The Golden Substance of Love
To Speak the Word is to Hear and Understand
Martin Exeter August 24, 1986
Let human minds and
hearts be still, yielded and open to the spirit of the living God. You hear
these words, but you are not present merely to hear them. As angels we speak
them together. I might say that if you merely hear them, hear the words, you
are not with me; and if you are not with me you are against me.
Let minds and hearts be
still, those that are present in this Dome, and consequently the invitation is
extended, to the extent that it is accepted here, to all people everywhere, to
all the human minds and hearts the world around. Let these minds and hearts
here present, being still, be filled with the golden substance of love. Let
human thinking cease. Let human emotions be still. Let minds and hearts, being
filled with this golden, peaceful substance of love, consequently be the gates
of heaven, the gates through which the angels of heaven may come into the
earth. In this, minds and hearts may experience a reversal of polarity. They
are no longer trying to achieve anything, certainly not to GET anything. Let
minds and hearts be still. Then the angels of heaven may be present and known
by human minds and hearts. Be still and know that I am God, revealed in
experience of mind and heart by the one I am.
Human minds and hearts
are indeed designed as the gate of heaven, through which the hosts of heaven
may come into the earth. They have been a barrier to this, filled with their
own thinking and their own emotions—no gate of heaven, no angels in experience.
But now we hear the command in this setting: Let mind and heart be still. Let
them be filled with the golden substance of love, because there has been
repentance from human thinking and human emotion; these are the character of
human nature. Repentance, that human nature has been allowed to occupy our own
hearts and minds, is required of those hearts and minds. Let heart and mind be
still. Let them be filled with the golden substance of love. Let them,
consequently, be the gate of heaven. Let the angel who I am come forth to be
known by heart and mind.
Let each heart and mind
say, "Forgive me, Father, for I have not known what I was doing.'' Each
heart and mind may know now, in this moment, that what they have been doing has
wreaked havoc in the world. Now, being still, yielded and opened to receive and
be filled with the golden substance of love, the gate of heaven opens and the
one I am comes forth, in the vivid awareness that, as the Psalmist put it,
"The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they
that dwell therein.'' The hosts of heaven may indeed emerge through these
yielded and still minds and hearts. Who shall be the ones who permit this to
happen? Who shall be the ones, in their human arrogance and rebelliousness, to
continue to prevent it? This indeed shall be revealed.
But here, surely, there
are minds and hearts who yield, repent, receive the golden substance of love,
and consequently come to know the truth. As the truth is known because the
angel is present and in expression, the fantasy of the human-nature world
becomes obvious. The angels of heaven know that they come into the world
through human minds and hearts and bodies, because this is the only means by
which it can be done. There is no other gate but mankind; a gate that, as
angels, we recognize has been so firmly closed. But unless there are those
human minds and hearts that say genuinely, in deep humility and repentance,
"Forgive me, Father, for heretofore I have not known, clearly at least,
what I have been doing,'' the gate of heaven cannot be opened.
Is there anything more
important than that this gate should be opened? The angel of heaven, and heaven
itself, have been excluded from the earth, and because of that exclusion the
state of affairs on earth is the way it is. Human minds and hearts are totally
responsible for this state of affairs. "Forgive me, Father, for I have not
known what I was doing, but now I begin to know. And because I begin to know
what I have been doing I repent, and yield in stillness to receive the golden
substance of love.'' Be still and know what it is that is thus received. I am
the angel who may be in expression on earth, as the mind and the heart of my
physical form yield to me. We see the world around us in chaos and
disintegration. We see the very planet itself lonely and bereft, longing to
come unto the focus of creative spirit, unto me as I am. And, again, I am not
speaking TO you—if that is all you know, you know nothing—but you are speaking
WITH me. I am present on earth because of this physical body with mind and
heart. Mind and heart have stood as a barrier, but now exhibit some willingness
to yield, in deep repentance and humility, from their arrogance and
rebelliousness heretofore. So, as an angel I speak, and you as angels speak: I
am the one who is present on earth in this form, individually speaking and all
together, having heard the cry of the earth, the planet itself, and the world
which is present, surrounding the planet. I have heard the cry: "Let me
come again to you, you the angel in heaven.
But, rather naturally,
the earth, the world, is somewhat hesitant. These have been betrayed by human
beings for countless centuries, generation after generation. There was always
the willingness, the longing, of the earth and the world—except the world of
human beings—to come again to heaven. But this barrier, this human barrier, has
stood in between. Now, somewhere in this barrier of human nature, a few hearts
and minds are revealing a willingness to yield, to repent, to be still, to
relinquish all their supposedly wise thinking and their supposedly important
emotions, that they may indeed, in a sense at least, shrivel down to nothing
and provide space for heaven, space for the angel who is still present in human
form, as evidenced by the fact of life itself. Let there be repentance and
yielding and stillness, before the opportunity that life provides is gone.
These words are spoken to the hearts and minds of all mankind, but particularly
the hearts and minds that are here present.
Yielding and repenting
and being still, letting the golden substance of love flood in, the gate of
heaven opens, and it is known that I am present. There is only one who has the
right to speak the words, "I am.'' That one is not the self of human
nature. The human-nature self continually may be said to take the name of the
Lord in vain, because all people are inclined to say, "I am,'' usually
qualified with some subsequent words. But "I am'' is the name of the Lord,
not the name of any human self. What arrogance there has been, in our own
experience, obviously in the experience of people everywhere. But that's THEIR
experience; what is OURS?
I am present, and when
my mind and heart are willing to yield and be still, to repent, to be open, I
come forth. My thinking, my ways, are as the heavens, higher than the earth and
human thought and ways. Let human thought and ways vanish from the face of the
earth, that my thought and my way may be known by human hearts and minds once
more. I am come, in each human form and in all human forms, that I might bring
life and bring it more abundantly. But human minds and hearts have been hooked
to death, addicted to death and all the qualities and characteristics of human
nature which bring it.
Be still, and know that
I am present. My word is truth, my word is life. The earth, the world—all but
the human world—long to come again to participate delightedly in the one
creative process. They long to come again to the one who provides the focus of
spirit for this creative process as it relates to this earth and this world.
There is angelic understanding that there would be some hesitancy on the part
of the earth and the world—what I suppose human beings would call the natural
world, which excludes human beings entirely—to come in response to this
invitation, because they have become so accustomed to hearing a false
invitation, which has always inevitably resulted in rape and destructiveness.
Human nature demands the earth to serve human nature, and the world to serve
human nature. Repent!—not by trying to do something about it in human nature,
as so many struggle to do, good people no doubt, to try to restore some sort of
balance to what is occurring on earth. It can't be done by human nature,
because human nature itself is out of balance.
So, always, the word
comes: Yield and be still (a creative command, if you will, offered to every
human mind and heart present on earth), that you may come to know me and know
that the earth is mine, the world is mine, all is mine. That is true when the
words are spoken by the angel in heaven through a still human mind, heart and
body. This invitation is then extended to the natural world and to the earth,
to the planet itself: Come home. And in these days there is a sensing on the
part of the angel, through mind and heart, that the earth and the natural world
are beginning to hear what it is that is being extended in invitation. But it's
too much to believe! It has been so long that this state of aloneness and
loneliness has been in effect because there was no man on earth, just a
collection of animalistic creatures who have destroyed almost all semblance of
Be still, mind and
heart. Be still and receive the golden substance of love. Be still and know
that I am present. I am present in each little human earth and world, but being
present there I am present in the whole of the planet earth and in the whole of
the natural world. And I come forth to live and be on earth, providing all that
is necessary and possible to let the gates of heaven be opened everywhere in
mankind, so that the hosts of heaven may come into the earth and so that the
whole population, insofar as man is concerned, is an angelic one. This, we have
come to know, through our own experience of the coming forth, is what is
happening. And it shall be finished.
The quote has come down
to us out of the past as having been spoken by the One called Jesus on earth,
"I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.'' The fact was
established back then. It is now emerging to prove itself out, to prove that He
spoke the truth amongst other things. Of course that proof is only of value to
those who didn't think He spoke the truth. He knew what it was He said, and why
He said it; and as the angelic experience begins to flood human hearts and
minds, that knowing comes too. The truth is known, and all this fantasy is seen
as nothing. The fantasy of this present human state is seen as nothing, just a
mist which is blown away speedily by the rising of the sun, the coming forth of
the hosts of heaven into the earth.
We share some
understanding of this. Why? Because there has been some coming forth. To that
extent we know, maybe not fully as yet, because there hasn't been the fulness
of the coming forth. But let it continue. As there is constant repentance and
yielding of mind and heart there is an openness to receive the golden substance
of love; and that is very real. Only where that is present can it be said that
the light is shining. "Let your light so shine.'' And I heard tell, also,
of something or other referred to as "Emissaries of Divine Light''! There
is no such light without mind and heart being filled with the golden substance
of love, and occupied by the one I angelically am.
This morning we have
had opportunity to participate in this creative process by which the hosts of
heaven—rather small in number insofar as those present in this Chapel are
concerned—may in fact come forth. It's not something to be dreamt about or
thought about: "Well is it true, or isn't it true?'' Who knows? The only
way to know is to let it happen; otherwise one can have beliefs pro and con.
They mean nothing! Alone does the truth have meaning. That is the fact of the
matter, which one is only capable of experiencing for oneself. You can't hand
it to anybody else, and nobody else can hand it to you. It must happen in the
way that it happens; the creative process works this way. And human minds and
hearts and bodies are designed to accommodate the angel of heaven; in fact they
already do. But, for millennia, while accommodating the angels of heaven the
evidence of that fact has been absent, because minds and hearts have been
closed and busy with their own damned business. And it is damned! There isn't
anything you can do on the basis of human nature which has the slightest value in
the end. That should be obvious to anyone. It should have been obvious in every
But still there is a
persistence of plugging away with human nature to get things done the way human
nature thinks they should be done; and hence, disaster—perhaps a final disaster
close at hand. But even in the midst of that it may be said, "I am come. I
am present.'' That's something that has to be proven out, of course, by each
one. It certainly means human nature gets put on the spot. There can be no more
of the old controls allowed to operate in human expression: the control of
emotion, the control of intellectual thoughts and ideas, no matter how good and
exemplary they may seem. That is the control of human nature. That is the
control of the devil. It's been rampant on earth everywhere, through everybody.
Because of this, most people have never seen it, because it's what they are.
But now there begins to be an emergence, a yielding, a repentance, a
willingness to be forgiven and to receive the golden substance of love into
mind and heart, that that may be all that is present. That is the evidence of
the angel, the one of whom it may be said, humanly speaking, "I am.''
Here is the way, the
truth, and the life. I am the way, the truth, and the life. And these words may
be spoken easily through a still mind and heart, which accommodate the
expression, the living Word of the one I am.
Lillian Exeter: Martin,
my Word is, "I am,'' because I am living, and I dare—I dare!—because there
has been emergence of the angel, to come near unto you and to be with you. So I
actually express that invitation, all of us express that invitation to all,
"Come near unto us,'' in these days.
Lord Exeter: And the earth, and the natural world, longs to do just
that. But at the moment there seems to be only a little crack to which to come.
Let the gate be flung wide open, that all may come again into the oneness made
possible by the union of heaven and earth, the angel of God and the human
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