May 30, 2021

In Your Temple Of Light

In  Your  Temple  Of  Light

Uranda   March 8, 1937

Beloved Fellow Ministers in the Temple of Light: Joyously I salute you in the Temple of Light which is Heaven on earth, even the Temple of the Lord of the Three Planes Who stands before the LORD of Lords as the High Priest of the whole earth. This Reality of Being is likewise revealed within each one of you: for your Heaven within you is your Temple of Light wherein your Spiritual Consciousness is the Priest of your Temple before your Lord Who is your Father within you.

Since the beginning of Creation, the Cosmic Position in the Whole, Holy World for each God Being has been set according to the Harmonization in the Lines of Force whereby the World was created, and the Master Self, or Lord, of each Body Temple in the earth has an appointed part and place therein; for this is that which is rightly called Heaven. So it is that the Kingdom of Heaven, or the Christ Kingdom, has been set up since the beginning of Creation and is the Foundation of the world.

As the Blessed Ones who are responding to their Lords, are drawn through the Christ Love into a Consciousness of Reality, the Body Temples involved are drawn into polarity in the Father, and then the Body Temple begins to be directed by the Father's Perfect Will, and is no longer influenced by the human will of the fallen consciousness. When the Body-World responds in Love to the Lord the Divinely Inspired Spiritual Consciousness, or Christ Mind, appears in the Body-World of the individual, and from that time onward the Lamb, or Christ Radiance of the Lord thereof, is the Light of that Body-World, and there is no more need for external light upon which human beings in the fallen state have depended.

In this the Blessed One realizes that the Spiritual Consciousness, which is the Christ Mind, symbolized by the New Jerusalem, “Comes down from God out of Heaven.” God, the Father—your Father—is in Heaven within you. The Light of your New Earth must come down from your Lord, and cannot be secured by any striving or struggling process of study, and addition to the carnal mind by human effort. When your Body-World is fully responsive in Love to your Lord, instead of being responsive to, and controlled by, all the things and conditions of the outer world, your New Jerusalem comes forth from your Lord, and your body becomes your New Earth in the Light of your God.

So it is that your Body-World is drawn into oneness in and with the Cosmic Place to which your Master-Self, or Lord, is ordained. Then you are functioning in perfect harmony and co-ordination with all other God Beings. As the God Beings of each Plane are Focalized in the Lord of that Plane, and the Seven Lords of the Seven Planes are the Elohim, with the Focal Lords of the six lower Planes all focalized in full response in and to the LORD of Lords Who is the LORD OUR GOD Who manifested in and as Jesus; it becomes evident that the Three Inner Planes are Positive to the Three Outer Planes, and that these Six Planes are contained within, and infused with, the Seventh Plane which is the One Plane that blends all the other Planes.

The Three Inner Planes are, for this world, the rightful expression of Father God, and the Three Outer Planes are the rightful spheres of Mother-God-Being. All God Beings functioning in the Three Outer Planes, or Worlds, are all contained within Mother God, and are focalized in the Lord of the Sacred Three, Who, as High Priest of the Three Negative Worlds, is fully responsive to, and focalized in, the LORD of Lords, Who is the LORD of the Sacred Seven. So it is that the LORD of the Sacred Seven is the Focal Point of Father God in the Whole, Holy World and the Lord of the Sacred Three, as the Focal Point of Mother God, is centered in Negative Response to the LORD of Lords.

As you respond to your Lord, allowing His Spirit to reveal to you the reality of this Vision of Being, you will see and understand the direct correspondence between your Body-World and the Whole, Holy World, and you will know how it is that man is created “in the image and likeness of God.” Beholding this Vision of Reality and the Glory of Being, you see how easy it is to let your Father’s Will be done in and through you by reason of your full and free Love Response to Him, that you may “let your light so shine.”

Rejoicing with you that it is so

I AM Uranda

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