If The World Can Help It No Leader Shall Arise
from Death of Joseph—Birth of Moses—Leadership
Uranda May 4, 1953 Class
We have recognized that each one has his Egypt, the outer manifestation of his being, and we recognize that that Egypt can partake of the nature of the world or it can partake of the nature of the Divine Design.
Any human being who is turning to God, beginning to yield and respond, begins to bring forth the manifest form of the Only Begotten Son of God. The Christ Spirit begins to bring forth or establish in form through each one, that which is of God; and when it begins to appear, as it is beginning to appear through yourselves, it is as a babe. And because it carries the nature of the positive expression of God, it is symbolized in the biblical pattern as a boy baby.
The individual who then reacts, and turns in the wrong direction and responds to the patterns of this world, destroys first his or her own baby or son, the beginning of the manifestation of the form of the expression of the Only Begotten Son of God through the individual in the pattern of life. But once having committed murder in this respect, the human being, and I have seen it many times, begins to take the attitude that he or she has nothing to lose anyway—of course, there is no real consciousness of all the steps involved, but this is the pattern—and such an one then begins to try to destroy the positive expression of the Spirit of God through others—by talking, by doing, by insidious misrepresentations, by doing everything that he or she can to discourage others, and to poison the minds and hearts of all who will listen. And so, I have seen human beings in this day and age become obedient to the Pharaoh, the conscious mind which knows not Joseph, the Lord, and as a result begin to destroy as many of the boy babies, the manifestation of the positive expression of the Spirit of God, as possible. And it is a sad thing. In your ministry or service, wherever you may be, in whatever capacity in serving God, you will he under the necessity of dealing with such things.
It is one of the sad aspects of Ministry and one of the things which tends to upset one's pattern of polarity unless there is an awareness of the principles involved and unless one stays steady in Center. And those who reach this point of trying to be a servant of Pharaoh, have an uncanny ability to perceive those who are weakest, those who are most likely to yield to the wrong influence, those who are most likely to become subject to the poison which they spread, and very often it works out on the basis of where there is very little that you can do about it. If you try to arbitrarily convince such people, they will become more suspicious, more rebellious. They will twist and turn whatever you say into a pattern of condemnation and self-justification. And so, all too often, unless someone has the courage to come directly to you when such things are in operation, there is nothing that you can do but stay centered, hold steady and let it work.
But there is this which is always a point to remember and cause one to take courage: As it was at the time of Herod, that the protection of the LORD carried the focus of the Only Begotten Son of God down into Egypt, out of harms reach, so are those who will stay truly centered, those who are obedient to the direction of the Spirit, protected in Egypt from the onslaught of such a false king. And also we are beginning to consider a story here, from the story of Moses. It moves immediately into the pattern, the portrayal, the story of Joseph to the story of Moses. The story of the birth of Moses is very interesting and significant because we see that Pharaoh had done his best to establish a pattern which would prevent the development of a leader for the Children of Israel.
If all the boy babies were destroyed and the girl babies were kept as slaves, there would not be any chance for a leader to develop. And that is the typical pattern in the world; and you will find that the moment you begin to step forth in the pattern of Ministry you begin to run into that situation; for the Children of God are in slavery in Egypt today just as surely as in the days of Moses. We have in principle, in pattern, exactly the same situation today and, as mentioned here, that they served with rigour. Look out into the world pattern. It is on a little different basis, it has a little different form and instead of a whip held in the hand, there is the whip of the pay check; instead of a lash that is actually placed on the back of the slave, the lash, the whip, held in the hand, is the pay check. And out of the same pattern of slavery the Children of Israel, the Children of God, must be delivered today.
And we have in our Ministry, in our Service, exactly the same problems that were present at the time of the Children of Israel in Egypt, we must use exactly the same principles. Insofar as there is proper response and proper function, we can, or should at least, we can avoid the mistakes that were made because they have been clearly outlined. But you begin to realize that our problem today in Service, is exactly the same problem that was present at that time. We have the same conditions of slavery, the same conditions wherein the positive expression of the Spirit of God is in danger of being slain by one of Pharaoh's servants, the self-active mind of man.
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The minute any human being begins to move into a pattern of Spiritual life to bring forth the form of the Spirit of God on earth, there are those who will seek to destroy. And it takes a certain amount of courage, a certain amount of honesty, a certain degree of basic devotion for you or anyone to move along that path. And once you reach a point of adequate realization so that you can truly serve, this is one of the things which you will remember and will cause you to be exceedingly patient, for you will be aware of all these forces that are brought to bear in order to destroy the budding manifestation of the positive expression of the Spirit of God through those whom you serve. Over and over again you will be disappointed. You will see human beings with promise and ability become subject to Pharaoh. You will see them turn away, see them go down and you cannot follow them. You can, perhaps, undertake to call to them, stop them if they will listen, but if they are bound and determined to go, all you can do is let them go.
Those who let their lives be truly dedicated to service have these sorrows to meet, and they are not sorrows so much with respect to what you may have to endure as an individual, and sometimes that may not he altogether pleasant, but your real sorrows, the sadness with which you will have to contend, has to do with those who take the blessings of God for granted for a little time, refuse to let the seed of Truth go deeply into the soil of the heart, so that when the first hot day comes along it withers and is gone. So often one has to be immune to the process of turning away, working through members of one’s own family. How did the Master put it? “One shall he taken; the other left.” Very dear friends, loved ones, and if one responds to such things as develop in such a case, one loses one’s own polarity and fails. And this is one of the reasons, one of many of course, why it is so important to let ourselves become truly centered and stay steady, practice the Art of Living in the pattern of the Divine Design, because sooner or later you will face that issue.
And those who have turned away from my Ministry are greater in number than those who remained. And I loved them and served them as I love and serve you. But the number of those who have come under subjection to Pharaoh, turning back into slavery and denied the blessings of God, and betrayed and fought against God. I have never known one to come back. I have never known one to find peace or know the joys of life. But I would not want to take the positive position that it cannot be. All I can say is that I have never seen it. I hope that perhaps something might work out some day to break that vicious pattern, but it has not been done yet. But the larger hope is this, that those who begin to respond shall not turn away.
And so, even though there is such sadness and sorrow at times, in the pattern of Ministry, even though we see human beings go down needlessly and suffer needlessly, and throw away the richest and greatest blessings in life, we have to remain steady, unmoved, no matter who it is, no matter how much such a person is loved, no matter what great potentiality rests in that person. By reason of such things, I have seen things that I have built in Ministry, torn down and destroyed until I had to begin again out of the ashes, out of the ruins. Several times in my Ministry that has already and taken place. I trust it will never be again. But it is not a pleasant thing to hold steady when it appears that there is no hope, there is no possible way. This is the important thing, because if you do hold steady it will open one way or another, and I would this morning that you deeply realize this point. And if sometime in the future, you, yourself, come under pressure or you are Ministering with someone who is under pressure, remember, be patient and hold steady, hold steady and let it work, because merely because someone else violates, betrays, and undertakes to destroy, we cannot betray God's Trust in us. And as we begin the study of the Children of Israel in Egypt, let us remember that we are dealing with exactly the same problems, human beings in the same pattern of slavery, the same cruel king, the same difficulties.
If the world can help it, no leader shall arise to serve the Children of God. That has been true down through the centuries and every leader who has come through to the point of actually doing something in the world has had to face this fact, that the consciousness of the world, the prince of this world, or the patterns of the world, however you want to put it, so function, and they have the backing of millions and millions of Christians, millions and millions of good, sincere people. If the world can help it, no leader shall arise and become known on earth to the Children of God. Pharaoh always does his best, no matter what ruthless action he thinks he has to take in desperation, he does his best to see to it that there shall be no leader for the Children of God on earth. The Children of God have been without a leader, any True Shepherd, so much in the past, down through these thousands of years, because of this very fact. And when our Master Himself was on earth and began to reveal the reality of that leadership, they crucified Him.
The same old determination of Pharaoh and Herod: there shall be no leader for the Children of God. Leaders for the opposition, yes. Leaders of all kinds for Pharaoh and Herod, the children of this world. Set out to be a leader for the children of this world and the way will be opened before you for wealth and fame and position. But set out to be a leader in the cause of our God and if you do not stay centered, do not hold faithful and true to the Truth, you will never reach the point of leadership, not if the world can help it. And we are here to save the world, a world of human beings who will do everything in their power to prevent the manifestation of leadership which would make their own salvation possible. That sounds ridiculous, but it is the sad fact.
We have been up against this for twenty thousand years. I have been on earth in many bodies, in many forms, in many places and worked through many things in order to help clear this pattern. I think most of you, if not all of you, realize that the body of Joseph was one of my bodies. The body of Moses was one of my bodies. The story of Joseph is My Story. The story of Moses is My Story, just to mention two of them. Over and over again, down through the thousands of years. There are circumstances working out in the vibrational pattern of the universe itself which will bring things to a crisis and force issues, and man is going to have to accept the responsibility.
But in this issue that is being drawn now, there is need for those who will share the responsibilities of true, unwavering, dedicated, devoted leadership. Over and over again, already in my Ministry on earth in this body, the world has sought to destroy any possibility of my coming to a point of leadership. And if you undertake to share the responsibilities of Ministry with me, the responsibilities of leadership, you will find that the world tends to do the same thing to you. And so, the real value of our studies here—in the story of Joseph and now beginning the story of Moses—is that you may be so oriented, have such a deep realization of the workings, the power and the Spirit of God on earth, that you may function effectively, that you may be forewarned, forearmed, that you may see the mistakes that were made in the past and avoid them, so that you may of a truth be a disciple of our LORD and KING and serve Him and be not a partaker of the spirit of Judas who betrayed, or the spirit of Peter who denied our LORD.
When the LORD begins to work out the pattern to raise up a leader for the Children of God on earth, He always finds a way for those who will be obedient to the Spirit of God and yield and trust. And here the pattern worked out so that Moses was raised in Pharaoh’s own house. That is typical of the way the LORD does things. Moses was raised as Pharaoh's own grandson and he grew up in his own house [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2023/05/the-word.html] and was educated on the basis of the best that Egypt could offer. He was raised in the court of Egypt, the Royal Family. He went to the schools and universities; had the highest education the world could then afford. And so the LORD raised up a leader for the Children of Israel, the Children of God, and He did it in Pharaoh's own house right in Egypt where the pattern of slavery was all about and where they were destroying the boy babies.
Perhaps sometime when you are under pressure in your Ministry or service, you will remember that. The LORD has His ways of doing things and if the LORD could raise up a leader for the Children of Israel right in Pharaoh's own house, giving him the position of Pharaoh's own grandson, well then, the LORD can do almost anything—if we just give Him a chance; if we just hold steady. Most people, when it begins to look black, difficult, begin to look for a place to turn around. You know, the first creatures to leave a sinking ship are the rats. The first creatures to leave a sinking ship are the rats. In any case, it is the ability to hold steady when it does look black, the ability to face issues when it looks as if there is no way out.
You saw that same pattern worked out in the story of Joseph and others before him, and you see it again and again where so many people when they begin to get under pressure, when they cannot see with human vision just how and where, they are ready to turn and run. And so often if they would just hold steady a little more. Generally speaking, for those who have any real quality at all, they had come so close to victory, it was right at the door. Just a little more and they would be over the top. But I have seen human beings, time after time—sometimes if they had held steady just a few more minutes even—I have actually seen that; situations where if the human being had held steady for another thirty minutes there would have been obvious victory. Over and over again, when it was merely a matter of hours or days, I have seen them turn and run, get frightened and quit, turn yellow. It is a matter of holding steady, remaining true. Remember if we do that, the LORD will find a way.
Through To Victory
One of the things that we need to begin to truly realize is that wherever we turn in the LORD’s Service there are going to be barriers for some little time to come. There is no way of saying how long, and even if I knew I would not tell you, but there are going to be barriers, walls, difficulties, at best, and when it appears that there is a wall in front of you, perhaps you can begin to see it coming up, as it were, as you are drawing closer to it, learn to keep right on going, Learn to walk right up to the wall? No. If you walked up to the wall, how close would you get to the wall? A hundred yards, or ten yards, or six feet? You walk up close to the wall and stop a wait for the wall to vanish? It does not work that way. You learn to walk not up to the walls, you learn to walk right through them.
And if you think you cannot, you are wrong. You do not just stop when there is a wall over there; a wall of circumstance and vibrational factors. Of course, there are those elements of discretion and understanding with respect to maneuvering, which are essential, but as far as the walls are concerned, you do not just stop and camp by the wall. You keep right on going. and you find that when you get right up to it, pressing against it, it opens—or you find suddenly that it just looked like there was a wall. Anyone round about would have sworn there was a wall, and when you get up there close enough it begins to move back.
Did you ever chase the rainbow; try to catch up with it? It keeps getting away just as fast as you try to get to it. Of course, that is the rainbow, the rainbow of promise. But the principle is the same. The barriers give way and if we are working centered in God, properly responsive to the Divine and hold steady, the barriers give way. That is the—one of the lessons to be learned in the story of the happening after the Children of Israel began to move into the Promised Land.
You will remember there was a certain city where the walls fell down? Jericho. Whenever there are Jericho walls, they will fall if you function correctly. When we get to that we will study some of the basic principles that are involved that are of vital importance and interest. But remember that if you quit merely because you think you see a wall in front of you and you think, “Well I can't get over it. I know I can't climb over it. I cannot do anything. I will just have to quit and camp right here or else go back.” Do not be deluded. Keep right on going and the wall will open or prove to just be a mirage. Perhaps it is not even there. It just looks like it. Hold it steady and keep going.
It is the only way to victory. If walls can stop you, you will be stopped. If human beings can upset you, you will be upset. If discouragement can turn you aside, you will be turned aside. That is the situation. If walls can stop you, you will be stopped. It is only for those who refuse to be stopped by any wall and keep right on going that there can be a true sharing in the Victory.
With respect to this initial phase of the story of Moses, we might well note that the Levites were the members of the Priesthood—members of the Priesthood. Moses was not a Jew. Let us remember that, too. Only the Children of Judah were Jews. All the Children of Israel were Hebrews. But Moses was not a Jew; he was a Levite, and both his father and mother were of the House of Levi. Now at first they were spoken of as the houses, later the tribes. And she called his name Moses: and she said. “Because I drew him out of the water.” And water is the symbol of Truth. And always, when you begin to find the pattern of the Spirit of God's leadership in relationship to yourself, in yourself, through yourself, that which is the Divine expression, it is drawn out of the water, out of the Truth. The emphasis, “Be true to the Truth.” And so shall ye come to know the Victory.
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