January 31, 2015

Male & Female — Positive & Negative Vibrational Factors

Male & Female — Positive & Negative Vibrational Factors

from   Ye Shall Know the Truth

Uranda   April 26, 1952

I have recognized all through my ministry that there have been many peculiar and ridiculous ideas developed with respect to the positive and negative aspects of being as they relate to men and women. I felt that it would be well for us to meditate upon these things a little at this time. We recognize that in the pattern of relationship between the male and the female it was, and is, the divine design that the male should carry the positive point of polarity and the female the negative point of polarity. But I have been repeatedly amazed at some of the distortion patterns which have appeared with respect to concepts about what it meant for the male to be positive and the female to be negative. In some the idea has developed that in order to be negative the female had to be acquiescent and subservient in all things. Such a concept is ridiculous nonsense. Connected with this has been the idea that carrying the positive point of polarity gave the man leave to be dictatorial and arbitrarily impose his whims and desires, without any regard to the patterns in his wife, which again is ridiculous nonsense.

Out of this there has come another aspect of distortion in concept which needs to be cleared. There have been various ones who have had the idea that in order to make spiritual progress one simply had to have a husband or a wife, and that is foolishness; the idea that a man or a woman would be but half a person unless he or she were married. That is a ridiculous idea. It is not the truth. Human beings cannot properly be isolated. We have meaning one to another, and we have meaning as individuals only as we have meaning to others. Our potentials as individuals, whatever they are, can have no real meaning or value on earth until they have meaning to someone else. Our relationships in a spiritual sense, on the mental level, the realms of mental and spiritual perception, have all kinds of relationships and meanings, and to say that these do not have any meaning in completing the individual life except as they have meaning between husband and wife is ridiculous.

I am not saying there should not be husbands and wives properly blended, but to say that merely because one does not have a husband or wife one cannot make true progress is utterly false. The mere fact of marriage is in itself actually beside the point in relationship to spiritual progress. Where there is a true harmony between husband and wife, a true union in spirit, a true harmony in the mental field, so that they are sharing the things of God, then the husband and wife who function in correct polarity have an opportunity of sharing in a deeper sense—and I do not mean just in the sense of physical relationship, but a deeper and more intimate sense, vibrationally, and that can be and shall be a great blessing.

No individual can properly be classified as merely half a person because he or she may not be married, because our meanings one to another are of many levels other than the mere fact of physical relationship in the intimate phases of marriage. Where that intimate relationship in marriage is not sanctified by love it is adultery, as surely as if there were no marriage bond in the technical or legal sense. The marriage ceremony, as such, cannot sanctify marriage. It is an acknowledgment of a declaration of love, which is most important to our society and our function. I am certainly not saying anything against marriage. Let us be very certain of that. But the marriage ceremony as such is simply an acknowledgment, a recognition, before God and man, of a declaration on the part of the partners that they do have love, that love which is of God, which makes a basis of oneness-with and provides an opportunity of functioning in the patterns of truth in relationship to each other, the constructive expression of life which will sanctify that union.

Only the truth can sanctify, but love provides the reality of oneness-with, the cohesive quality, and if there is not love, with a consequent function according to the patterns of truth, the mere legal fact of marriage has no power whatsoever to sanctify that marriage. Any intelligent human being who has given any thought to the matter has recognized that a physical attraction as such certainly does not provide any real foundation for marriage, that marriage must carry a pattern of blending, of union, in the mental plane with respect to the truths of life, and in the spiritual plane with respect to the reality of love; for without love and truth there can be no beauty in marriage, regardless of anything else.

So when we are thinking of union and the positive and negative interplay of vibrational factors, we are not thinking of it in the sense of physical sex. If we use the word in the divine sense, we can recognize that sex has a part to play in every level of being; that is, there must be the positive and negative factors involved and the interplay between them. There are the positive and negative aspects of God; and the positive aspect of the human race is, and must be, in any pattern of truth, negative to God, responsive to the divine center of being. The positive and negative aspects made evident out here in the form of men and women provide an opportunity for the revelation of the things of God in this realm on a complete basis—not something limited, distorted and ugly, not something sordid in any sense, but something so divine and beautiful and wonderful that heaven does in fact appear on earth. What is it that makes the reality of a positive function on earth?

There is no such thing as a true positive on earth, regardless of physical characteristics of maleness or the lack of it, without a centering in God's love in relationship to the patterns of God's truth. The mere fact that a member of the human race is called a male does not in any sense make him a positive. He has the potentiality of being a positive, yes, providing he lets himself be centered in God's love and controlled by the patterns of God's truth. But let us remember that woman is more than a body and man is more than a mind. These are properly points where they are individually dominant. Woman is supposed to be dominant in the realm of the body aspect of being, and it is through her that the body of both male and female appear. But woman is more than a body. She has a mind; she has a point of polarity in the divine plan; she has spiritual capacities. Man is more than a mind. He likewise has a body, a point of centering in the pattern of reality in the sense of deity, and he has spiritual capacities. The coordination of these two in harmony with the laws of being allows for a complete revelation of the divine processes and functions on earth, not just in the sense of something physically manifest, because we have recognized that nothing can manifest in any true sense physically without the spiritual factors back of the physical action. Even if there is a distortion pattern and something is wrong, a wrong action physically, there is a distortion of spiritual or mental factors in producing that wrong physical action.

So there are spiritual factors back of any physical action, either spiritual factors which are distorted, misused, or abused in producing a wrong action, or spiritual factors which are rightly used, or what is called righteousness, in relationship to correct function under the dominion of truth. If by any chance there is a male of the species through whom the pattern of truth is not functioning, where the pattern of truth is not in dominion, and he has a wife through whom the pattern of truth is working and there is the expression of that truth, what is it that is going to control? The truth. The positive manifestation in such a case would appear through the woman. It would have to, because the truth at any level is positive to that which is below it, though negative to that which is above it. So we have the pattern of dominion through truth in woman just as well as in man. But the potentialities in the male of the species are such that the male can carry a higher point of polarity in truth than is natural to the female. That is not saying that the female is lower than the male. It is simply recognizing that woman was created on the basis of one part of the pattern of divine function and man on another. They cannot be compared. How can we compare a man and a woman? We can say they are both human beings, they are aspects of the human race, but you cannot compare unlike things. All of this idea about the contest between the sexes has a basis in false ideas, because there is no necessity of any contest or conflict between the sexes. All such things are wrong. They have a basis in distortion patterns somewhere, somehow.

We cannot be set free until we know the truth, and only the truth can make us free. Where the truth manifests correctly through a woman it is just as positive, it is just as enduring, it is just as real as if it were made manifest through a man. As it happens it was a female who wrote this realization that I read to you [earlier] this evening. That fact does not detract from the positive aspect of the truth expressed. It does not make it less true than if a man had expressed it, for truth is truth wherever it appears. We should see, then, that if there is going to be the proper relationship between the male and the female aspects of the human race the male aspect must express those phases of the truth and be under the dominion of those phases of truth which are peculiar to his nature, and the female must be under the dominion of, and express or reveal, those aspects of truth which are peculiar to her proper sphere of function. The truth is respected wherever it appears, whether it appears through male or female, by all of those who are under the dominion of truth. The mere fact that a man may have said it, or a woman, is beside the point except as it may be colored by human concepts and limitations of the male or the female.

There are certain limitations which tend to appear more readily through the female than through the male, and there are certain limitations which tend to appear more readily through the male than through the female. So if the expression with respect to truth is distorted or colored, then the question as to whether it appeared through a man or a woman might possibly have some meaning, but the pure expression of the truth without distortion, without coloring, is something that appears, and is recognized and accepted within the scope of the truth by those who are subject to it, without regard to the male or the female channel of its appearance.

A divine aspect of this matter is that there will be certain delicacies of expression, there will be certain characteristics natural to the divine pattern in the detail of manifestation, which appear more readily through the female than through the male. There are certain things which will appear through the male rather than through the female if they are to appear at all, because a man cannot function as a woman nor can a woman function as a man, try as she may. In the world more women have been guilty of trying to function as men than men have been guilty of trying to function as women. The tendency to distortion, the tendency to deviation from the natural pattern, even though it be extremely limited, is more prevalent in the female than in the male—give a woman free rein on a general basis and a large majority will attempt to take a positive position and attempt to reject the negative aspect of being as something unworthy of her, not realizing that such function is unworthy of her. There is nothing unworthy, menial or below with respect to the natural pattern of the female.

Eve was created, according to the allegorical story, out of a rib taken from the side of Adam. This signifies many things, one of which we have all recognized as being that woman should stand at man's side. She is not to be trampled upon nor is she to try to be the crown upon his head. She is to be by his side, to be a partner in the outworking of life, to be a companion in the fulfilment of life. We might also recognize that the utilization of the rib in this symbology suggests that woman is to be strong. Ribs have certain peculiar characteristics. There is a pliability, a flexibility, but a remarkable strength which protects the vital organs of the body. The same characteristics carry over into the female, a pliability which has normally, naturally, a great strength. But as long as the female measures her strength, her ability as a woman, on the basis of how well she can control her man, how well she can dominate him, she is using a false measuring stick; for she is not supposed to dominate. It is her own sense of insecurity, her own recognition of failure to be a true female, that makes her feel that she must bolster her femaleness, her divine womanhood, with an attempt to dominate and control her man. But when a woman begins to recognize the reality of her divine position, and to glory in it, and to realize that it contains within it all that is essential to her complete fulfilment, it would be utterly wrong for the male of the species to assume that he somehow then had a right to arbitrarily dominate and control and that the female was supposed to be subservient.

There can be no pattern of subservience in divine union, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or in a true pattern of companionship in the physical plane of being. No man who is worth his salt, who has any right to call himself a man, finds any pleasure whatsoever in dominating, in the sense of producing a state of subservience in a female, because if the man is supposedly deriving some satisfaction from producing a condition of subservience in his wife he is showing himself to be lacking as a man. No man worth his salt is interested in having a woman in a subservient state. He could find no satisfaction in her. He might as well have an animal for a companion in such a state, not a divine creature capable of sharing true companionship in all phases of his life.

As we recognize these things, we see that the reality of the positive position is not established by something that is dictatorial in relationship to personal human whims and fancies. On the other hand, any man or woman who is to be made free must accept the reality of truth and come under dominion, under control. From the standpoint of the revelation of truth where there is the proper responsibility in relationship to correction and direction, there may be a very positive position without in any sense having that position take on the nature of being dictatorial. In the divine sense it may be autocratic, but in the true analysis anything that is dictatorial is simply an attempt on the basis of human will to bring someone under subservient subjection to the human will, the personal desire merely to have someone bend to the human will. Anything that tends in that direction, whether it appears through male or female, is dictatorial, and it has no proper place. But to call the positive position in relationship to truth and the insistence that we should conform to that truth a dictatorial attitude is to reveal one's ignorance, because the truth is not based upon personal whim or fancy or personal desire. That which insists upon response to the patterns of truth and rejects anything that does not conform to the truth, that which bears to the point of truth and refuses to acknowledge anything that does not conform to truth, is not properly dictatorial. That is a part of the divine pattern of control, of divine autocracy, if you want to put it that way, which cannot and must not be confused with any human attitude that can properly be called dictatorial.

We recognize that the dominion as such is in truth, not in man, not in woman. The mere fact of maleness or femaleness is beside the point. The point of authority, the point of power, the point of dominion, the point of control, is centered in truth. Human beings cannot be held to the patterns of truth without love. God's love must be present if one is to experience that oneness-with which will permit truth an opportunity to control and to establish the dominion of the divine pattern of being. Without God's love there is nothing to hold the human being, male or female, to the pattern of truth. Therefore the human being in such a case becomes subject to a distortion pattern, and the distortion pattern is in control whether the human being realizes it or not. So the actuality of dominion is in truth.

The reality of God's love is essential to the working of that dominion, but it is not love that makes the reality of authority. It is love that makes possible the working of the authority, but the authority, the dominion, the control is vested in truth and not in love. But the working, the functioning, of truth in relationship to dominion is made possible only by love. Truth cannot make one free while one does not have love, in the sense of the fulfilment of the first great commandment, to love God. Until we center in love and recognize the truth in relationship to love, and accept it, we cannot experience the transition into the divine state of freedom which is a state that is under the dominion of truth.

Therefore, while certain expressions of truth have their primary manifestation through the female, and certain aspects of truth have their primary manifestation through the male, it is not a question of maleness or femaleness. It is a question of "Is it the truth?" Only the truth can have true dominion in a constructive sense. Any dominion which is exerted or established without regard to truth destroys. It always has and always will. The dominion that is established by truth builds; it is creative. But the functioning of truth in establishing that dominion, in carrying out the principles of the patterns of truth, is possible only because of love. We have pointed out many times that love may be classified as a sense of oneness-with, that is, union. We cannot say we actually love God until, or unless, we begin to have oneness with God. Oneness with God, which is love and which is something that is a reality if we love God, makes us in reality a part of God. We cannot separate ourselves from God in relationship to our own thoughts and attitudes, our functions, if we are to know this truth, union with this truth; for we must have union with the fundamental truth of the first of the two great commandments, and know that truth, before we can know the reality of oneness with God's love. Accepting that oneness, experiencing it, sharing it, we cannot continue to act and function as if we were separate from God, merely creatures down in this world looking to some God far off from us.

There is no such thing as love without union on some level of being. There cannot be love without a sense of oneness-with. Disordered human minds are constantly inclined to translate any sense of oneness-with that may manifest between a male and a female into some excuse for some kind of physical relationship, which is of course ridiculous. It is foolish, it is wrong, it is one of the things our servers must come to realize with absolute conviction so that the truth makes them free on this point. Otherwise the sense of oneness-with that begins to develop in the reality of God's love will be mistranslated by the human mind into something which would seem to give reason or excuse for wrong relationships, male and female.

There cannot be any true service without love, and love is oneness-with. Love is union. Only to the degree that you have union with God in the reality of love can you be one with God. Only to the degree that that oneness with God allows the expression of God's love to express through you into the world can you be a part of God and share in God's creative processes. By the fact that God's love is flowing through you and establishes a pattern by which union appears vibrationally, spiritually, emotionally (because it is through the feeling realm that we perceive these things), intellectually and in some respects a certain relationship in a vibratory interchange physically (for otherwise you could not give an attunement), we see that the whole pattern of service is bound up in love. God's truth expressed through Jesus Christ, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another," is vitally important to us. But if the human mind starts translating the reality of that love into an excuse for some wrong pattern of function physically, we are going to have trouble. That is what brought the fall in the first place.

That is not to say that the physical part of us is not to share the experiences of life. It is. But that which may be classified as the desires of the body must never be allowed to control. That is not to say that we are not to function in relationship to those desires, or that they are never to be allowed to be given opportunity of expression. Under the divine pattern there is a right place, a right way, but when that function appears its manifestation is not because the body or its desires are in control, because if the body and its desires are in control the function is wrong, without a single, solitary exception. But that which is natural to the desires of the body in the true sense, without disorder, is natural also to the spiritual and, in its proper place and time and way, may have its proper expression.

Some have taken the attitude that if there is to be the spiritual life there simply must not be any function in sex whatsoever, meaning physical sex or the relationship between men and women. Some teachings attempt to stop the relationships between men and women in the physical sense. That is a ridiculous thing, just as foolish as a lot of other concepts. Control from the standpoint of the spirit of reality is made manifest when the desires of the body are not permitted to dominate but when the spiritual patterns of being, working out according to the pattern of truth through the body, allow the body to participate in the creative processes, so that the natural longings contained within the body are satisfied at the proper time in the proper way. Then they are the end result of a truly spiritual function. If the expression is from the physical standpoint, hoping to get to the spiritual, it will never work; but if there is a true pattern spiritually, so that the truth is in control, there are those proper times and places provided in the outworking of the social scheme and the affairs of men.

The complete expression of truth on earth requires both men and women. The complete expression of love on earth in relationship to God's design for man and all His creation requires both men and women. It cannot be completely manifest through man, nor can it be completely manifest through women. We need to get away from the personalized concepts which cause human beings to say, "I want to be a complete being, so I must get married." Ridiculous concept, a childish attitude, immature. Marriage has its proper part and place, but it is not marriage in the legal, outer sense that is going to provide the fulfilment. So let us recognize that it is not a matter of your trying to get your fulfilment as a person, or even as a divine man or woman, that is going to permit you to know fulfilment. Until your primary concern is lifted out of yourself as a human being and out of concern for what you are going to be as a divine being to a point where your primary concern is for the complete expression for the truth on earth according to God's design, you cannot know your whole fulfilment.

If I were concerned about trying to find some personal fulfilment for myself, do you think we would be here? No. We would long ago have been off on some tangent. No, my fulfilment as an individual, as a human being, as an Inner Being, or any other kind of a being, is beside the point. I am not concerned about it. If I were, I would not be here talking to you. I think that should be very obvious, because if I had chosen to prostitute my abilities I would not have limited myself to teaching a handful of people, because it would not be satisfying my ego. All you have to do is take a sensible look at things. I would not have been here to start with, in any such case. I am not concerned about my fulfilment as an individual.

I am concerned about your fulfilment, about the fulfilment of truth through all human beings, bar none. Until you can let go of these personal, graspy things, the greed of the human mind and heart, its concern about what it is going to be as a man or woman, divine man or woman, or something else, and stop trying to get fulfilment for yourselves, stop trying to get to heaven, or position in heaven, or dominion, power, or anything else, you will not know true fulfilment. As long as you are trying to get something for yourself you are wrong, even if it is the things of God you seek. Until your primary concern is the fulfilment of truth for all humanity, the centering in God's love, the reality of truth which we come to know in union, which makes men free (not just one person or a few but all) so that the wholeness of truth may be revealed in patterns of being which allow the fulness of God's love to be revealed on earth—until that is our concern without regard to personal desire, personal cost, personal effort, what we have done or have not done, until that is the controlling passion of our lives, we are not worthy to be counted citizens of the kingdom or disciples of our Lord and King.

The controlling passions of our lives must be that the truth shall have dominion and that God's love shall be made manifest through the body of truth in men and women around us and in all the world. That is what characterized the life of our Lord on earth, and unless that characterizes our lives we are not following Him nor can we be truly called His disciples. Peace be unto you.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

January 29, 2015

The Heart Interpenetrates All Three Planes

The  Heart  Interpenetrates  All  Three  Planes

Uranda   April 1, 1947


In other Services, I have pointed out that, actually, what we speak of as the heart, or feeling realm, is not a distinct realm. We speak of the trinity of body, mind and Spiritual Expression; and then, in analysis, when finally the consciousness allows us to begin to break it down, we specify the feeling realm between body and mind, and yet the feeling realm is actually an over-lapping something that belongs to both body and mind. It is not a distinct thing itself, but it relates to both the body and the mind, and then, as one continues to grow Spiritually, he becomes more and more aware of the fact that it relates to both the mind and the Spiritual Expression.

The feeling realm ultimately is seen as inter-penetrating all three phases of the trinity and it is not something distinct and separate in itself. So, there is a recognition that part of the feeling realm belongs in the body and part of it in the mind. The mind, in the sense of the intellect, that deals with things on an abstract, impersonal, unfeeling basis, is not the whole mind, because the whole mind includes the ability to perceive through feeling, mentally speaking. Therefore, each one comes to recognize that some of the distinctions that human beings are inclined to arbitrarily make do not, in the final analysis, stand up, although they may be alright at various points along the way.

We have the trinity then, and, ultimately, the ability to perceive with respect to feeling inter-penetrates all planes, so that it is not just the sense of feeling in the touch, physically; it is not the feeling just in that portion of the mind that functions primarily with the state of mind where one might say hurt feelings; but it is also that Spiritual Expression plane ability to feel, which allows one to begin to recognize and partake of the true nature of Love.

Physically, one can feel love, but if it is limited to the physical plane it is not truly worthy of that name Love, as we ordinarily think of it. It becomes too animalistic. Mentally, it is possible to have a certain amount of love, and feel love mentally, but if the expression of love, or the perception of love, is limited to body and mind it still is inadequate to a fullness of satisfaction and, limited to those planes, it tends to be animalistic or it tends to be controlled by the adverse emotional functions within the scope of the mind, such as jealousy or fear, envy and things of that nature.

So it is not until the feeling ability, or the heart, in the sense of the Spiritual Expression plane, balances out the perception and recognition of love in relationship to all three planes of Being, that there can begin to be a manifestation of control in the emotional plane, allowing one to transcend the destructive emotional reactions in relationship to love. Many people say, "It is because I love that person that I am jealous or I am this or that." Actually, that is a totally destructive aspect of the feeling nature which the individual is allowing to operate in relationship to his love.

But when the Currents reach through, so that the dominating influence is Divine Love as perceived through the Spiritual Expression plane in a feeling sense, and that permeates all three planes of Being, then the expression and perception of Love begins to be a beautiful, satisfying thing that has a realization of attunement in and with the Eternal, and then, by reason of that fullness of Love Response to the Lord, the Love of the Lord can begin to express through the individual, allowing obedience to the second of the Two Great Commandments.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

January 28, 2015

The Union of Conscious and Subconscious


The  Union  of  Conscious  and  Subconscious

Martin Cecil   February 22, 1981 

We are associated with something that is, in human terms, vast;

not very big in cosmic terms, mind you, but in human terms quite vast.

Holy, holy, holy. We assemble in the holy place. This is not a geographical position, although it may be so represented. We abide in the holy place. We don't stay just in one geographical position. Wherever we are is the holy place.  Human beings in general have forgotten this. They behave as though they were not in the holy place. Awakening to an awareness of the holy place in our own living, we keep that place holy where we are on earth.

It is because of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost that we may abide in the holy place. The Father is above all, the Son of the Father is the conscious mind, and the Holy Ghost of the Father is the subconscious mind. The heart is present with both conscious and subconscious minds, but to a greater extent in the subconscious mind because it is a larger place.

As the spirit of shame is dissolved in the subconscious mind, the barrier to the movement of the spirit of God is removed. The dissolution of the spirit of shame has been taking place on earth in the experience of many people. This has not been looked upon favorably by some. It seems as though there has been an increase in what might be called license. Nevertheless, through this process, even though it may have swung to an extreme, the barrier of shame has been falling away. Because of what has been happening, this barrier of shame has weakened and in some ways fallen away, so that the spirit of God might move more freely at that level. This has occurred for great numbers of people. The Word has been spoken on earth within the consciousness of mankind with an increasing sound, so that these things have been happening.

The conscious aspect of mind within the body of humanity has, as we are aware, begun to emerge in a way that allows the Son to become a reality. I suppose it could be said that there has always been a certain conscious aspect of the body of mankind—a certain level of the conscious mind has been present in the affairs of men, producing troubles of all sorts. But the Son has been absent.

Only in recent decades has there been a certain emergence of the Son into the experience of certain ones within the total consciousness of mankind. Because of this there has been somewhat increased direction given to what has been occurring on earth, particularly as this relates to the subconscious levels of the human race. Presumably we have all had some part in this. We have had little real awareness of the potency of what we ourselves say and do. It is very potent to the extent that we are assuming the position of the Son in the conscious mind of humanity. We may not entirely have realized that we were doing this. That is perhaps a good thing, because there would have been even more reluctance probably. But it has been happening; and the way things have gone in the world has followed out the direction that has been given through the Son, as well as the direction which continues to be given by reason of the son of perdition: the conscious aspect of the mind of man in its state of separation from God. There are two factors here. We have seen these two factors relative to the dispute over the body of mankind. All these things have been available to be understood by people. 


Here are the first five verses of the 60th chapter of Isaiah: "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee." Here we see a reference to the Son consciousness, the conscious mind of the body of the Son of God. "For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people…"

Here is reference to the realm of the Holy Ghost, or the subconscious aspect of the mind of the body of humanity. Two aspects: one conscious, one subconscious. There is nothing really wrong with the fact that the subconscious is dark; we do not need to judge in the matter. It may be that it is darker in humanity than it needs to be—they call it "gross" here—but it is all included in the consciousness of mankind, which is being restored to the consciousness of the Son of God on earth. It is all included in the creative cycle, the evolutionary process. If there is darkness, even gross darkness, it might be described as evol. We acknowledge the facts as they are; we don't try to pretend that they are some way they are not. From the divine standpoint facts are always faced, and there is no question that they can always be dealt with; and whatever needs to happen in the creative process will happen. We begin to share this outlook, so we are not scared by the darkness or the gross darkness. We know that the subconscious mind of mankind is necessary, just as our own individual subconscious minds are necessary.

"... but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee." Here reference is made, by using the word "thee," to the conscious mind of the body of the Son of God. As the barrier of shame is removed in the subconscious mind the Word can reach through the subconscious mind and rise up toward the conscious mind, bringing with it the material that is needful for whatever is occurring in the creative cycle. To the extent that this is happening there is the reality of the Holy Ghost. Coming down from the Father into the conscious mind is something that remains unknown until it begins to be clothed in form. Well the material for the form is rising up from below, and the design of the form is coming down from above. These positive and negative aspects of spirit meet at the level of the conscious mind. There is an arc, there is light: "Arise, shine; for thy light is come," on this basis, "and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee." The Son is then a reality, and direction can be given to the creative process of the restoration; this is the concern at the moment.

The Son is a word which may represent what we have called the priesthood. As there is illumination at the level of the conscious mind there is understanding. There is a consequent awareness of what is happening, and the responsibility may be assumed to provide whatever direction is necessary so that the will of the Father coming down from above may be done under the direction of the Son by reason of the power of the Holy Ghost, by reason of what is rising up from below. "But the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."

Here is the priesthood, the representatives of the conscious aspect of the mind of the body of the Son of God. As this occurs, it is suggested here, "Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side." Can we not lift up our eyes and see what is happening, clearly outlined here a long time ago?

"Then thou shalt see”—if you look—“and flow together”—unified radiation—“and thine heart shall fear”—not be afraid, but be in awe of what it is that is happening: how great is God Almighty; there is awe—“and be enlarged”—there is the necessity of encompassing more, isn't there?—“because the abundance of the sea”—that is, what is rising up to be made available out of the subconscious mind of humanity—“the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee”—shall be available for your use—“the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee." The means by which the power of the Holy Ghost is made known on earth rises up from the subconscious levels of the mind of the body of the Son of God on earth.

We see how essential all the aspects of this perfect design are; you can't leave anything out. In the development of what we have thought of as the Emissary ministry much has been excluded. Again I don't say this in condemnation; it was part of the creative cycle. The vision was restricted during the cycle of attraction leading toward union, and even when there was some measure of union the reality of unified radiation wasn't comprehended or allowed to be adequately experienced. Now it begins to come clear. Why is this? Presumably because there is increased light. And why is there increased light? Because of the current of the spirit operating through the two essential poles.


We can't, if we have a certain conscious understanding, pat ourselves on the back and say we have this understanding because we are special people. We have the understanding only when the essential facilities for the operation of the current begin to be in place. Then the positive pole from above and the negative pole from below complete the circuit, the arc jumps across, and there is light. Ah! Now we see a lot more than we saw before. But it didn't happen because we sweated and strained to make it happen, did it? nor because we are really such intelligent and spiritually vital people. I suppose it might be said it happened because we got caught in the squeeze, so to speak. We found ourselves at the level where this happens. Presumably there was some reason why we find ourselves there; it is not just by chance. However a clearer recognition cuts the human ego down to size and any lingering tendencies to arrogance can be dropped forthwith.

Our understanding, our ability to function as the priesthood in this conscious level of the mind that was in Christ Jesus, is made possible by reason of what has been rising up out of the realm of the Gentiles. All superior attitudes, then, toward these "heathen" can be relinquished. They are absolutely essential to our experience. Of course there has been consistently the availability of the positive aspect of this creative current coming down from the Father. We have been able to operate within the range of the working of the Law because we ourselves as individuals had subconscious minds and something could rise up on this basis, and we could see something because of this. We could share a greater understanding, so that we might be maneuvered into position collectively to provide the facility for the Son aspect of consciousness.


We can't say to ourselves, "I did it," or "We did it," but we do have some experience of coming into position: abiding in the holy place as the priesthood, who certainly are an essential factor in what is happening. But standing alone they would be useless, they would be nonexistent in fact, because this experience of the priesthood comes because of all the other things that are happening as well, and because the negative current has been released sufficiently at the subconscious level of the body of mankind to allow a rising up of the essential factor to complete the circuit.

We begin to be put together in the design which allows for the restoration of mankind. The human mind certainly didn't do it. The spirit of God gets the job done. The initiating point was a focus of the Word in form on earth. From that point of departure—which was preceded by a good many other things as well, mind you—over the last two thousand years there was set in motion what is occurring and has brought us presumably to the point where we lift up our eyes round about and see.

What we know, what we understand, is not going to be thrown out the window. We still know it, we still understand it; but we have a vision of wholeness which transcends the little petty state in which we may have existed before, a state in which we may have felt reasonably self-satisfied because we were identifying with the Word and we were expressing the Word and we were being fine people in our little areas of operation, but we didn't really know what was happening.


Now you begin to see what is happening, and that we are associated with something that is, in human terms, vast; not very big in cosmic terms, mind you, but in human terms quite vast. And there are those who have been doing their thing without knowing that they were doing their thing, spiritually speaking—something rising up in them, compelling them to come into position. That position is not separate from us, any more than the subconscious mind is separate from the conscious mind. They compose one entity: the mind that was in Christ Jesus; both aspects are essential.

There may be one in about a thousand—and that I think is a very high ratio—who actually is material capable of participating in the conscious aspect of the body of the Son of God. But most belong in this unconscious, subconscious aspect. Leave them there! There needs to be a rising up perhaps, a greater comprehension of what is happening in their own experience and on the larger scene. And this could be offered in a multitude of different ways, ways that are acceptable to the levels of consciousness of those concerned. The door can be opened.

© Emissaries of Divine Light