I thought I would begin to mix in some other material, in a sense parenthetical but in a sense not. Servers, no matter what their sphere of service, need very much to be aware of the trends of movement in the world pattern. It is not enough for us to merely learn to check and more-or-less determine the trends of movement and working in the physical body of the individual. We need to keep a finger on the pulse, not only of persons and groups and communities, but our nation particularly, and the other nations in the world so that we may be able to function intelligently in relationship to the vibratory factors involved in the world body of humanity. It is not so much from a political standpoint that we are interested in all of these things, but because we are a part of the world body of humanity and because our function is primarily to serve that world body of humanity, and we must be able to comprehend, and analyze, and appreciate the factors that are at work in relationship to this world body of humanity.
I have here an article entitled, “Red China's Man With A Long Rope,” and this is taken from the April 26 issue of the Denver Post, and written by Lawrence Martin who is associate editor of the Denver Post. It Is obviously a compilation of facts and factors and I would like to read it to you this morning as one point of analysis in relationship to the influences at work in the body of humanity.
[Uranda read the article, which outlined political, economic, and social dynamics brought forward by Chairman Mao Tse Tung and the Chinese Communist Party in 1954, as they related to the foment of internal and geo-political chaos with far-reaching implications for the world body of mankind—Russia, Korea, Taiwan, America, and for the Body of the Son of God in particular. The article isn't reproduced here but it can be heard on the YouTube audio recording —
YouTube Audio
There is the article. And as we have been studying some of the peculiar patterns of outworking in world history back at the time of the beginning of the Children of Israel, we have watched some of the trends that were taking form at that time, some of the vibrational factors at work, we should be in better position to see something of the significance contained in this brief analysis.
Whatever we do, whatever we undertake in the creative pattern of our service, we have to take those things into consideration. If we, here, a small group in Eden Valley, undertake to function in a pattern which disregards these factors in Asia, we will defeat ourselves. We need to understand something of the factors at work in Europe and other parts of the world. We need to recognize something of the foment of human feeling and attitude which has come to the surface in Africa. We need to understand something of the nature of the feeling, the attitude, the trends at work in India. We need to pause and consider the effect on our Program in the western hemisphere in some of the South American countries, some dictatorship patterns. Americans are sometimes inclined to feel that the revolutions and upsets in the pattern in some South American countries mean little. But all of these things are factors in the world pattern and we should not ever forget them.
We need to have a deep awareness of the problems that confront the world as a whole, our own nation in particular, in relationship to communism. But the evil of communism is not the only evil that is at work in the world. When we were going through the pattern of history established in world foment working around Hitler and Mussolini, we were familiar with the word “fascist”—that the fascist patterns are not dead. There may have been an operation and something of the malignant tumor may have been removed from the world body, but the roots of it were not, and it is not dead. There are these malignant growths in the world body, cancerous in nature, and inevitably, if they are not controlled and dealt with, they would produce the death of the world body.
From the standpoint of dealing with malignancies is recognized in relationship to the individual that the sooner, whatever treatment is going to be utilized, it is begun, the better. When we look at it in this way we realize that while there may be some ways of relieving, or in a limited sense curing, some malignancies, fundamentally, in relationship to the world body, we are dealing with an incurable disease. From the standpoint of the world body itself, it is an incurable disease. Only under the hand of the Great Physician can the world body begin to be healed. And once we begin to truly sense our own relatedness in service and living, to all of these factors in the world body, we can see that supporting, by our attitudes and functions, even the tiny rootlets of that which appears in its extreme form, in communism [or Fascism] for instance, puts us in a position where we cannot deal with such things effectively.
We have been considering recently, some of the principles involved in relationship to purity of heart and this should emphasize the vital, practical need for that purity. If we would serve effectively in relationship to the world body which is so in need of the ministrations of the Great Physician, we must ourselves let these tiny rootlets in the emotional realm be cleansed away, cleared out; for if we cannot let the rootlets be healed in ourselves, cleared away, made to be of no effect, removed, how can we hope to be of any value as instruments in the hand of the Great Physician to perform the essential operation, removing the malignancies which beset the world body of humanity. There are so many things we might examine from the standpoint of the world picture. We will not take too much time at the moment, on that score.
One other point that we must of necessity begin to consider in relationship to these trends and attitudes, and that is the influences of religious concepts. But you will recognize that it would have been futile to attempt such an analysis or examination of factors at work in the world body, until we, as a Class, had reached a point where we could begin to clearly see the factors, the basic factors of the Divine Pattern with which human beings must learn to conform. Otherwise it is merely a process of comparing on a basis of personal opinion, preference and prejudice, one religion with another, and the analysis gets nowhere.
There are many people in the world who have a remarkable grasp of religious history and they can tell you about the various trends and cycles and dates and what-have-you, but the value is not there because they have no basic norms with which to compare that which has been and that which is; and they have no clear recognition of that which ought to be. And so gradually our own studies have been bringing us to a point where we could comprehend the basic principles which should be in operation in the world body of humanity. Then we can begin to see the variations, the tangent patterns, the distractions, the things that spoil, and we can begin to know how to deal with such things. It is not enough merely to gain a reasonably accurate vision of the basic principles of the Divine Pattern.
We must reach a point where we recognize the nature of man's variations and his deviations so that we can intelligently work to correct them. Merely acknowledging them, merely seeing them is of no value. Attempting to arbitrarily upset them or override them, accomplishes nothing. We must learn how to deal wisely with them.