Abyss of Nothingness for the World
Uranda January 25, 1945
Human beings everywhere are being
tested and those who are not attuned to divine wisdom will break under it.
Since the world is as it is and all these failures came into being back through
the ages, we have to lead the way through the abyss of nothingness, coming up
over where others have failed. It means that we ourselves will be put in places
of strain. If our positions in life held no tests or strain we would be of
little value in the outworking of things. We know that in the world as it now
is the unreal appears to have the upper hand. Those who function wrongly seem
to get by—sometimes it looks as though the
evil forces have such a completely dominant hand that it does not look as
though we should stand for the right.
I think it would
be well to consider a little different phase of the same subject. I touched on
the world abyss of nothingness. We have all had it brought to our attention
that we are in the period of the crucifixion, or the world tomb. All this is
implied by the use of the term "abyss of nothingness," and if we consider
that from the standpoint of the individual progress along the way, we will be
able to see better from the world standpoint and understand our part in the
world body as we move through this abyss of nothingness.
Every individual who
sets forth in the way finds that wonderful experience of exhilaration that he
enjoys as he first becomes aware of the beauty of the divine, and then, when he
remains on that plane for a time, begins to feel at home. He feels so much at
home that the exhilaration that he experienced has gone and there is nothing
strange or new about the place where he is living. Then he is liable to think
that he has lost something. He does not lose anything if he knows the right
direction of response. Then he comes to a point where, as it were, he feels
suspended in space and feels very uncertain. He feels that no one understands,
that there is no one to help, and he does not know quite where he is going to
land. While a certain degree of assistance can be given, the passage through
this abyss must be made basically on the foundation of what is contained within
himself. No one can reach out and pull him across.
If he does not look down but
looks up and holds steady, he will find his feet on solid ground. Up a little
further, he experiences a new exhilaration and again, on this higher level, he
begins the process of getting acquainted with his new position, and then the
exhilaration goes because he gets used to it. Later on he hits a new abyss,
which may last for minutes or days—some have lasted for months. But as you go
along, the abyss becomes shorter, and if you remember the Law all can be passed
without any qualms. However, the individual must pass that abyss; there is no
other way. With each new crossing we are on higher ground, on a higher plane
than before, and then sometimes, when we start being lifted up, we may get
If we grasp the principle and
remember that, when we come face to face with problems in that period, as we
all do at times, we will see that the world too is going through the same
thing. This is its biggest abyss of nothingness and it is going to last for a
while. We are part of the world body, and to the degree that we hold steady it
helps the world body carry through the abyss of nothingness. The average person
is likely to go all to pieces unless somewhere there is a sustaining vibration.
If we look from the standpoint of the outer mind, it will look hopeless. If
this world gets through the abyss of nothingness it will depend upon what is in
itself. In a sense—and this could be understood—the world is shut off from
assistance from the divine in an external sense. We can see that in various
church activities. They think and struggle and work, and yet they know that the
spirit is not in them.
who have a conscious understanding of what is taking place have a greater
responsibility. If the world gets through this abyss of nothingness it will be
because it has held steady. That is our big job for the time to come. I think
we will remember that when we hit the tight spots.
© Emissaries of Divine Light