This is our evening Service of Sunday, the 22nd day of the eighth month of 1954, the first day of the week, and we come together that we may share in this hour of meditation, trusting that I may find the right words to convey that which I would present to you, and trusting, also, that your response will be such as to make possible the giving of that which is made so freely available of the Spirit of God. First of all, I would express my appreciation of the manner in which, by and large, you have all been holding steady and, I think, been growing up a little, sharing in an increased understanding of what it means to move toward the point of becoming mature men and women.
This process of waking up, growing up, has been going on, not only here in this Unit but also at Sunrise, and elsewhere in the Lord's Harvest Field, so that there has been a deep realization that it is time to put away childish things and begin to play our part in that Program and Ministry to which we are called in the Name of our LORD and KING, assuming responsibility and recognizing that we are not here to please ourselves, we are not here to follow out the fancies of the human mind and heart, but simply to serve our KING. And one of the essential factors that has been brought so vividly to point by reason of the events and circumstances through which we have been passing [the death of Uranda, Kathy, Al & the children] comes to focus in the recognition of the limitation of time. We have so little time.
Perhaps we may recognize that, while tragedy is never God's Will, nevertheless this particular experience has been an essential factor, if the job for which we are here is to be done. I do not say that in a sense that God designed it to be so. No. There was a better way. But, because of the lethargy, because of the dullness of human hearts and minds, because of the failure in vibrancy of response, the outworking cycles have been so slow in relationship to that field where our particular responsibility rests that it was getting to be so far out of balance with the progress in other fields, the scientific development, for instance, in the world, and the rapidity of progress which is so much in evidence there, while here, in relationship to this pattern where the control with respect to those things out there is supposed to manifest, there was a lagging.
Consequently, we were reaching a point where the balance was so much upset that on the basis of the established cycles it just simply was not going to work out. If we had another century or two, or even another fifty years, perhaps, finally, human beings, somewhere, somehow, might have woken up sufficiently to assume their proper place in the scheme of things, but there just simply is not that length of time.
If there is to be control in relationship to these fields of progress—science, medicine, elsewhere—it must manifest through a control pattern established on earth, and we have had the opportunity to share in letting that control pattern be established. But the progress in establishing it has been so slow that the developments out there in these other fields have got way ahead of it, and, consequently, if this little tragedy—we think of it in the sense of a few people, a great tragedy in other ways—can cause that to be accomplished which will avert the greater tragedy, in relationship to the whole human race, then, surely, it was worthwhile. The cycles that were established on the basis of the degrees of response made manifest, inevitably led toward tragedy of some kind. That has been emphasized over and over. How often have you heard me say, “We do not want any tragedies”? And how often, “What does it take to cause human beings to wake up?”
So, because we have this limitation of time, if something is not done quickly the situation is out of hand, the control is not adequately present on earth in relationship to these other things, and we can see a vast tragedy looming before the human race. Because of the limitation of time, then, there was a need for a shift in the pattern, a change, in such a way that perchance the shock might have the required effect that the long years of Ministry had not. And, during the last two weeks, there has been a growing up, a greater assumption of responsibility, the initiation of something that can yet appear, and must appear. And I thank God for that which has been working in your hearts and minds. So, we may recognize that this tragedy is, in fact, an open door set before us.
I would like to read to you a short passage from the 24th Chapter of Matthew: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” We might recognize various applications with respect to these words, but, in times past we have seen that that which needs to be worked out on the grand scale, that which needs to be accomplished in relationship to the world, for instance, must first be accomplished in miniature. It is because our Master, as an individual, moved through the cycle of His life, here in the world, that the Way was opened for the whole world, not simply because He did it as an individual, so that that somehow, magically, made salvation possible for everyone else, without everyone else doing something also. No. But the cycle was set in motion, the Way was opened, by which all who should choose might share in that which He initiated. And so, with respect to all cycles of outworking, there is the need for accomplishing something in miniature, and we know, from our own standpoint, that these essential changes must come in ourselves as individuals if we are to anticipate that they shall come in the world. In this particular pattern of outworking, then, this circumstance with which we have been faced, in the events that have transpired, we find something which corresponds to that which is here stated.
“The sun shall be darkened.” The sun is the positive expression, or symbolizes the positive expression of the Spirit of God on earth. “The sun shall be darkened, and the moon”—the negative aspect—“shall not give her light.” We have found this circumstance to be true in relationship to Uranda and Kathy. “The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light.” In manifestation, in form on earth, the sun and the moon are physical bodies. “And the stars shall fall from heaven”—literally so, the sun and the moon and the stars. “And the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” And where are the powers of Heaven supposed to be manifesting? In you, is it not, and in those who share with you the responsibilities of this ministry? “And the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” Have you been shaken any?