Where You Are — Who You Are — To Whom You Belong
Constructive Function — One-Pointed Polarity
Uranda May 2, 1950 100 Mile House, B.C.
The delicate fabric of form revealing the patterns of reality must be carefully tended and cared for as we move along the way. It is not that the things of reality are weak—they are strong—but the attunement of that which is of the human form with those patterns is not yet perfect and complete, not yet in its fulness. One of the things that we have to watch constantly is to keep all of our function constructive—something that does not begin to detract from or destroy the delicate fabric of manifestation in the field of form. One of the great necessities in this is to establish a new consciousness, and to help you maintain a constant, consistent realization of the importance of that task which we share. If what I say leads to an expression of self-importance or begins to engender self-righteousness, then it fails of its purpose. We have to remain humble before God. Being humble, being meek in the true sense, does not detract from strength; it makes strength possible. In all of our function, in all that we do, we need to remember the relationship to the old.
We have a little handful of people here, we have a little group at Sunrise Ranch, we have some earnest ones scattered here and there in the world, but we are as yet very few in number. That very fact should help us to remember the importance of our calling in the name of our KING. The Christ Body will not be complete in the absolute sense until all those who dwell on earth have moved out of the old world into the new, until the Kingdom has been recognized and accepted all over the world. This is merely a beginning. It is as a grain of mustard seed. It has been planted; its first tender shoots are beginning to show above ground.
Sometimes the human being, forgetting his polarity for a moment, feels overwhelmed at the magnitude of the task before us or feels somehow unrelated to it, segregated from it. We need to reach a point of consistent, constant realization with respect to our relatedness to God and to that which is coming into manifestation—not relatedness to the unreality in the world, not relatedness to those things that are contrary to the will of God, but relatedness to the pattern of fulfilment, and relatedness to the waiting ones. A moment of forgetting, a moment of indulgence in self-will, a moment of turning aside to follow in some forbidden path, costs too much.
The reality is eternal. It cannot be destroyed by man or by anything that you or any other can do. That reality is eternal, it is sound, it is strong, but it is just now beginning to come into manifestation. You have a share in its manifestation. You have a part in it, and as you move forward and into the Kingdom, and learn to function there, your part will be more evident. Let us not in any thoughtless moment allow ourselves to forget the purpose for which we are here. Let us remember who we are, where we are, and to whom we belong. In a song you were singing a little while ago the words were something like this: “When I lay my homage at His feet within the jasper walls, this crowns my task.” That is the crown of the task; but when the task is crowned it is not finished, it is not ended. It crowns the task, but once the task is crowned it is ready to begin its true function in its ordained place; it is not something that is over and done. The final crowning of the task is that uttermost devotion, when we lay our homage at His feet and acknowledge no other gods, acknowledge no other spirits, remain uninfluenced by anything that is not of Him.
The portion of the pattern of reality that is revealed in form is very small. One of the things that has seemed strange to me as we have worked with this small number is the fact that one of the most vulnerable points in the consciousness of the various members has appeared to be this: There is too often a ready response to the whisperings of the serpent suggesting that the individual does not amount to very much, that he is not particularly needed, that the LORD's service would be just as well off without him, or some such thing. If each one listened to such whisperings, soon there would not be even a small group, soon there would be nothing. Is it not strange that the serpent can so readily find answering response to such mouthings of nonsense?
Then, on beyond that, comes the tendency for the individual to doubt the wisdom of the LORD. Oh, I know, when it appears, you don't think of it as such, but that is what it is: to doubt the wisdom of the LORD in giving you such and such a responsibility. Perhaps you are not qualified, perhaps somebody else could fill your place better, perhaps this, perhaps that—just plain doubting the wisdom of the LORD in giving you a specific place of responsibility. You cannot question that without questioning the LORD's wisdom. The LORD has called you to a place of service, and if you did not have the potentiality, the fundamental ability, He would not have called you. As yet we have to do a great deal of overlapping. As yet the focalization of expression and responsibility are not as clear-cut as they will be some day to come. But let us not deny the LORD by doubting His wisdom in calling you.
I am not interested in developing self-importance or self-righteousness. Moses was accounted to be the meekest man in the world, but you cannot look back at that history where he carried so much responsibility without recognizing that he was one of the most rugged, one of the strongest characters that has ever stepped forth in a place of prominence in the drama that has taken and is taking place on the stage of the world.
Meekness, humility before God, allows the manifestation of strength, according to the individual capacity and ability. When you doubt your ability to function in your place in the strength of the Lord you are doubting the Lord. You cannot doubt yourself without doubting God. Self-importance, in the sense of trying to do it in human strength, is useless; it cannot be done. But it can be done in the Lord's strength. Whenever there is a feeling, whenever there is a response to the expression of satan, “You can't do it, you aren't big enough, you aren't able, you don't have the ability,” this and the other thing, you know immediately, if you are alert and awake, if you are not stupefied with eating of the forbidden fruit, that those are mouthings of the prince of liars
Whether in the moment you think of it as such or not, it is doubting the LORD, because it is in the LORD's strength that these things must be accomplished, and we can let them be done because we have been called to these places of responsibility. We have these talents and abilities and we can let the spirit of God work through us in accomplishing that which is necessary. The LORD never asks the impossible, the LORD never asks the unreasonable, but the LORD does require fulfilment on the basis of that for which you are responsible, according to your ability and capacity.
The LORD holds to the line
He insists, expects and demands fulfilment
He loves, He encourages, He blesses
He does not accept excuses and He does not tolerate any nonsense
He expects, demands, requires fulfilment, accomplishment
in and through you according to your responsibilities and capacities
The absolute importance of your doing your part every day in every way cannot be overemphasized. A tiny slip on the part of anyone means that someone else must take the burden or things start going down. Someone must do something extra, someone must take up the strain somewhere, somehow, or the downward movement begins. When we have upward movement it is dangerous to let that movement stop. We need to keep going. But even a momentary pause is not so bad as backward movement which must be stopped, and forward movement begun.
“But,” you may say, “it is in such a little thing. Why should the Lord be so particular? Why should He make so much out of little things?” He has made everything out of little things—out of atoms, grains of sand to make the mighty seashore. The little things are so important, and if the Lord lets you get by with the little mistakes, the little failures, the little slips, when the real pressure comes they will turn into big ones so fast.
Your LORD demands, requires, expects fulfilment according to your capacity. And you are not to judge your capacity; you are not able to do it. He knows you better than you know yourself. He expects you to deliver the goods, to do the job without any quibbling, without any crying, without a chorus of “I can't.” You can.
The assurance, the confidence, that springs from function in the Lord's strength is wonderful. You have had enough experience in it to know that it is so, but if some little thing can come up, some little thing that someone says or does can cause a reaction and a response in the wrong direction so that there is a listening to the prince of liars, the first thing you know you are flooded with the spirit of futility, a sense of failure, and the devil goes to work to convince you that you do not amount to anything, that you are not worth anything, that you cannot do anything worthwhile.
Always the question is, Who are you going to listen to? Who is it that gives you peace, strength and a sense of well-being and accomplishment? When you have listened to the prince of liars, would you immediately feel a surge of well-being, a sense of delightful peace, of satisfaction? I think not. No, there is only One worthy to be listened to: the LORD. Let us remember to do it and let us have no wasted time, wasted energy, because we forget who we are, to whom we belong, and where we are.
If you are not yet in the Kingdom, you are standing before the Gate—it is a good place to be if you do not linger there too long. Who are you? If your minds start trying to develop some concept of individual judgment which extends into the far-distant past or reaches into the far-distant future you are not thinking right in relationship to the question: Who are you? You are the Lord's servant. Before you can enter into the Gate you must be His obedient servant, without a single reservation, in absolute devotion—with one will to let His will be done. Who are you?
What a wealth of protection there is in this transition period in remembering that you are not your own, you belong to the Lord in body, mind, heart and soul. You are His utterly obedient servant, completely. So if there be some whispering from the forbidden tree, some mouthing of the serpent, you do not even have to stop to argue the point. You do not have to be bothered, you do not even have to listen, if you remember who you are. You belong to the Lord, no matter what ideas, concepts; they are all answered beforehand. There need be no struggle necessary, no fight. There is complete protection in remembering that you are the Lord's no matter what the adversary does.
Who are you? If you answer truly, with meaning, from the depths of your being, “I am the Lord's obedient servant,” then what can assail you? What can touch you? What argument can disturb or even concern you? See the point? In that absolute devotion, in remembering who you are, you have already complete protection.
Where you are and who you are and to whom you belong—remembering these three things, there is not the tiniest crevice through which the forked tongue of the serpent can enter to disturb your peace or to prevent your steadfast forward movement along the way. You have been undergoing preparation for movement through the Gate into the Kingdom. Tonight marks another step in that. If you are ready to abide in the consciousness of this which is outlined to you tonight you are ready to enter the Kingdom. But if you cling to a single reservation, if you say, “I will be the Lord's in all but this one thing; I am going to do as I please right there,” or “I won't do this or that”—what kind of obedient servant dares so speak to his LORD? No.
And you must be an obedient servant before you can be a friend, because you cannot be a friend indeed until you have proven your trustworthiness, until you have proven yourself dependable in the LORD's service. First the servant. Then the worthy servant, the good and faithful servant, receives the invitation: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” Until you find perfect peace and a sense of glorious satisfaction in being His obedient servant, without concern as to when or how or where you shall be acknowledged friend, you are not ready to enter the Gate.
If you say, “Well I am willing to be Your obedient servant for a month or two if You will just assure me, if You will arrange things to classify me as ‘friend’ before too long. I wouldn't want to stay obedient servant very long,” you will not get there that way. Until you are ready to stay an obedient servant a month, a year, one hundred years, or a thousand years, without one bit of concern as to when you shall be called friend, you are not ready to enter the Gate.
You have these few words outlined for you—the way whereby you can abide in one-pointed polarity to our KING, undisturbed by all the efforts of the adversary. That is what you must achieve before you can truly enter the Kingdom, because in the Kingdom there is the forbidden tree, and the serpent is in the tree still—he will be, too. If you wander down by the tree and listen to those whisperings of the serpent you will get into trouble.
Remember, now and always, where you are, who you are, and to whom you belong. Abide in that, letting go in His perfect peace. Abiding in uttermost devotion as a perfectly obedient servant, you will find that your passage through the Gate is not that strange, dramatic thing you have pictured—you probably will not even know when you go through—and you will not care, if you are abiding truly as you should. If you begin to care, you will probably be back outside the Gate, and you will probably know that before too long.
Entering the Kingdom, there is perfect trust. Trust and obey, and there is no other way. So, as an obedient servant of my KING you are important, not because of self-importance or self-righteousness but because you let the LORD's will be done. And the LORD expects, demands, requires fulfilment in and through you, without a single excuse, without any ifs, buts, maybes. This the LORD demands. And so I bless you in His Name tonight, that, going your several ways, you may remain and rest in the peace of my KING.
© emissaries of divine light