November 29, 2015

Shapes  and  Forms  of  the  Mirage  World

from  Magic and the Mirage World

Uranda   June 2, 1953  Class

We have begun to recognize the basic difference between white magic and black magic. There is another basic difference, or we might say, a number of facets of difference. A jewel has many facets but it is one jewel. So whatever aspects we may consider with respect to the reality of divine magic, or white magic, we are considering one jewel with many facets. But always there is a basic difference between these two types of magic. One is that in divine magic there is always selflessness, and without selflessness divine magic cannot appear in the individual life. With respect to the workings of black magic you will find, even though it may sometimes be camouflaged quite expertly, it is always projected on a basis of selfishness and self-centeredness.

We recognize that all energy comes from the divine source. All life, all of the forces, which under control and directed in action become power, have their source in God. The power of black magic comes from the misuse and abuse of the life forces granted to human beings from the divine source. It is a process of stealing and misappropriation, misuse and consequent abuse. When we realize that all of the forces of the black magic realm, all of the energies of the mirage world, all of the seeming powers of the realm of illusion, are stolen and they are misappropriated, they have no true source of force, power and energy, we can begin to realize that this contest can have only one outcome. It is utterly impossible for man in his self-activity to win. Once we have a deep and abiding realization of that central truth, the basis of fear is removed.

The reservoir of power, the unlimited resources, are all on our side, in spite of the illusion in the world, in spite of the fact that human beings seem to have the money and the position and the setup from the standpoint of government programs or social orders or what have you. We have all of the true resources back of us and all of the material resources are seeking to escape from misuse and wrong control.

Note in the world of man how quickly material wealth is lost, how unpredictably in the ordinary sense position is lost, influence. The reason why human beings have such a hard time hanging on to their material wealth is because material things are seeking to return to the control of the divine design. Material things are not trying to get away from us when we are functioning according to the divine design. Material things are seeking to come to us as surely as a pet, like a dog, would seek to come to its loved master or mistress. The things of this world are seeking to get away from the wrong pattern of use and abuse. They are seeking to come to us as long as we are working from the divine standpoint. So in actual fact the stolen goods seek to return to the proper owner, proper use. And all of the vibrational resources are back of us—not just some of them; all of them. Our adversary has to depend on what he can steal from the divine source, because there is no reservoir, no resource, except that which can be stolen. So once we begin to actually realize this, to know it from the depth of our beings, the basis of fear of the so-called power of black magic, or the world of the unreal, is gone.

This brings to point the factors with respect to selflessness and what is sometimes called faith, confidence, the deep assurance with respect to the working of God and His powers and His laws; and on the other hand, selfishness and that faith which is fear, for fear is faith in the wrong thing. Let us examine these factors just a little.

Patterns of expression or form in the outer sense, with respect to situation particularly, may vary tremendously; but there is a very great limitation on those who work from the standpoint of the unreal realm. They have only a few basic tricks, only a few basic patterns that will work. They may manifest in a thousand different ways but there are only a few basic methods and they all integrate, more or less—the attempt to divide and conquer, confuse the issues, and in that confusion, attempt to produce an appearance of superiority. We see the dictatorships of the world use the same method, to produce confusion, to divide and conquer. And always in this process there is the utilization of fear, and there is always a selfish purpose, the seeking of some personal gain; not a genuine interest in the welfare of the people involved.

You will recall that I emphasized the point that the force of magic is possible only on the basis of deep feeling, deep emotional influence. So we see here one of the very vital factors with respect to the two types of magic. Divine magic uses the feeling pattern of God's love. Black magic uses the feeling pattern of hate. The individual who is subject to resentment can be made to feel that he is being imposed upon, that after all he is a pretty good fellow; he really should not stop at resentment; he should hate; he has got just cause for hate here. And so human emotions of the baser nature, lower than the animal, are stirred up, stirred up to a feeling pitch; and it is that feeling current which is utilized in the processes of black magic, by reason of which the leaders can have a hold on the people. Those who are subject to hate can be easily induced to have fear. So whether it was Hitler's Gestapo or the Blackshirts of Mussolini's day, or the secret police of Russia, they are instruments of fear and instruments of torture.

Here we must examine for a moment some of the basic psychological factors which appear in the distorted makeup of human beings who have lost polarity in the divine source. We recognize that there are people everywhere in the world who have a natural tendency to get a great deal of satisfaction out of inflicting suffering on others. The only pleasure which they have left in life is derived from causing other people to suffer. But there is another side to this, because there are many people who derive their only pleasure in life from suffering, and the two do their best to get together: those who find pleasure in making others suffer and those who like to suffer, looking for someone who will make them suffer. Often some of the peculiar patterns in marriage that the ordinary person cannot possibly understand come out of this basic fact.

People say, "Well why does she live with the brute? Why doesn't she leave?" Well he naturally has to have someone who will cringe, whom he can make suffer, and she would not be happy unless she was suffering. Now sometimes it is turned around. Very often, probably just as frequently, it will be the woman who has to make somebody squirm in order to have any self-satisfaction, and there will be a man, a so-called man, physiologically a male of the species, who is not happy unless he has something to suffer about. He may talk about his wife, he may object strenuously, to hear him talk—"Look how terribly she treats me"—he will complain and fuss and fume and make all kinds of threats, and he loves it! He would not give up that torture chamber for anything, not if it killed him. Well now, when you are serving human beings you will run into many things that you cannot understand unless you recognize these distortions in the human makeup, human beings who like to suffer and who feel that when they are suffering they have a purpose for living; they have a natural martyr complex.

This tendency in human beings is utilized by all black magicians. We can see it perhaps more clearly in the realm of gangsterism, whether it is a gang in Chicago or some other place, or Russia; for the human being who has a natural suspicion of everyone else and yet who is governed by greed, who is willing to make a "fast buck," as they say, wants to get something for nothing, is inside filled with shame. By maneuvering a little—and here we have the basis of many of the con games that are at work in this country—by maneuvering a little, putting on some kind of an act, the man or the woman can be made to feel that he or she is guilty of some particular crime or some particular thing that would discredit, etc. And once someone gets something on someone else, the process of blackmail in one form or another begins, and blackmail is not limited to the extraction of money as such. It is used in producing a compulsion for personal services in various ways, sharing in some kind of illegal activity, increasing fear and increasing the pattern of suffering.

There is the old saying, "There is a new fool born every minute." People like to be fooled. As it is put in the vernacular of the, well, shady side, there is always a gimmick, something, a little maneuvering proposition, by which you can fool people, and people just love to be fooled and they are always looking for the gimmick and take it on as a sort of a challenge—"I wonder what the gimmick is?"—whatever it may be. As long as they can keep on being fooled, searching for the gimmick, without really believing that there isn't any, they can be quite happy. As long as they are convinced that there is a gimmick and they just haven't found it yet, they don't mind being fooled.

But if you undertake to make a straightforward approach to human beings on an honest basis, without any gimmick, they will be so very sure there is one that they will distrust you; they will be looking for the gimmick all the time, wherever you turn. The people that come to you to get well, or anything else, they are always looking for the gimmick. People just love gimmicks of various sorts; they love to be fooled and they are so dishonest that they don't believe there is anyone on the face of the earth who is honest. Therefore if you appear to be honest you are dishonest, and if you would appear to be just a little dishonest, then they trust you. This is the human creature we are dealing with. Oh yes, they are peculiar things. All of these little quirks, tendencies, distortions, are the prey of the black magician. They are the instruments of the black magician in some way or other—fear, greed, selfishness, distrust, and so on.

Oh people will be honest; their word is as good as their bond, you know. They will be honest up to a point, but no one expects anybody else to be honest more than up to a point, and their concern is to find out what that point is; then they can begin to do business. People trade on weakness, in other words, and they are afraid of strength. People trade on weakness, and if one does not show proper fear of some particular outworking or threatened effort at blackmail of some sort—stop and look at it, how many times have you acted on the basis of black magic? Maybe you didn't think of it that way, but I am talking about being blackmailed into doing something because somebody else was going to do something else; they were going to say something, they just wouldn't be pleasant, unless you did. That is blackmail.

The house was going to be grumpy and an unpleasant place until you did thus and so. Well that is blackmail, pure and simple. How many times in daily life are human beings subject to the compulsion of blackmail. They are used to it. They are trained to it and they don't understand, really, anything else. The good, honest citizens of our town, or any city you want to go to, any state in the Union, they are so used to being blackmailed into doing this and that, pressured into it: "It is good business, you know, to let so-and-so have his way. Well I don't think I had better buck so-and-so; I will just give in; I think it would be good business." And so, back and forth, people are always looking for the level on which others can be blackmailed, and once the keen operator, the good businessman, finds out the levels on which he can establish pressure on his fellow businessmen, salesmen, or something, so he can put on the pressure, he is going to start going forward. Why? He has got blackmail, black magic in other words.

I have outlined it this way so that you could begin to see how people are trained practically from babyhood either to exercise black magic or to be subject to it. The little one who becomes a tyrant, all he has to do is yell long enough and loud enough and Mommy and Daddy will give in, or this and that—blackmail, black magic.

Now of course that can be carried to the other extreme, because sometimes human beings fail to consider the feelings, the various factors that go into play in a certain circumstance. But we have this distortion pattern, and it is a distortion pattern every way you turn, as it is in the world. Whether you go to the Ladies' Aid Society and hear the talk there, or function in relationship to it, an afternoon tea, whether in the United States or Britain or anywhere else, up and down the line, the innocent-looking affairs and those that are shady, there is blackmail pressure being applied to force issues, to compel human beings this way and that, everywhere you turn.

And the principles of black magic are utilized in advertising—the principles of hypnotism, the principles of black magic. So as long as we are in this world, and the world is as it is, we are going to be surrounded with people who are playing a game, trying to get something for nothing, trying to beat the racket, trying to get a break; in other words gambling, taking the long odds and using the modified forms of blackmail on a basis that is considered to be good business, legitimate, ethical. Most people would be horrified if you called it blackmail. It is not blackmail until you threaten someone's life if they don't fork over so much money—threaten to expose some skeleton in the closet.

My first encounter with a black magician as such, who deliberately set out to utilize the principles of black magic to prey on other people, came back in the early thirties, when I was first beginning to emerge into the sphere of my own ministry. He posed as something of a psychologist, etc. He was quite a mixture really. But he had quite a method of getting people under his spell—I won't go into it at the moment—being very compelling and uncovering the skeletons in the closet, and then taking that step into blackmail. I helped, finally, to set the stage that caused him to get out of town real fast. It was something that he was working quite effectively—a lecturer. His contact was free lectures, and then classes, and so on, something that we might conceivably use in the outer pattern. But there are a lot of those who are giving such lectures around the country who, when it comes right down to it, have a gimmick and they are not, some of them at least, averse to blackmail. Whatever this fellow's name was in actual fact, he called himself Edheid at that time. In any case, he actually got people, particularly women, to open their hearts to him, a supposed process of psychiatry, and then when he found the skeletons in the closet, why he got itchy palms.

Well we could go on and on, but you will notice that all of these approaches, all of these patterns, have a basic desire. We do not have to make an extended study of all of the criminal activities and all of the shady, just-barely-inside-the-law patterns, and so on, in order to see these basic patterns. We see it carried out in Red Russia and extending out into the seemingly innocent sewing circles of the church, Ladies' Aid groups, etc., up and down the line.

The basic thing is that until you begin to realize these things you will say, "Well now, I will be alert; I won't be caught in that kind of thing," and you will be looking for the devil to stand out there with a fork and horns and a tail, and as long as the devil doesn't come in that garb you are all right. Everywhere you turn, if the devil doesn't show up just so, he is not there. He may appear as an angel of light, so to speak, and can be very convincing.

Well now, you say, you had better take another look at me, Uranda. Go ahead and do it. But you can't understand these things in actual fact in relationship to others until you understand yourself and have reached a point where you are not controlled by these things that control human beings.

In this pattern of distortion in the world, the mirage world, the realm of the unreal, the illusion, human beings are not independent creatures; they are not living their own lives. They are pushed this way and that; they are blackmailed into all kinds of activities, when they never think of it as blackmail. Up and down the line, those who are out to make others suffer and those who are, perhaps only subconsciously, deliberately maneuvering themselves into positions where they will suffer. If they couldn't suffer, if they didn't have something to complain about, they would not be happy—if they didn't have their miseries. They just can't imagine themselves without misery, without suffering, and they are going to suffer one way or another; they will find someone who will make them suffer. And some of the most fantastic outworkings, in married couples for instance, both ways; friendships so called, acquaintances, experiences in life: human beings reaching a point—they go along on a comparatively rational basis for a while—they reach a point where if someone doesn't come along and hurt them in one way or another they will start maneuvering, with all the deliberate cunning of the devil himself, until they can produce a situation in which someone will hurt them; they have got to get hurt and they find someone who will do it. Usually they don't have to look too far.

But the fact that human beings have lost a consciousness, a personal consciousness, of the meaning of life and the purpose of life until it has become so colored that in actual fact they are seeking either to hurt or to get hurt—bring it down to that—either to hurt or to get hurt, either to torture or to get tortured, once you see that, you will have a basis of understanding many things that look utterly unreasonable. Well, they are, but you can understand that.

These are the shapes and forms of the mirage world. These things are the paraphernalia of black magic. And until we can help people to find a new vision in life, a new purpose in life, so that they are not either trying to get hurt or trying to hurt, we cannot really help them. Why do so many churches emphasize the point of hell, a burning hell? Do you think people really want to get to heaven? That is just the sheep's clothing on the wolf underneath. They don't want to go to heaven; they want to go to hell, and want to be sure it is a burning hell, where they can really suffer. That's right! People talk about, oh they don't want to go to hell; they want to go to heaven. But examine the patterns of religion and you will find that the real appeal is the prospect of going to hell. Think of all the interesting people down there! Think of all the things they can do and the devil will not mind! A wonderful place that, and they can suffer just beautifully. And they want to be sure it is forever. Class dismissed.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

November 27, 2015

The Powerless Conspiracy


The  Powerless  Conspiracy

Martin Exeter   February 2, 1986

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy mind, with all thy soul, and with all thy strength.
This is the first and great commandment.

It was given a very long time ago, as a direction to human beings, but who indeed has kept it? It might almost seem that there is a conspiracy afoot to make sure that this commandment is not kept. Most people have a feeling that somehow or other there is a conspiracy on earth by which they are being victimized. They have never been able, quite, to determine who exactly the conspirators are. There have been some likely candidates: the bankers, for instance, or those who direct the multinational corporations, the Jews possibly, the Masons. From time to time there are endeavors to pin this down, but they have never really succeeded, possibly because the conspiracy is much more widespread, including all the rest of us as co-conspirators.

I summarized the definition that is provided in the dictionary, as to what conspiracy is, with these words: a secret plan or scheme to achieve an illegal, treacherous or evil act. Human nature motivation is based in a conspiracy, and who amongst the children of men is not subject to human nature motivation? The conspiracy, of course, has been to seize power in the earth from whatever God there may be, to utilize what is seized to the advantage and benefit of human beings and their variety of ends. Who amongst those of us present here this morning have not attempted to use the earth in this fashion, participating in the ongoing conspiracy?

In effect, while it might not be put this way by many people who have little awareness of the reality of divine being, the idea is that God should stay in His heaven, wherever that is, and leave the earth for human exploitation. This is fundamentally what has happened. It may be that there are some who are more proficient and expert at exploiting the earth, but I challenge you to find anyone, oneself included, who has not been in that business.

Having a certain amount of mental capacity, one may be able to excuse and justify whatever it is one is doing in the earth, having excluded the heaven. Again the attitude might be, "What is the heaven? Who cares? We have the earth here; let's get busy! Let's make it the way we think it should be." So there indeed has been a human conspiracy, and these days it certainly has reached a point where all those who compose the human race participate in this conspiracy. It is hoped by everybody that some advantage will accrue.

Surveying the worldly scene, we see this maneuvering of the conspirators present everywhere. Some may deem that they have gained an advantage of some sort; others are hopeful, not yet having succeeded, that they will one fine day. Maybe there is a good deal of hopeful expectation that the grand prize of the lottery will come one's way. Then there will be, supposedly, sufficient money to do what one really wants to do, to succeed in gaining power over the earth. This is the reason why people want money, isn't it?—so that they will have power to do what they want to do, to buy what they want to buy, to manipulate other people in the process, but to seize power in the earth. The human population is interested in seizing power—all of them, not just the bankers!

I suspect if you were acquainted with the high echelons of those who control and manipulate things on earth you would find that they are very much like you are. There has been some sort of expectation that these sort of people might perhaps conceal horns under their hats. Because being part of this conspiracy is the normal human condition, other people look more or less familiar when one gets to see them, regardless of their national or political affiliations.

This certainly is a conspiracy, set in motion by human beings everywhere, to seize power in the earth—indicating in effect that "God can do whatever He wants in heaven, if there is such a place, but we are going to do what we want on earth." This attitude is excused and justified in a variety of ways. Because this sort of behavior has been known to human beings for so long, thousands of years, there has been built up a strong motivation along these lines which influences everybody who is born into the world. To be a conspirator in this sense is considered to be normal. "As individuals we'll all endeavor to seize power"—usually thought of in terms of money—"and all together in our various groupings we'll promote what we deem to be the way to go in the exercise of such power as we may have seized." This is the human nature state, isn't it?

There is this continuing influence present, to which everybody who is born into the world is subjected; and because for so long there has seemed to be little alternative—whether that is the real reason or not is another question—everybody has fallen for it. There has consequently been a rulership or government on earth of a secret nature, a hidden nature, and most people feel this. There is a feeling that there is some deep, dark plot somewhere to take us all over somehow and bring us into a state of slavery. All this, as though it hadn't already happened, because of this fact of the attitude present in people everywhere to do everything possible to seize power.

Some may translate that in terms of survival: "Well I just want to survive." But in order to survive you have to seize some sort of power to do it. Everybody is in the same boat, from the richest to the poorest, because the attitude is the same for all. This is why the more lofty conspirators are able to control the more subservient conspirators so easily. They know what the motivation is, and it's the same for everybody. We have noted that it comes through the subconscious mind because it has been in effect for so long and we have a heredity of this nature.

In excluding heaven from the earth, in order that we might have power in the earth, we have created an entity separate from God. We only need the word "God" because we have created this separate entity. This separate entity is known as human identity, whether of the individual or of the whole human race. This entity has been given various names to identify it, seeing that it was humanly created: the dragon, that old serpent, the devil, and satan; but insofar as human beings are concerned it's a very real identity. After all, it governs their lives! It establishes the nature of their motivations, springing out of the subconscious, out of all that has been brought down from the past. It is a control out of the earth, certainly not out of the heaven, all based in the attempt, on the part of human minds and hearts, to seize power on earth. Back along the way human minds and hearts have thought that they really had it made. It never quite proved out that way. Of course not, because they didn't have it made. It is an attempt to do the impossible!

However, in this separated state there is a peculiar condition of stupidity which has prevented most people from comprehending what it was that was going on. So satan has been going to and fro in the earthly human consciousness, up and down in it, providing the motivation for human behavior; and human behavior has reflected this. Satan is a very real creation insofar as human beings are concerned, with God sometimes looked upon as the other part of the act: the Creator. Nobody could quite understand how He could create satan, or why. Of course, He didn't. That's a human creation, based in the endeavor to seize power in the earth, which has proliferated over the ages into what we now know as human nature, as the human state, as the condition of the earth now.

This reminds us then, properly, of that first great commandment to human minds and hearts: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all," seeing that a division has been made here between God and the devil and it is deemed that there is some dingdong battle going on between these two entities, both humanly created. There is the reality which we may refer to as God, but that reality is not the god which human beings have created, any more than the devil should exist either. Both are human creations, and very convenient it is to have it this way, because the control of human behavior continues on the basis of this division, the division which ultimately tells people what is supposed to be good and what is supposed to be bad. But of course that is a relative proposition anyway, depending upon where you are, who you are, etc., in the earthly sense.

The true state doesn't require either god or the devil, as they have been humanly created. There is just the way things are. There is just the reality of being. One may call the reality of being "God," but if this reality of being is confused with the human invention, then there is further division, as is clearly evident in the religions of the world for instance. "Let's all get together and agree that our god is the god." Unfortunately at the same time human behavior is being governed by the devil, and this produces a division, of course, between the various gods of religion. The gods of religion are powerless to provide any answer, simply because they are a human creation. But there is a reality of being which has always maintained the way things are.

Anyone may accept the way things are if they so choose, or they could get into this conspiracy and into the battle which then ensues, with no expectation whatsoever of what would be deemed to be victory. I'm not sure what that is supposed to entail: a fantasy—"We'll all live happily ever after"—just a fairy tale. But there is no necessity to be governed by satan, even though satan does walk to and fro in the earth of human consciousness, up and down in it. And human beings follow this way and then that way, and up and down, simply because their behavior is controlled this way. Do you have your ups and downs? You may know immediately why. Do you think there are decisions to be made this way or that way? You may know why you may think that, but there are no decisions to be made. Things are the way they are! This is all a fantastic human invention.

There certainly is, insofar as mankind is concerned, satan and his minions, his powers, at work in determining human behavior, in establishing human relationships amongst other things. There are all kinds of details in the scheme of things which has been produced by the conspirators in their endeavor to seize power. The government of satan works through human minds and emotions, controlling human behavior. The humanly created entity which works in this fashion is very real to human beings. You may have noted that. You may say, of something that you did or said, "Oh I didn't mean to say that, or do it." Well why did you say it or do it if you didn't mean to? There must have been some motivation that caused you to assume the attitude which was portrayed by what you did. Of course this has been the ploy of satan, incidentally, in religion, to emphasize the point that there is this shady character in the background there, trying to make you do bad things. But there is also a bright character in the background there, endeavoring to make you do good things. And you have these imps on your shoulders, whispering this way and that way in your ears, controlling you sometimes to do bad things and sometimes to do good things. But it doesn't really matter which; here is satan.

Satan is often in the habit of clothing himself in robes of light; he looks pretty good. But anyone who is controlled by this government, this earthly government, without regard to heaven, is in a very disintegrative condition. It's not that there is not satan present; he surely is. We have defined that as human nature; and this influence, control, of human behavior has been absolute heretofore. Now we are just beginning to awaken to the fact that it really needn't be, that there is another way in actual fact. But we cannot discover what that other way is in any real sense without relinquishing the behavior engendered by satan, whether we imagine that that behavior is good or bad.

So much of that behavior we love. But it's all perverted! Humanly speaking, in mind and heart, there is the need to come up with a statement: "I am a pervert! It doesn't matter what I do; it is perverted." There is a reason for admitting this rather than justifying it, which most people do. They have their justifications for their behavior. They justify it because it's what they want to do anyway. So in order to assuage the guilt a little bit they have to find reasons, excuses, justifications, for behaving the way they do. And the devil was always credited with the fact that he could use scripture pretty well to convince his victims that they were quite justified in doing what they did.

We have that portrayal, allegorical portrayal, of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness. The devil there gave Him every opportunity to justify Himself in doing what He shouldn't do, in other words behaving according to the behest of the devil. Satan always seeks human allegiance and most people just go along with it; and if they get to thinking a bit, which occasionally someone does, then of course one must produce some justifications for one's behavior.

But one must reach a point where one honestly admits that one is a pervert, and that one cannot do anything which isn't perverted as long as one's allegiance is to satan, as long as the government is of this earthly nature, which is rather easily discerned, because it always permits the individual to do what he wants to do. That's how the devil has people by the short hairs, so to speak, because under his influence and consequent human behavior everybody is interested in doing what they want to do, satisfying themselves. What else would anyone want to do? The key really is in that first commandment: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all." None of this human behavior do I love at all. ALL love should center in the Supreme One in heaven. No other love, no other love before this One.

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God...and him only shalt thou serve." There is no escape—and we are not, when we come to experience the reality, interested in escape—but there is no escape from the clutches of satan until that heavenly love is absolute, so that there is no love left for earthly human behavior, which is summarized by the words "I want." When you say "I want," it is indication of the fact that you don't think you have—which is the truth of the matter. What it is that you don't have is love for the Supreme One.

I rejoice that as we have moved along the way there are those who are beginning to emerge into the place of stillness, where there may be the experience of this one love that is needful. This one love is essential. Most people try to get around that by saying, "Well we have got to love our neighbor; we have got to love other people. I pick this one." But the first commandment comes first, simply because when that commandment is fulfilled there is no separate God; there is the state of oneness, which is the state of love. But as long as love is being dissipated by perverting it into human channels, the rule of satan is supreme on earth, as it has been for thousands of years.

However, now there is the opportunity, seeing we are moving toward the point of critical climax, for a change to occur. There is no survival without it, and if one doesn't survive one can't have what one wants! Trying to have what one wants ensures that one will not survive. But to love the Supreme One—what does that mean? There have been those who have earnestly tried to love the god of religion, and that may be a step toward the experience of love, but in and of itself it isn't. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God." That is the direction in which it is supremely natural to move, out of the earth into heaven. That's where mentally and emotionally we belong. And being in heaven, the perverted condition of human behavior becomes starkly visible. It's awful. It's filthy! And the endeavor by human beings to justify it is sleazy.

But who is there who will love the Supreme One, with all, in fact, not just in theory? "Well that's nice; we love God. But of course we have these other things on the side." Satan is still governing. But once there begins to be this absoluteness, the dragon is cast into the earth. He is still there around, influencing, governing human behavior everywhere, but at last there is a window opened in heaven through which the truth shines. And the expectation is not that it should shine to one's own advantage. It should not bring fulfilment of one's own human desires and wants; it's not for that purpose at all, because there shouldn't be any human desires and wants in the picture at all. Yet this filthy state has been maintained and excused and justified by utilizing the principles expounded in the Third Sacred School: "That must make our behavior right." Not when satan is still dictating the behavior. It cannot be justified. Admit it, that it is perverse. Repent! "It sickens me! and my love belongs to the Supreme One in heaven." Then the Supreme One is on earth as well; there is no division. I am the way, the truth and the life.

In the record of what Jesus said, He never denied His own reality. He didn't seek any excuses as to why He shouldn't reveal that reality. Here is an indication of the truth. Let us accept it, so that the weights of this perversity are relinquished. We don't try to justify them anymore. We move along through our experiences, we can't get away from our experiences, but we have in a sense a detached view of what it is that is occurring. We may say we do not know what will appear in the earth when our hearts and minds center in love for the Supreme One in heaven, but we know very well that it won't be at all what now appears in the earth consequent upon human behavior.

So all the weights can be relinquished. "Oh, but I would be naked then! I'm so accustomed to these weights; I have been clothed with them for so long. I have behaved this way for so long." Really? Well it's about time, surely, that satan should be given the gate. The only way that can happen is because one's love is for the Supreme One in heaven. Some are beginning to discover, in that stillness within themselves, what that love is. It isn't anything that they could think up. It's something of experience that emerges, unknown heretofore. If all that emerges in your experience is what you knew heretofore, you certainly are not moving to comprehend the hereafter.

So we share this wonder of love in heaven by which all the perversions, the weights of the earth, are relinquished. And we can no longer be governed by the arguments, the justifications, the excuses, of satan. There will always be plenty of those to justify the maintenance of the satanic state. Now something marvelous is to happen in the earth, but not until there are those who are in heaven. We can look around the earth and try to manipulate it this way or that way: we can do it through raping the earth or we can do it through trying to restore it. But who's trying? Satan. Do you think he's going to succeed? Is that the real objective, do you think? No.

Let us accept the opportunity that is provided to love the Supreme One in heaven with all. That is ALL that is necessary. "Well, what about this, what about that, what about the other thing?" A-ha-ha! Satan, always looking for justifications: "Well you have got to take this into account, you have got to take that into account." NOTHING to be taken into account! Just love the Supreme One in heaven, and that's it.

© Emissaries of Divine Light