October 09, 2022

Triune Chart Of Manifestation—Part Two

 Triune  Chart  Of  Manifestation — Part  Two

Uranda   February 2, 1938


Through this Primary Key you begin to gain a vision of the True Government of this Whole, Holy World. You will begin to see that all humanly conceived plans and ideas are of no real value. Those who cling to the human plans and programs will surely go down with the fall and failure of such plans. There is no question as to whether or not the Cosmic Plan will succeed. Every person and every thing that functions contrary to the Cosmic Plan is already doomed. As the world moves into the New Age expression, the Christ Kingdom, which has been set up since the beginning of Creation, will fully manifest in the earth. The New Age Government will be that of the Motherland. After the transition there will be no more death—there will be no more poor people—there will be no more criminals—there will be no more evil. Human minds cannot grasp such a picture with any understanding of detail. All humanly devised plans have a monetary basis, or consideration—they offer ways of taking care of criminals—they accept suffering and death as being a factor—they attempt to make arrangements for the poor. They say, without these things there would be nothing—there would be nothing to do. That shows how limited is their vision. As rapidly as your consciousness expands so that you can understand it, I will explain to you the manifestation and function in the New Age, both from the standpoint of the individual Divine Man, and of the Naacal Government. Steadfast Love Response to your Master within you, that thereby you may allow a steadfast Love Radiance from your Lord out through you at all times, will surely reveal the Way whereby you can, in all tranquility, use all things to advantage. You are beginning to realize what I mean when I speak of Vibrations in the Creative Cycles, and to understand the need for steadfast harmonization in the Holy Norm, or the Temple of Light. We extend the hand of welcome to all who will respond in the Christ Love. Beloved of the Lord, rejoice!

The Primary Key

Let every Anomon [Ascending One] realize that this Key is sacred to and in the Holy Norm, or the Temple of Light; and that those who have not harmonized in the Holy Norm could not understand it. Let it be realized that the Truth herein presented is secret, in that though it might be read a thousand times by those who walk not in the Way, it could not be understood. However, we offer it not to such as are not consciously harmonizing in the Holy Norm, for the simple reason that human minds could jump to wrong conclusions, and so think wrongly of us and that which we teach. We would not place a stumbling block in the path of any; but to those who receive it as a stepping stone we give it freely. Spiritual Truth must be spiritually discerned.

The Chart is of yourself, of your Lord, of the LORD of Lords, of the LORD of the Sun, of the LORD of this Universe, and of the LORD of the UNIVERSE of UNIVERSES. These Six are a Double Trinity. You are included therein. Only through Love can you know your harmonization in this great Double Trinity; all of which is enfolded in the UNIVERSAL SEVENTH, or the radiations of the GOD of GODS.

Here are revealed all the Secrets of Being, and the Key to the Vibrations of Substance upon any and all Planes whatsoever. Substance is of every Plane of manifestation. The manifestation of the outer world is the most ethereal of all Planes of the indicated alignment which carries through on the One Connecting Vibration which leads from you, as a human being, up through all the Creative Centers above mentioned, to the CENTRAL GOD of GODS in the CENTRAL SUN of SUNS. This fact is directly contrary to that which is generally supposed.

Let it be realized that the Creative Cycles (C-C) show the action at any given point of Being, whether of the Inner or the Outer Planes. It is true of you as a human being, of your Lord, or of any Lord on any Plane. The Descending Flame is as important as the Ascending Flame. In the Creative Process any given substance that is subject thereto is lifted to a Point of Suspension and held in Being on a vibration that is between the Plane from which the substance came, and the Plane to which it is ascending. This is true of the entire Creative Process beginning with the Unformed and carrying through to what we may call Sun Substance which is the Perfect Positive which does not contain the Negative within itself, but must be used in the Creation of its Negative in order to maintain Universal Balance. This ascension of the Negative to the State of Sun Substance, with the resulting necessity of further Creative Activity beginning with the Unformed is that which motivates and at the same time balances the so-called evolution of the Universe.

That which is so Suspended is subject to two forces, namely, the Ascending Flame and the Descending Flame. The portion of Suspended Substance which responds to, and allows attunement with the Ascending Flame is thereby lifted to the next higher Plane, no matter what Plane that may be in the Negative Field, i.e., before it reaches the final state of Sun Substance, where it becomes a part of the Universal Positive Field. That portion of Suspended Substance which responds to, and allows attunement with, the Descending Flame is thereby carried back to the Plane from which it came before being lifted into such Suspended State. In this world, in the Outer Planes, through man's unwise interference by reason of self-activity of the human consciousness, the State of Balance in such Suspended Substance cannot be maintained until the whole portion has been acted upon, and thereby does the portion of Suspended Substance in such forms as are natural to this world, including that of the human being, become so erratic in action and reaction, and so out of tune with Radiation and Response, that the Life Contact with the entire portion is broken and it is lowered back to the next lower Plane in what is called death—before the natural functions of the Creative Cycles complete action upon the Suspended Substance, bringing the process to fruition without death, as was the case, for instance, with Enoch.

To the degree to which any human being allows his conscious actions and organic functions to be attuned to the Ascending Flame he feels light and easy all through his body, and he experiences perfect health. Contrariwise, attunement of actions and functions to the Descending Flame makes the human being feel heavy and clogged, with all types of ill-health. Here a great secret is seen. The Suspended Substance of the body is rightly Ascending and Descending all the time, but all the actions and functions are supposed to be attuned to the Ascending Flame. Suspended Substance can be attuned to the Descending Flame, and so cast out of the body to return to the soil, without in any way disturbing the whole organism. It is only when the actions and functions of any or all of the three Planes of human being become attuned to the Descending Flame through human interference that there is trouble.

The state of Sun Substance, and the Eternal Creation that is established through the formation thereof, cannot be understood in any detail so long as the consciousness is functioning primarily in the Negative Field. However, I would mention that the Body of your Lord within you is made of such Sun Substance. That which is once formed in the Sun Substance of the Positive Field is the only true solid, and it is Eternal and absolutely indestructible. In the Sun of our Solar System man can gain some faint understanding of these things. The Sun, as is true of all Sun Substance, is Purely Positive; and its radiations in the high vibrations appear as fire when they touch the responding substance of a certain vibration which is being drawn in toward the Sun from all parts of the Solar System. It is evident that the radiations of which I speak could not be seen by any means devised by man; but man can see something of the result when those radiations act upon substance that is still within the Negative Field. To scientists and astronomers this responding substance is classified as gaseous, which is a part-truth. Only when it comes within a certain Field of Radiance does the resulting action and reaction become observable by man. It is not necessary to go into this matter further at this time; other than to point out that all the functions of the Sun are under set and absolute Laws, and are governed by God Beings who are completely beyond the possible comprehension of man in the mortal state.

Noting now the first phase of the Triune Chart, counting from the top, which indicates the Center wherein all is contained, the Sphere, or Sun, marked (1), is the Center of the Cosmos. This CENTRAL SUN of SUNS is unknown to man; though the fact of its Presence is recognized, its function has been suspected in part, and its place has been speculated upon. It is far larger than any Sun known to man. Around it revolves the whole UNIVERSE of UNIVERSES, which includes the entire COSMOS. The GOD of ALL GODS, SUPREME LORD of the COSMOS, is enthroned in the CENTRAL SUN of SUNS, and He is the Central Figure of all Being wheresoever Being may be found in all the vastness of the Cosmic UNIVERSE of UNIVERSES. The Secrets of the GOD of ALL GODS and the CENTRAL SUN of SUNS cannot be known to man in the fallen state of consciousness, other than to recognize that there is such a Center, from which springs the Central Control and Function of the ONE LAW of the Positive and Negative. When any human being has so responded to his Lord that he knows himself he will understand something of the Nature and Being of the CENTRAL SUN of SUNS wherein dwells our Great, and Greatly Beloved, RULER of the COSMOS, the GOD of ALL GODS, for in HIM the Central Gods of all Universes are Centered and Focalized; so that the SUPREME LORDS of each Solar System recognize HIM as the Ultimate and Absolute Focalization and Manifestation of the Universal Trinity of Being, or the Highest One of the Double Trinity above mentioned. THE GOD of ALL GODS is the SUPREME NAMELESS ONE.

Next we come, moving from the Center outward, to the Second Sphere, or Sun, of the GREAT SUN TRINITY—or the Second in our Supreme Trinity in the Positive Field of Being established in Sun Substance. This Sun is the Center of this Universe, or, in other words, this is the CENTRAL SUN of the UNIVERSE of which our Solar System is a part, and in which we function. In this CAPITOL, or CENTRAL SUN of the UNIVERSE is established the Eternal Temple Palace of the GOD of this UNIVERSE. In our Mighty and Glorious SUPREME LORD of this UNIVERSE all the Gods of all the Solar Systems in this Universe are centered, or focalized—and the love wherewith He is loved by all the Gods of this Universe is beyond the imagination of man. Among the Radiant Ones of the Third Sacred School, who speak His Name in Loving Reverence on such rare occasions as it is needful, the SUPREME LORD of this UNIVERSE is known as our Great and Majestic LORD RAITHRA, around Whom, and in Whose Spirit, this Whole Great Universe, and all that is therein, lives and moves and has its Being within the Supreme Sun Trinity. Rejoice that it is so.

In the Double Trinity you are now beginning to understand something of the Nature and Being of the ONE GOD; for all Gods and all Lords of the UNIVERSE of UNIVERSES function in Oneness of Purpose and Law in a focalized harmonization in the GOD of ALL GODS, and this entire unification of God Beings is the ONE GOD. Insofar as this Solar System is concerned, the One God is the SUPREME LORD of the SUN of our Solar System around which this earth functions. In HIM all the God Beings of the Sun recognize their Supreme Ruler; and so, also, do the Supreme Rulers of each of the Planets of this Solar System recognize HIM, and respond to HIM in a Radiant and Glorious Focalization of the Creative Cycles. This greatly loved Being Who is the Supreme Ruler of our Sun is known in the Third Sacred School by the Holy Name, LORD RARAIRA, and if His Name be spoken it is in Loving Reverence.

Our Sun, being the Third, or Lower Point, of the Sun Trinity as far as this Solar System is concerned—and so, as far as we are concerned—it is our direct point of response wherein we contact, and harmonize with, the fact and function of Pure Sun Substance in the Ultimate State. This is speaking from the standpoint of the Whole Holy World; and, also, that of each and all of the Twelve Planets of this Solar System. Some will be inclined to question the statement concerning Twelve Planets—and it will be well, for many new realizations of the Perfect Vision are being revealed for the Ascending Ones who rejoice in the Darkness of the Grand Gallery wherein they find and know the Light.

There is Sun Substance in the Inner Planes of each of the Planets of this Solar System; but it has not yet been received into the Ultimate State of the Perfect Solid, and will not be so received until the Planets become Suns—at which time they will become the Centers of further creation of worlds; and as they will be Suns around our Sun, the Light of them would appear in the far distance as from One Sun, and so are you given something of an understanding of the Structure and Nature of those Great Suns which man has thought to measure.

The Ascending One cannot now expect to understand all of these things, but it is needful that they be mentioned that he may begin to realize that which has been far beyond his comprehension. This gives us opportunity to approach a careful consideration of this Whole Holy World—and Blessed are they who can begin to understand the Truths thereof, for in them the Light shall be released. You will note that in the Triune Chart there is no attempt to picture detail in the GREAT SUN TRINITY. Neither is there any attempt to give more than a general understanding of the Primary Points and Principles of the Inner Planes of our own World. Not until the Blessed One begins to truly understand the Three Outer Planes of our own function, can he expect to perceive the details of the unspeakable Splendor and Glory of even the Three Inner Planes of our own Holy World.

The Second Phase of the Triune Chart reveals the Double Trinity of this world, showing how the Three Planes of the Outer, and the Three Planes of the Inner, are all enfolded in the Seventh or Christ Plane. Even the Inner Three Planes of this World cannot be understood or comprehended by the human consciousness. The Points and Principles of Being that function therein can be somewhat understood, and it can be clearly seen that there is a direct and harmonious correspondence between the Inner Trinity of this World and the Sun Trinity of the Cosmos. So it is that it can be seen that the creation of this World was and is in the image and likeness of the whole Cosmos.

In that the LORD of Lords, who manifested as Jesus, is the SUPREME LORD of this Whole Holy World, He is the only One in this Whole World that is the rightful Focal Point of the ONE GOD, and so, to us, our Great LORD and Master is our God—even the ONE GOD. Recognizing this, we speak of Him as the LORD, using capital letters for the entire Word; and capitalizing only the first letter of the word Lord when it is used to indicate the Father within the individual, or any one of the God Beings of the Whole Holy World, other than our Supreme Ruler, the LORD OUR GOD, to Whom we respond with unspeakable Love, Adoration, and Rejoicing.

The LORD and His all-enfolding Christ Plane are indicated in the diagram by the figure (7). He is the Ruling Head, or Executive Chairman, of the Elohim. The Elohim are Seven in number, and they are the Supreme Council of this Whole Holy World, forming the Governing Body which directs the activities of both the Inner and the Outer Planes. The LORD is rightly known as the LORD of the Sacred Seven. The One Who is the Governing Focal Point of the Sixth Plane is rightly known as the Lord of the Sacred Six; and with Him, functioning in the Inner Planes, is the Lord of the Sacred Five and the Lord of the Sacred Four. The latter two are seldom mentioned, because all Inner Plane activity is focalized in the Lord of the Sacred Six, and through Him to the LORD of the Sacred Seven. More than this you do not now need to understand of the Inner Plane Manifestation. After you understand the Outer Plane Manifestation you will begin to perceive the facts of Function and Being in the Inner.

The activities and Functions of the Three Outer Planes, or the Negative Triune World, are all focalized in the Lord of the Sacred Three, who, in turn, is focalized in, and directly responsive to, the LORD of the Sacred Seven. The Lord of the Sacred Two, and the Lord of the Sacred One are both directly focalized in the Lord of the Sacred Three; and they need not now be considered further. In that the Council of the Golden Veil includes every Lord, or God Being, of all Seven Planes of the Whole Holy World—and the Positive Triune World of the Inner Planes, as headed by the Lord of the Sacred Six, is working in perfect harmony with the Lord of the Sacred Three, who is the acknowledged Head, and Governing Ruler of the Negative Triune World, by the Authority and under the Decree of the LORD of the Sacred Seven—it is evident that it is through the Council of the Golden Veil that mankind may be lifted up in perfection of Function and Being. Insofar as the Outer World is concerned, which includes the entire world as man knows it, the Lord of the Sacred Three is the Supreme Focal Point of the Council of the Golden Veil, and all the activity by which mankind is lifted up in salvation is rightly under his direction. The New Naacal Norm is the Outer Plane manifestation of The Council of the Golden Veil.

The Function of the Holy Norm, in the Temple of Light, under the direction of the Lord of the Sacred Three, is to reveal the Perfect Truth by which mankind may be set free, and to coordinate all of the so-called Spiritual Services of the world into one great function to the degree to which the leaders and teachers of all schools of thought, all denominations, all religions, and all teachings, are willing to consciously, or unconsciously for the time being, respond to the direction which will allow them to harmonize in the outworking of the Cosmic Plan for this World.

© emissaries of divine light