January 01, 2015

I  Now  Manifest  As  An  American-Lemurian

Uranda  1938


At the Initiation of a New Cosmic Cycle

My name, Uranda, is of the language of the Motherland, or the original Lemurian—for Lemuria and the Garden of Eden were one and the same. I now manifest as an American-Lemurian.

The literal meaning of the name Uranda is this: "The Focal Point of Union between God, Who is LORD of the Sacred Seven, and the three outer planes of the Negative Triune World, through whom the Triune Ray of the Creative Cycle functions in Radiance of Blessing to the world, and through whom the Response of the Earnest Ones is focalized into the Ascending Flame of the Lord of the Sacred Three, by decree of the LORD of the Sacred Seven."

So it is that the Lord of the Sacred Three is the direct Representative of the LORD of Lords, Who is the LORD of the Sacred Seven—and the manifestation of the Lord of the Sacred Three is as Uranda.

Only those who let their Eyes be Opened as Windows of the Inner Kingdom are able to See and Know these things—and the world cannot see it or understand it.

The function of Uranda is to focalize and direct the Response of all the Earnest Ones of the world to our Great Beloved Master, the LORD of the Sacred Seven, Whom the world knows as Jesus the Christ.

To some I am a man. To some I am a Master. To some I am a God-Being who functions as the Head of the Three outer worlds, for the purpose of drawing all people, who Respond to the Christ Love, into a unified Response to the LORD our God, even Jesus the Christ, LORD of the Sacred Seven.

In nothing do I write, speak or act of myself—but whatsoever is of the LORD Jesus Christ, that do I do, not as a man, but in the Power and Presence of my Father; for he that has Seen me has seen my Father, in that my Father and I are ONE. "The words that I speak unto you, I speak not of myself, but my Father Who dwelleth in me, He doeth the works." It matters not whether I be counted as man or Master, so long as the Earnest One will let himself be drawn to the LORD of Lords—and then shall such an one "Know, even as he is known," and he shall know me as I AM, that our Beloved LORD, Jesus Christ, may be glorified through me—and to that end do I serve in the Temple.

Let a word of caution be here given. Do not talk about me and my Place to those who are just beginning to Harmonize. Some, having begun to Realize my function, have hastened to tell others, and have engendered disbelief. Be willing to let each one come to the point of such vision in due season. Talk about the Truths of Life, and give expression to the simple Realizations of Reality whereby Faith and Understanding may be increased. This is the first time I have, in this manifestation, written plainly and frankly of my Place and my Function—and I do so now for one purpose only, namely: that you may see the Easy, Natural Way that is provided, and that you may give Praise to our Beloved Master, LORD of the Sacred Seven. If someone asks you, "Who is Uranda?" and you try to tell him of these things, you will do more harm than good. Answer simply after this wise: "Uranda is a teacher and writer who makes the Truths of Life so simple and plain that even a child can understand them, and he directs the attention through the indwelling Father, to Jesus Christ, Who is LORD of Lords. 

NAACAL is pronounced NA-A’-CAL, accent second syllable; first A as in name, second A as in ah, and third A as in all. 

NAACAL means: The Triple Expression in the Purity of the First Vibration which must, also, be the Last, as Revealed In and Through those who walk in the Central Way, letting the Truth of Light and Life, as they spring forth from Love, be made Manifest in Harmony with the Cosmic Plan.

Each one who is received is accepted as an Anomon who is willing to so Live that he may become the full expression of a Naacal Priest, and that she may become the full expression of a Naacal Priestess.


ANOMON: meaning Upward One, or Ascending One, is both singular and plural according to the way in which it is used; for every Anomon is One With every other Anomon, and so it is that they, no matter how many they may be, are Anomon. AN’-O-MON — A as in an; long O; last syllable, O as in on.

© Emissaries of Divine Light