December 21, 2022

Satan-Man and God-Man

Satan-Man  and  God-Man

Martin Exeter   December 21, 1980 a.m.

As sons and daughters of God we come this morning to present ourselves before the LORD. While satan also may still be present, we are not interested in what he might have to say. In most gatherings of human beings in the world satan comes to present himself as the Lord. Generally speaking there is no acknowledgment whatsoever that there are any sons and daughters of God present. This morning, as sons and daughters of God, we come to present ourselves before the LORD.

This day is the shortest day of the year. This is the time of the Winter Solstice. Christmas is supposed to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but it is likely not the time of year when He was actually born. The significance of the Christmas season relates more particularly to the Winter Solstice. It might be said to be a time of conception rather than a time of birth. Our concern is with heavenly events. The Winter Solstice for this earth might be described as an earthly event, but it is based in the ordinances of heaven. The operation of the universe, which includes the solar system, reflects heavenly government. So there is a heavenly event related to the Winter Solstice. This might be well described in terms of spiritual conception. The birth of Jesus into the world was a point of spiritual conception insofar as mankind was concerned, birth for Jesus but conception for mankind.

As sons and daughters of God we find ourselves coordinated with spiritual events. This may be seen now as relating to a particular point of conception relative to what is to occur in the days to come. Many people see something of this at the point of the New Year. We would certainly play our part in allowing whatever the proper conception now to occur. Human pregnancies last nine months, they say. If we look at it in this way, then the time of the Fall Equinox would be birth. This seems to correlate with what we have referred to as the birthday of this ministry, September 16. If something is rightly conceived now, maybe it comes to birth then. We are looking at this in spiritual terms, not in the terms of form. Almost always, when anything pertaining to dates is considered it is immediately interpreted as referring to some form or other that should put in an appearance. No doubt there always is a form connected with any spiritual event, but usually there is quite a lag between the spiritual event and the form. The form which does appear is seldom recognized as being consequent upon the spiritual event. We are safer to concern ourselves with spiritual events and let the forms take care of themselves, so that there is no preconceived anticipation form-wise.

Here is the point when a particular spiritual cycle may be initiated as a part of what is unfolding in the larger pattern of things here on earth, and everywhere else as far as that is concerned. Spiritual conception now, spiritual birth later. Of course this is only one cycle amongst many; there are wheels within wheels. Some significance has been given, however, to September 1981, because it is the completion of seven seven-year cycles since the birth of this ministry. As sons and daughters of God we naturally keep step with whatever is unfolding in the spiritual or heavenly sense, and this is our primary concern, because we recognize it to be the foundation of the earth. Our job might be defined as laying the foundations of the new earth in this instance. Included in this, the Morning Stars sing together and all the sons and daughters of God shout for joy. So we are quite aware of the natural approach from the standpoint of sons and daughters of God. Human beings do get caught up in the spirit of joy somewhat at Christmastime and we would certainly encourage that, although why it should be limited to Christmas I don't know.

As I indicated before, most human gatherings might be described as satanic. I don't know that people generally would be too agreeable to that, but it may indeed be the fact of the matter. Satan has his kingdom, which he thinks is fairly firmly established. He has what he considers to be the necessary power to do what needs to be done in that kingdom, and of course the glory is all his. Human beings have become satan-man rather than God-man. They are now made in the image and likeness of satan. That explains a lot of things, doesn't it? The image and likeness of God has gone by the board. Of course there is still a connection here with God or there wouldn't be anyone around. But the image and likeness of satan is certainly characteristic of human beings generally, mankind made in the image and likeness of satan—self-made.

If satan does come into the presence of the Lord—occasionally some thought is given to God and spiritual things by human beings—he maintains his own identity. And human beings say of themselves, “I now come before the Lord to worship, to seek guidance, to be strengthened, to be healed,” whatever, but the “I” speaking is a satan “I.” Satan says, in effect, “I still stand in my kingdom and maintain it, but I will acknowledge that there is another kingdom somewhere or other and seek any assistance or blessing that may be offered from that source,” presumably the objective being in such case that improvements should be made to the satan-man model. “Let me be better, O Lord, but still satan.” This is the viewpoint that is held by virtually everybody on earth. It might not be couched in those terms, but as sons and daughters of God I'm sure we see the point.

There is something very unique about the Emissary ministry—looked upon by those who are aware of it but not a part of it, and also by some of those who are a part of it, as being just a human organization with certain views and opinions regarding spiritual things. There are many cults in the world. We have noted that it is a cultic world, and satan-man is cultic man. He has felt so isolated and alone that he tries to establish for himself a home of some kind to which he may relate. Most people have a number of homes, from national homes all the way down to the family home, with intervening organizations of all kinds, all this in an endeavor to produce a sense of belonging. But he never does quite belong, at least if there is any sensitivity left at all in satan-man. Presumably it was because as satan-man we felt out of step somehow that we have participated in EDL. What is this unique distinction which is hardly present at all anywhere else? It relates to this recognition, which is inherent in the approach I am making this morning, indicating the alternatives of satan-man and God-man. Satan-man doesn't belong, so it is not unnatural that those who are identified with this should feel that they don't belong. God-man does belong. We have heard the idea expressed that human beings are somehow just pilgrims. Well perhaps they come and go, but this is because there is no recognition of the reality of God-man—the sons and daughters of God. Satan-man is all that is known; therefore any help that is sought from whoever the deity might be is to assist satan-man to get by, to feel that he belongs somehow, to be enriched in whatever way and blessed, as satan-man.

The intent of the sons and daughters of God is not to improve or unify satan-man. That would be an impossible task anyway, wouldn't it? I'm sure none of us are interested in trying to do the impossible. But most others see the situation in such terms: We need to be better and more loving people so that we may get together without scrapping quite so much. Human beings have been trying to get together as satan-man for a long time. The only way that this get-together is possible with any seeming unification is based in absolute enslavement, and there are those who have this in mind. This is satan's view, after all: enslave everybody and then we'll have oneness; whatever the reality may be, it will have been defeated; satan-man will at last have triumphed absolutely. So human unity in the ordinary sense is human enslavement.

From the standpoint of the emissary view, there is presumably a recognition on the part of most that there is something to be brought into the world that has not been here for a long time. The only way it can be brought into the world is by reason of the sons and daughters of God who reveal themselves on earth as God-man. And God-man is not satan-man. No improvement on the satan model will ever produce God-man. Improvement is about the best that can be anticipated by most human organizations, even of the most spiritual character. The view is that the earth is a mess, upon which point most of us could agree, and therefore needs revamping in some way. This requires better people. “Well let's go to work and reconstruct people”—this is satan speaking! And usually, because human beings are polarized in form, they look at the form of things and say, “Oh well, here's a nice organization; they are doing good work. They are very fine people in this organization or that organization. We can subscribe to something along these lines of form”—and there are those who do. And there is encouragement one of another: “You're doing very well, really some improvements coming. Changes are working out; changes must come.” All this is the embellishment of satan-man. Give him greater glory, really make the appearance shine, polish it up, and we'll have it made! Of course in order to achieve this we must get the cooperation of God, whichever deity it is; and so that is sought in various ways, but all for the benefit of satan-man, who wants to have a nice nest on earth where he may belong. There are some who have been caught a little bit in that approach.

But we speak, understandingly I trust, of what it is that comes down from God out of heaven, something that hasn't been here and which fills the space created by what has been here, so there are no more present on earth what I have now referred to as satan-man. There's no need. Such a thought comes as a terrible shock to most people because they see themselves being eliminated. That's right too, and most don't like the idea of that. As has been stated many, many times, we're not at all interested in improvements to satan-man except as these may provide a starting point for the unveiling of what it is that is really required. One cannot, after all, plunge right in with people, who are satan-man, saying, “To hell with satan-man,” because it's to hell with them. So there is a more cautious approach, shall we say. We are indeed interested in making possible a setting through which the sons and daughters of God may emerge. But in doing so, satan-man is dissolved. No more satan-man—a complete re-creation insofar as the human aspect of the situation is concerned.

We have seen these things at some level, understood them a little, and have a sensing of an absolute distinction between that with which we are associated and all the other organizations on the face of the earth, every last one of them, because they all have the satan-man perspective. Everything is seen from down below. Finally we begin to reach a point where we may share some vision of the sons and daughters of God, from above. There we have some awareness of the Kingdom of God, the Power of God, and the Glory of God. All of this is to be brought into the world. It hasn't been here, because satan-man was not interested in bringing it. He was interested in having his own kingdom. There was a model for everyone. But if the sons and daughters of God are present the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory of God are present—and this is what not only transforms people, which presumably means improves them, but transmutes them. I've used that word. The word describes what takes place, but I don't think there is a word, because satan-man doesn't know anything about it.

In the Book of Revelation, the 20th chapter, the 9th verse, there is this passage: “And they went up…” That is, satan-man, collectively … went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city…” This is the new spiritual consciousness, the new spiritual perspective, or the true spiritual perspective. “… and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.” I think when that is read most people have thought, well that was utter destruction. “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.”

If we look at this from the standpoint of the sons and daughters of God, we recognize that the fire which comes down from God out of heaven is what we ourselves are to bring on earth. Here is the power of the Kingdom. The sons and daughters of God are present, incarnate in human form to bring forth the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, and this is the fire of transmutation. That fire of transmutation was present in a specific sense when Jesus was on earth. It was this that allowed for transmutation insofar as He personally was concerned. That was done in the individual sense by the One who alone could do it in representation of all, simply because He provided the point of focus for the whole—here was the conception I was speaking of before. Individual transmutation is a reality by reason of Jesus; so that doesn't need to be done again. What is required is the transmutation of the whole.

I think it would be rather useless as an individual to beg God to transmute “me, because I'm so deserving, or worthy.” No need! That's really not the point. The transmutation that is to occur relates to everyone, all who compass the camp of the saints about. The saints relate to the sons and daughters of God, incarnate and in expression on earth. They are at the core of things. Everyone else is round about—and this fire comes to devour. What does the word “devour” indicate? Here reference is being made to the Spiritual Body of God, the Body composed of the sons and daughters of God, incarnate and in expression. So the devouring simply includes all that belongs in the Body into the Body. When we eat a meal we expect that there will be some waste in that meal, which will be excreted in one way or another because it doesn't belong in the body.

Here is an illustration, using language comprehensible to satan-man, as to what occurs: the transmutation by which the sons and daughters of God are provided with flesh facilities in which to incarnate and be in expression on earth. And this is a collective happening; it is the coming forth once again of God-man, man made in the image and likeness of God. Man made in the image and likeness of God is not man made in the image and likeness of satan—something incomprehensible to satan-man; therefore he's inclined to take the attitude that something of that sort could never happen. Certainly he has never seen it happen; but all things are possible with God.

“And the devil that deceived them [satan] was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” This is simply making the point that forever and ever there shall be no more satan-man. By the way, satan-man has been in that realm of torment, but the normal temperature of the furnace was reduced so that human flesh might survive to the point of restoration. At that point the furnace is stoked up, heated seven times hotter than it is wont to be heated, so that the transmutation may take place. But that transmutation has nothing to do with the ideas and concepts and beliefs of satan-man. He doesn't understand what's going on. He looks for the utopia of satan-man, but utopia is nowhere—nowhere! It doesn't exist. There is no place for satan-man anywhere forever and ever. That is what is being said here.

Obviously, where the human consciousness accommodates the consciousness of the son or the daughter of God there would be intelligence; therefore no one would be so stupid as to go again into the realm of torment. Having been in the realm of torment and having experienced the realm of bliss, what urge would there be to return to the realm of torment? The realm of torment is still there, forever and ever. That's the level where satan-man has existed for all these millennia. Man doesn't belong there. It is a realm of devouring fire by which transmutation takes place. And transmutation needs to take place: first of all, the transmutation of man from satan-man into God-man. But let it not be supposed that one can edge into the experience of God-man from satan-man by little increments. They are different experiences. They are incompatible experiences.

It is this bringing forth of the Kingdom, regardless of what the state may be in the world, that is fundamentally the distinction between the emissary understanding and the understanding of virtually everyone else on the face of the earth. Satan-man's view has prevailed in the world, no matter how exalted the spiritual mountain that may have been climbed by satan-man. Whether satan-man is in the pit or on the mountain peak, he is still satan-man, and this is to be dissolved. EDL provides the facility for the use of the sons and daughters of God, incarnate and in expression on earth. Here is very free use, because there is an awareness of what the purpose is. The use is not nearly so free anywhere else, because there is no such awareness. It is not a matter of judging others but of recognizing the fact of the matter.

“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” That sums up the emissary understanding. There are lots of people who mouth those words but have no faintest notion what they mean, because they are seen from the satan-man perspective. They are looking off into the distance somewhere for something to come. There is nothing to come from anywhere. It's here, and it's known to be here when the sons and daughters of God are present and in expression. For theirs is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, by which the world is transmuted and returned into the hand of God. God assumes responsibility and control directly in that world because of His sons and daughters, incarnate and in expression. This is indeed Glory to God in the Highest, which brings the Peace of the Kingdom.

© emissaries of divine light

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