May 01, 2024

Glory Unto Glory

Glory  Unto  Glory

David Barnes   May 1, 2024   Salmon Arm, B.C.

“These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee… I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was… I pray for them ... which thou hast given me; for they are thine. And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them… And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me… Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.” [John 17]

The Son represents the Father on earth. “All men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.” [John 5:23]  This is the Spiritual Body of the Son. This small composite Body that represents the larger, developing Body of the Son is in the process of being glorified by the Father, the LORD of Lords and the Hosts of Heaven.

We are moving in the Cycles of Glorification. This moment marks a noteworthy point in the Promised Glorification of the Body of the Son of God—“I am glorified in them ... And the glory which Thou gavest me I have given them.” Let us all acknowledge the significance of this moment in the cycles of the Father’s glorification, as we move from Glory unto Glory with New Life burgeoning. This is the continuing evolution of the spiritual processes that will bring about greater experience and evidence of resurrection and restoration—proceeding through the Seven Days to the point of glorification complete. This little Body, which carries responsibility for so much, is a focalization that activates much more in the Cycles of Glory evident through those who love, know and serve the LORD of Creation.

We are His Body, and we must take care—I as a human being take care—to let the spirit of the Lord activate only those Divine seed-ideas that have been planted in mind and heart, thereby allowing them to be magnified in New Earth substance; and we must take care, and be sure that Divine ideas planted in mind and heart are not activated by ill and unworthy spirits. And we must—I as a human being must—take care and be sure that false seed-ideas are not given life by releasing the Holy Spirit through them, thereby allowing them to become magnified horrors in the old earth—that would bring about a crucifixion of this Body of the Son.

We don’t want to crucify the Body of the Son, or those focal points that have emerged in this Body in this Day—you and me and others—but, rather, love and enfold the leadership in the Whole that the LORD has brought forth. These are the days of His coming forth through His Body—the coming forth of the Archangel, the Body of Michael and His Angels. It is so beautiful, and amazing to move in this way, and here acknowledge what the LORD has opened in this cycle by reason of this point of initiation, which can expand and move from Glory Unto Glory in the cycles to come. The amazement can go by the name “glorification”—and through His Living Temple of Light, the Glory of the LORD shines round about by reason of the Presence of His Body, these sons and daughters of the Father and the Mother. “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” [John 14:9] Let it be so.

The restoration of the Spiritual Body of the Son of God is not yet complete; we have not yet reached the Seventh Day, the Sabbath Rest, [] which is the enlightenment of the Whole Body, and the ascension process continues. We move together in the ongoing Cycles of Glorification. The final glorification of the Son is restoration complete—glorified with the Glory that this Body had with Thee, O Father, before the fallen world was, when the Body of the Son was crowned and arrayed with Thy Majesty and Glory and Honour, as the Crowning Creation in the Garden of the Motherland. Even now, these words are heard, resounding in the Heaven, “This is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him.” [Matthew 17:5]

And so, let us recognize and acknowledge that we have been moving from Glory unto Glory in our experience of being together in various sessions and gatherings. There has been a very definite sense of the Glory of Life permeating and flooding out through our experience together. This is evidence of the glorification of the Body of the Son that is now taking place. Jesus, as the Father, prayed for this glorification and sent it on its way, and it has taken 2000 years for it to appear and be recognized for what it is. Of course, it was brought to our consciousness by Uranda and by Martin that this process of glorification, focalized by Jesus as the Master’s prayer 2000 years ago, is now being received by His Body, the Body of the Son. The glorification is appearing. And even during times of tribulation that are experienced by individuals in His Body, as we move through it, there is a clear sense of Glory—this cannot be denied, even if it is in the midst of great pain or discomfort—certainly if there has been a steadiness throughout, there is a vivid spiritual and feeling perception of Glory that appears as one stewards the process.

There is a creative process and a cycle to steward. As we continue to move from Glory unto Glory in the Body of the Son of God, the inevitability of being right here in the New Earth with the Archangel once again must be recognized, once we have allowed an adequate revelation of the Glory, which is the New Heaven of holy substance maintained. But that is all yet to come, in the timing and the cycles yet to be—in the timing of Michael the Archangel really. In a very real and intimate way this manifest world is the Body of Michael; responsibility for it was given to him by the LORD of Lords long, long ago. These things are part of the Promise of Glorification given in our Master’s Great Prayer of Intercession and Oneness. [] Here is what Martin had to say in 1977 in a service titled, “Your Responsibility Is Not Mine”. This is with reference to the responsibility of the members of the Body of the Son to steward the creative process and the creative cycles:

“It is movement with the Spirit of Truth that achieves what is needful in the world, the expression of the angel, the sounding of the tone in momentary living, now and now and now and now, consistently. When this is the fact because there is a body of angels incarnate on earth, in expression on earth, revealing thereby the Archangel, there is an immense impact—greater works done at the level of heavenly substance first; and heavenly substance permeates earthly substance, so it’s done at the level of earthly substance second.

“Here is where the true control is. Here is where the control is from the standpoint of the universal operation. Things work the way they do throughout the whole universe on this basis, and it is quite possible for one galaxy to pass through another galaxy without any collisions. But you try that with two groups of human beings! So we are here on the basis of the spirit. Our agreement is in the spirit. Our home is in the spirit, and in the spirit we find a natural agreement. If we are abiding in spirit we are at home anywhere, it doesn’t matter what the external circumstance is. So let us move easily as angels on earth, allowing the expression of the Spirit of Truth constantly.

“My ministry is to you. I don’t know how you can share in that. But your ministry is the Ministry of the Archangel to the world, and you can share in that. So you’re not really sharing in my ministry, as many people have been inclined to say, because my job has been to make it possible for the Word to be with you; but your ministry begins when the Word is in you. Then you are responsible. The fate of the world then hangs upon you!”

I, and we, had some experience of this when we were moving directly with Martin many years ago—but I didn’t experience it as potently as it is being experienced now, with the clear awareness that, as we serve together stewarding these cycles, moving from Glory unto Glory, it has “an immense impact.” These Cycles of Glorification—moving from Glory unto Glory, speaking the Word in services, in other sessions, and in daily living—have a tremendous impact in all my world, in all our world. There is velocity present in the momentum of the current of spirit now moving. The promise of Glory was present within the Great Prayer of the Master, and that prayer is being received now; and His Body is updating and releasing that same prayer to all those in the world who are open and listening: This Body of the Son of the Father is praying for you; this Body of Job is praying for you; this Body of the Intercessor is praying for you; this Body of the Archangel Michael is praying for you. [] For all the world, this Body of the Great Master is praying for you—and here it comes! here it is! We have come to offer Thy Blessing, the blessing of this Great Prayer which glorifies in completeness, the Body of the Son restored on earth.

It is so precious to realize these things, to share them together, as we continue in the Word—in Shekinah, in the Christ, as the Word made flesh. In this way, our service to the world is glorification of the Father through the Body of the Son consciousness, and through the Body of the Holy Ghost consciousness, which is the Holy Spirit moving through the subconscious mind and heart of all mankind, that there may be the Glory all the way through, the Glory of the Father evident on earth in the sons and the daughters of Mother and Father God—One Spirit, One Heart, One Mind, One Body—as the Cycles of Glorification complete with the consciousness of mankind restored to the consciousness of God. Let it continue. Let it be so!

Thankful are we, now to be, here, participating in this phase and cycle of the Restoration Project. All Glory LORD is Thine, Pure Gold our hearts refine. “All men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.” [John 5:23]

Cosmic Cycles by Gary Courtland-Miles


Tony Palombo said...

“And they shall see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” (Luke 21:27). This is the day which the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Blessing and praises be raised!

Bill Bahan said...

Thank you for your words David and for faithfully posting all these glorious services over the past ten years. What a tremendous blessing and so appreciated. Glory Unto Glory!

Gary Courtland-Miles said...

What a Wondrous and True Revelation of the Truth of Love, David Barnes. I rejoice in your Service to GOD and Man - Male, Female, al all shades in between.
Bless you for your passion to Share the Truth of Love as it expressed through our mentors.

I Am bestirred! :-D Thank you for sharing your Vision, for it is One with the Vision of the One we call our Master. Let all who hearts and minds are Open, drink deeply, and learn of The Most High. For as we find Attunement with this One, we not only are set free... but we find that we are playing our specific part in freeing others.

Your attitude is my attitude, in that 'None are Free til All are Free!"

I delight to share this Work with you, my brother.

Thank you, again.