July 31, 2016
July 28, 2016
Let There Be A Man On Earth
Let There Be A Man On Earth
Martin Exeter November 2, 1986
There is a story in the beginning of the Bible which speaks of a woman by the name of Eve, who wanted to have her own way. That is where the trouble started, and that is exactly where it continues. As it turned out she had a pretty sad experience. She not only lost herself and her womanliness, she lost her man, and found a pale male creature as a substitute, and then proceeded to complain about him: "Look where I may, I cannot find a man. Therefore I have to depend upon myself to establish control in this rather limited state, and so I am determined, one way or another, to have my own way." This may seem to be rather a brash way of putting it but it is the fact nevertheless. Complaining about the absence of a man, she apparently fails to recognize that all the men that have put in an appearance over the course of the ages have been through her. She may say, "Well men want to have their way too." Of course! They put in an appearance on earth through her and, in the early years of life at least, they are thoroughly imbued with the female determination to have her own way.
There is an interesting passage in the Book of Revelation where there was a woman in labor apparently. She brought forth a man child. There was another character on hand ready to take charge, but this man child was caught up to God and to His throne. Usually this is interpreted as meaning that here was a portrayal of what did happen insofar as Jesus was concerned. But here is a portrayal insofar as every man child is concerned who is born into the world. This woman was apparently a remarkable character, clothed with the sun and all, and willing for this to transpire. So her son was caught up to God and to His throne and delivered from the control of the dragon, who was hopefully standing by—the intent being that there might be a man. A man is a man because of heaven, because of being caught up to God and to His throne. There must be a man on earth. We have the record of one in particular, the One who was called Jesus. Here was a man who carried authority. He carried authority because, remarkably, having been brought up by a woman He did not fall into the trap of emulating her in trying to do what He wanted to do in the human sense.
I am sure I speak with the greatest of confidence when I say of all the men within the sound of my voice now, every last one of them, including myself, were intent upon doing what they wanted to do. Anyone here who would dispute that point? I trust not, because I would call him a liar. I am not describing the situation this way so that the men can then say, "Well all the women are to blame; after all, I was brought up by a woman"—women probably. Some of you may have had the experience of an older sister too, who established the idea that one should do what one wants to do. Of course there was, no doubt, a certain amount of discipline involved, for some anyway, when what the little boy wanted to do was considered to be bad: "Shouldn't do that—naughty." But this didn't in any way detract from the idea that one needs to do what one wants to do, presumably provided it is good. "Just don't do the bad things; you will find it's much more useful to do the good things, and then you will be a success." Of course some found out there was some sort of a fallacy in this and so they did the bad thing anyway. But whatever the experience may have been, it was all based in the idea that one should do what one wants to do. Of course living cheek by jowl with a lot of other people, one has to modify it a bit so that you don't tread on too many toes; otherwise you won't be able to get what you want to get.
Anyway, here is the picture of the state of mankind: the men playing at being men, having been brought up by women; and the women intent upon maintaining their control over men, but in any case maintaining a hand on the way things go. A hopeless state: fallen women—that is one way of putting it—establishing control over fallen men. We have looked at this before, but I reiterate the matter because there is only one way out of the condition, and that is that there should be a man on earth. This is clearly seen from the standpoint of the creative process. That is why the Master put in an appearance. He put in an appearance for both men and women, that there might be a point on earth, a point of authority, spiritual authority, which was uncontrolled by the human urge to do what one wants to do and to get what one wants to get. There is no way out of the human impasse without that. There has to be such a point that will not conform to the female requirements. I became aware of this myself by reason of Uranda back along the way and found myself, at a certain point, projected into the focus of this requirement.
Of course the endeavor to do what one wants to do, as I have indicated, was no longer limited to the female. It was part of the character of the male too. If I point to the original female action it is not to put anyone down but merely to face the fact of it. That is where it occurred, and it will not un-occur without a man. It has been an impasse, hasn't it, because the woman determined how the men should behave, and then when the men behaved the way she had determined they should behave she would complain about it and say there is no man there. And there has been this perennial seeking of a man—"my own personal man, my puppet." Sadly, men have gone along with it, and only broken out a little bit by establishing various male arrangements which excluded the female. Even that's breaking down these days. In every field the female inserts herself. "Equal rights," they say. So the whole mass, particularly in the Western world I suppose you would say, becomes a sort of jelly. They talk about "unisex" these days, which means "nothing." So the woman lost herself.
As you may recall, according to the story, she was taken out of man. There is a natural unification between male and female when there is a man. But that unification is not based in any way at all upon what either the woman wants or the man wants. Because there was something in a woman that a man wanted he has remained in subjection to her, beating his chest the while. And because there was something that the woman wanted from the man she has remained trapped in her own determination to have her own way. We have had the opportunity of looking at all these things, and no doubt we have glanced at them occasionally. And we have had the opportunity of talking about them. It is a matter of accepting the creative process, isn't it, whatever that is. We have had some theories about it. We talk about positive and negative, and the four forces, and all this, which is supposed, presumably, to make us feel wise in our own eyes. But what has it really meant? There is a truth to be known, not merely theories to be discussed. There are some factors in relationship to that truth that it is well that we should become mentally aware of; otherwise we would be inclined to reject the very thing that we seek. So we share the responsibility of experience.
There has to be a point of authority, a male point of authority, to provide a point of orientation. We know this in theory, and I am sure that many of you have recognized your own responsibility as men to provide a point of authority, a point of orientation. You can't do that until you first know what that is; and you can't know what that is without recognizing and acknowledging the point of orientation of man that is provided in the creative process. It can't be done outside of the creative process, so that narrows it down considerably and makes it very pointed. There is the necessity, then, for men to acknowledge and accept that point of authority, spiritual authority. Not an authority which is going to shake a finger and say, "Well you do it this way or else," relative to the external field of activity.
One of the things that the male has very largely lost is the ability to communicate, to have communion, with another male. This is the first order of business in actual fact. Men are quite willing to discuss all kinds of external things with each other, particularly over a bottle of beer, but usually steer well away from anything which would relate to revealing something of the heart. There is fear here. The close spiritual communion between men allows for the male point of focus of authority to put in an appearance in an expanded sense; otherwise it can't. There is nothing available then, and the woman can support her view that there are no men, because that's the fact of it. She doesn't readily admit that it is because of her actions that it is that way. But then, because the man went along with all this subtlety of female control, not so subtle sometimes, he felt inadequate spiritually but didn't want to admit it. And while I suppose there has been a certain amount of admission in this regard—otherwise there would be no direction in which to go—what was necessary has yet continued to be inadequate. If the ladies want something to do, let them stop wanting to get their own way. This has become such a deeply embedded habit that most never notice it. I find the evidence of it, unfortunately, rather blatant.
Let there be men. Then let there be women. Men are not made to be men by women. That's right, isn't it? We know that. Men are men because of God, only because of that. If God is excluded, if the experience of the creative process in actual daily living is excluded—this is a spiritual experience—then there is no man; there is merely the character that was forthcoming by reason of female intervention.
We know very well the mechanics of the situation in the sense of how in the external sense we are made. We have a physical body; we have a mind; we have a capacity for spiritual expression. And there is the matter of the heart—of course we are well aware that it is the impure heart that blocks everything. The physical substance of our own bodies, we are aware of that. We are also aware of the fact of a mind of some sort. This relates to substance, vibrational substance, at a different level to the physical substance, and yet it is not separate from the physical substance, any more than one band of color in the rainbow is separate from the others. They all blend, it is all one thing. So physical substance is filled with mental substance—permeated by it. And the mental substance is not separate from the physical substance; it is just a different vibratory level. So mind and body are in fact one. And there is some spiritual substance also, which permeates the mental substance and the physical substance. They are all one. But the extent of spiritual substance has been so restricted that only a distorted limited range of spirit could occupy it. We may speak of this as the unholy ghost—it is not whole, just bits and pieces—and it is through this unholy ghost that the control has been present, or the expression of character has been present, in both men and women.
But permeating all this again is what may be spoken of as emotional substance, the substance of the heart. And the substance of the heart is the means by which the connection is made between spirit and all the rest—physical, mental, and spiritual expression. The substance of the heart has been wicked. "God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." That is the way it has been. That is a very accurate description of human experience, simply because the heart was impure and the remains of spirit that got through was of a distorted, limited, restricted extent and consequently would be accurately described as the unholy ghost. And the unholy ghost has been the controlling basis for human function, human nature.
These are things that we can mentally describe in this fashion. The description doesn't say really what it is. We have to come to know what it is because the door opens between heaven and earth and the Holy Spirit can flood through and bring the understanding. That is the only way that understanding can come. It can't be gotten out of the mental realm somehow, through study and intellectual effort. All that happens is that things get more and more confused. Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God, they shall be permeated by God. The physical form permeated by God, the mind permeated by God, spiritual expression is then the expression of God, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit—whole, complete, balanced, accurate. As this occurs there is, first of all, a man.
It is a matter of the heart, isn't it? And men are very reluctant to allow their hearts to be purified. They can't be purified as long as they keep them locked up: no admittance, no admittance except to women. And men become devastated on this basis, naturally so. A man's heart does not belong to a woman; it belongs to God. That is all there is to it. But men have become so accustomed to opening their hearts to women that what is of the female floods in, and then the man acts like a pale imitation of a woman. He could never be a really good imitation! And we have all this mixed-up confusion and nonsense in the world, where everybody wants what they want, wants to do what they want to do, and wants it enshrined in law—human law of course, because the other law, the real law, is there already. You can't change it. The way things work, the creative process in other words, is the way it is, and it doesn't allow for any of these human discrepancies. To try to enshrine human discrepancy in a legal state is ridiculous. It doesn't belong anywhere and it disappears sooner or later. It could go out with a big bang, couldn't it? No more human beings and their nonsense! I don't think that should happen. I don't think it needs to happen.
But there must be authority in focus on earth from the male standpoint. There must be a man, in other words, who cannot, will not ever, be pushed around by women—or by other men for that matter. But the point is with respect to women. If there are those women who are willing to let their hearts be purified so that they accept that point of spiritual authority absolutely, then they no longer feel inadequate and try to fill their inadequacy with inadequate males. There is something here which relates to the matter of no marrying or giving in marriage in heaven. There's a hump to come over here. The question is, of course: "What is it in heaven?" Well you never find out without being there, and you can't be there except you let heaven come into the earth.
So we share the responsibility of doing this, but it requires an absoluteness that is absolute. When there is a stable point of male focus on earth there is a beginning point for what needs to happen—only because of that. Most have been so wrapped up in their own affairs that they overlook the one thing that is necessary: Establish absoluteness from the standpoint of this spiritual point of authority. Then share in it—be it. But you will not be pushed around by women anymore, and you know how that happens. The control is there where it belongs, and only as it is there is there any expectation of anything of value happening. Whatever may have happened within the range of our own experience has happened because of this one thing. And because of this one thing there has begun to be an expansion of male authority.
Out of male authority women come. That is the way it works. Some of the ladies may object to it. You are welcome to object but you are not going to change it. That is the way it is. I say this with a certain authority. You may say, "Well I don't know whether to accept that authority or not." Try it. There are those who are accepting it in their own experience, not as an external thing but as an internal thing, a clarifying, a cleansing, a purifying of the heart, so that there is the substance of connection between spirit and form—that's in the heart. What has the heart been filled with insofar as human experience is concerned? Emotional stuff of all kinds, and particularly the interaction between so-called men and so-called women.
Let the heart be purified. "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Such a statement indicates that hearts are troubled and are afraid; that is where the control is. Women are afraid of losing their control, whatever it amounts to; and men are afraid, of course, also of losing what they want. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. I suppose this could be said to be the basic instruction or, maybe, the basic experience to be known now, in this moment: an untroubled and an unfearful heart which is willing to accommodate the creative process in action.
Here we are this morning together to provide that, that there may be a unified, fused means by which the creative process may emerge in spiritual expression on earth. We perhaps have shared this somewhat in this hour to the extent that we were not caught in the human nature state but were willing to let our hearts come free and be purified. "I shall not want." Nice words. True words. But how much do any of us know as to what they really mean? We have the opportunity of sharing that because it is the way, the truth and the life. It is the creative process.
Let there be a man on earth. Then let there be a woman on earth. What that might be is only discovered by letting it be. Obviously it allow the fulfilment in male and female experience based in the state of man, man inseparably one with God, man revealing the creative process in all his ways, in all his living. Let it be so.
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