Mysteries of Eternity — Ascending Spiral
Uranda December 16, 1943
we move in the ever ascending Cycles of the Eternal, we relax under the influence of the Holy Spirit so that we may, one and all, be easily led into
All Truth. We are doing our part in letting the Truth bring the Freedom of
Reality into manifestation for all the Faithful Ones upon the face of the
earth. When we let go in the Current of the Spirit, which is itself Eternal, we
find it easy to begin to comprehend the so-called Mysteries of Eternity.
You are
well aware of the fact that all creative processes move in cycles; that
Eternity itself is symbolized by the circle, which is without beginning and
without end: and that from the standpoint of the Divine that which is under the
influence of creative processes is never static. From the time that activity is
set up in the unformed, the substance so produced continues through a constant
process of adjustment, change and progress that is not at any time completely
static—although from the human standpoint it might seem that the substance in
rock, for instance, might properly be called a static formation.
The magnitude of the Cosmic Cycle of Creation is
beyond the immediate comprehension of the human mind; nevertheless, the human
mind can understand that, regardless of the magnitude of the dimensions
involved, there is such a Cycle. The
Cosmic Cycle is so huge that it includes the fullness of All that Is, and within that Cosmos our universe constitutes
but one of tens of thousands of universes. The Creative Cycle of our Universe
is of such magnitude that there is no need, at this time at least, to attempt
to grasp the distances and the time elements involved—but within the Creative
Cycle of our Universe we have the Creative Cycle of our own solar system, which
relates directly to us and to the world in which we live. In the Creative
Cycles of our own solar system, and particularly of our own world, we find that
which we can, under the influence of the Spirit, begin to comprehend and understand.
When we consider the progression of the Creative
Cycles of Being, it must be understood that up
and down, or lower and higher, are
relative terms which must not be confused with the ordinary usage of the terms up and down as they relate to a given point on the earth's surface. As the
earth revolves, a given point at the equator in relationship to a given point
exactly opposite on the equator, or, in other words, one-half the distance
around the earth, will be up part of the day in relationship to the second
point, and down part of the day in relationship to the second point—up and down at a given point on the earth's surface may be
opposite to the same use of the same terms at another point on the earth's

To further illustrate this important point, we
recognize that the progression of the Creative Cycle is in the nature of an Ascending Spiral rather than in the nature of a fixed circle. If we have an
ascending spiral, the upper part of which is lost from view in distant
infinity, but the lower part of which is directly before our vision, and we run
a vertical line from the starting point upward along one edge of the spiral, we
will note that movement beginning at the lower end of the spiral and moving
along the spiral will, after the first cycle, come to the vertical line, or a
point directly above the starting point. In this case, the movement has been in
the form of a circle, and the completion of the circle is at the same vertical
point as the beginning. So for ordinary practical purposes the circle, being
without beginning and without ending, illustrates Eternity, but as the vision
expands and understanding increases, we cease looking at the bottom of the
spiral which seems to be a circle only, and we look at the side of the spiral
where the ascending vibration of the Creative Cycles becomes evident. To the
degree that this illustration is clearly comprehended, the endless nature of
Eternity becomes less mysterious.
The Creative Spiral for this world began at the
point of the beginning of the creation of this world. This beginning point was
selected, not in an arbitrary manner, but with a full recognition of the relationship
of all the Cosmic Forces focalized into that given point through the creative
triangles of the Universe and of the Cosmos as they relate to this solar
system, and as they were focalized with respect to our Sun at the point where
creation was to begin. It is not expected that you will be able to fully
understand all that this implies, but to the degree that you do understand it,
the logical nature of the processes of creation will become increasingly
evident to you.
Remember that everything which is accomplished from
a Cosmic standpoint through the Creative Power of God is worked out on the
basis of mathematical certainties in relationship to fundamental Principles and
Laws, and with a full recognition of the nature and strength of the Cosmic
Currents and Forces which are focalized in any given activity. If you remember
that God does not do anything on a haphazard basis, or by reason of whim and
fancy, but that, rather, all Divine and Spiritual things are worked out with
mathematical precision and certainty, you will have removed from your mind one
of the greatest causes of confusion with respect to things Divine. It is
obvious, then, that human beings must first permit themselves to be coordinated
with the basic Laws of Being, and that they must begin to understand those Laws
and work with them before they can hope to have any effective expression from
the standpoint of Creative Activity.
Let us now return to the starting point of creation
as related to this world. The Four Forces have been given symbolical names, which
facilitate a comprehension of the four basic forces which manifest through the
created forms of this world. From a Cosmic standpoint, the forces utilized were
not limited to what we call the Four Forces, and it must be recognized that
what we broadly term the Four Forces are sub-divided into innumerable
sub-classifications of Divine Activity in-and-through all created forms on this
earth. The usual arrangement of these symbolical names of the Four Forces must
be reversed before the correct manner of their application and function can be
understood. We change, then, the arrangement—Fire, Earth, Air and Water, to
Water, Air, Earth and Fire. You are already somewhat familiar with the meanings
contained in these symbolical terms, and the reasons for their use. Now, we turn
to the story of creation as contained in the first part of Genesis, and we find
that the Biblical story of creation emphasizes the correct understanding of the
Four Forces.

Remember that I specified that the Four Forces,
broadly indicated by these symbolical terms, are as they relate to
manifestation in-or-through the created form not to
the Cosmic Forces which, in their Universal nature, may be thought of as
preceding, or exterior to, the specified Four Forces; although it must be
recognized that the Four Forces in manifestation through created form have
their origin in Cosmic Forces which are not necessarily limited to the nature
and function of the Four Forces as we are considering them. This distinction
must be borne clearly in mind in order to avoid confusion, and it is
illustrated in our first text: Genesis 1:2 — “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
waters.” That was the starting point of creation on the first day. However, it
is at once seen to be obvious, in accordance with the distinctions we have just
drawn, that the action of the Spirit of God prior to and at the beginning of
creation, implies vastly more than the Spirit of God symbolized by air as made
manifest in and through all the forms of created things on this earth.
Therefore, the First Force in its segregated form
relating to the creation of this earth, is symbolically named Water, and it
signifies the specific group of Truths or basic Principles and Laws which
constituted the scope of Creative Activity as it was to relate to this world,
and thereby established the limits of that which was to be. In other words,
there is vastly more Truth in function and manifestation in the Cosmos than was
required in the making of this world. Therefore, the first step of creation,
after the Cosmic selection of the starting point, was the selection of the
Truths necessary to the fulfillment of the pre-determined Plan for this earth,
and then the release of the Spirit or Power of God through those Truths to
begin the process of creation, whereupon there was Light. In the “deep” of
space, which was void of all form, and where there was darkness because there
was nothing to reflect the light, the beginnings of creation took place.
Part of the work of the first day was the establishment
of the nature and limits of the Creative Day which was, according to present
time measurements, a period of 25,872 years. The Six Days of Creation, then,
covered a period of, roughly, 155,000 years. In other words, the beginning of
creation was at a point 310,852 years B.C.
As we shall see shortly in our further
consideration of the cycles of the Four Forces, they are all four always present,
but with one only dominant in any given Creative Day, so that the Water
Vibration continued dominant for 25,872 years,
whereupon the Air Vibration became dominant, followed by the Earth and Fire
Vibrations, whereupon the sequence begins again, with Water again becoming
dominant. This earth, and man, the crowning creation, are the result of the use
of the Trinity Pattern, and therefore in the basic cycle of the spiral from the
starting point to a point first directly above the starting point, there were
three repetitions of the sequences of the Four Forces, or twelve Creative Days,
which completed the first cycle of creation for this world that terminated 388
B.C.—or 310,464 years—which carry us to a point 388 B.C.

Each Creative Day of 25,872 years is divided on the
Trinity Pattern into twelve sections, so that the twelve segments of the
Creative Day, each being 2,156 years long,
relates to the period of time required for the Sun of our solar system to make
one revolution in its orbit around its Central Sun, although the path of the Sun
is in the form of an ellipse and not a circle, because of the progression in
the movement of our Sun's Sun through the Cosmos. We find, then, that the
successive dominance of the Four Forces in the 2,156
year periods is repeated three times within one Creative Day of 25,872
years. Here you begin to get a picture of the way in which the Four Forces are
combined to produce specific results.
The first Creative Day began with a Water
Vibration; in other words, Water was dominant in the Creative Day, and Water
was dominant as the beginning point in the 2,156 year cycles. As soon as the
first sub-cycle closed, Water continued dominant in the creative cycle, with a
sub-cycle of Air dominance, and so continued in natural sequence through the first
Creative Day. The second Creative Day, as we find in the sixth and seventh
verses of the first chapter of Genesis, began with a dominant Air Vibration and
a Water Vibration in the sub-cycle. The firmament is the atmosphere, or the air
of this earth, which is symbolical of the Spirit of God as manifest in-and-through created forms. On the third Creative Day the dry land appears, so the
natural sequence of the dominance of the Four Forces is substantiated by the Biblical
record. On the fourth Creative Day, the light of the sun, moon and stars
penetrated to the earth's surface by reason of the clearing of the earth's
atmosphere, and so we have on the fourth Creative Day the dominant Fire Vibration.
If our sequence is correct, the fifth Creative Day
should again return to Water, and you will note in verse 20 that God said: “Let
the waters bring forth abundantly.” The sixth Creative Day should be an Air
Vibration, and we find that it was in the sixth Creative Day that animal life
was created, with the crowning creation of man—and air is the basic essential
for life in the animal kingdom. Man can go for periods without food, and water,
but shut off his supply of air and he dies immediately. The seventh Creative Day,
an Earth Vibration, was a day of rest. As you follow this through to its logical
conclusion, you see that the concluding Creative Day of the first cycle would
naturally be Fire.
It was during the Fire Age of 25,872 years which
ended 388 B.C. that Lemuria went down in flames
of fire, and 1,000 years later (or after the submersion of Lemuria) Atlantis
submerged. In the latter part of this twelfth Day of creation, as the first
cycle was drawing to a close, man had returned to a point of consciousness
where he began to again be aware of the direction of the Lord, as evidenced by
Old Testament history. What is the outstanding thing in the symbolism of
religious ceremonies during the Old Testament period? The answer is Sacrifice
by Fire. It was a Fire Age, concluding with a Fire Vibration in the sub-cycle. It
was from the burning fire of the bush that was not consumed that God spoke to Moses.
It was in the fire and smoke of Mount Sinai that the Commandments were
given. Sacrifice by fire characterized the whole Old Testament period.
This means that the first cycle of creation came to
an end in 388 B.C., and for the first time since the
beginning of creation the world was back to a point directly above the starting
point. The earth and all that is therein had been created. Divine Man had been
established in the earth, and then in the beginning of the twelfth Day of creation
man had fallen, with subsequent cataclysmic changes in the earth which carried
man down to what has been called the Cave Man Age, and then for about 5,000 years
man progressed to a point where we have the beginning of recorded history,
going back to about 5,000 B.C.
Man had progressed to a point in the latter part of
the twelfth Day of creation where it was possible to begin to work out the Plan
of Salvation, and the First Sacred School was established at the direction of
Melchizedek. However, the Israelites failed to carry through on the opportunities
given them, so the beginning of the actual process of making all things new according
to the Promise contained in Revelation had to wait until the beginning of the
second Cycle of creation, or until the world had returned on the spiral to a point
directly above the starting point of creation.

As soon as this thirteenth Day of creation was well
started, Jesus came. As the world had returned to the Vertical Line on the Ascending Spiral for the first time since the beginning of creation at 388
B.C., we begin to recognize the Cosmic reasons back of the coming of Jesus into
the world at the time that He did come. The Cosmic Forces were again for the first
time focalized in a manner identical to those which permitted the beginning of
the creation of the world, and through the use of those Forces, and the
manifestation of Jesus, the beginning of the recreation or restoration of the
world could best take place.
This thirteenth Creative Day in which we now live
is, in the natural sequence, seen to be a Water Vibration—just as was the first
Day of creation. The first sub-cycle of this Creative Day was also Water. We
note that Jesus began His Ministry by the baptism of water, by the changing of
water to wine. He called disciples who were fishermen. Many of His Miracles
related to water. He walked upon the water—He was in the boat on the water at the
time of the storm. Water baptism was instituted as a symbol of the cleansing of
the individual by the action of Truth under the influence of the Spirit of God.
Jesus obviously recognized that in this first Creative Day of the second cycle,
He was dealing with a Water Vibration, both in the dominant cycle and in the
This first Day of creation in the new cycle, which
is the thirteenth Day of creation from the beginning of creation for this
world, is naturally a period of 25,872 years dating
from 388 B.C., but the sub-cycle beginning 388
B.C. on the dominant Water Vibration ended 2,156
years later, or in 1768 A.D. Remembering our sequence, we see
that 1768 A.D. would mark the beginning of the
second sub-cycle in this Creative Day, and that it would be under a dominant
Air Vibration. We have, then, at the present time a dominant Water Vibration in
the Creative Day, and a dominant Air Vibration in the sub-cycle in which we now
live. By the beginning of this century the influence of the dominant Air Vibration
of the sub-cycle began to be evident. The airplane, the radio, precipitation of
chemicals from the air, and many other things, show how it is that we are living
in an Air Age insofar as the sub-cycle is concerned.
It is through this Air Age that the speeding up
process which is shortening the days—and is intensifying the destruction of
evil by evil—has taken place and is taking place in accordance with prophecy.
Now man is being given his final opportunity to return to God. In this first
Creative Day of the new cycle, God is beginning to make all things new. Through
the progression upward on the creative spiral, the vibrations in which the world
is functioning are becoming more and more rarefied, so to speak, and man will
have to let go of evil and turn to God in order to live in these higher
vibrational conditions. If man as a whole were to refuse to Respond and be
recreated and reborn in this period, he would in a comparatively short time
destroy himself from the face of the earth. It is not anticipated that this
will be the case, but if this should
happen, we are still in the first Day of creation of the new cycle, and God
would be in position to carry on creative processes and create man on a higher
vibration in this cycle, so as to remove any possibility of a repetition of the
It is anticipated that there will be those who
carry through into the New Age State of Being, but because we are in a cycle
that is on a higher plane of vibration directly above the point of the beginning
of creation, the intensified vibrations will make it impossible for evil to
again manifest, no matter which alternative of the outworking plan must be utilized.
If the Faithful Ones carry through into the fullness of this New Age Vibration,
they will populate the earth made New. If such a thing as the failure of all human
beings were to take place, the Cosmic Vibrations are such that God could create
Divine Man and begin again on the higher plane of the present cycle.
In the original creation God made every provision
necessary for Divine Man, but He recognized that on the plane of vibration then
manifest the fall of man was possible. God warned against self-activity; it was
not God's Plan that man should fall; but it was necessary for the beginning of
the creation of the world to take place under the focalization of the Cosmic
Forces that were utilized. Now, through progression along the spiral of the Creative Cycles, we are reaching a point where evil cannot continue indefinitely
to exist, and once the change is accomplished, the vibrational state of being
will be such that a repetition of the fall will be impossible.

This gives a deeper understanding of the Cosmic
Principles and Forces that are in operation in the world and in our lives individually.
To the degree that we recognize the Cosmic significance of the time in which we
live, and to the degree that we, individually and collectively, coordinate with
these Laws, Principles and Forces, we will be doing our part in accomplishing the
Greater Works which are required for the recreation by which God is making all
things new, that the New Earth State may be hastened, and that as many as possible
of the children of men may carry through this time of turmoil into the New Age.
As the world experiences crucifixion, and then passes through the period of the
darkness of the tomb, it is for every Faithful One to remain attuned to the Cosmic
Currents of Life by which the Victory over the tomb may manifest for the world,
in accordance with the Way in which our Great Master led.
Therefore, as the Earnest Ones, recognizing the
basic Principles regulating the operation of the Four Forces in-and-through
this world, begin to let these same Four Forces become the dominant influences
in their individual lives, we find that the scope of function becomes the whole
of Truth, the power of function becomes the release of the unlimited Spirit of
God, the foundation of function becomes in all things the Rock of Reality, and
the manifestation of function becomes the expression of Divine Love that is as
firm and undeviating in the face of opposition as it is gentle in the
consideration of True Response.
© emissaries of divine light