October 01, 2018

A  Cosmic  Call

Talks  Beside  The  Sun-Dial

Volume Two  Chapter Seven

Uranda  January 20, 1937

The Spirit of the Lord is moving upon the darkness of earth’s troubled state, and my troubled state has responded to the Spirit of the Lord and is no more, for I heard the Voice of the Lord, my God, Speak the Word, “Let there be Light.” When I heard the Voice of my God I was filled with awe, and I knew not which way to turn, and then it was that I felt the soothing touch of the Spirit upon my brow, and my heart was filled with gladness. As the Spirit of my Lord came fully upon me, I was uplifted in the Light, and my lips sang songs of praise, for my Temple was filled with the Fire of Love whereby a New Earth was created in me, and I knew that the Lord, my God, was with me. As I walked with my God, I was so filled with His Presence that it was He who spoke through me, and it was His action that was manifest through me, until I was no more, for I had responded unto my Lord and I was no more, for my God took me, and I AM that HE IS. Behold, my Lord and I are One, and our Oneness is made manifest because He first Loved me until I found Him, and then it was that I Loved Him even as He Loved me, and I let go in my Love for my Lord.

As I walk in the Way of Love the Presence of my Lord fills me, and His Word flows through my lips, for these lips are His lips, and I rejoice in the Word that is spoken, for all the Blessed Ones may thereby know the Way and walk therein. And this Word that I write unto you is the Word which the Lord has spoken in me, for I AM in Him and He is in me, and my Lord and I are One.

Behold, the Spirit of the Lord is moving upon the darkness of the earth's troubled state, and all the Earnest Ones hear a Sound as the Sound of many Waters, and they harken to that Sound until the Sound fills them, and they begin to know the Spirit of their Lords. Harken, all ye peoples of the earth, and consider the Word of the Lord which I bring unto you, for this is the Word of the Lord, my God, which is spoken unto you. As Temples of God Being you have turned away from worshipping the Lord, and you have followed after false gods whose prophets have promised you great things, until now you are in troubles such as you have never known before. Because of your own acts you have been drawn and quartered by the prophets of the false gods, and you are being sacrificed in vain, for the gods to whom you are giving your lives cannot hear your call, and neither do they answer you in the day of your darkness. The host of the gods of possessions have the peoples of all the earth bowing at their shrines, and yet these gods know not that it is so, for the false prophets have appeared among men and have done great wonders, so that mankind turned away and forgot the Lord, their God. So it is that you have followed after the false prophets, and have made unto yourselves false gods, and you have called one to another and have said, “Behold the god that I have made unto myself! Have I not demonstrated the greatness of my god? Come, let us make a still greater god, that we may take to ourselves the riches of the earth, and we shall be as gods.”

Hear the Word of the Lord, for I AM speaking with you, that you may turn unto me and find me while there is yet life remaining in you, for all those who turn not to me and find life become as the dust of the ground from whence they came. Behold, I AM present with you, and I shall fill you with all that I AM if you will but respond to me in my Love for you. It is not needful that you should be greater than you now are, for I will manifest in you as you are, and I shall cause your capacity of Being to be filled to overflowing, and then shall you know that for which you are in the earth. Harken to my Word, all you Earnest Ones who pray and call upon me, for I AM not to be found through the speaking of many words, for I AM found through Love, even as I have Loved you. Behold, you call unto me, and then you turn away and do not that which you say. All those who are blind worshippers of the false gods, and who follow after the false prophets, are of a greater earnestness in attention to their gods than are those who claim to come unto me. Let all who call unto me in Truth turn now from the wisdom of this world, for the wisdom of men is as foolishness unto Me. The Wisdom of the Ages which is in me will I give unto you, even as I give myself unto you, to the degree that you give yourself unto me. Trust in me and you shall know Me as I AM, for I have already given myself unto you if you will but receive me as I AM. So long as you keep yourself shaped according to the concepts of your own idea, you are not of my image and likeness wherein the fulness of all that I AM may be made manifest. Therefore, I say unto you, turn now, and let me fill you with that I AM, and when you are filled you will be no more, for you will have become that which I AM, and my Being in you shall be known to all those about you because they shall behold my acts and hear my words, and they shall know that I AM.

In my Love I enfold you, O Blessed One, for as you have become alive to me you are now dead to the things of the world. So it is that the things of the world have no power over you, and you are filled with the joy and fulness of Being. You now find that greater gladness which comes to all those who enter into my Service and express as I AM. In that you have given yourself and all that you had in fulness unto me, I have given unto you the fulness of all that I AM, and I have filled you as I AM, so that you are now my image and likeness. In that man has followed after false prophets, and worshipped the false gods that he has made, man has become, in expression, the image and likeness of that which he worshipped. Therefore do I rejoice greatly in you, O Blessed One, for you have received my Love wherewith I have Loved you, and you have in that Love Loved me, and thereby have you become my Image and Likeness in which I AM that all people may know me as I AM. Rejoice with exceeding great gladness that you are now the Perfection of my Image and Likeness wherein I AM, according to your Response.

My Word now Sounds through you to the world, and my Call Vibrates through all the earth, “Let there be Light,” and, behold, there is Light, and the Light that is in every man shines out, so that all those who respond to the Light are uplifted to an abiding place in the Light, and all those who respond not to the Light that shines forth from within them, find that their false gods are cast down, and all the false prophets are blinded by the Light because they have loved the darkness and have not known the Light. So it is that all the Blessed Ones of all the earth are now filled with the Light, and as that Light moves through them a New Earth is established, so that all the former things of suffering and sorrow and death are passed away and are no more, no, nor ever shall be again. Therefore, the hosts of Heaven and the hosts of those who have responded to the Light in the Earth, let their Voices sing forth songs of praise and thanksgiving to the great and glorious LORD of Lords. Come, Blessed One, and let the Light that is in you Shine forth, and let the fulness of your Being, and of all the substance over which I have made you steward, be given unto me, that you may receive me unto yourself, even as I now receive you unto myself, that you may evermore be all that I AM. Behold, the earth and all the abundance thereof is mine, and as you give unto me the riches of your stewardship, so will I give unto you the abundance of my riches which are eternal, and you shall know the Joy of Being that I AM.

Beloved, these are the Words of my Lord which He has spoken in me, even as I AM in Him. Blessed are you when you shall know in yourself the Truth thereof, and prove in the world the glory thereof, that the Perfection of the Image and Likeness of the Lord may be revealed in you both now and forevermore. Rejoice and let it be so, Beloved of the Lord. AM-EN and AM-EN.

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