also through this substance, emphasizing the aspect of connection.

So the creative cycle works freely and easily as there is this essential life plasma present, and in the working there comes an intensification. This substance we have seen as the substance of fire, the substance which allows for transformation and transmutation. If the world is to be transformed then the substance must be present for it to happen; otherwise what is occurring in the world leads toward greater and greater disintegration. As we have noted before, there have been many civilizations in the past which moved into oblivion. Nowadays people sometimes dig up a few of the remains here and there and speculate about what was; but most of the remains are still covered from the sight of human beings—maybe the ocean has something to do with this. Certainly within the scope of this present civilization which has arisen over the last few thousand years there have been aspects of it that have risen up and then disintegrated. Nations and empires have come and gone but the overall state is still here. However there are many signs of disintegration. We might be able to envision a cataclysmic collapse of some kind somewhere along the way, or just a gradual falling apart. Take your pick!

There is a need, certainly obvious enough, for a transformation of some kind if mankind is to survive. We understand that this transformation comes not by physical effort or intellectual effort but by the spirit of the Lord. It comes by the Word. All things are made by the Word and without the Word is not anything made that was made and that is now made. So we have seen our responsibility relative to the Word. Our participation in the expression of that Word in our living is absolutely dependent upon this life plasma—the extent of its generation, the extent of our connection in the personal sense and the extent to which this substance of connection overflows to fill our worlds so that our worlds may be immersed in this substance. Then there is the means for transformation. The transformation occurs by reason of the Word and not by reason of human manipulation of any kind.

I think if you examine your own experience with honesty, even now, you will be aware of the fact that you tend still to be manipulative. This is partly because of fear, imagining that if you were not, things would obviously go from bad to worse. However all too often, I am sure, from your past experience you know that when you manipulate they go from bad to worse too. Of course manipulation is undertaken in order to produce a more satisfactory state of security for oneself or for one's family or society or whatever it may be. So some manipulation certainly continues in our own experience. Perhaps it is less than in the experience of most, but we are not really looking for less manipulation but for the dissolution of manipulation altogether, so that everything is allowed to work on the basis of this substance which provides the material for the living forms in what may be referred to as heaven, the living forms brought forth by the Word.

From the usual human view these forms are invisible. This is rather fortunately so; otherwise there would be manipulation no doubt, relative to those forms; and indeed there has been to some extent, but not in the true heaven. In what may be called black magic an invisible realm is involved, the realm of evil spirits I suppose you could call it: the spirits of fear and greed, the spirits of material lust of various sorts. There are those who are more proficient at working in this realm to manipulate their fellows. It is being done all the time. That is the first heaven, which needs to pass away, and the first earth with it. The first earth is merely a reflection of that manipulative heaven. But we see a new heaven and are assured of a new earth, because the earth simply reveals the heaven. Heaven and earth are one. If it is the true heaven then the true earth is revealed. The true heaven is impossible of emergence into experience except as there is substance to give it form—spiritual substance we might call it.

When this substance is present, the true substance of the new heaven is present sufficiently to enfold our worlds, then there is a compulsion present in our worlds which will have its effect. The effect, as we have noted before, is of two kinds. A person may respond to the radiation which is moving through this substance and consequently transformation may begin to occur in that individual's experience. You yourselves have known something of this. Some rather miraculous things have occurred with some; others have remained a little sluggish; but it all depends on response, the intensity of it, the passion of it. If there is a really passionate response there is a really miraculous transformation. If the response is of a take-it-or-leave-it nature, not very much occurs. At the other end of the spectrum there are those who oppose. They feel the radiation, they don't know what it is, but they are agin it. As long as such an attitude is persisted in there is only one thing possible of occurrence: the substance contained in the form of opposition will have to move to a level where it may be included in response. If that is the substance of the human body then of course it moves back into the dust, participating thereby in the second resurrection, sooner or later. Fundamentally, then, the two possibilities here are Yes or No.  Something like a computer, isn't it? We either say Yes or we say No. If we say Yes genuinely then transformation occurs in the form as it presently exists. If we say No, transformation occurs but that transformation takes the substance out of the form that presently exists.

Of course there is an area in between here which contains altogether the largest quantity of substance. There are those who say Yes and there are those who say No, but there are some in between who may be spoken of as neither hot nor cold. This is the vast majority, or it has been in the world. As long as there are those in human form capable of hesitating between two opinions, this large body of nothing remains. But there is something else here that comes into the picture, in these days at least, and that is the fact that there are those who, having said Yes, are beginning to participate in the increasing generation of the required substance—not only the generation of it but the intensification of it. The temperature is raised.

The fire becomes more fiery. This is the fire which initially allows for transformation, but as the temperature is raised it comes to the point where what may be referred to as transmutation can occur. In using this word at the moment I have reference to a change in the experience of what is called heredity. We all start out with an earthly heredity. This has been defined, in the human intellect at least, mostly in physical terms. There are the genes and the chromosomes, the DNA and the RNA, all this which is supposed to explain earthly heredity. But of course there is something more than these physical factors present. There is a matter of this substance of which I have been speaking. It is present in some measure, as we recognize already, or we would not be sitting here assuming that we are alive. So there is this life plasma related to the genes, to the chromosomes, to the DNA, to the RNA, to everything else that is present in our physical bodies. We have noted that this substance in present human experience has been considerably distorted by reason of human behavior disconnected from the truth, from God, from the reality of life. So earthly heredity has perpetuated lots of trouble—the sins of the fathers have been visited upon the children even unto the third and fourth generation, and way beyond. It could be said that we all suffer from this universal disease, the disease of earthly heredity. It takes different forms but it is the same disease.

It is interesting to note that all the various disturbances which human beings experience and call disease are really one disease. This is why when some particular form of the disease is conquered it springs out in some other form, because the disease is still there. It has not been eliminated at all; it just takes a different form, that is all. And there is an endless struggle therefore to conquer all disease so that everyone might be healthy. Nobody knows what health is anyway. But could it be imagined that all disease could ever be conquered on this basis? Nobody understands yet what disease is. All that is being struggled with is in the realm of effects. Symptoms are sometimes corrected. I am sure you have found that when some of your symptoms have been corrected in a certain area it is not long before you have symptoms in some other area that need correcting again. So you go back and forth, up and down, round and round, usually just going down a little each time. So there is a universal disease now with which human beings everywhere are afflicted: the disease of earthly heredity. This in other terms, religious terms, is sometimes called original sin. We have spoken of it as human nature. Most people are inclined to admit that human nature cannot be changed; in other words we could never cure it, we could never shuck off this disease. Well we need to understand what the disease is, and we have some awareness in this regard of course.

Earthly heredity, which is incorporated into what human beings are in the external sense, cannot be cured by any technique devised by the human intellect. It doesn't recognize earthly heredity as being a disease anyway. It is a disease that always proves fatal in the end. Sometimes people can limp along quite a while. The means for the healing of the nations of the world of mankind is found in this life plasma, which, when it is generated and allowed to ascend to every vibrational level that is actually present here in the world and in each individual, may provide the facility for intensified radiation, the radiation which springs from the spirit of God by reason of the expression of the Word. So there is intensified radiation, because there is the substance of connection through which the radiation may operate. That intensification continues to the extent that there is response. The cycle must be completed. The intensification of response, which is the passionate love for the Word, permits the intensification of radiation; the temperature of this substance is raised. It begins to have an effect upon the distorted substance that may be present, vibrational substance still, relative to earthly heredity.

We are not considering operating on the genes or changing the chemicals in the DNA chain in some valuable fashion. We don't operate at that level. We are not operating at the physical level or at the mental level but from the standpoint of spirit, because what needs to be accomplished can only be accomplished by spirit. No amount of mental effort or physical effort can get the job done. I think we are here associated with this ministry because we realize that—even though we still have a lingering attitude present in ourselves, related to earthly heredity no doubt—that we need to do a little bit of manipulation at least to keep the ball rolling. Surely it could never be assumed that even if the whole human race was wiped out the universe would cease to exist. Something would continue, would it not? Everything would continue, almost everything. Whether man would be missed or not, of course, is another question. But with the intensification of radiation moving freely through this substance, because the substance is present, there is naturally and rightly an intensification of response.

This morning, I was speaking about that intensification of response. It is not really a matter of human beings deciding, “Well now I'm going to really intensify my response.” If you are open in the right direction and yielding in that direction, the intensification of response comes automatically because of the intensification of radiation. It is not generated, it is not manipulated; it simply happens. It is a part of the working of the Law.

I mentioned the word yielding. The yielding of course relates to human consciousness, our own in particular. This must be allowed to yield. There are many people who have recognized some necessity in this regard and have devised various means, various techniques, to participate in this yielding process. There are many methods of meditation, for instance, that have been designed over the millennia. Some of them may seem to be a little more modern but these things have been going on for millennia. They have never produced anything. Of course the idea is that here is a technique that may be useful to cure some of the diseases that human beings have, to make them more healthy human beings, more able to wreak destruction because of their improved health. I don't think the end and aim actually is to improve the health of human beings. It is to participate in this creative process of transformation and transmutation, so that when that is complete we don't have human beings anymore as they are now—in other words we don't have any hereditary human beings exhibiting their earthly heredity all over the place.

The earthly heredity needs to be dissolved.

There isn't any way that human beings can figure out to do this. There is some consideration being given by certain ones, I believe, to the possibility of developing some sort of superperson, again by the manipulation of the genes, etc. What a horrible thought! Human beings are bad enough as it is. No, we see a different way, which is not dependent at all upon human manipulation. It is simply consequent upon the true design of life, a true design which already exists but which has been blocked from actual experience, insofar as human beings are concerned, by their subjection to earthly heredity. We understand this. We know that human beings, ourselves included, are or have been subject to earthly heredity. And in some measure we all still are. We realize that this can be transcended, not particularly by meditation but by the quality of our living regardless of our earthly heredity, so that the earthly heredity is not allowed to dominate the scene. It is still on hand but something else emphasizes itself increasingly.

This experience comes by reason of the working of the Law: radiation, response. Substance is generated. It is then intensified, and it is this intensification which transforms human experience. In spite of earthly heredity still being present it transforms human experience. As I have already noted, it has transformed your experience to whatever extent, and that extent is based in the degree of passion in your response. So the transformation occurs in the world the way it now is. This is part of what might be called the process of resurrection. New life begins to be experienced because a new consciousness begins to be experienced. At a certain point the temperature may be raised sufficiently to allow for the cycles of transmutation. This relates to the dissolution of earthly heredity so that the factors of earthly heredity are no longer present. That doesn't leave a blank: “Oh dear, no heredity” Where would we be without any heredity? We would be nothing. It brings something else into the picture which may well be called heavenly heredity—a heredity that is of far longer standing than earthly heredity, for the heavenly heredity has always been there. The earthly heredity only put in an appearance somewhere back along the way when man started to misbehave himself. Well that needs to be disposed of, to be dissolved, to be changed; and I refer to this experience as transmutation. I am not suggesting that transmutation is going to occur tomorrow. I think there is quite a bit of transformation that can still happen that has not yet happened, and until it has happened there is not much likelihood of transmutation.

I merely point to this to indicate something of an ongoing experience, carrying into a level which is completely beyond the comprehension of the human mind. It doesn't know anything about it; it cannot understand it; and it certainly cannot explain it. Insofar as the human mind is concerned it is a process and an experience that doesn't really exist. Well I suppose such a view might be taken as being valid until someone, somewhere, experiences it. Of course it has been experienced in a very particular sense by the One called Jesus. So it is not an unknown experience actually, even though it may be quite inexplicable. Lots of people have tried to explain the resurrection and the ascension but no one has succeeded in making any sense out of it. So the majority of people either take it on faith or say that it was impossible, it never happened. Well let's not argue about it. Let's just experience what it is. That is the only valid thing, isn't it? And if we have known some transformation heretofore, why couldn't there be any more? I presume we all have hopes that there may be some more. We are not altogether satisfied with the present state of affairs—I hope not anyway. Let the cycle continue, but there must be the substance present if there is to be radiation. When there is radiation then there may be response, when the substance is present.

The radiation has never in fact been absent but it has been disconnected from human beings to a very large extent, for lack of substance. Now the substance comes into the picture; the radiation increases in our experience. It doesn't actually increase—it is always radiation, whatever it is—but it increases in our experience because of the substance. Because it increases in our experience we find ourselves compelled to say Yes with a greater enthusiasm, with a greater zeal, with a greater passion. Or on the other hand we are impelled to say No with greater zeal and with greater enthusiasm and with greater passion. And those who are in the middle, in the lukewarm state, find that they cannot stay lukewarm, because things are being hotted up; and you find that the Yes end begins to expand and the No end begins to expand, taking in more of the middle, until finally they meet in the middle and there is no more room there for anyone. Everything is spewed out. The lukewarm state is spewed out altogether. There is the state of Yes or No: “I would thou wert cold or hot.” Yes! This is our reply, I am sure. But there are those who say No, and that is fine too. It all contributes to the transformation.

There is no need to speculate about it. All we should do is to experience it for ourselves in an increasing sense. Let the substance be intensified in our experience. When it is intensified there is more generation of that substance, and there is more to spill over into our worlds, until our worlds are completely immersed in this creative substance. Then the temperature of the substance is raised in our worlds increasingly. The transformation continues until all that can be transformed is transformed—I suppose in the larger sense we would say when everybody has either said Yes or No. Here is the separation of the sheep from the goats. Here a line is being drawn on earth, and when the line is clear-cut then the transmutation can occur. As it was put: “The Lord ... is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance,” that all should make a choice.  And there is a point somewhere where everybody has made a choice, everybody who is present on earth at that time. And because there are those who say Yes here, there and everywhere on the face of the earth—this is not restricted in any way to race, color or anything else—because there are those who say Yes, then the good news is preached in all the world. At that point the end comes—in other words the transmutation comes. It is not of much value as far as we are concerned now to try to figure out what that means or what the experience would be, because nobody knows anyway until it happens. Isn't that right? We can speculate about many experiences but we don't know what they are until they actually happen in our experience. Then we know. So that is what we are concerned with.

I rejoice that we might take a look at those things which we have considered together this evening, simply because there is sufficient substance to do it, but let us not assume that because we have taken a glance at something we now know what it is. What we do know, or what we may know, is that here is indication of an ongoing creative cycle. All we actually know of this creative cycle is what we experience now. Let us let our present experience be what it may well be because of the substance which is present, because of the increased radiation which is with us, so that we may allow an increase of response thereto. So the substance is generated and intensified and all things work together to perfection. That is a good way of describing it!

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