October 15, 2021

Conscious Angelic Incarnation

Conscious  Angelic  Incarnation

Martin Exeter  September 14, 1986  pm  La Sauge, France

We are well aware that the authority and control of what is happening on earth is not vested in the human intellect. The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. This is the fact of the matter, rather than the human fancy which claims that everything belongs to human beings and may be manipulated and controlled and directed by the human intellect. The sad result of all this is evident enough. So there are those who no longer put so much store by what the arrogant human intellect puts forth, as though it were the reason why one should do what one does.

We delight, in this setting now, to acknowledge that the earth is the Lord’s and that there is a creative process at work by which the truth may once again prevail on earth. That truth will not prevail by reason of continuing endeavors on the part of the human intellect to boost its own value, but comes because there are angels present in human form whose minds and hearts are sufficiently yielded and open to acknowledge the fact. If one has assurance, as has been common in human nature, that the understanding of the mind is supreme and is required to direct everything that occurs on earth, then the fact that there are incarnate angels will not be known to those minds. They are so full of their own self-importance—maybe not always their own particular self-importance but a worship of the holy cow which is identified in this way. We are aware that there are many, many such holy cows, but the central one is that of the human intellect, as though that was supreme: it should be allowed to direct everything that happens. Then by reason of this direction, while things seem to be going a little bit awry, nevertheless by a continuing process of intellectual effort the things that are going awry because of that intellectual effort are going to be set straight again. That doesn’t sound like intelligence to me. It sounds like stupidity! And, of all things, the human intellect is stupid.

The stupidity comes because it is addicted to its own supposed ability to accomplish anything. The idea is, of course, as we were noting this morning even, that the human mind can think what it pleases. If it is capable of thinking about it, capable of developing something, then that should be thought about and developed just because it imagines that it is capable of doing this. All kinds of things are developed on the basis of good intentions; there are other intentions that are not so good, rather more hidden; but all the good intentions that the human intellect has had to improve the lot of human beings on earth, backfire. Somewhere along the way they backfire. These wonderful advances that are made in scientific understanding and discovery are found to be dreadful things later on.

One of the most dreadful things that has occurred in the experience of the human race is this vast multiplication of human beings on earth. If a few human beings functioning on the basis of the efforts of the human mind were able to sustain a society which seemed more or less pleasing to themselves, for a while anyway, this becomes more and more difficult as there is a multiplication of people. And there is insistence still that there is the right to produce more and more people. This is another sacred cow. The motherhood question is a sacred cow: you can’t question motherhood. Yet this proliferation of human beings on earth is bringing so many things to point, revealing to anyone with the slightest intelligence that the way that human beings have gone, have been going, and are still going, is not the way to go. However, because this is so deeply entrenched in human experience, at the moment it appears to most that there isn’t any other way to go.

The way we are going is being questioned more and more, but what else is there? Well we know. And we had better be in position—not to tell everybody about it, because what good does that do? People are told about all kinds of things, but it doesn’t make any difference to their worship of holy cows. What does make a difference is the fact that responsibility is taken by those who become aware in mind and heart of this angelic incarnation, of the fact that there are angels, and I am one. Each one may say that. We look around and we see angels, yes that’s true. There are quite a few here in this room at the moment—not very many compared to the population of the world, but enough—enough here at this time for now, just as there are enough in other places at this time sufficient for now. That is something that is acceptable to angels, even though it is not acceptable to human nature. Human nature is hooked on the idea of numbers: something is valuable because of numbers. It may be numbers of dollars, of course, or francs or pounds or whatever they are, ecus these days I understand, but also numbers of people. If you have a sufficient number of people going along a certain path, that must make it right, even though at the end of the path they all fall off over the edge of the cliff.

It isn’t a matter of numbers; it is a matter of angels. That is the sole thing that is in question: whether there are going to be any angels in expression in human form on earth, or whether everybody is going to proclaim human nature and continue to proclaim that, trying to find the answer by all of these various manipulations. Now there are angels who begin to become conscious of the fact that they are present on earth in human form. The angels are always conscious of that. Human minds and hearts haven’t acknowledged the fact, but are presumably beginning to do so. We rejoice that this is so, because it places upon us a new awareness of the reason for our presence here on earth. We begin to become aware that we were sent, for one thing, as angels, and the human mind and heart begin to accept and acknowledge this fact. Only when that is accepted and acknowledged is it known on earth. As long as human minds and hearts are busy denying it and finding reasons and justifications for making sure that it isn’t true, the angels are inhibited; there is no means by which anything can be extended angelically out of heaven into the earth.

But now there is something, and one of the evidences of this is that angels recognize each other. We become aware of each other on a basis that allows for coordination—you could put it that way; what it is really is the experience of love, the emergence of love through human hearts, acknowledged by human minds. As this happens the angel is present, because the primary characteristic of the angel is love. Emerging through human forms, minds and hearts, then the experience of love begins to be known and there is a sense of belonging, a sense of home, a sense of oneness, of being part of one beautiful, coordinated whole.

This angelic awareness comes from above, one might say—it is a way of describing the fact that it is higher than what has been known in human nature—but it also comes from below. We may recognize that the planet, the earth, is relatively quite large when considered in relationship to the surface of the earth where human beings scratch around like chickens. It doesn’t go very deep, like chickens. There is far more of the earth into which human beings have not been able to penetrate than there is of it into which they have been able to penetrate. So there is a little skin around the surface of the earth and some of the atmosphere above, which is being very thoroughly polluted, in which human beings function; but the main body of the earth has remained untouched in a direct sense by these human scratchings on the surface.

There is something that is in the core of the earth which has been recognized in terms of heat, fire, that relates to the fire of the sun, for instance. As there is something emerging into conscious awareness through a few human beings on earth, some of them here present in this room, there is also something which arises from the core of the earth to meet what it is that is coming down from heaven, so to speak. What is coming down from heaven is the coming forth of the angel through human hearts and minds and bodies. And there is something rising up from below, far more rising up from below than is exemplified by the forms of life on the surface of the earth. This rising up from below has a relatedness to what happens through the forms of life on the surface of the earth that we think of as nature; it rises up through nature. It should rise up through the human population too, but of course there has been a very solid barrier in this regard, set up because of this endeavor by human beings to do what they want to do and to extend the intellectual control of what happens on the surface of the earth to everything that they can get their hands on. This has been done. We can speak of it in a collective sense and that takes it away from ourselves a bit; but it has been true of each individual, because each individual has sought to get his hands on what was in the vicinity, apparently controllable and ownable.

Now the awareness comes that there has indeed been a den of thieves, and that included us. It is a wonderful thing to recognize this, to realize that mentally and emotionally, and physically consequently, we have been thieves. We have tried to possess the earth. Well we know now, because some sort of angelic consciousness has begun to emerge, that that really isn’t the truth of the matter. We are not designed to be thieves but to provide the means by which the Lord possesses His own. But that is only possible by reason of human beings. That is presumably why we have continued to exist on the surface of the earth: that somehow, one day, by some means, there would be a restoration of this facility of man to the state for which it was designed, so that the order and the balance might be restored.

As has been indicated, there is a certain order and balance which has been maintained by nature. It becomes more and more difficult for nature to maintain that order and balance, in view of the way that the human mind has been operating, and the human heart of course also. Human hearts have been filled with various desires, acquisitive desires and otherwise, and the mind has come along and justified them. It’s very good at rationalization, almost instant rationalization. We find, “I want to do this,” and therefore immediately I have all the reasons in the world why I should; it is immediately rationalized and justified.

But now, relinquishing this sort of imbecile function, we may once again come into an awareness of the reason why, as angels, we have come into the earth; not to follow out all of these endless and confusing trails of human nature but to let those go. But the human mind and heart has to do it. The angel is quite willing, but human minds and hearts have been reluctant. However there has been something happening, and a new consciousness of purpose on earth has come. There is a purpose for man on earth, but that purpose is angelic: it is a heavenly purpose and not an earthly purpose. The earth reflects the heavenly purpose rightly, but the purpose does not originate in the earth.

Because there is something rising up from the earth and something coming by reason of conscious angelic incarnation from above, everything is caught in between that is on the surface of the earth. What we call nature is delighted to be caught in between; but humanity, in a general sense, is not so delighted to be caught in between. The squeeze comes on and it is uncomfortable. One of the sacred cows insofar as human beings are concerned is comfort. Everybody wants to be comfortable. They want to be comfortable even though they function in a way that makes it quite impossible.

Now, finally, angelic consciousness begins to emerge and there is an awareness of comfort from the angelic standpoint, because the angel is quite comfortable. All that is uncomfortable is human nature. One way or another human nature is always uncomfortable and complains about it, so that the most popular sport on the face of the earth is the sport of complaint. Everybody does it, about the weather on down the line in every field. As angels put in an appearance there is an awareness that there is really nothing to complain about, because the creative process is working and is emerging in what we spoke of this morning as magnetic expression. [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2021/09/a-different-kind-of-leadership.html] The creative field is emerging into the field of human operations, and if there is a resistance to it it is uncomfortable. It is uncomfortable to human minds and hearts, it is uncomfortable to human nature. And human nature is inclined to become a little desperate, because it is passing away. While there isn’t any great conscious awareness yet on the larger scale of the fact that human nature is passing away, sufficiently resilient minds and hearts and bodies are quite aware of the fact that it is passing away, because here comes the angel!

We share the responsibility of participating in this creative process which restores the planet, the forms of life on the surface of the planet, and the world that has heretofore been claimed by mankind, to the true owner. And the True Owner is represented by His angels. He sends forth His angels into the earth to gather the elect. The elect of course, as we noted this morning, are those who respond to the magnetic field, the creative field that is set up by reason of the presence of the angels. Those are the elect.

It isn’t a matter of unfurling our banners and unsheathing our swords and going to possess the land, as used to be the idea of human nature. At the time of the Crusades, for instance, the idea was that they were possessing it for the Lord, presumably. But that’s not the way to do it. It doesn’t work, does it? They were defeated. The Saracens, or whoever they were, had just as much right to be there as the Christians did, because the fact of the matter was that none of them had a right to be there. This is one of the human rights, the holy cows, that has been maintained. So it isn’t a matter of having a cause and going after that cause. That’s the way of human nature, that’s the way of death. It simply is a matter of allowing this magnetic creative field to be established, and that is the sole leadership that is required.

Then those who will come will come. They can’t help themselves. We have some awareness of that because we couldn’t help ourselves. At least we are becoming aware increasingly that we couldn’t help ourselves, that we didn’t choose to associate with whatever we think of as this … how we might have described this movement in our own consciousness. We were chosen; we were fingered. “You, you and you”—a call for volunteers! Here we are, angelically present with minds and hearts increasingly willing to let it be so, let it be the way it really is. And there is nothing more comforting than to be associated with the way it really is. That is where the comfort is. That is what might be called the coming of the Comforter. The discomforter is very thoroughly present, as witness all the complaints there are! But becoming associated in mind and heart with the angelic reality which we are brings a sigh of relief to mind and heart. Now at last we can relax, without feeling anymore that there is a hostile world all around us with ogres there ready to rend us in pieces, so that we always have to have our human defenses up. Angelically speaking we don’t have anything to defend, because nothing can encroach upon this angelic heaven.

The angelic heaven is to come into the earth, and it comes in with power and great glory. It is a wonderful thing. But there are hosts of people who don’t think so, because they are trying to establish and sustain their own human ideas of the way things should be. We have masses of people, don’t we, doing this all the time now. I am sure that terrorists, for instance, are very sincere about their efforts. They imagine that this is the way to go, or they wouldn’t go that way, presumably. And there is very little difference between that and what is considered to be the more normal function of human nature. It is the same thing, really: “We are going to go the way we want to go. We will try to do it in a more gentlemanly fashion, but we want what we want and we are going to get it.” That’s human nature speaking, of course.

We no longer associate ourselves with that, because the earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. And that is what is being proven out. It hasn’t been proven out up to this point, because there was no focused body permitting the angelic expression on earth—a unified, focused body. This has never happened. It certainly didn’t happen at the time of Jesus. The disciples had very little understanding of what was going on at all. And afterward, of course, they experienced something or other, but that was taken by human nature and used according to the human intent: “We are going to convert thousands of people.” That’s a good idea, isn’t it? Even Emissaries have had that idea back along the way. I trust it has finally dissolved, because it is not a matter of converting anyone. It is a matter of letting the angel come forth. It is a matter of living, a matter of daily momentary experience. And we share this, angelically speaking.

We find, as angels, that we belong together—not always nudging up against each other. We may be anywhere on the face of the earth but still know we belong together, and are aware that there is an easy and natural movement occurring by reason of this forming body through which the angelic expression appears, the creative lines of force are set up, and the whole process is in action Let it work! It’s no use taking the attitude, “Well I’ve got to make it work.” Nobody can make it work; it is working! All that has to be done is to accommodate that working. Let it be accommodated in our own living and, behold, all things are made new. And no one can stop it; it is something absolute.

Finally it is coming to pass. There have been a lot of people waiting around for the second coming of Christ. There was a very slow elevator that I was riding in one time, and it took forever to get to the floor where you were pushing the button, and a comment was made to me: “This is like waiting for the second coming of Christ.” It doesn’t happen in the way that human beings expect it to happen, and it doesn’t happen without human beings taking responsibility for the fact of it. Here is the second coming of Christ, if you want to put it that way—but I never like to put it that way, because it conjures up all sorts of peculiar ideas in human consciousness. It is the emergence of the angels sent forth into the earth to gather the elect from the four winds, from one end of the heaven to the other. One end of the heaven to the other: it is done from a heavenly standpoint, not from an earthly standpoint. It is reflected in what happens in the earth.

So we rejoice to participate in something tremendous, to become aware of the fact that here we are to do this, to let it happen—not only this little grouping sitting here in La Sauge, but through others in many places. And it doesn’t require vast numbers. It would never happen if it required vast numbers. Where would you find them? No, it requires a select few, shall we say, a company of angels who are sent forth to do this. And because they carry the authority of the One who sent them forth, it will be done. It will certainly be done. And behold, all things are made new: a new heaven and a new earth.

It has been a beautiful day here, and a beautiful evening. Here is the body taking form, a particular aspect of it this evening and this morning. We delight to share the process, and we are keenly aware of the far larger extent of that body which is moving increasingly in a coordinated manner, under the dominion of the spirit of life, to bring forth what is needful, to gather the elect in the way that they are gathered in the heavenly sense, that all things may be brought into order and balance once again. Man is essential to the order and balance in nature. Nature can function after a fashion on its own, but what is the point? What would be the point of having a planet without man, just nature? What would it achieve? It is the fact that man is present that provides the potential for creative meaning to everything that is happening on earth, including what is happening through nature. Nature seeks the dominion of man, but man has been so long absent and nature has been so thoroughly disappointed by the antics of human nature.

We are delighted to have shared this hour here at La Sauge and with you all at Sunrise and in Mickleton. So the time comes when we must complete this particular focus of spirit which has been moving through this configuration of people by reason of the angels who are present. I thank God for all the angels. So we will complete this telephone connection and complete our time of service together here, letting the spirit that has been moving through all of us now continue to move through us wherever we may be, to the glory of the One whom we are here on earth to represent and to serve. It is a joy to know these things, to be in position to speak the truth consistently by reason of our own individual living. I am most thankful for all of you here present and elsewhere as we move together in this one purpose on earth.

© emissaries of divine light