December 24, 2019

The Only Thing That Is Required

The  Only  Thing  That  Is  Required

Martin Cecil  July 23, 1979  Assembly

There must be what we call the keeping of the first great commandment, there must be the upward orientation. I might say a word about this matter of upward orientation. It seems that human beings are very slow to learn that the only thing which needs to be experienced is upward orientation. When someone gets into difficulties of some kind, usually what is necessary is completely forgotten. The individual starts to wrestle with his difficulties; and he looks around the field as to who probably has been the author of these difficulties. But there is no solution in that direction, obviously. Why is it that human consciousness is so slow to learn that when the disturbed state appears the only answer is to reestablish right orientation—that's the only answer!

The fact of the matter is that I have given the answer. The answer has been given for how many years?—the one answer—orient correctly, and you will find an abundance of all that is necessary to deal with the situation. “No, my situation is peculiar; it's very special, therefore the Lord should pay particular attention to me.” It is unnecessary—completely and totally unnecessary! Reestablish orientation: that is the first thing. If this focus of government now is to function as a focus of government it can only do so because it knows that everything is available—it's all available once there is right orientation. That's the only thing that is required! And so I emphasize that point because it's a central one insofar as our present experience is concerned.

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