Cosmic Tide
Martin Exeter February 10, 1985
We have recently been giving some thought to the matter of ascension, the creative process by which there is a raising up. Human beings everywhere have been raised up out of the mineral kingdom, the kingdom of vegetation, even the animal kingdom these days, so that there is substance standing up in a flesh body. Included in this substance is also the substance of mind and emotions—the substance of consciousness. While life remains, this substance of consciousness is not separate from the physical substance of one’s flesh—and the physical substance of one’s flesh is not really separate from the other kingdoms of this world: they are all included. This raising-up process of ascension just goes so far, and human beings develop an identity.
The whole experience of self in the human sense is restricted to this lump of raised-up substance, with the inclusion of what we call consciousness. The consciousness which we have and which comes to focus in a sense of self occurs because there are certain facilities available in the physical form to permit this to happen. In the development of these facilities are various systems in the physical form, such as the endocrine system and the nervous system, the circulatory system, the lymphatic system, the digestive system. One can identify a number of different systems, which obviously are facilities for the expression of life in human form, and these facilities allow for the development of consciousness.
So we have one gathering together of substance at various levels which, because of its nature and design, produces or creates an earthly identity. All human beings have this sense of human, earthly self—but clearly this is a creation; it developed out of what happened in this cycle of ascension. But if there has been a cycle of ascension, something must have produced it, and it wasn’t the thing that was created; it wasn’t the sense of self humanly speaking that did it, because there wasn’t any self to start with; it merely developed along the way.
Because of the love of this earthly self there is the endeavor to promote it in various ways and to maintain it in existence. Finally it can’t be maintained anymore, and that is that. This seemed a rather unfortunate state of affairs, so various ideas have been developed in the mental realm of consciousness to help sustain this earthly sense of self. These theories and beliefs that have been developed look to what they call a life after death for this creation, which only appeared by reason of the physical body. We can well see the reason why all these ideas have been promulgated, mostly through religions of various sorts. Whether one proceeds immediately to an ultimate heaven or hell in the earthly identity, or whether one just goes into limbo for a while and shows up again later in some other form, it makes very little difference. The idea is to maintain the earthly identity which is so much in love with itself. The primary characteristic of a human being is self-love. This is considered to be natural. It may be thought of in terms of sustaining life itself, or it may be thought of in these religious terms; and all that human beings attempt is based in this self-love. The self-love may include some others as well—and with some, they reach a point where they are, in theory at least, including everybody, the whole human race: “We have got to sustain the existence of the whole human race in this state of human identity.”
Well we have all passed through this stage I am sure. The question is as to how far beyond it we have come, or whether we just got stuck somewhere along the way because we were so in love with this human identity. That is the only reason why anyone gets stuck—self-love. So we have this very obvious state of separation from whatever it is that allowed for the development of this human identity. After all, there was a point back along the way where it didn’t exist, for all of us—there was no human identity and it is quite clear that there was a point where in the human identity we didn’t exist. We hadn’t even been thought of, and there comes a time when we are likely to be forgotten, where we have ceased to exist. This has always seemed a terrible fate insofar as the human identity was concerned, because of the self-love. No matter how miserable and rotten the experience of human identity has been, there has been sufficient self-love to want to preserve it.
Mention was made yesterday evening of a movement of the solar system and the galaxy through space, in the recognition that there are various qualities of what is present in space through which these systems move. This was seen in light of the fact that there came a time in the past when the quality of substance in space was such that what has subsequently been called the fall became possible—it became a fact. However in the course of time there is movement further, and there is an emergence out of that particular quality of substance, so that it establishes a state where what we have known as the fallen state cannot exist—whether human beings like it or not.
The whole of the All-That-Is is one thing. Unlike human beings, who try to go off in their own separate ways and achieve their own isolated purposes, all that composes the universal whole is part of one thing, naturally and easily coordinated. That state of coordination is consequent upon what we have called love—oneness—the universe is one. Only in the self-loving consciousness of human beings is there this state of assumed separation. It is unreal; it doesn’t exist anywhere but in human consciousness.
So there is this cosmic tide, but it comes to focus particularly in our galaxy, in our solar system, in our planet, in ourselves, in all human beings. [] Human beings are part of this whole universal operation. It has been possible to exist in this limited human state for many thousands of years simply because of the nature, the character, the quality of space-substance through which this solar system in particular is passing. Now, the fact is that it is emerging out of that substance, which means, for human beings, that the state of separation from the All-That-Is can no longer be maintained.
This rising tide is not a little local affair, although it seems to be so from the human standpoint. From the standpoint of human identity it becomes more and more uncomfortable because the state of separateness from the whole is moving toward the point where it can no longer exist. What is happening is merely consequent upon the rising tide, the cosmic tide, which one either learns to move with or one drowns—to enter the Ark and float on the surface of the water. or one drowns, and what drowns is this human identity.
So the human sense of self is raised up to a certain level. It has been all down through the ages, and human beings have reached whatever level it was but never allowed it to go any further because they were held firmly in that restricted and disintegrating state by their self-love. Obviously if one is to emerge out of that, that self-love must be dissolved somehow. There must be love of another self. The self-love which is known by human beings is a phony. It is an unreal experience, because there isn’t any self of that nature that is lasting.
In this process of ascension there is movement which brings a clarifying state of self. The human self becomes increasingly transparent. If you consider the word transparent you will immediately be aware of the fact that the human self becomes increasingly nonexistent—and because it is transparent, whatever the truth is can come forth. So there is the gradual dissolution of the human self but at the same time the emergence of the true self, the true identity that has always been present and which has made possible the incomplete human identity which has been the experience. It has been incomplete because it only went up so far. It never came to the point of clarification and transparency where the human self would vanish and the true self would appear.
It is reaching a point where this restricted state cannot continue to exist—there are cosmic reasons for that, beyond human control—but regardless of why it is happening, it is happening. And human beings are either participating in this ascending process, so that their sense of identity is changing, or they are staying with the old identity and passing out of the picture.
This is something which is happening on a large scale, on the scale of mankind. It is not only on the scale of mankind; it is happening throughout the universal whole—but this is a very particular event that is occurring in this particular part of the universe. The universe is not bland; it is not all the same thing going on at the same time. There is a vast multiplicity. But here something is happening which involves mankind, and it involves us because we are a part of mankind. It involves everyone. No one can find a position of exemption; at least the only position of exemption is the death or the passing of the human identity. Then you are exempt, but then you don’t exist anymore; whereas this state of human identity, if allowed to participate in the continuing ascending process, becomes increasingly transparent. One self fades-out, another self fades-in. It is all part of the process of ascension. Where there is a willingness for this to happen, that proves itself out—then it happens.
A Vast Cosmic Drama Unfolding
Martin Cecil June 1, 1960
When the Divine State was a reality on earth in what we call the Motherland, it was something most pleasing and wonderful, most desirable. The experiences were all what they should be, and there was the essential balance in the expression of life. The human imagination with respect to such things tends to get lost. It is almost inconceivable to human beings that there could be a state on earth where no police force was necessary, or no armies were, where there was no conflict, where there were no hospitals, no necessity for them, no necessity for the vast majority of the things that are present in the fallen world of men which occupy so much of man's attention. When we recognize this, we see how much wasted energy there actually is in the fallen state, because human beings are busily engaged in things which seem to be necessary in the fallen state and are, but which would be totally unnecessary in the Divine State. In the Divine State all energy, all the life force, would be directed into the true channels of expression. And so we can see then that, even just to the extent of our ability to visualize, there would be a tremendous current of power available for constructive achievement.
If all the energy that is being expended by human beings in such activities as defense—as is considered to be most essential in the world today, armies and air forces and navies, and the police force—in hospitals, correctional institutions of all kinds, and we could go on and on. Wherever we find things that are wrong needing to be corrected, we have a situation where energy is being expended which would not be expended in the Divine State because things are right there. Of course, there is one activity which would still be necessary and that is education; rather different, but education would still be necessary. But all the energies of all concerned would be centered in the achievement of the creative purposes of God. The whole of the expression of life is rightly directed toward that end, so that everything would be used constructively.
We need to recognize that every aspect of life from the Divine standpoint has a relationship to the Divine purposes—everything. That does not mean that we, if we are one-pointed, we are just fixed in some single pattern; in the over-all sense, yes, for the Divine purposes, but it is such a broad field and everything that is done on the right basis, from the Divine standpoint, may participate in this broad field.
We remember what was said by the LORD to Job: “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or guide Arcturus with his sons?” We recognize that these things relate to constellations in the starry heavens. We have touched upon something of the significance of the constellations Pleiades and Orion—influences at work. Mazzaroth has also been mentioned, the Science of Mazzaroth, that which relates to the creative influences which are brought to bear in relationship to this planet particularly, the facilities which are available for use in the achievement of the creative purposes.
The influences which are real are to be used in the achievement of the Divine creative purposes. Man is not supposed to be subject to them. He is supposed to be subject to God. Because he is subject to God and is under the control of God's dominion, he then comes into position to make use of the provision which God is offering in relationship to the achievement of the essential creative purposes. God never tries to do the impossible. As there is a certain combination of creative factors brought to focus, it is that combination which needs to be used for the achievement of whatever is required. It is useless to try to achieve something else on the basis of some other combination which is not there. We use what is present. The LORD provides that which is necessary from the standpoint of His creative purposes. Man has stolen what he could of the LORD's provision and tried to use them for the human purposes, and we have a situation of great confusion.
There are certain influences which relate particularly to what is called Mazzaroth. From the standpoint of the human recognition of something this relates to what are called the signs of the zodiac, and the movements of the various planets of which human beings are aware, also the movements of the sun and the moon and so on. The very fact that that which human beings have built in this regard must of necessity be based upon that of which human beings are aware sets a very distinct limitation upon it, because human beings are aware of so little, even from the standpoint of the planets of this solar system. There is an awareness of nine, including the earth. In actual fact there are twelve.
Now, we recognize that there is one out of position. There is some perception in this regard with respect to what are called the asteriods and some theorizing as to whether they might not be the remains of an exploded planet that moved in an orbit between Mars and Jupiter. There is a vacant orbit in there and there are also two other planets of which human beings are not aware. Whether those other planets are in physical form of manifestation or not is something we do not need to consider at the moment, but one is beyond the outermost planet of which human beings are aware, Pluto, and the other is beyond the innermost planet. But there are in fact twelve planets which need to be taken into account. If you only take nine into account, you are not going to get the right answer.
So we see these things as having influence, as having meaning. We do not perhaps, at this point have too much comprehension of what it is all about, but it is there. There is relatedness between that which transpires on the surface of this planet and the great universe beyond. Much of the dramatic work which was undertaken in the Motherland related to this vast drama. In other words, the forces that are moving in the cosmos may be brought to focus in relationship to the achievement of the creative purposes of God here on earth in a manner that is harmonious to that which is transpiring out there. This is something that human beings in the fallen state take no account of at all. If they want to do something, well, they want to do it. It does not matter what is going on out there; it has no meaning to them anyway. But from the Divine standpoint everything is coordinated. Everything belongs together; it is one thing. And that which is going on out there has vital significance and meaning to that which is capable of being achieved right here. Whatever it is that is transpiring out there provides the material or the means by which there may be creative achievement right here.
And dramatic presentations that were offered in the Motherland had a direct relatedness to that which was transpiring from the cosmic standpoint, and the miniature pattern here on earth was brought to focus in different individuals—God Being made manifest, but bringing into focus something far greater, far more than was just here on earth. And there is a vast cosmic drama unfolding, of which human beings are virtually unaware, which needs to have its relatedness to that which is transpiring here on earth. It must be brought to focus on the surface of this planet through God's crowning creation to permit that which is to be achieved here to be made possible. We cannot somehow just generate the power from within ourselves and say that we are going to do this, that, and the other thing; at least, we cannot do very much on that basis. But once there begins to be a connecting up with that which is transpiring in the vast drama of the cosmos, then there can begin to be sensed the tremendous power that would be available to do whatever was necessary here on earth. It would actually be a very small fraction of that which was available, because our field of function here is relatively a very tiny, miniature thing.
Here we begin to come down to something which is of immediate concern to all. How much are you capable of participating in the development of those patterns by which the creative purposes of God may be fulfilled? We cannot manipulate the distorted patterns that man has made in order to produce the perfect pattern which God offers. It must be something that comes from God. There is power, there is provision, there is everything that is necessary to deal with the world situation so that all the powers of men would look foolish, insignificant. But we cannot get that by any effort of the human mind whatsoever. It simply comes as we begin to share the control, the dominion of the LORD working through us in relationship to present circumstances, the things that now are. Then we can begin to become increasingly aware of the things that are on beyond so that we move from the known to the unknown. And everything that we do, every action that appears, all the fun we have, all the joy, all that we apply ourselves to day by day, may be used to permit the current of God's Power to be brought to focus on earth for the achievement of His purposes. Here is a field for your consideration and application.
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