October 18, 2021

Unbound — Loosed On Earth

Unbound — Loosed  On  Earth

Larry Krantz   Anne Blaney   David Barnes

Fort Collins, Colorado  and  Salmon Arm, B.C.

January 8, 2017 

Larry Krantz — Greetings everyone. It is always a pleasure to be together with people of fine character. Let me relate a curious occurrence in my world. I go to a gym regularly to exercise. Recently, a number of people have shared their lives with me, sometimes in greater detail than I might wish, but I respect their trust and they seem to sense something trustworthy in me. In a way, it is humorous to see this unexpected response as they cluster around me. They do not know what is attracting them, but I do, and do not take it personally. Anyone who lets their true selves shine forth extends an invisible radiance, which has an effect—whether seen or not.

Some of these folk have said they are seeking to understand their life purpose better. One person is sure that I understand the “key to life.” Of course, I replied, “You’re right. I do.” This person smiled and said, without prompting, “I knew it. We are here to awaken spiritually and help others to wake up to who they are.” Yes, indeed. She got it. Remarkable.

Many people are expressing something clear these days, not always in a way to which we are accustomed, or in the language or culture that we know. Something of fine spirit is breaking surface. When it does, it is a powerful, attractive force, not unlike gravity, which is more than physical attraction between celestial objects; I see it as an expression of the ultimate source of being—love. In that sense, it could be said that the sun holds all the planets and other objects orbiting around it in its loving embrace. Divine expression is very attractive to those who sense that same possibility in themselves. Love draws everything closer, including people. Those of us who have had years to let hearts and minds be purified have a radiance we may have underestimated—but it is there!

Human consciousness has been distant from the source of love. Change is on the way. As human consciousness is drawn by love, remembrance comes, with transcendent understanding. Love has not gone anywhere. Human understanding, at too great a distance from source, has found phony substitutes to explain purpose and the divine, which is not at all the way things are. A lot of clutter has to be pushed out of the way. Some will resist movement toward their true selves, even if it kills them. We have the opportunity to cooperate with love and amplify genuine expression. That is attractive and compelling. It brings all things to remembrance—even those at a gym! A new day is dawning. We live in exciting times. It is wonderful to share this enthusiasm and understanding with friends who understand. Now I will turn it over to Anne and David.

Anne Blaney — Thank you Larry. As always it’s wonderful to hear your beautiful expression. I thoroughly appreciate your description of various ones being drawn to you, into your presence. I would say that they are experiencing the blessing of being seen, by you. This is because you are able to see them. Just as we were all seen and acknowledged by those in our lives, you are offering that same gift to others, and this is what we are all here to do with one another.

There is no denying that current events we are witnessing reveal a world that is unraveling. “Things are going to slide, slide in all directions, won’t be nothing, nothing you can measure anymore,” singer Leonard Cohen predicted. Things are indeed sliding and crashing and blowing up. We all agree that a dramatic intensification is underway, and we have spoken of the powerful spiritual forces behind this: the creative pressure of integration, movement toward wholeness and balance orchestrated by the One who loves His Creation—and it will not be stopped. We well know the signs of disintegration. We, and everyone everywhere, are experiencing increased pressure, whether in our own immediate lives or in observing world events.

But I’m feeling the prevailing intensification that is pressing in on me: that the spiritual focus I have carried in my life has also intensified. It’s natural that this would be so because the whole system is heating up, it’s lighting up. The dynamic is fiery—love is burning through the clouds of illusion. In fact, it’s the fire of love that is increasing the disintegration, burning away what does not hold love. There is that which is passing away in the heat, but also there is that which is clarifying and ascending—and in my experience, that’s taking place at a conscious level, in my understanding and in my heart. This perfect opportunity to be aligned with this ascension process requires that my spiritual understanding be on hand as never before. As I accept this opportunity, I’m finding that my understanding unfolds and organizes with coherency. In specific ways, my spiritual perspective is becoming more and more conscious, provided I do the internal work required in the process of living.

As with many on line, I have had the privilege of years of spiritual training and instruction, bathed in the water of Truth. We’ve all benefited from the generations made available through the Archangelic Body. With years of attunement in this large body of substance, and through my own spiritual expression, I am now present, awake and available. I have what I need to contextualize everything I’m seeing of this stepped-up movement into a larger, healthier view. I can look into, and through, the obvious, and see what’s really taking place.

Here’s how I would describe this experience: in the course of my days there’s a welcome simultaneous re-translation going on—with new vision provided by Spirit! All things are made new in unsuspecting ways when seen through these eyes—the larger integrating cycle becomes obvious. I can’t afford to be myopic—we are participating in large cosmic cycles. For example, I’m aware that I’m redefining time! Participating in cycle after cycle, in spiritual expression, I am recreating the past and changing the future, right now! I know this to be the case. I know that the massive adjustments that are occurring are ultimately benevolent in intention. I remind myself not to be surprised! Even so, spirit does work in mysterious ways, and I am constantly surprised! Any interpretations must be left free to be seen differently, sometimes radically different as there is movement in the creative process. A whole new angle can suddenly appear that brings peace and coherence as to how one assesses circumstances, as new design factors fall into place in myriad ways, step by step. Learning to be creative with feelings and to allow their radiant potency is a whole other exciting and necessary adventure that is unfolding for me.

I mention some aspects of intensified spiritual expression because fresh abilities are needed more than ever, to bring balance and qualitative presence. I must be able to receive what is coming so that it is placed in the largest, most intelligent, and most loving context. My practice is to see past the obvious, retranslate and recognize what is included in the ascending process. Which also means to let what is passing away, pass away. We know that there has to be a heavenly space to entertain these things, and in which to articulate at a higher vibrational frequency. Our rightful place is in that heavenly space, on hand to connect what is emerging of the creative impulse, and allow that impulse to recreate in the earth. Which brings us to this hour together: I see our gatherings as one means of creating that heavenly space.

This opens up interesting uses of divine technology. For many years I’ve known the experience of having someone “on my line.” I often send a specific spirit, thought, blessing, or a creative command back to them. I think more than ever we each can be aware that we have many people on our line, all the time. When there are two or more gathered in spiritual agreement, we send out a vibrational call and a welcome to many on our unified line. Not only that, but by considering specific topics in a group gathering, we can focus our attention on specific aspects which need re-creation. I see these gatherings as opportunities for very specific spiritual work of this nature. I see a great need for such foci to provide spiritual orientation.

The world pattern is intensifying. This intensification is bringing to the fore, initially unconsciously, a growing desire for many to know their true Identity. This is the primary reason why we gather—to participate in shaping resonant waves of response in the right direction. The finest substance is required, to invite the next creative steps, not only in our personal lives, but for the wholeness of life in which we are intimately intertwined.

David Barnes — I am reading a book about a journey into the labyrinth of the Tsangpo River gorge in eastern Tibet—three times the depth of the Grand Canyon—the story of a search for a mythic and mystical earthly paradise called Beyul Pemako: the Secret Land Shaped Like a Lotus. It is a quest for Chimé Yangsang Né, the innermost secret place of immortality—a paradise realm known also as Shambala. Many have made a pilgrimage searching for a majestic waterfall, said to be a doorway to this innermost secret place. This search was the source for James Hilton’s book Lost Horizon and the mythic paradise Shangri-La. Here are some words spoken by the High Lama, in the epic 1937 Frank Capra movie Lost Horizon.

“It came to me in a vision, long, long ago. I saw all the nations strengthening, not in wisdom, but in the vulgar passions and the will to destroy. I saw the machine power multiplying, until a single weaponed man might match a whole army. I foresaw a time when man, exalting in the technique of murder, would rage so hotly over the world, that every book, every treasure, would be doomed to destruction. This vision was so vivid and so moving, that I determined to gather together all things of beauty and of culture that I could, and preserve them here, against the doom toward which the world is rushing. Look at the world today. Is there anything more pitiful? What madness there is! What blindness! What unintelligent leadership! A scurrying mass of bewildered humanity, crashing headlong against each other, propelled by an orgy of greed and brutality. A time must come my friend, when this orgy will spend itself. When brutality and the lust for power must perish by its own sword. Against that time, is why I avoided death, and am here. And why you were brought here. For when that day comes, the world must begin to look for a new life. And it is our hope that they may find it here. For here, we shall be with their books and their music, and a way of life based on one simple rule: Be Kind! When that day comes, it is our hope that the brotherly love of Shangri-La will spread throughout the world. Yes, my son. When the strong have devoured each other, the Christian ethic may at last be fulfilled and the meek shall inherit the earth. My friend, it is not an arduous task that I bequeath, for our order knows only silken bonds. To be gentle and patient, to care for the riches of the mind, to preside in wisdom while the storm rages without. You, my son, will live through the storm. You will preserve the fragrance of our history and add to it a touch of your own mind. Beyond that, my vision weakens but I see at a great distance a new world stirring in the ruins, stirring clumsily but in hopefulness, seeking its lost and legendary treasures, and they will all be here, my son, hidden behind the mountains in the Valley of the Blue Moon preserved as by a miracle.”

Beautiful words from the High Lama, and I am sure we all feel moved by them; and feel a resonance with their application to our own spiritual quest to create a sanctuary space, both in form and in heavenly or vibrational reality; and like the High Lama we have had a vision of the formation of a nucleus body composed of many lamas, many angels playing many roles, who extend the radiance, the power, and the substance of spiritual security in the midst of a world gone mad. This is spiritual work that all of us have been engaged in for many years; some were born into it, and others were re-born out of an old life into this new life expression. It takes sustained, undeviating passion to express the differentiated qualities of my own Being accurately in daily living, in a world where passion is largely directed outward, and where interests are frequently so self-serving and of the lowest common denominator. Larry spoke of the many who are speaking their highest word of truth—and we all share a cosmic commission, which is birthing the emergence of a focal nucleus and a new humanity. Like the High Lama, beyond this our vision perhaps weakens, but we can sense something from a distance—a new world stirring in the midst of a passing order.

The dedication in the book I am reading says, “For the Unbound”—and this reminds me of words from Matthew 18:18: “Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” There is a work of loosing to be done in the affairs and habits of daily living, so that the innermost secret place of immortality can be freed-up and revealed in fitting ways. People say things like, “I feel stuck; I feel blocked, restricted; I am in a bind.” When we feel unnaturally bound we must make changes to free things up. Each of us can think of many areas where one may feel bound—the High Lama did a good job of naming most of them. Many people today feel ensnared in that sticky web, but one can come free of all that too.

It might be well to consider this briefly relative to our service times, because this is one vehicle through which our spirit is flowing, and wherever we are bound or loosed with regard to the use of that vehicle, so will be the factual vibrational message that extends beyond us in radiation. We might each consider how free we are to move easily in the current context of the creative process, because the freedom will be what extends the quality of welcome. Over many months, I have been examining into and asking myself certain of these questions. Looking back to the time since my own, your own, great awakening was initiated, has spiritual passion diminished or increased over these fulfilling years? It should be greatly increased if we have continued to accumulate a substantial body of personal and collective life substance. I am not talking so much about forms as the quality and intensity of the substance and the passion. In the midst of the wonder of what has occurred, I know it is necessary to let an expansion take place in me, and in the development of a nucleus body—which is actually larger than the sum of the parts assembled this morning, or with regard to any configuration given to this fine work.

A caution was issued many years ago: no settling down, into the illusory comforts of self-satisfaction. What is pressing to come forth right now? You know how it goes, “I’ve been at it for over 50 years you know; I don’t have to do this any more; let someone else do it.” [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2020/01/a-great-promise-from-abram-uranda-march.html] Changes do come; forms change; specific vehicles for service change. And we know the value of this exhortation: no settling down—it's the same job, just changing forms. All this has to do with passion, interest, purified desire. Is this not what our incarnation is all about? Is this not a time of fruition for each of us—for some, the capstone of a life of spiritual passion in radiant service. It is in fact a time of new birth, new beginning. Relative to the binding and the loosing, I was reminded of Job 38:31. Binding the sweet influences of Pleiades: the passionate, controlled radiance of the Seven Spirits of my Being. Loosing the bands of Orion: the focused creative action of love made visible. Bring forth Mazzaroth in his season: life on the move in the rhythms of the cosmic creative process right now. There is so much theory, speculation, philosophy, religion, dogma—when right at hand living may reveal the weight, the gravity of embodied knowing.

This is what Jesus brought, and it didn’t fit any conventional paradigm. The term “I” abounded in His discourses. “I know whence I came." “I am the light of the world.” “I and my Father are one.” “Before Abraham was, I am.” All of it was seen as threatening to conventional religious authority—and it was! His authority was perceived as arrogance and blasphemy. Few have been able to receive the evidence of eternal identity. Plato and Aristotle came a few hundred years before him, postulating a realm of pure Ideas, First Principles, the Abstract, but they never had the audacity to identify with that realm, saying, “I am that.” Jesus did! And He challenged others to assume the same eternal identity, reminding them, “Ye are the light of the world.” “Ye are gods.” In the synagogue of His home city, Jesus delivered the first message of His public ministry. Here are a few words from Luke 4:18-21: “The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and the recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord... This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.” Shortly after He spoke these words He had to escape because there were people present who wanted to kill Him—and that was at the beginning of His ministry.

Authentic expression is powerfully disturbing of the status quo, but it is exquisite and wonderful, silken and fragrant, as the High Lama said, and not an arduous task at all to those whose hearts are open, who are hungry and want to eat nourishing food. The implications of authentic expression are apocalyptic. The weight of embodied personal knowing—that is something to think about! It is not an arduous task at all. This is what I was called into many years ago, and I suspect it is the same with you too. And so together we can say, this is the acceptable day, this is the acceptable year of the Lord—for my coming forth with increased passion for the spirit, for the Word. The door to the hidden waterfall is open and anyone who is well prepared may walk through.

Here are some words that speak to these things most beautifully, a few lines from the poem Little Gidding by T.S. Eliot

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring 

Will be to arrive where we started 

And know the place for the first time. 

Through the unknown, remembered gate 

When the last of earth left to discover 

Is that which was the beginning; 

At the source of the longest river 

The voice of the hidden waterfall

And the children in the apple-tree

Not known, because not looked for 

But heard, half-heard, in the stillness

Between two waves of the sea.

Quick now, here, now, always— 

A condition of complete simplicity

(Costing not less than everything)

And all shall be well and

All manner of things shall be well

When the tongues of flames are in-folded 

Into the crowned knot of fire

And the fire and the rose are one.


Lost Horizon 1937 PBS link — www.pbs.org/video/lost-horizon-1937-ox0abm/