April 15, 2016

Through  the  Eyes  of  a  Teacher

Uranda  1936


No matter where one may find himself to be in the activity of Life, it is well to pause and meditate upon what may be called "the other side" of all the manifestations and activities in which he is interested. Students of Spiritual Truth are prone to get a Student's viewpoint, and hold to it with such ardor that they never see things from the viewpoint of the Teacher who points the Way.

After all, the Goal of the Student should be to reach a point of Inner Understanding and Realized Oneness where he can act and express in the Assurance of the Father within—a state of Being where he is conscious of a Positive Radiation to the world at all times through the Christ Spirit, with every expression controlled through direct cognition from the One within. Having allowed himself to be uplifted into this Realized Oneness, the Student becomes a Teacher, not because he sets himself up as such, but because the Christ Radiance which shines through him attracts those whom he can serve. No true Teacher sets himself up as such. The true Teacher knows that a Way is always provided through which he can contact those who are ready to receive the assistance he has to offer. He knows that when he is ready to teach, his pupil will appear—just as surely as the Student may know that when he is truly ready to advance, the Teacher who can best assist him on the Way will appear. So, also, the Blessed One knows that when a pupil is drawn to him, he should begin to teach—not from the wisdom of his outer mind, and not because of any idea that he is better than another, for the True Teacher is never afflicted with a self-righteous attitude—yet he knows that when the pupil appears it is the Will of God for him that he should let the Spirit direct in the expression of those things which fill the Student's need at the moment.

Too often Students imagine that a Teacher is one who knows a great deal, and who can start out and give a preconceived series of talks or lectures, so that all the Student has to do is to listen. Such is not the case. The Student should realize that the true Teacher can only give as the Student responds. The Student must be conscious of his need before the Teacher can give effectively. The Law is: "Ask and ye shall receive". The Student who does not know himself well enough to know his needs, and to be able to ask definite and direct questions, does not make rapid progress on the Path. Those Students who bring up definite points, and ask direct questions, are the Blessed Ones who make the greatest progress in Spiritual Attainment—all through the day they are busy making applications of what they have learned, and every point that is not clear, or that does not seem to "fit", is noted down at the time it is thought of, and at the first opportunity they ask the Teacher, if they cannot answer the question themselves through meditation and analysis.

The Law is: "He that asketh, receiveth." The true Teacher knows that he must, under the Law, answer carefully every direct and earnest question which is asked by the Student. A Teacher can always tell which Students are the most alert and progressive through the questions that they ask. The Teacher knows that Students who seldom ask questions will not, as a rule, make much progress. The type of questions asked is, also, very indicative of the Student's reactions. Again there is a great difference in the way in which questions are asked. Asking many questions without earnestness—without that Inner Vibrancy which makes the question vital and of great importance—is of no value, for the Student will straightway forget to apply the answer, to his everyday life. There is shallow curiosity, and there is a deep desire to know. The true Teacher always knows the difference, and answers accordingly—the Teacher gives that which the Student really wants—if he gives anything at all. In the true Teacher there is a responsive chord which will assist the Student in drawing the Truth from within himself.

The Teacher must be careful not to encourage the Student  to depend on him, and yet he must help the Student in every way possible. The true Teacher never seeks followers of himself, but he works that all may become true followers of the Father, in the Christ. The Blessed One who reaches a point where he begins to attract Students, is he who truly begins to learn—he becomes the real student. In fact, no Student has becomes a real Student until he begins to teach.

He knows that all Truth is within himself therefore, he knows that no matter what question may be asked, he will be able to answer that question even though he may never have taken conscious thought of it before. Thus it is that the Student draws the Truth from within the Teacher, just as the Teacher draws the Truth from within the Student. When this cycle is complete and harmonious, they two become one in Truth, and they are true fellow students. The true Teacher always rejoices when his Student begins to draw Students to himself, for he knows that a higher cycle is attained. Too often the Student who has become the Teacher places too much stress on the mannerisms of expression in teaching as he has known them in his own Teacher. At this point the outer mind, too often, interferes, and what appear to be differences, to the Student, are magnified into undue importance. Sometimes the Student, in making the change of cognition in polarity, takes a positive attitude toward his Teacher, and then they both lose what has been so carefully builded—yet the true Teacher carries on without complaint, with nothing but thoughts of Love for the one who has failed. The Christ Way is so very easy—but the outer mind makes it appear hard. None of these disturbing things need to occur, yet they do.

Students seldom understand the true purpose of teaching until they become Teachers. The Student who tries to "get" Students, that he may become a Teacher will fail—the Christ way is the Way of Radiating the Magnetic Power of Light, Love and Life, so that those who will, may respond and be served. The Teacher is always the Servant of the Student—but woe to that Student who fails to become the Servant of his Teacher.

The Art of Teaching is the greatest Art, for, indeed, the purpose of all Art is to teach.

The only excuse for lessons, books and lectures is to convince the outer mind that it does not know and need not know All that is. Truth is simple—so simple that the outer mind finds it hard to understand. Intellectual dissertations on Inner Plane Truths and States of Being can never portray the actuality of them—they cannot be known except they be experienced. To spend much time seeking to describe Masters, and the Realms of Light, is to waste valuable opportunities that are present in this instant. Those who have experienced Inner Plane Realities to the full know that they cannot be described by mortal language, and they never attempt to divulge that which is unknowable to the outer mind while it remains in world consciousness. They know that mortal mind in its limited state cannot comprehend such things even if they could be described. Only those who know but little of these things attempt to describe them in any detail to such as have not experienced them.

In many teachings that are prevalent in the world today much emphasis is placed upon things that are phenomenal to the outer mind. Sensational attempts are made to describe Inner Plane Beings, the Masters of the Brotherhood of the Christ Radiance, in order to attract followers, and to make the teachers therein appear wise in the eyes of men. Let the Earnest One beware of all such things, knowing that all these supposed, or part real, experiences can be of value to no one but the one experiencing them, and that they should never be spoken of except to such as have attained greater, or at least equal, understanding.

There are rare occasions when the true Spiritual Teacher may give illustrations and instruction on Inner Plane Realities to Students who have allowed themselves to be lifted to a high state of Spiritual Consciousness, for the Teacher will know when such expression will be permissible and helpful. Yet the Student who never hears such things from the lips of his world-manifest Teacher should consider himself to be blessedly fortunate, for the reason that it proves the Student to be making excellent progress without stimulus, which at best, is to a degree artificial. To understand the secrets of Life on this plane is the truly worthwhile achievement, and he who so understands will surely be uplifted into a true understanding of that which is of the Inner Plane States of Being.

The true Teacher always acts in the Realization of the Presence, through direction of the Spirit. Though he is humble, he is likewise bold. He speaks and acts with authority—not an authority delegated by men, but in the authority of his own union with God. In this he knows the Inner Meaning of the words, “Let your Light so shine before men that they may see your perfect works, and glorify your Father within you.” Let us let the Spirit teach us what to say and do under all circumstances, that we may be called Teachers IN Truth. Let us pray that many Teachers may be prepared and called into the Harvest Field.

A glorious privilege of supreme Service awaits all who will let the Father have His Way. Let us remember that Truth is, that Truth is One, and that it cannot be divided, no matter how many Teachers, or Teachings may appear. Every true Teacher knows that the time is fast approaching when Truth must be recognized in its Oneness—that there must be a manifest blending of the Truth in all Teachings—that the complete Truth may appear in its glory. All Truth is of God, and is God's, not the Teacher's, and in this Realization all pettiness and jealousy will vanish away. The Truth will stand. 

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