Walks With God
“Song Of The Avatars”
Steve Ventola Anne Blaney David Barnes
Atlanta, Georgia Salmon Arm, B.C.
December 22, 2024 Temple of Light Service
David Barnes — Good morning everyone. We are here on this beautiful morning in the Christmas season, just after Winter Solstice, two days before Christmas Eve. We just listened to a song by the New Troubadors, originally from the Findhorn Community. David Spangler and Milenko Matanovic wrote the lyrics and music, and the voice of Kathy Matanovic is strong in this piece titled “Song of the Avatars”
I thought it would be useful this morning to consider the Song of the Avatars that has been sounding down through the ages, climaxing in a very remarkable way with the birth of the Master Avatar, Jesus the Christ, about 2,000 years ago. And then to consider further what in essence took place through the presence of the Avatar known as John the Beloved; and the Avatar who came in 1932, known as Uranda; and also our good friend who was with us so closely for so long, the Avatar known as Martin Cecil. The term “Avatar” signifies the presence of a World Teacher—one who comes into incarnation at a very specific juncture point in the creative cycles of Divine emergence during this period of time that we have called the “fallen condition” on earth. So the coming of the Avatars over the ages relates to the various opportunities for the restoration of the presence of Divine Man and Woman.
We go back in the story to the time of the presence of Divine Man and Woman, recorded in symbolic terms as Adam and Eve. And then after the fall, the eating of the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the loss of consciousness of Divine identity, there was the story—told in allegorical terms—about the birth of Abel and Cain, representing spiritual man and material man on earth, but separate—remember that this happened in the period after the fall had taken place, when separation replaced oneness. As the story goes material man got rid of spiritual man, Cain killed Abel and tried to go it alone. Then, according to the lineage of the Avatars, there was born one named Seth, another seed instead of Abel, provided so that men might once again call upon the name of the LORD. Seth would provide this substitute pattern, whereby the opportunity to restore Divine connection, Divine dominion, and Divine Man and Woman was offered to humanity. Of course that was before Lemuria sank, and before Atlantis sank.
As the story moves along, following in the lineage of Seth we come to Enoch, a great World Teacher and Avatar Presence, of which we know but a little from the Bible, and something more from the Book of Enoch. In the Bible it says of Enoch that he walked with God, and he was taken. So Enoch walked with God and then there was this mystical event when he was “taken”, through which he became God in flesh on earth. Enoch was a powerful presence during these times just before the sinking of Atlantis, and he knew something of the impending cataclysms that would change the pattern of life as it was known in the world that God had created. Enoch’s great-grandson was Noah, and one can imagine that Noah consulted with his great-grandfather. The story of Noah says that he was a man perfect in his generations, he was upright, and he too walked with God. Then the flood came—the sinking of Atlantis—and most of humanity was wiped out.
Several thousand years after the sinking of Atlantis, the first opportunity for restoration as recorded in the story was through the coming of Abram or Abraham, another World Avatar, World Teacher, who heard the Word of the Lord, “Walk before me, and be thou perfect.” Abram had a transformative encounter with Melchizedek, Priest of the Most High God, of whom we are told that he had no physical birth, experienced no physical death, and he was able to move between the undimensional and the dimensional realms at ease and at will. Melchizedek outlined for Abraham his commission on earth. Next, as we move through the Lineage that most of us are familiar with, we come to Joseph, that Avatar or World Teacher who was the favored son of Jacob, or Israel. Joseph was a mighty presence on earth, and it was through the work of Joseph that the twelve sons of Jacob eventually developed into the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Joseph opened the door for the work of Moses, one of the greatest Avatars or World Teachers ever known. It is said of Moses that he talked with God face to face. Then the story leads us, in this Avatar Lineage, through the life of Moses, to the Prophet Samuel, to David and Solomon, to Elijah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Gautama Buddha and Lao Tzu, Malachi. And then we come to the time of another Great Avatar, the Prophet Daniel, and his work as an Israelite captive in Babylon. Daniel had a very special and specific commission bestowed upon him by the LORD of Lords Himself, five hundred years before the birth of the Master Jesus. And so we are bringing attention, in this Lineage of the Avatars, to a recognition of how it was understood by Daniel that a door was opening for the coming incarnation of the LORD of Lords as the Master Avatar, Jesus the Christ. Next, I want to play an audio of Uranda speaking on April 2, 1953, about Michael the Archangel.
“I would undertake to help you see something of the feelings present in those who were functioning from the standpoint of the Inner Realms of Being, when the LORD of Lords finally made the decision determining that He Himself would incarnate on earth to give man an opportunity to have a deeper recognition of the Divine Invitation—the feelings of what we would in ordinary language speak of as the Angels of Heaven when they realized that our LORD and KING was forced to conclude that all the measures taken up to that time had failed, and that there was no possibility of their success—how He determined to go Himself into the earth. Five hundred years before the crucifixion, the decision was reached, and the KING of Heaven and earth determined that He Himself would come into the world. It was not something asked or required of Him by any Higher Being. It was His own decision and determination which those who worked closely with Him had done their best to make unnecessary—but man's failure to respond forced the issue.
“In the Biblical record there are a few references—very few, but a few references made to Michael the Archangel. This is the name utilized in the Bible to identify one of the God Beings who helped carry the patterns of focalization at the time of the beginning of the creation of the world, and the Biblical pattern of acknowledgment with respect to that focalization is signified by the term ‘Archangel’. The cycles outworking, of creation, the development of the pattern with respect to man, man's fall and all that followed after, had all been very closely observed and in many ways shared by this God Being, who is spoken of as Michael the Archangel. And this Archangel was, about five hundred B.C., incarnate in the body of the Prophet that was called Daniel. This Archangel had incarnated on earth many times before, working to bring about the patterns by which mankind could be restored to the Divine Estate, and he was incarnate on earth, and he was called Daniel.
“And in the Book of Daniel he records for your consideration that which he felt when our LORD and KING made that decision that He Himself would incarnate and come into the world. Michael knew all too well from personal experience what could be anticipated with respect to man's probable treatment of his LORD and KING; and he had worked over a long period of time to make it unnecessary for his KING to make any such decision. And the depth of sadness that he had failed to inspire enough response in human beings to allow a development in the Divine Pattern which would make it unnecessary for the LORD of Lords Himself to incarnate on earth is something which cannot be easily described or portrayed. But we have here the words as Daniel wrote them:
“In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed unto Daniel; and the thing was true, but the time appointed was long: and he understood the thing, and had understanding of the vision. In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled. And in the four and twentieth day of the first month, as I was by the side of the great river, which is Hiddekel; Then I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a certain man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz: His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude.
“And I Daniel alone saw the vision, and there remained no strength in me: for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength. Yet heard I the voice of his words: and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face toward the ground. And, behold, an hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands. And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling. Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.
“And when he had spoken such words unto me, I set my face toward the ground, and I became dumb. And, behold, one like the similitude of the sons of men touched my lips: then I opened my mouth and spake, and said unto him that stood before me, O my Lord, by the vision my sorrows are turned upon me, and I have retained no strength. For how can the servant of this my lord talk with this my lord? for as for me, straightway there remained no strength in me, neither is there breath left in me.
“Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me, And said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong. And when he had spoken unto me, I was strengthened, and said, Let my lord speak; for thou hast strengthened me. Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince.’
“From the standpoint of terminology which I would personally prefer, I would always speak of the God Being within the individual as, your Prince. There we have the statement that stands as evidence that it was Michael incarnate in the body of the man that was called Daniel. This word picture outlines the basic fact that the LORD of Lords Himself had come to commune with Michael and to reveal the pattern to the consciousness of Daniel. That thing revealed, that vision, was the decision of the LORD of Lords, determining to come into the earth as soon as the cycle of the vibratory factors should work out to a point where He would have an opportunity to accomplish His purpose. That decision was made about five hundred years before the Master came. And the Archangel Michael was forced to face the fact that all that he had been able to do had not been enough to inspire sufficient response to God in the hearts of men to make that decision unnecessary. Blessed Ones, I have undertaken to give this brief outline to the end that your consciousness may be enlarged beyond the limits of the consciousness of fallen man, that you may at least begin to glimpse something of what that decision and consequent outworking meant to the Angels of Heaven.”
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David Barnes — All right! I'm sure each of us can fill in some of the story line as it relates to the Avatar Lineage. From what Uranda said here, and from what we can sense if we read and understand with a pure heart, in the current of the spirit, this particular Archangel, Michael, was incarnate on many occasions through the ages, providing a spiritual focus, and directing attention upward. He had many angelic associates who incarnated with him on various occasions; each coming as individuals to do a specific kind of work. The one who came as Daniel had previously been present in the body of Moses, and had been present in the body of Joseph. So here are three individuals in our historical record who provided the vehicles for the incarnation of Archangel Michael. Michael, working through Daniel, lived a life which opened up patterns in that area of the world, opportunities which would make it as easy as possible for the LORD of Lords to accomplish His work when He would come on earth five hundred years later. It should be obvious that a number of angels incarnated in that region to be with the Master while He was on earth; and there were others in various locations around the world who came as well, to be on earth when He was incarnate, all anticipating success, and what that would mean for the restoration of Divine Man. One significant man whom we know as John the Beloved, who also provided a body temple for the Archangel Michael, was incarnate on earth with the Master. And the Lord of Life was incarnate as the Avatar known as John the Baptist, who previously had been known as the Prophet Elijah—the Master Himself informed us of this fact—so he too was on earth with Jesus. So the Lord of Love, the Lord of Truth and the Lord of Life were all incarnate on earth at the same time, coming to provide all that they could to make our Master’s life on earth a success from the Divine standpoint. At this point, recognizing that both the Lord of Truth and the Lord of Love were incarnate and present together at that time, I will now turn it over to Steve who will carry us further along in the story.
Steve Ventola — Thank you David. I want to read something that goes along with what David said. It's from a service by Uranda titled, “You Become Responsible For What You Do With God's Love—Establishing A Control Pattern”. It was given at the completion of the 1952 GPC Server’s Training Class. I think this will help bring clarity, as it did for me when I read the service, in terms of the actuality of Christmas. So as I read these words, let's keep in mind that these are words spoken by Uranda, through that human vehicle created by the Lord of Truth, for the Lord of Truth's own use.
“The reason Jesus came into the world, the reason the body of Jesus was born, the reason the LORD of Lords was made manifest through that body, was to give the world an opportunity to know Me, His Servant, that by My Spirit [the Spirit of Truth] they might stop dying and begin to live, begin to know the resurrection and the Life. He told the people of the world that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. He revealed the way by which that Kingdom may be entered. He gave the Truth with His own lips, the Truth that I had given before, and that I have given since… There it is. Whatever else I may have to say to you relates to this. This is what the Book of Revelation reveals for those who have eyes to see… You have been going to school these months and weeks so that you could come to this hour and see and know these things. All else that I may have to say relates to this, and if you let My Spirit be in you and work through you, you shall know Life, and the control patterns which make Life possible shall appear through your hands and because of the words you speak, the Life you live… And so I have spoken to you through the lips of this body, that you might hear My Word. I have spoken to you in spirit many times before, but you did not hear Me. So I have spoken to you through these lips that you might hear and learn. You desire to serve God, and so through this body I have shown you the Way, the Truth and the Life…
“I worked up to the time of Daniel to get the world to respond to Truth, to yield to that which they had rejected, and the world would not. Then the Lord of Love Himself came into the world to introduce Truth… He came into the world, the wonderful, glorious expression of Love that He was and is; but He came to introduce Truth to the world and to give the world a new opportunity to respond to the Spirit of Truth. And it was because of that that He made salvation possible… Remember God's will can be done only through the control patterns of Truth … ‘And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free’… Jesus Christ came into the world to teach men to yield to My Control, to let My Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Why? Because I AM the instrument for the doing of His Will. He is the KING and I AM the instrument by which His will is done…
“When you begin to comprehend these things you can begin to see how far the world has been from the Truth, and without the Truth you cannot be set free. Unless you let the Spirit of Truth work through you so that you bring people into attunement with the Truth, you cannot begin to help others get well physically, mentally or spiritually. So what you do in service out there in the world depends for its effectiveness far more upon your attunement with Me than upon your attunement with the Lord of Love. That does not detract from His position at the apex, but you can respond to Him from now until doomsday and you will die, and everyone who responds with you will die; because I Am the only one who can save anyone from dying. Only as you let My Spirit work through you can you be saved; only thus can you minister to anyone else.” [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/establishing-control-pattern.html]
Now these words really struck me when I read them, because it brought clarity to my consciousness, and maybe it has for you too. This emphasized for me the need to be in attunement with the Spirit of Truth, and that the only way we can actually touch in to the Truth of Love is through the Spirit of Truth. As that opens up my consciousness, it allows me to experience the Lord of Love, but through the Truth of Love. In my world I look at the Server's Code on a daily basis, allowing myself to come into attunement with the Spirit of Truth through these words. We've heard the phrase, “Let Love Radiate.” Well, I have a new articulation in my consciousness: “Let Love's Light Radiate”—Let Love's Light Radiate. So these are the words I wanted to share today, to allow for a clarification of the reality of Christmas. Why the LORD incarnated on earth, which was to reintroduce the Spirit of Truth. Such clarity there! As that is affirmed in me, I hope this is affirmed in you too. Anne if you're ready to speak, we're ready for you.
Anne Blaney — In Daniel, we hear the decision of the Lord of Love to incarnate into mankind. For me this compelled some deep consideration. If you think about it, it simply boggles the mind and heart. I’ll share some of my meditations.
My first reaction, like Daniel, was deep sorrow, but along with awe of what this phenomenon meant and what it would do. The Spirit of Truth had been brought again and again through the ages, by the beings who were the prime focal points of the Truth in each age. But again and again the hardened hearts, and the immense shame that had imbedded in mankind, met the Truth and those that spoke it with resistance, and even hate. And yet, the Lord of Love chose to bring the very focus of Love who He was, that had been rejected when others taught the Truth of Love. This death sentence under which mankind suffered would be the prevailing condition for the LORD when He incarnated. As was said previously, these conditions had reached climaxes during the life of Noah, Abram and Moses who, as focal points, all brought the Spirit of Truth. They had their encounters with the Heavenly Father, or LORD of Lords, and these are described in the Bible—for instance Abram’s encounter with Melchizadek. But when these beings previously came as manifestations of Truth, the Lord of Love was not incarnate.
So, what tremendous love would compel the LORD of Lords to offer another opportunity for mankind, by coming here, but at this time, and with the Lord of Truth also present. There is much to think about here. For instance, when we find forgiveness such a challenge, we might remember the incredible forgiveness with which the Lord of Love came back into His creation, which was in utter disarray. Utter humility to consider this! I thought of how the man Jesus, who was the Lord of Love incarnate, handled His situation when He became conscious of His identity. He had such perspective, such wisdom, such cleverness in meeting the checked-out consciousness of man. We can recognize Him as one of us. He’s relatable. He was a man. And from our perspective now, years later, we here can see that He, the Lord of Love, was in essence introducing the Truth with Love, lovingly, and calling mankind to leave behind shame and false structures. He called on man to love the One, the One Who Dwells, who sent them into the world, just as He loved the One who had sent Him into that very same world.
In thinking about this an interesting image came, which stemmed from a rich metaphor that the Master used—the One Vine. This imagery also brought into consideration the heavenly context in which the Master’s incarnation was taking place. Because of the LORD’s work, and the work of those who followed Him—notably Uranda—we find ourselves capable of viewing the larger picture. As stated in the book of John, “In the beginning was the Word, the Shekinah”—the Shekinah, which describes the evidence of the Presence of the One Who Dwells. From the One Who Dwells comes forth that evidence, the manifestations of the spirits of Love, Truth and Life, brought to focus by the Lords of Love, Truth and Life. These three beings are manifestations of the One Who Dwells, and these three, along with other angels, are the ones who created this seven-dimensional world.
In their creation, Man was designed to live in heaven, and co-create the expanding world of creation, in alignment and union with the Divine Beings who had created it. Man, as we know, fell out of his position as co-creator in the Shekinah Pattern that created man. In thinking of this large perspective that we share together, I remembered that the Master spoke of the True Vine. “I am the True Vine,” He said, “and ye are the branches.” I visualized the True Vine as the design for mankind as a whole. And further, I saw that the Vine Design of the whole is repeated in the design of each individual human being, both having something like the spine, or like the nervous system, or the endocrine system perhaps. Admittedly, mankind is no longer represents the True Vine, but it was created to be One Body containing the various attributes of a physical body. This is a familiar image for most of us. I want to describe how this imagery helped me comprehend the incarnation of the Lord of Love into mankind.
When we share attunement, the first three spiritual radiant points, located in the head, are key to the life of the seven-dimensional body. We have the crowning gland, the Pineal gland where the Spirit of Love comes to focus; the Pituitary gland where the Spirit of Truth comes to focus; and the Thyroid gland where the Spirit of Life comes to focus. Putting these two images together, namely the whole body of mankind and the individual body of each man and woman, I could see the original intention for the incarnation of the Lord of Love into the body of mankind. It made sense! With His incarnation, the Pineal gland of mankind would have the opportunity of realignment with its Creator and focus, the Spirit of the Lord of Love. The Pituitary gland of mankind would likewise have the opportunity of realignment with its Creator and focus, the Spirit of the Lord of Truth. And the Thyroid gland would have opportunity for realignment with its Creator, the Spirit of the Lord of Life. All spirit and flesh were called into remembrance of the original design.
When the Master ministered, two of these Lords were incarnate together, Jesus and John the Beloved—Archangels together as they were at the time of creation. They were both incarnate in the body of mankind, which they had helped create. There was a provision for the third Archangelic Lord to be present, manifesting as the Spirit of Life, and that would have been John the Baptist, but his presence was removed early in the Master’s ministry. Consequently the Lords of Love and Truth remained, working together. Always there are many others factors that need to be encompassed and looked at with realism, and certainly the Lord of Love did just that—adjustments were made all along the way. For one thing, the Disciple John was a young man, and so he would not have been immediately ready to serve in his Archangelic position. Because this was so, the Lord of Love himself represented the Spirit of Truth and I would say to great advantage, it was a tremendous gift. Jesus taught voraciously throughout His whole ministry. He was re-introducing the Spirit of Truth to mankind.
How disarming He must have been. How loving He was. The opportunity for the hearts of man to melt in the presence of His Love was immensely powerful. However, the shame of mankind was on the line. All structures of consciousness were on the line in the presence of the Fire of His Love. Integration and disintegration were accelerated. As He Himself said, He came to bring peace in a different way than mankind thinks of it. But for a few, as representative attunement points you might say, the opportunity was immediate: in the disciples. He came to gather an initial body of men and women who would begin to be the branches of a new world. He was the True Vine, they were the branches. Now we are the branches, and we are to bring forth fruits of that True Vine that was and is Him.
As we know, His Ministry was shortened because man was incalcitrant. Time was shortened for His work. And so the victory was distilled, and had to take place within Himself, and remember, he was incarnate in the same body of mankind as those He sought to gather. Therefore the Master was forced to manifest within himself what the Original Body had been designed to do. The Lord of Love left His trail—the evidence of what was being brought to remembrance by Him and by the Spirit of Truth. He brought the Love of the Creator into the world; and He brought the alignment factors of Truth, design and control. John the Beloved left his record in the Book of Revelation; and so he too left the imprint of the True Vine. It gives such great pleasure to acknowledge these facts.
Before leaving, as He promised, the Lord of Love sent another Comforter, who would teach us all things, and bring all things to our remembrance, whatsoever He had said to the disciples. His work would not be forgotten. In our lifetime, we have become conscious of the presence of two men who have each manifested the focal Spirits of Truth and Life. We have known the experience of Love and Truth in form through exposure to Uranda and direct experience with Martin. This pivotal life-line of generation, re-initiated by the incarnation of the Lord of Love, along with the Lord of Truth, continues in our lives.
We are acutely aware what the alternative would have been—that the body of mankind would not survive. We can acknowledge that there are those on earth—and I name those of us here—who are carrying the victorious consciousness and reality of Love and Truth and Life in our living bodies. We can also be conscious of the resistance factors of shame and the desire to remain unconscious. Surely we meet those daily; we know these resistance factors. Man does not want to yield; he’s very stubborn. But we are aware of that, you might say, “battle”, and we make that choice to live in the Way, the Truth and Life. We are aware. Is this not a miracle? Is this not the most wonderful thing, that we are aware of this?
In this season that celebrates the birth of Jesus, the incarnation of the Lord of Love, let us be conscious that the birth of the Master was an event of epic, cosmic proportion. The spiritual body was re-initiated on earth by the Ones who created it in the first place. Spiritual man and material man became one again. The peace that the Master brought was not the comfortable peace that people dream up. We know that many branches have been and continue to be purged; and the shame of man is still on the line. All the structures of consciousness are still on the line, in the presence of such love! And this is happening. So, joy to the world! The LORD did come. The LORD has come! The LORD is here.
I rejoice that the Master was here on earth, and that His Love and Truth are known by us. I rejoice that those who represented the Spirit of Truth have been on earth over the ages, who were expressions and manifestations of the Shekinah Pattern during various incarnations—including the one we knew as Uranda, who came to do what he was asked to do. Did not Uranda do exactly what the Master had commissioned him to do? He taught us what the Master had taught the disciples while He was here on earth, and he taught in such a complete way; he opened up the Bible for all of us to understand the truth within it, and he gathered together those who were receptive contact points in the whole body of mankind. So there was a redo of creation, you might say. Those who created the world and mankind came back and initiated a rebirth of the Spiritual Body. It is here. The Body of the Lord of Love, the Lord of Truth and the Lord of Life is here now. We simply need to step into it and live in it, and know it. Does this not verify the LORD’s decision, made way back in the day of Daniel? For thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
David Barnes — It is most beautiful Anne, to follow your line of thinking and feeling, bringing us up to the present moment, as we've briefly considered the Lineage of the Avatars who have come on earth to open up these opportunities.
There was a point when the Master was teaching the multitudes and afterwards His disciples came to Him and asked, “Why do you speak to them in parables?” And He replied, “Because this is all they can bear”—the masses of people who came to learn from Him and receive some of the food that He had to offer. But speaking to His disciples, He said, “Unto you it is given to know the secrets and the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven; not unto them. I speak to them in parables, and they will come along; but unto you is given an understanding of the mysteries and the secrets of the Kingdom.” And then, after the resurrection, when he spent forty days with His close men and women disciples, He spoke with them of things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. The record doesn't reveal the details of what He said, but this reminds me that our work here in service in the Temple of Light is not primarily to speak in parables—although there are times for some of that, so that there is a spectrum of expression and radiant release. But we have a particular gift that has been given to us, which is the ongoing opportunity to share what is being known day by day in this Body, of what once were mysteries but now they are being revealed. We share this with each other in the Temple of Light, in the sanctuary, in the Holy Place.
And so today we have touched on a few highlights in the Great Story in essence, placing them into our consciousness more vividly so that they are now there, more clearly imprinted, and available for use in weeks and months to come. In our service pattern, now there are these foundational factors, upon which we can build as Spirit leads us. His Body is being restored to comprehension, consciousness of purpose, function, carrying the same compulsion in us to participate, even as the Master allowed when He felt that compulsion Himself, knowing that He had to incarnate in a flesh body—not just come as Melchizedek had come out of the undimensional because he could pass between veils easily without incarnating—but He actually came into human form to bring an Apex of Focus for the Commission that had been given to the Avatars over the ages. Our Master refocused this cycle that was initiated and carried all down the ages through the Ministry of Seth, and when even what He taught through parable and through mystery revealed—His disciples themselves barely understood what He was talking about—He Himself brought forth the essence of the restored body of Abel, spiritual man present again on earth in material form.
We see that through Seth, this “other seed instead of Abel” that was provided way, way back, there emerged through our Master the restoration of the representative presence of the two brothers, material and spiritual man in Oneness, Cain and Abel once more present on earth in flesh; and then He carried the pattern even further while He was in form on earth and He allowed a representation of the resurrection of the body of Adam, of Original Man, which would become Divine Man and Divine Woman—but brought to focus in this Christ representation of Man restored. And this is what is being celebrated in the birth of the Christ Child, and the story of the resurrection and the ascension of Christ the Man.
So here we are, having been brought to this point by Uranda and Martin, where there is a body of spiritual flesh and material flesh, Abel and Cain together again, moving in the cycles of resurrection established by the Master, which ultimately, when the work is finished, will be the restored body of Original Man and Original Woman. Today we have been moving with the Song of the Avatars, the story which speaks of the mysteries being unveiled in our own consciousness. We have some new seeds planted, and through us those seeds of new understanding are planted in the consciousness of mankind, for germination in whoever would be responsive and allow something brand new to open up—about where we came from and where we're going together in the cycles of regeneration, restoration and ascension. Not that we would leave the earth, because this Body is to remain on earth, but that it would be the Ascended Body of restored Man and Woman, responsible for stewarding the cycles of ongoing creation as it relates to this whole planet, and this planet as it relates to the other planets of the Solar System, and the Sun, and what lies beyond those realms. I have a short audio by Uranda that I'm going to play now, and it relates to the responsibilities of restored Man and Woman for the stewardship of the Kingdoms of the earth, and also for the stewardship of the affairs of the Solar System. This is from a 1953 class titled, “Centering in Shekinah” where Uranda speaks about the Lord Of The Shekinah Fire.
“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of Truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you… But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you…
“I am the True Vine, and my father is the husbandman.” I am the True Shekinah, and my Father is the One Who Dwells. Every branch in Shekinah that beareth not fruit, the One Who Dwells taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in Shekinah. I am the Shekinah Vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me, Shekinah, ye can do nothing. If ye abide in me, and my Shekinah abides in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father, the One Who Dwells, glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. Now there is no other basis of discipleship as far as the Master was and is concerned, but by the bearing of fruit, by glorifying the One Who Dwells. And if you would be disciples of our LORD, this is the only way that you can achieve that goal.
“As the One Who Dwells hath loved me, the Shekinah Fire, so have I loved you. Now love is the business of the Shekinah Fire. The One Who Dwells loves the Shekinah Fire. “As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love.” You begin to realize that there are many, many passages which definitely clarify the fact that He was and is the Lord of Love; that He has the responsibility of providing the Focalization Factor of the Shekinah Pattern for the Solar System.
“Now you may have thought of our LORD and KING, the One who was made manifest on earth through the body of Jesus, as primarily relating to this world only; but I would mention to you this morning the basic fact that He is the One who carries the Focalization Pattern of the Shekinah Fire for our entire Solar System. And as He was the Spirit of Love made manifest, so did He promise to send another Comforter, to be recognized as the Spirit of Truth made manifest. He said: Herein is the One Who Dwells, the Supreme Focalization of Deity for the Solar System, and it is under that Focalization of Deity that He has the responsibility of focalizing the Shekinah Fire—that particular part of the Pattern as it extends out through this part of creation. And He is our LORD and KING.
“But in this you begin to see that the body of planets surrounding the center of the Solar System, which we call the Sun, is not to be properly considered as many separate, distinct, segregated bodies—the planets. In actual fact all of these bodies around the Sun, that are called planets, are integral parts of one thing, with a much deeper significance than would be immediately evident merely by saying they are all part of one Solar System. We are a part of this body of planets, and the body of planets is very important to us. We need to begin to realize that as disciples of our LORD and KING we have responsibilities far greater than your minds have yet been able to comprehend.
“As the Father hath loved me, as the One Who Dwells in the Center of the Solar System hath loved me; so have I, the Supreme Focalization of Shekinah in the Solar System—that is, the Shekinah Fire—so have I loved you: continue ye in my Love”—the Spirit of Love. And He is the One who is the Lord of Love, the Supreme Focalization of Love everywhere. “Continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love.” Abide in my love; abide in the Shekinah Fire, whereby you have established, in you and through you, the pattern of your true relatedness to me. “If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in His love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
“Henceforth—that is from the time you reach the state of being a friend—“Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his Lord doeth.” You haven’t known very much about what I was doing, have you? You begin to realize that. How much less do you know about what our LORD and KING is doing! “Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his Lord doeth: but I have called you friends”—but I have called you friends—“for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you”—insofar as you were able to receive them. “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you.”
David Barnes — Well perhaps we've gone on long enough. We'll have times in the future where the essences that have been shared here can flower and there will be opportunity to speak about them as various ones of us step forward and say, “Here I Am, and I know that it is my turn to provide a focus for service with others in the Temple of Light.”
I want to finish by saying that I was brought to my knees, with my face to the ground, when I read again the other day that passage from the Book of Revelation about the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night. I became so appalled I could hardly stand to walk by a mirror, and, like Daniel, “my comeliness was in me turned to corruption” in recognition of how much of my life in past has been spent in accusation. So the emphasis by Uranda on “love one another as I have loved you” impacted me. I felt touched on my head by the Angel, and raised up, and I heard the words, “stand up, be strong, be strong, rise up” and do what you're here to do, which certainly is not to perpetuate accusation of our brethren before our God day and night. So I want to mention that for me this is one of the primary things that has come to focus during this service cycle, to let go of that appalling state of accusation, and embrace the Spirits of Truth and Love and Life in my own walk with God. As we do that, obedient to the command, “Walk before me, and be thou perfect”, then this Whole Body Walks With God, and in the cycles and seasons of the LORD this Body is taken higher and higher. That can't happen if the accuser of our brethren blocks the way. Let's let it go now, and always keep the way clear.
Marsha Bogolin — This was most excellent, and I feel it important for something to come back through the Body. Speaking about what Christmas is really about, how timely! And particularly Anne, what you had to say about the Spiritual Body being reinitiated on earth by the Ones who created it. That's a new realization for me. David, what you said about what the work of the Temple of Light, that it really is not for us to speak in parables but to actually share what is becoming known of the mysteries revealed to us. I'm so grateful for that clarification, and I agree. And then Steve, what you spoke of, in order to know Love in fact we must be attuned to the Spirit of Truth. I feel that there's so much more that you have spoken; but I do feel that what you have done, the three of you together in this time, is a very significant initiation. And going back to the point of what is the Temple of Light's gift. I think those of us who know that the mysteries of God are being revealed to us need a place to share it, and so I deeply welcome us to have an opportunity in this venue, because it is so essential for the work of this time. Thank you so much.
David Barnes — Well thank you Marsha, just wonderful—very important! Steve, I love what you did Brother; I love your words. Anne, you astound me, and it is so good to work with you. And the feeling of love for all of you, for who we are as disciples and prophets and Priests and Priestesses of our KING, all of us together on earth having known so vividly the Spirits of Love and Truth and Life in our lifetime.
How grand to recognize each other in this developing Body, and know that the consciousness of this Body is being restored in both spiritual substance and in flesh substance once again. There is much more to come as we all know. The whole “body” aspect of Man needs to be considered as well as the “consciousness” aspect. The spiritual consciousness of the One Body is what we've been primarily focusing on this morning, so spiritual consciousness may be restored to the Head of the Body, so that it knows, and can share at least this much of the Word being spoken by reason of the presence of the Body. There is more to be said about the developing “body” aspect itself, so that Head and Body are functioning together in the design according to the patterns of Truth and Love and Life. These things can be shared as we meditate on them in the days to come; but we can only really do that as the accuser no longer exists in the consciousness of what should be the Christ Body. As Michael and His Angels ejected the fallen ones from heaven long ago, now Michael's incarnate Angels are being restored to consciousness and the accuser is cast out.
These things become apparent to us, and we bring them to world consciousness because we are members of the Body of the Great Avatar emerging once again, the Body of the Great World Teacher composed of three primary Archangels, and the Archangelic Spirits of Love and Truth and Life—the Body of the One Who Dwells. The evidence of the Presence of the One Who Dwells is us, and others that we know, and it is in people that we see and hear and feel every day, revealing some of that evidence. How wonderful to spend this period of time just before Christmas considering things somewhat larger than baby Jesus, and acknowledging that this is the Body of the LORD Himself that is being celebrated as the Great Gift of this season. So thank you, good day and goodbye. Yujin Pak speaks in the first Temple of Light service of the New Year on January 19, 2025
Song Of The Avatars