October 25, 2017

Life Will Have Its Way


Life  Will Have  Its  Way

Martin Exeter   July 5, 1987

The increase of life is wonderful, and that is of the moment. It can only be given expression in the moment. You can’t now give expression to life next week—or last week, for that matter. The only place is right here. And life has its own agenda, shall we say? Or is that a bad word? It has its own way. And, in effect, for millennia it has been saying to human beings, “You’d better pay attention to my way, because if you don’t you are not going to exist very much longer. You are going to separate yourself from me.” This is the word of life, isn’t it? Human beings haven’t agreed, and so they have become separated from life in every generation. But life didn’t go away; just human forms went away. Life is still here. And life is still moving the way it moves, and is still extending the invitation to everyone, “Move with me.” Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven, as it is done in the place from which life proceeds. Let it come all the way through.

Now in this movement of life, it’s not a little thing. It’s immense. It comes to point with human beings now on this little planet. Life says, in effect, “There are changes in the offing, over which human beings have absolutely no control at all, and they will make it quite impossible for this present human state to exist at all.” Sometimes this state in which human beings now are is referred to as the fallen state. It’s not the original state. The fall took place and, as it happens—this may be seen in the legends about it—there was a warning given that something of the sort could happen. Therefore it was very important to exercise extreme care in the continuing expression of spirit in living.

Why was this possibility introduced? He was warned that there was something coming up—he’d better be careful. He didn’t heed the warning; and we, amongst others, are the end result of all this. Sad, sad picture, isn’t it? But something was happening in a vibrational sense relative to this planet, the whole solar system in fact, which would be what one might call, a low point: a lowering of the vibratory pattern to a certain level where it would be possible for the fall to occur. “So be careful!”

Seeing that that occurred, and the results are quite apparent now, we may also recognize that the solar system, or whatever it is that is affected thereby, is moving out of that particular vibratory configuration. It was possible for the fallen state to survive in this interim, but there comes a point where it is impossible for it to continue to survive. And that is where we are. It is not some arbitrary judgment of a wrathful God. It is simply the movement of the creative process. If man had been careful and there had been no fall, there would be no problem. There would be no need for concern anymore with respect to the possibility of the fall. This happened simply because of the vibratory movement of things in the creative process.

Now, the vibratory movement of things in the creative process is taking this earth, and more than this earth, out of that vibratory configuration, so that it comes into a configuration where the fall could not take place—therefore the fall could not continue to exist. And this is what human beings are finding out. They seem to have had it their own way all these millennia, doing what they wanted to do and by their own actions being forced to do a lot of things they didn’t want to do. But now all that is in the process of being dissolved, because it cannot exist beyond a certain point. Who is to say where that point is? But it is not very difficult to recognize that it is looming. And so, if there is to be the continued presence of human beings on earth they must be restored to the state of Man, unfallen man. That can continue. That is the natural state.

So with this perspective we can see what is happening in our own experience. There are things that are much larger occurring than are usually considered. So we may be aware, through our own sensing of what is happening, that this is what is happening. And life will have its way. The only question is, first of all, as to whether man will be on hand at all, or to what extent this body of mankind will be on hand. That depends upon those who are awakening to these things, as to whether they really take it seriously or not, or whether they are so accustomed to the human state that they want to continue to have their human fling, right to the last gasp. And the last gasp comes.

What other agenda is there present in our experience than the agenda of the creative process? If there is anything else, out we go. But I take the attitude that there are those present who will let themselves be aligned with the creative process, so that all other human agendas may be quickly dissolved. Let them be quickly dissolved before we reach the point where they are arbitrarily dissolved, regardless of anything—because, reaching that point, it’s too bad, isn’t it, if they are not yet dissolved within the body of mankind. And we think of the body of mankind; we don’t think of our own personal existence. That is of no meaning or value except as it relates to this creative process. None of us have any meaning or value whatsoever except in the creative process.

So we surely are most willing to allow the dissolution of all the factors of holdout, all the things which we think we still have a right to maintain in our own attitudes and in the ways of our behavior. We let our behavior come into heaven, to be an expression of love, so that the power of love may be present. To what end? Well, to dissolve all that isn’t of love, to dissolve the fallen state. And if that takes human beings out, so be it. The only way that such dissolution cannot be a personal disaster is to relinquish the human state; and one will not relinquish the human state without accepting the heavenly state, so that our behavior is heavenly, our behavior is an expression of love, according to the design and control of truth. Human desires and human ambitions and all this cease to have any meaning whatsoever. The creative process has it all, and the human identity is lost. Good! It’s going to be lost anyway. So, being sensible, we would let it be lost quickly, that the truth may be made apparent and we may share the responsibility of fulfilling those purposes for which we are on earth. “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”

Let us abide in the heavenly state. Let us be aligned with the creative process rather than trying to defeat it. Trying to defeat it leads to inevitable failure, obviously, so what’s the point? Let us be concerned with the creative process, so that what we do, what we think, what we say, is aligned with that, and no longer is distracted and diverted by personal human wants and desires and expectations. It all must pass away—will pass away. Nobody can prevent it from passing away. But what is the sense in passing away with it? Let us be in heaven, so that we may know the will of the Father in heaven and, because we are on earth, let that will reveal itself in form on earth.

© Emissaries of Divine Light