Hold The Vibration And Radiation Steady
words spoken to Kathy, Lillian and Grace
Uranda January 10, 1949
I am keenly aware of the fact that the actual development of focalized vibrations and radiation must be held consistently, or the world currents will produce some very difficult complications. Perhaps the best illustration could come from the standpoint of lightning. A lightning flash burns up the atmosphere in its path and then it is gone, and the air rushing back into the partial vacuum that is created, produces what we call thunder. When there is an actual focalized radiation in the power of the Spirit it is like the projection of the fire of lightning out into the world. If the Current is held all is well, and there is an opportunity for continued expansion. But if it is more like a lightning flash, if it goes out and then, for various reasons, suddenly is cut off—whether the period of radiation be long or short, if it is actually effective and then is cut off, the world vibrational realm comes rushing back into the vacuum, and the vacuum leads straight to the feeling realm of the individuals who participated, and it produces something like thunder, and then the individuals are subject to the terrific pressures of the world reactive vibration. And unless they turn to their basic focalizations in truth and begin to let the reality of radiation appear, and gradually push back the force of the world reaction, such individuals suffer physically, mentally and emotionally—and consequently we may say spiritually, in the sense of the spiritual expression.
I know how it feels because, on innumerable occasions, I have had individuals who were channels for an actual radiation break the vibration—that is, cease to be a specific point of focalization in the creative field, get out of line, and then, because I present the Central Point of Radiation, that left a vacuum between the world vibration and my own, through which the thunder claps of world reaction rushed back to me. And then, if I have not had focalizations that held, that allowed me to begin to meet that reactive force in radiation effectively, I was in the position of simply having to suffer it out. Once it almost cost me my life, and at other times it was very dangerous. Nine-tenths of all the suffering I have ever had to face in my ministry came from this one point in relationship to this one principle. Fortunately the reactive world vibrations have thus far been primarily of the vibrational realm. They have never been given opportunity to manifest very much in physical form, comparatively speaking—that is, comparing the era of our development of this Unit to the period, for instance, following Pentecost, when persecution became rampant. There the failures worked out on a vibration that permitted the development of form with respect to the world reactive vibration, and there was physical persecution which produced the death of many. Fortunately we have had comparatively little of that.
Now, as we move into this new sphere of ministry, we have an opportunity to enhance and build up the material form of our expression if all hold true to the line; but if there were to be any general breaking, the reactive expression with respect to the world would tend to manifest more particularly with respect to the material or physical plane, and we would all suffer. Knowing these things, I have put off the actual initiation of any such Program for a long time. I thought confidently that I was going to get such a Program under way in 1936, and I was moving in that direction. It could have been, but it was not. Of those who shared extensively in that period when that function was being instituted, virtually all of them have been moved out of their places in the Service through the reactive pressures which they brought on themselves—they are all gone, as nearly as I can recall. Anyway, I do not want anyone to get hurt; and I know that we cannot get very far, actually, without taking this step.
I intend to start it as slowly as possible and still get the job done, but the probabilities are that once we get it started I will have to call on you to help meet some of the problems that arise; and from the standpoint of the creative field you will more or less constitute my last line of defense, or perhaps, putting it another way, the first line of offense. We are moving out into a field where this thing is going to be put to a test. If it is what it ought to be there will not be any individual tests to speak of that would cause any trouble, and the world limitations that beset us will be tested. They will be tested against that irresistible force of the Cosmic Power of God. And I would rather not talk about the alternative—it would not be pleasant.
Now we have work to do, work that must be performed in absolute humility before the Lord, and yet work that must be done in the positive current of His Spirit that requires a balance in polarity. In the expression of the Prophets of old time, we find a record of various statements, to the effect that the Lord would sift His people as wheat, the chaff would be blown away. They are described as earthquakes, shakings in various ways, pressure points. It means that we have to dare. As much as possible, I want each one to go into it with eyes open. We have to dare to walk in the Flame—step into the Fire. Once we do there can be no turning back safely. Any turning back then is very disastrous—for he who is in the Flame and becomes fearful, and starts to turn back is consumed by the Flame.
I do not want any tragedies; and tragedies, if they do occur, always bring a long string of complications that involve all concerned in needless difficulties—and such things delay, and delay is dangerous. I have sought, in every way I know, to impress on the Unit the fact that this is not a child's game. It is something deadly serious.
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