Pulsations of the Creative Process
Martin Exeter August 17, 1986 p.m.
Alan Hammond — Most of us gathered in
this place have moved with the pulsations of the recreative process over many
years. We have been drawn to this place a number of times. Gradually, over the
years, we know in our own experience the process of purification which has
occurred within us. And now is it not true that there is adequate clarity
within our hearts and minds so that we know who we are on earth? I know I can
speak for many in this room and beyond when I say: I know the quality and
character of my eternal being. I know this on earth through this human
Even though I know
this, there are occasions when what emerges through this form is not true to my
being. As soon as I express it, usually, I know I have not managed to find full
expression through these capacities. And I know that this is true of everyone
here, and yet I know who I am and the quality of my being. And because I know
this of myself, I know this of each of you. And because I no longer beat myself
after I have failed to emerge fully into the earth, it is true that I no longer
feel the compulsion to beat anyone else either.
I know again that I
speak for many when I say that these pulsations of contraction which have
brought us together have brought us together this time in an unprecedented
quality of union. I suppose if one looked carefully one could see traits, human
traits, in others that used to irritate—more than that, incense! But now they
don’t, because the consciousness is dominated by the presence of this beautiful
unified spirit which is finding expression through all of us.
How shall we extend
this quality of power into the earth? I know my own mind has been convinced for
many years that television was the answer, public meetings, booklets, reaching
out to share the good news. What could be more commendable than that?
Fundamentally nothing, except that we now know—I know—that preoccupation with
such external forms is not primarily the place of our divine action. We extend
this absolute authority and power of the Tone into the world as it finds its
pure release in literally every action, every word, every feeling, every
thought. Here is ecstasy indeed, that my being should find pure release through
these intimate forms of expression.
Purity is power. And so
our union with the one who focalizes the Tone is our union in the expression of
the Lord’s power and authority. How wonderful to be in this day, to be in this
interior place together, knowing an unprecedented union and the joy of
expressing this glorious character into the world.
Martin Exeter — We are in the midst of an operational event,
universally speaking, which is moving along the way it should. We do not have
to look very far in our understanding of what is present universally speaking to realize that it moves in an orderly manner.
We are fortunate at the moment to be part of a solar system—we call it—which
has evidences of orderliness present. It seems that those who understand these
things can calculate the orbits of planets years ahead. Of course they might be
surprised one day, but at the moment it all gives evidence of some sort of orderliness.
We are in the middle of this, day and night.
Day and night follow
each other; the seasons follow each other; the orbit of the Earth moves
steadily around the Sun and there is the inclination to depend upon this. There
is orderliness, there is design, there is control, and it works the way it
works for whatever the purpose might be. Because human beings have divorced themselves
from that working they have lost any awareness of purpose, and consequently
have had to invent purposes for themselves. A great deal of ingenuity has been
exercised in inventing purposes, sweat of the brow, when all the time the creative
process was in operation—and it would be quite natural to coordinate with that
creative process.
It could be said that
we ourselves have been awakening to these things and have become aware that
there is a creative
process and it does work and it is orderly and it can be trusted. We don’t always trust
it—we don’t yet trust ourselves to be aligned with it. We feel quite confident that
if we were aligned with it everything
would be fine—being aligned with it, the assurance comes with the working of
the creative process. But if we happen still to be interested in getting our
own way, which is the intent of human nature: to do our own thing, even to
excel in doing our own thing—that’s very popular these days, the search for
excellence in doing our own thing!—the Lord is forgotten, ignored certainly,
and therefore the creative process is set on one side in favor of human
purposes—human cross-purposes!
But now we ourselves
have a certain sensing of newness appearing. In our own individual experience
there is rightly—and this has really always been the case—something new to be
known. It is said that at the time when things are wound up the days would be
shortened, which presumably means that the changes put in an appearance more quickly,
which means also that we need to be pretty nimble on our feet in order to
remain associated with what is happening.
There are things
changing. There are rapid changes occurring, and I think you are all aware of
this, and it will be something that is particularly addressed in the Central
Council no doubt—because there is the inclination to get oriented toward
concepts of proper Emissary behavior as it was. When was that? Who really knows
what proper behavior is? It is something that is still, to a very large extent,
unknown. But there is an emergence into experience of a new level of what one
might call, spiritual know-how.
It has sometimes been
indicated that the movement is in an ascending spiral. We find ourselves coming
back to a place which seems rather familiar. But, if we are letting the
creative process work, our experience of this repetitive place is not at the
same level. We find ourselves higher in the spiral—at least hopefully so; I
suppose we can perhaps spiral downwards too; some do—so that we come again to
something that seems vaguely familiar, or perhaps rather vividly familiar. But
let us not judge it as though it was the same as something that was experienced
before. It never could be that. We can’t get back to anything, and there is the
creative process which is, from our standpoint, a forward movement. So we could
never really repeat anything. If it seems that way it is because, instead of
ascending in the spiral we are just going round and round. We are not really
doing that either, because if you are not ascending you are descending: it is
one or the other. One can’t stand still. A lot of people would like to stand
still, you know. They don’t like change: “Let’s have things the way we are
familiar with. Let's have them that way forever.” Well that doesn’t work!
We welcome what it is
that is emerging now; and to discover what is emerging now we must let it
emerge. Simple, but it requires a flexibility and an openness, a yieldedness, a
constant repentance. The repentance is really letting go of what it was that
has been holding us, and there certainly are such things still around—the
restoration hasn’t occurred yet, has it?—there are things around, still
attached to us. But I think it isn’t quite that way—as though things have a
life of their own and hang onto us; really we hang onto them. And when we are
willing to let go, they drop off.
So together we
participate in this creative process with respect to which I outlined some
factors this morning. I would remind you that it was contraction: that is the first thing that we are obviously aware is
happening. It is not something we maybe look forward to sometime next week; it
is here now, contraction. And in the contraction we reach a point rightly where
we have no holdouts; we are not resisting the contraction, which will compact
things. In that process there may be those who don’t care for confined spaces.
We need to allow the contraction to occur. We find ourselves in close proximity
with each other, whereas before there may have been thousands of miles between

So contraction takes
place, and all are included in this process who are willing to be
included—which brings up the matter of repentance, doesn’t it? Repentance: just
letting go—letting go of the factors of human nature, that the processes of
sanctification may work out because we are willing to let these things go. That
is the experience of forgiveness. But this is all happening in a more rapid way
when we are brought together on this contraction basis. When you are out there
a mile away, a thousand miles away, ten thousand miles away, wherever, things
are not sometimes brought so vividly to point as they are when you are jammed together.
We are contracted and brought closer together, and we will be this way for the
next number of days. I am sure that the matter of repentance will be brought to
the fore in consciousness in one way or another, the matter of letting go. It
is a matter of participating in the creative process. If there is real
participation in the creative process it’s a wonderful blessing, it’s a
wonderful experience, and all the seeming discomforts of it fade into the
background. This has always been the case. I am sure you have had that
There are many more
external experiences which come by reason of the compacting of human beings.
There are a lot more human beings around now experiencing this contraction, and
there is something very worthwhile because of that. It needs to be recognized,
it needs to be understood, that this is wonderful! There is a certain sensing
of that because I think we enjoy coming together from all parts of the world.
But there is something far more to be accomplished, than this sort of social interchange,
by reason of the compaction—the compaction, the contraction, the repentance,
the forgiveness.
To move into the next
phase, which is very closely related: purification—this
is what is happening by reason of the contraction. It is part of the creative
process. Let’s enjoy it while we’re here! But let’s get out of the usual
human-nature mode, so that we understand what it is that is happening and
participate in the process. Let whatever needs to be brought forth be brought
forth and relinquished, so that there may be purification, which is the next
factor in this creative process: purification. Some find purification a little
uncomfortable at times. Well that’s fine, isn’t it? Who’s uncomfortable? Well you can answer
that one.
Then comes the intensification, which we are capable
of accommodating because there is purity there, and there is no
double-mindedness anymore. The intensification comes, which is the building up
of spiritual pressure—pressure in the boiler. We need to be careful, then, that
there are no leaks. The pressure is built up for a purpose. It is because there
is a container that is able to accommodate the pressure that something can be
accomplished. All these things are happening for a reason, not to satisfy human
beings, although if they move with the creative process it is wonderfully
satisfying. The dissatisfaction comes when one is bucking it. So there is the
intensification which naturally occurs—should naturally occur in this
particular configuration that we have. There are various configurations. I am
thinking of Central Council, for instance, but there are other configurations,
the configuration of this grouping here now.
Let something
intensify, that the power may begin to be available for release, which is the next requirement. But the release is always
under control. Human beings, experiencing pressure, may blow their tops, as it
is said, in other words an explosion. Well there is a valid reason for the building
of pressure, but most people don’t know how to handle it. It provides the power
by which the operation continues, and we find ourselves associated, then, with
the controlled release. And the controlled release we could see in terms of
radiation. We are here to let the light shine, after all, but with a great
intensity. There has perhaps been a tendency to be content with one
candlepower, which flickered in the wind—not very inspiring to anyone. I
suppose if it is completely dark all around a candle is useful, but if we each
have a candle then we have some candlepower of greater intensity right here in
the Chapel.
Finally, because of the
radiation, this release, there is the expansion
aspect of the creative cycle. And here is the pulsation which moves from contraction
to expansion and back to contraction. There is a natural rhythm, and rightly we
become aware of that rhythm. There is a rhythm individually speaking in this regard
and, as might be expected, the individual rhythms correlate with the larger
rhythms and pulsations of the creative process. They are not separate from each
other; they are not like human behavior at cross-purposes. Everything is
aligned: the solar system is working nicely in the galaxy, thank you; and the
galaxy is working very nicely in the system of galaxies, and so on.
The pulsations are all
there, they are coordinated, when we ourselves accommodate the creative
process. We don’t have to figure it all out. The creative process is at work. We are moving
with it, not altogether consciously as yet but there is a conscious element,
certainly, in our experience. It is as there is alignment with this that all
things work together in the fulfilment of the creative purpose. And that is
just wonderful. I rejoice that we have the opportunity of sharing this now, but
always—if we are willing and yielded and allow the creative process to be
accommodated in our own minds and hearts, so that we may move easily with the

We find ourselves
participating in the natural pulsations which move in this way. There are a
multitude of ways in which these pulsations occur, a great variety, but the way
they occur is very simple, not complicated at all, because it all just fits together.
We find the same factors are present in all the compulsions that are going on,
all the pulsations that are moving in the creative process. So we rejoice to be
together in letting this be known in our own individual and collective experience
through whatever configurations are brought together by the movement of that
creative process.
© Emissaries of Divine Light