March 12, 2020

Thou  Hast  Made  An  Hedge  About  Him

from   Attunement Technique

Uranda   July 13, 1954  Class

There should begin to be a basic realization that in attunement we can share attunement. He who is out of attunement with the divine source can share the state of being out of attunement. With the world as it now is, those who are out of attunement, generally speaking, can find people who are more willing to share their state than can those who are in attunement. Of course it is changing here a bit. It is as we abide in attunement that if anyone gets out of attunement he cannot find anyone to share his state, and then he more quickly returns to the pattern or fold of reality. This is what is called the hedgeI believe you have studied something of this with regard to the text from Job, but we might make brief reference to that again at this point, where satan, or the self-active mind of man, was trying to argue with the Lord. Of course the Lord does not argue. But the self-active mind of man said, “Doth Job,” the spiritual phase of Being as it was then made manifest, “Doth Job fear God for nought?” Here we see the attitude of the self-active mind, that anyone who does anything must have somewhere, somehow, a selfish motive, and if that selfish motive cannot be seen on the surface, it is automatically supposed that it is hidden, and if it is hidden it is immediately classified in the world mind as a racket. Human beings, generally, are not going to do anything unless they can get something out of it; some pattern of greed or selfishness. Always there is an ulterior motive ordinarily, in the world. But set up a situation where the human mind cannot see what the motive is, there is nothing of personal gain or selfishness in any way, and immediately the concept is that it is there; it is hidden, therefore it is a racket and it is no good. You will run into that sort of thing over and over again; you may do whatever you can to correct it, but if you allow it to upset you, make you resentful, you will be in attunement with that and you will defeat yourself.

So, “Doth Job fear God for nought? Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side?”—about all that he hath on every side. “About him, and about his house, and about all that he hath… Thou hast blessed the work of his hands”—the realm of doing. “Thou hast blessed the work of his hands.” Now we have a great deal of significance there that applies to this matter of attunement technique. Satan goes on to say, “But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath,” to take it away, destroy it, “and he will curse thee to thy face.” There is the typical human attitude. Of course satan takes the attitude that it is the Lord that is going to put forth His hand and disturb things. Of course the Lord does not do it. The Lord gave satan permission to do something to Job, anything he thought he could get away with, except to take his life. There was just one thing: not to take his life. That was the one point on which the Lord did not relax the regulation. “Take things away from him, make him suffer, if that is going to please you; and if you think you can make my servant Job break the pattern, go ahead and do it; but keep his life sacred.” We know what happened, according to the portrayal. “In all this Job sinned not.” Even his wife said, “Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.” Now there is the point. God had so established the pattern that satan could not touch his life. Regardless of anything else he might suffer, satan could not destroy his life. But Job's wife got right down to the point. “Curse God, and die.” That is what it takes to nullify everything. But Job pointed out she was being rather foolish. He didn't follow her advice, fortunately, so he didn't die.

“Thou hast made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side, and thou hast blessed the work of his hands”—Thou hast increased and multiplied that over which he has stewardship, and Thou hast blessed the work of his hands. We are devoted to doing things on earth; not just sitting back and talking about it, but actually doing it—the work of our hands. There is the work of right speech, the work of right attitude, etc., in our Father's business. But it comes down to the work of our hands—that we do something. When you are giving an attunement it is the work of your hands. In attunement technique it is the work of your hands. Now if there is an hedge about you and about your house—that is, the attunement sanctuary—and about all that you have on every side, that person who comes to you for an attunement cannot get close enough for you to give the attunement in the ordinary fashion without coming inside your hedge. It is there, and whether he knows that it is there or not is beside the point. If he comes to you he has to come inside that hedge. Now he can go back out again. He can come and go; it is no wall either way as far as he is concerned. But he begins to find that inside the hedge where you are he begins to be comfortable—there is a certain peace, he begins to relax, and his troubles do not look so big. A certain subtle change begins to come. He doesn't know how or why, and doesn't need to. He will just say, “Well I always feel better as soon as I walk into the room,” or “If I can just be with you for a few minutes I feel better.” I think everyone that has really served in the field in any real sense has had that type of expression come to him or to her. So what is it? It is the hedge that is round about him or her, round about the house, the place where he is, round about all that he hath on every side.

There must be the hedge, and unless there is the hedge, so that those who come to us have something into which they may enter, we are not going to be able to give an attunement with God, because these things precede the blessing of the work of the hands. The work of the hands that is blessed is not mentioned first. “Thou hast made an hedge about him, and about his house.” It has to be about you first, and then it is about your house, and then it is about all that you have on every side, and then there begins to be an increase in multiplication and the work of your hands is blessed. Of course the multiplication, the increase, comes about as a result of the blessing of the work of the hands. You are not going to have an increase in the expression of life without this process of the work of the hands being blessed. So this is attunement technique, and if you do not have that attunement yourself, if this is not true about you, you can do no more than share an attunement with that with which you are in attunement, whether it be of God or of satan—the selfactive mind and life of humanity. So the blessing of the work of the hands. Some people will not feel this hedge when they come into it. Others will sense the peace, the fact that troubles begin to fall away, and they begin to relax, they begin to feel safe and secure. They will not call it the hedge, and you probably will not say what it is. You will just thank God, or praise the Lord that they feel it, or something like that. You will not try to explain it all to them. You will just let them enjoy it, and when it comes time for them to have the attunement the Lord will bless the work of your hands.

In giving an attunement we have to do something. It is not merely a matter of holding up the hands and allowing some radiation to go through, in the hope that the power of God will take care of it. You are not a servant to men if you are working with me. You are a servant to God. A servant, yes; a server serving God, not human beings. You cannot serve human beings in any true sense unless you are serving God. If you say, “Oh I'm not doing anything, I'm just letting God do it”—letting God do it! You are not letting God do anything. Twiddling your thumbs, that's all. It is no good. You have to do something. Not in the ordinary sense of what human beings imagine. No, you are not doing anything according to the patterns of what human beings would do or what they think you will be doing, but you will still be doing something. You must have the work of your hands that is controlled by the working of intelligence. Thinking. You are not just drifting. And you will do it the way that is best under the circumstance. You have the responsibility of helping him cease attunement with something over here, so that he can be in attunement with God; and if you are just going to hold your hands there and say, “I am letting God do it,” and do absolutely nothing outside of that, what is going to happen? He may feel a little bit of peace or he may not, and he will go away and say, “Oh, that is bunk. They don't do anything. They even say they don't do anything.” Of course you may say, from the standpoint of the Law, in the sense of manipulation or adjustment or something, that you are not doing anything, and that will be true. You are not in the pattern of the usual approach; you are not doing anything in that sphere. But if you say within yourself that you are not doing anything, you are wrong, because you have to do something in order to let God's power have any meaning on earth.

If you are in attunement with God, and if you are going to help the servee come into attunement with God so that the healing may develop within himself, you must find some legitimate means to begin to establish a pattern of attunement between that servee and yourself; because here you are the instrument of God in action on earth—and if God is going to do it, you are going to do it. God cannot do it unless you do. God cannot do it on earth unless you do, or someone else, some human being. So you are not going to let God do it in the sense of, “Well I'm not doing anything. I'm going to let God do it.” That way, you are preventing God from doing it. You are doing something all right; you are preventing God from doing anything. If you let God do something, it means that you do what God does—it means action, it means thinking, it means the expression of that which is of God. If you think you are just going to let God do it and not do anything, you are wrong. That is not letting God do it; it is preventing God from doing it. If you let God do it, you do what God does, and God does only that which you let Him do in and through you. God in action—then there is the beginning of an attunement.

Now if you let that attunement carry you into a pattern where you are feeling all of his aches and pains, etc., you are wrong. You are not under any obligation to subject yourself to that. Remember this: You are not trying to get into attunement with his aches and pains and ill conditions. In his mind he is identified with his aches and his pains, and if in your mind he is identified with his aches and his pains, you are not giving him an attunement with God. There is the difference. You are not trying to get into attunement with his aches and pains, with his diseases, whatever they may be. You have no business being in attunement with those things. What are you establishing an attunement with? You are already in attunement with God. It is up to you to establish the attunement with him. Not his aches, not his pains, not his sufferings, not the things that he thinks are wrong. Those are all foreign to you. They do not belong to you and as far as you are concerned they do not belong to the person who is before you; for if you have his aches and pains identified with him in your own mind you can supposedly give an attunement from now until doomsday, and you will share his doom sooner or later. It will not work. This person who sits down before you is not identified in your mind with the things which he is identified with in his own mind, and there is your great opportunity.

You are establishing an attunement not with the ill conditions but with the person, who is a living entity before you. Satan may have touched him and given him boils, satan may have taken certain things away from him, satan may have caused that person's husband or wife to say, “Curse God, and die,” satan may have taken away some of his children or something else. In one way or another, that person is in the state of Job when he walks in before you, and there is some integrity left—“Dost thou still retain thine integrity?” There is some integrity left or he would not walk into the room and let you lift your hands to give him an attunement. You don't have to ask him. You know that there is some integrity left or you wouldn't have the opportunity, and that is all you need to know. That is your starting point. I don't care what satan may have taken away from him—satan, the self-active mind. What is the one pertinent fact? This person is alive. “But touch not his life”—if that person has not cursed God, that is, broken his contact with God so that he is on the verge of death, or moving toward death in that sense. If that person has done so, that is called, in the New Testament, the unpardonable sin. The point is: This person has not cursed God if there is any integrity left, which must be the case if he comes to you for an attunement.

Your job is to establish an attunement between yourself and this Being who is alive, disregarding his ailments, his sufferings, his difficulties, as far as you are concerned, inside yourself. Outside, you will say a little bit about this and maybe a little about that, just so he will not think you are completely heartless; but inside there is no identification in your own mind between this Being and the things he is suffering. They just do not belong to that person as far as you are concerned, and your attunement is with the Being who is not identified with his difficulties. Now it is perfectly easy to do that. It is a very simple process, but you have to do something, and the first thing you have to do is to establish an attunement between this living Being and yourself, without allowing an attunement within yourself to his ill conditions. There it is. When you have done that you have taken the first real step in giving an attunement. If you have not done that you are not giving an attunement, period.

I told you plainly enough, but it didn't mean anything to you that you were going to be an instrument for God to act on earth. Well, you would not find God unless you found God through me, and when you find God through me you have found God with me. You are not responding to me as a man. How many people there are who have been befuddled, and they have pulled this way and shoved that way and said, “I'm not going to respond to a man. Uranda expects you to respond to him and I will not do it. I'm going to find God all by myself.” Okay, go ahead. It will not bother me any if that person wants to waste the rest of his life. I am too busy helping people who are willing to be helped. When you have found God through me you have begun to find God with me, and we will be in agreement on earth as touching these things. We will be working as members of One Body, each doing his or her part toward the expression of God on earth, so that when someone comes to you—he or she will not know it, to begin with anyway—but he or she will be responding to God in you, just as you learned to respond to God in me. That person begins to be in attunement with you—not somebody else; perhaps in relationship to you with me, yes, but you—you are the instrument of Divine Action here. You are sharing it with me. If you try to go off on a tangent, share it all by yourself, you will find it will not work. Others have tried it and failed. But you are then with me—which means agreement, doesn't it? And you are the instrument of God's action, and this person is responding to God in you, and in me too. He doesn't know that, but you do; but that is beside the point. You are not going to try to tell him. You are going to use that attunement that you have established with the living Being, that in which there is still integrity retained.

It is this attunement between you and the Being, the living Being, without regard to all the things with which he has identified himself and with which others have identified him. You refuse to do it, right from the start, and then the power of God working through you begins to express out to him, and changes come. What was it the Master said? “Thy kingdom come,” the control come. And when you begin to give an attunement, that is the first thing you feel. After the reality of this begins to work out, the control begins to get through. That is the first part, isn't it? You know the Father in heaven, you feel His name is hallowed, and you do not have to say it. The point is that you are in attunement. You have found a basis of attunement with the pattern of Being in this person. You refuse to accept all of his limitations into identification with that person, and so you begin to feel the control come—“Thy kingdom come.” The control factor begins to manifest and you can feel it and you know it. You are not just trying to imagine something. It is there. Then what is next? “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” There is the great attunement secret. And through whom is this will to take place? Are you going to try to will a person to be well? Oh, if you do you will fail. Sometimes people say, “You know, I just try to see everybody in perfection.” Such foolishness. I have had people say, “You know, Uranda always sees everybody in perfection.” It is ridiculous. I don't. That person doesn't know what he or she is talking about. No. And if you say, “Now I am going to give an attunement here and I am going to use God's will. Here is this disease, here is this difficulty; I am going to start using my will.” To do what? “I will drive this disease out. I will do this, I will do that.” Oh no, no, no, no! If you start trying to use will in that fashion you will fail. You might seem to get a little ways for a little while, but it will not work. It is not God's way. But you have to do something. There must be the work of your hands, the work of your mind, the work of your heart, the work of the spirit of God in you, manifesting through you—the work of the will.

Now I doubt very much if any of you here, even the most advanced of you, could give me a satisfactory answer to the question: What is will? or How can you let will work? “Thy will be done.” Oh, we will try to do Thy will? Will doesn't work that way. That is not will. “Thy will be done." Will does not try; will does. Will has no need to try; will just does. “Thy will be done in earth"—right here, the earth of this body of the human being who has come before you. Are you just going to be repeating the Lord's Prayer, trying in some sanctimonious fashion to make it work? No, if you do you are not serving God. No. We will have to take some time later on this particular subject. Will. “Thy will be done in earth”—not trying to do it.

“Thou hast blessed the work of his hands”—doing. And if you abide in this pattern—not trying, not struggling with it, just letting it work out; because what human beings think is will is not. “Thy will be done.” Be done, not try to be done. “Thy will be done.” Instantaneously? Oh, not necessarily. By the most natural means in the cycles of time. If it takes a day, a week, a month, a year, what difference does it make? It is nine months from conception to birth in the normal pattern. “Thy will be done”—a nine-month cycle there. Human beings try to make it instantaneous and they don't know what they are doing. It is not will; it is fantastic imagination. The imaginations of men's hearts were only evil continually. Don't let it be so with you. And you will begin to find that when you give an attunement you do something.

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