November 01, 2015

Follow  Thou  Me

Uranda   April 19, 1937


Nearly two thousand years ago our Beloved Master, the LORD of Lords, Who manifested as Jesus, spoke the Word which vibrates in the earth for all who will Respond in Love, “Follow Thou Me.” These Words are meaningless to those who do not Respond to them, but for all who Respond they are received as the Sacred Pass Word which admits the Earnest One into an awareness of his present Place and Function in the Kingdom of Reality. The vast majority of those who claim to be followers of the Christ prove by their failure to live in Reality that they do not Recognize the Secret of the Pass Word.

“Follow Me in the Meaning of My Life.

Follow Me in the meaning of My Words.

Follow Me in the Harmonized Function of the Great Plan.

Follow Me in the Release of Reality into the earth.

Follow Me in proving the Truth of Being.

Follow Me in the Flaming Way of Love.

Follow Me in Service that is Real, even the Service of the Temple.

Follow Me, for I AM THAT I AM.

Follow Me, for I AM THAT I AM is the Lord of the Sacred Seven

Who is the God of the whole Holy World,

and as I AM THAT I AM,

the One Who leads the Way in all the true functions of World Being.

All who are in the World are already following Me to the degree of their Love Response to Reality.

Follow Me,

for those Who stand by Me in My Reality are ordained of Me to Reveal the Reality of Being

to those who have fallen from the true estate through following after themselves.”

The Kingdom of Reality is here on earth now. In that the Kingdom is already here, all the efforts to establish the Kingdom are the result of the futile imaginings of the human mind. Insofar as mankind is concerned at this time, there are two Kingdoms functioning in the earth. One is the Kingdom of Reality. The other is the Kingdom of the Unreal. Those who follow themselves in self-love are living in the Kingdom of the Unreal. All that is of this Kingdom is passing and subject to constant change. In it there is birth and death. The Substance of which the unreal forms are made belongs to the Kingdom of Reality. All who are living in the Kingdom of the Unreal have stolen the Substance which they use in the unreal forms of their Kingdom. Only the passing forms are of the Kingdom of the Unreal.

The usurpers who have set up the Kingdom of the Unreal within the borders of the Kingdom of Reality, have taken unjustly all that they claim to own. These usurpers cling to their possessions for a little time, but they cannot take the substance which they have stolen beyond the borders of the Kingdom of Reality, no matter how much they may try to do so. Having stolen the substance, and made unjust claim to it, they have proceeded to mould it into forms pleasing to themselves, but they cannot give those forms life, therefore, the forms soon pass away, and the Substance returns to its primal state. Those who are citizens of the Kingdom of the Unreal have taken partial control of many of the Forms of Reality which have Life and belong to the Kingdom of Reality, but as soon as these forms are used in the way of the Kingdom of the Unreal, they begin to disintegrate, and are soon dissolved, and are thereby taken away from those who use them wrongly; and the usurpers call this process, by which the stolen substance is returned to the Kingdom of Reality, death.

Citizens of the Kingdom of Reality have gone into the Kingdom of the Unreal, carried the Truths of Life to those who have chosen death, but the usurpers have persecuted and condemned those who came to point the Way back to the Kingdom of Reality. When those who dwell in the Kingdom of the Unreal do think to “give” some of their stolen substance to those who Reveal the Way, they have a sense of self-satisfaction that is unreal, for they refuse to recognize that they have but returned a very small portion of that which they claim unjustly.

As I AM sent unto you by I AM THAT I AM,

I have spoken the Pass Word in the Flaming Fire,

“Follow Thou Me.”

Blessed are they who harken, and thrice Blessed are all who Respond in Love, joyously making restitution of all their stolen goods that they may be received joyously into restored citizenship in the Kingdom of Reality. All who Respond shall enter into the Joy of the Lord, and all who respond not shall have that which they have, taken from them. So is it established.

© Emissaries of Divine Light