Leadership In The Council Of Reality
October 10, 1947 100 Mile House, B.C.
The unreal has no representation in the Council of Reality. When in such a Council as this we analyze the currents that are present in the realm of the unreal, we are functioning in relationship to a very important phase of our ministry which is necessary to calculation of the probabilities in an outer sense; but when in such a Council as this we turn our attention to the development of the vibratory focalizations in the creative field, from the standpoint of reality we automatically eliminate and count as nothing any and all vibrations of the unreal, no matter in what individual or individuals on the face of the earth. In other words our first step in true creative activity is to have a clear creative field, and then to bring into manifestation in that creative field a vibratory pattern that is completely harmonious to reality, without regard to the limitations of unreality that may exist in the world, individually or collectively.
Once we have established a vibratory pattern in the creative field that is perfectly harmonious to reality, without considering as to whether it is harmonious to the unreal or not, we determine its points of correlation with respect to probability from the standpoint of reality in the creative current, and then come to agreement with respect to it—which means that our movement, from the standpoint of that inner reality and its pattern, is toward fulfilment in the perfect sense. But we recognize, when we do so, that the human elements in individuals involved are yet to be met and worked with, and there may have to be modifications with respect to the actual manifestation of the vibratory pattern on the basis of limitations that may exist in individuals.
However, limitations that may exist in individuals are not calculated when we are establishing the basic vibratory pattern in the creative field, and since you are present at the time of the consideration, it is necessary that each one of you be careful about any tendency to your own ideas as to the probable reactions on the part of any person who may be involved, according to your concept of his or her limitations, because if you do that you are representing the unreal instead of the real—and in the Councils of Reality we do not need representations of the unreal. For the present we are dealing only with reality—what would be the ideal.
Now I am going to leave this consideration for the time being as it relates to the immediate pattern that is being formed in the creative field, and move to a consideration, for your own edification and for purposes of radiation, of a subject that is related to such function.
From the standpoint of reality any individual who has come before the altar and given the vow, “Father, Thy will, not mine, be done,” can be held strictly to account, though at this present stage of the outworking he seldom is. He can be held strictly to account on the basis of that vow. The function, then, from the standpoint of those who are in the position of leadership, who have to determine courses of action, must be, in the initial stages, on the basis of Absolute Reality, which would require an absolute fulfilment of that vow on the part of each and every one who has taken it. If those who are in positions of leadership were to undertake to establish a vibratory pattern in the creative field that was less than that, they would not be true to their responsibilities in leadership, because they would be acknowledging a certain degree of subjection to the unreal. Such leaders may recognize that there are those among the earnest ones who are yet to some degree subject to the unreal, but those leaders cannot themselves acknowledge subjection to that unreality merely because certain of those who follow after are so subject. The responsibilities of leadership require that there be a development of a vibratory pattern that is absolute in its relationship to reality, and then, to the degree that the individuals who are cooperating willingly fulfil their vows in fulness, that pattern can come swiftly and perfectly into manifestation; but to the degree that individuals do not fulfil that vow the formation has to be modified, regardless of the absolute perfection of the original pattern. Therefore the manifestation in its ultimate outworking is limited to the limitations that are present in those who have accepted the vow and who have been accepted within the range of the Ministry.
This limitation in manifestation, however, is not then a reflection on the leadership, because the leadership originally established a Perfect Pattern in Absolute Reality, but because of compassion the leadership allows modifications of that pattern as it comes into manifestation, even though the leadership could require the one hundred percent fulfilment of the vow if it were deemed necessary, or wise or essential for the welfare of the whole in the accomplishment of the ultimate outworking. As I said, thus far that has never been done, but it is within the range of function in reality. Those who see with limited vision, then, usually blame the leader or leaders for the limitations and modifications in manifestation which those who have failed to function correctly are themselves responsible for. After this is recognized there is a better understanding of the correct processes and functions in relationship to reality, and it provides a natural setting for another phase of consideration that has direct relationship to divinely established leadership.
We have recognized that the processes by which ill conditions of all kinds are corrected are essentially contained within the one word, “Healing”. Healing, then is not limited to the physical body but relates to the mind and the spiritual expression, to the environment and circumstance, to the emotional realm as it relates to the vibratory forces extending out into the world. How is healing in this sense achieved? You have all, in one way or another, felt and known to some degree, these healing currents. You know that they exist. You have felt them working in your own bodies and minds. Why do they work? How do they work? You have recognized in the experiences you have had that the focalizations of the currents of reality as they have manifest through myself have been in operation. Was it because I, in some strange fashion, willed that such and such should be so in you? Not at all. Did I, in my mind, try to determine just exactly what should work out in you in the sense of trying to make it be so? Not at all. Did I try to express out of myself into you that something that was essential to that healing? I did not. How was it? What happened?
I am going to unveil for you, to whatever degree your consciousness is able to receive it, the fundamental key by which fulfilment in reality is possible on earth. You, of course, already recognize the One Law and the manner of its operation, so that is understood. To illustrate further, so that you may better comprehend, you have known of teachings that advocate various kinds of affirmations and declarations by which the individual tries to be so and so. He tries to make himself think that he is some certain thing, or experiences some certain fulfilment. All of these ideas are wrong. They are false. Or, when an individual receives some blessing from the Lord is it because the Lord decided, “I will reach out and give this blessing to that person and I will not give some blessing to some other person? No, not at all.
You have all heard the expression, “God Is”, and you know that when the Lord was revealing reality to Moses at the time when the Children of Israel were to be set free from slavery in Egypt, the Lord said, “I AM THAT I AM”. All kinds of human concepts and ideas have been built up in relationship to these words, and individuals have tried with their human wills, and according to their concepts, to arbitrarily obtain certain humanly conceived fulfilments by reason of these words, but the history of human expression on earth proves that such human endeavors are foolishness in the eyes of God. I am going to use a simple illustration first.
There have been times when you, or most of you at least, have had a certain lack of peace inside of you. You have been disturbed in some fashion, and then, coming into my Presence, or perhaps when I have taken your hand in mine, you have relaxed, you have gradually felt that disturbance vanish away, and you have felt peace begin to permeate your body and mind and your feeling realm. What happened? Did I try to inject peace into you in some mysterious fashion? No. That peace had to be in me or you could not have found it in some relationship with me. The reality of that peace had to be a reality of my Being, so that there was a manifestation of that in me. Then, not because I, in some fashion, arbitrarily gave or injected into you, but because you relaxed and responded, you began to partake of that reality that is. You began to be absorbed into THAT.
Being absorbed into THAT, you did not lose the reality that you are because reality does not destroy or diminish reality. Before anyone can receive anything from me, I must be THAT. It is not of any value for me to try to inspire you to try to get something that you do not have. If you do you fail. I have to first be THAT. Then, as you respond you are drawn into THAT which I AM and, blending into I AM THAT I AM, you become conscious of that which you are in reality. The process of healing, with respect to the body or the mind or any other phase of healing, is exactly the same. The Master healed as He did, not because He, by some arbitrary means, extended out of Himself some mysterious power which He made to work according to some mysterious Will in Himself, but by reason of His Love and His expression of Truth, He inspired a sufficient response in the individual to receive, or be absorbed into, THAT which He was in manifestation.
This same principle is that which must be used today in the accomplishment of the works, and the greater works. We have to first be THAT, and being THAT, we let those who respond be absorbed into THAT, so that they also may be THAT. The Pattern of Reality must be absolute in the one who has the responsibility of leadership, because he cannot cause any to share that which he is not. I do not try to get you to get anything. I cannot arbitrarily give you anything, no matter how I might desire or long to do so. God has, through these thousands of years that man has suffered, been ready and willing and able to give perfection to man. God has been and is that perfection. At no time has God been less than that perfection, but God could not arbitrarily give that perfection to those who would not receive and let themselves be absorbed into that perfection. Just as God has had to refrain from giving perfection to suffering humanity, so do I, and so do we, have to refrain because we simply cannot give it in the sense that human beings ordinarily use the word, “give”—and yet you know from your own experience that I can, for instance, give you peace, but if you are not willing to receive peace I cannot give it to you, and I do not give it to you by some mysterious method of injecting it into you.
When you respond I simply share with you THAT which I AM. When the Lord said, “I AM THAT I AM”, He was opening the Way whereby all those who were bound in slavery in Egypt might receive of the freedom in reality which is in God. The miserable, complaining, whining function of the Children of Israel, when they claimed to be following the Lord to the Promised Land stands, in the record, as one of the greatest indictments against humanity. God was there, ready to give in fulness, but in their foolishness, they insisted on receiving nothing part of the time, maybe one percent part of the time, and a few times maybe three or four percent, of what God could have given. But God does not give as man gives. I do not give according to the pattern of human giving. Some have felt that I was arbitrary, and arbitrarily withheld some gift I could have given, because the gifts that I give are given as God gives, as the individual reaches a point where he is willing to receive.
I know what I AM, and I AM THAT which the individual needs in fulfilment, but in giving I do not give of myself nor make myself less than I AM, for he who receives comes to share in THAT that I AM, and finds that, as he lets go of his unrealities and responds, he also is a part of THAT. Therefore, in one sense, I do not give, but, rather, let the individual be absorbed into THAT, that he himself may find that which he is in reality—but the unrealities that are in the individual cannot be absorbed into THAT that I AM. The individual who insists on clinging to his unrealities cannot come into that peace, or any other phase of THAT that I AM. Only to the degree of true letting go can the individual experience that of which I speak. All this shows that, in the leadership which is established for you, you have received of reality because that leadership is that reality, but being absorbed into that reality, you have not become less than you are in reality, nor has the leadership been diminished in the giving in reality.
As we, then, with one accord, reach a point of being THAT, those who respond to THAT which we are can be absorbed into THAT and share in the Kingdom. The only way the Works, or the Greater Works, can be done is for those who would do the Works to be that reality in actuality now—but if they try to be that reality, or try to will themselves into that reality, or the expression of it, they will fail. Human mind determinations as to the nature of that reality, or as to the way in which it shall manifest, will likewise fail. God cannot be subjected to the whims and fancies and unrealities of the human mind. I AM THAT which you have received from me, else you could not have known it through me. As you are absorbed into THAT so that you abide in THAT, your membership in the Unit becomes a reality so that others may share in THAT which we, in Oneness, are. O LORD of Lords and KING OF Kings, we thank Thee that it is so, IN the Christ. Aum-en.
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