February 27, 2017

Transformation and Transmutation

Heavenly  Heredity

from   Transformation  and  Transmutation

Martin Cecil   May 13, 1979

It is good that we should have these times when we may be together in this Chapel setting, keenly aware of our purpose, for we do come together in such a gathering for particular creative purposes. Something of a special nature may be experienced and initiated at such times, even though we never cease to be a part of a creative process. There is a time for everything under the sun. Wherever we may happen to be in the geographical sense we still participate in this one creative process. We may be reminded of this in a very specific sense as we gather here this evening, for instance. But we also know that while we are here present in person there are a lot of others who participate with us in this creative process but who are not here. We all share in this one unfolding purpose.

We see the effects of it round about. We enfold those effects but we do not judge them. Sometimes the effects of which we become aware are very close at hand; sometimes we observe them further afield. In no case do we judge or condemn. We simply enfold. We are in position to do this to the extent that we have allowed the generation of spiritual substance, which I suppose we might call a life plasma. It is only generated by living, and when it is generated it allows the greater experience of life. This we have seen as the substance of connection, rightly, with God and also the substance of action, rightly, from God into the world. The connection and the action all occur in this realm of spiritual substance or life plasma. Life plasma is very compelling because it provides the medium for the easy working of the Law within the range of human experience in a very particular and personal way. We may speak of the working of the Law in terms of radiation and response. Radiation moves freely through this substance when it is present, providing the connection. The radiation extends out in action. Response moves freely also through this substance, emphasizing the aspect of connection.

So the creative cycle works freely and easily as there is this essential life plasma present, and in the working there comes an intensification. This substance we have seen as the substance of fire, the substance which allows for transformation and transmutation. If the world is to be transformed then the substance must be present for it to happen; otherwise what is occurring in the world leads toward greater and greater disintegration. As we have noted before, there have been many civilizations in the past which moved into oblivion. Nowadays people sometimes dig up a few of the remains here and there and speculate about what was; but most of the remains are still covered from the sight of human beings—maybe the ocean has something to do with this. Certainly within the scope of this present civilization which has arisen over the last few thousand years there have been aspects of it that have risen up and then disintegrated. Nations and empires have come and gone but the overall state is still here. However there are many signs of disintegration. We might be able to envision a cataclysmic collapse of some kind somewhere along the way, or just a gradual falling apart. Take your pick!

There is a need, certainly obvious enough, for a transformation of some kind if mankind is to survive. We understand that this transformation comes not by physical effort or intellectual effort but by the spirit of the Lord. It comes by the Word. All things are made by the Word and without the Word is not anything made that was made and that is now made. So we have seen our responsibility relative to the Word. Our participation in the expression of that Word in our living is absolutely dependent upon this life plasma—the extent of its generation, the extent of our connection in the personal sense and the extent to which this substance of connection overflows to fill our worlds so that our worlds may be immersed in this substance. Then there is the means for transformation. The transformation occurs by reason of the Word and not by reason of human manipulation of any kind.

I think if you examine your own experience with honesty, even now, you will be aware of the fact that you tend still to be manipulative. This is partly because of fear, imagining that if you were not, things would obviously go from bad to worse. However all too often, I am sure, from your past experience you know that when you manipulate they go from bad to worse too. Of course manipulation is undertaken in order to produce a more satisfactory state of security for oneself or for one's family or society or whatever it may be. So some manipulation certainly continues in our own experience. Perhaps it is less than in the experience of most, but we are not really looking for less manipulation but for the dissolution of manipulation altogether, so that everything is allowed to work on the basis of this substance which provides the material for the living forms in what may be referred to as heaven, the living forms brought forth by the Word.

From the usual human view these forms are invisible. This is rather fortunately so; otherwise there would be manipulation no doubt, relative to those forms; and indeed there has been to some extent, but not in the true heaven. In what may be called black magic an invisible realm is involved, the realm of evil spirits I suppose you could call it: the spirits of fear and greed, the spirits of material lust of various sorts. There are those who are more proficient at working in this realm to manipulate their fellows. It is being done all the time. That is the first heaven, which needs to pass away, and the first earth with it. The first earth is merely a reflection of that manipulative heaven. But we see a new heaven and are assured of a new earth, because the earth simply reveals the heaven. Heaven and earth are one. If it is the true heaven then the true earth is revealed. The true heaven is impossible of emergence into experience except as there is substance to give it form—spiritual substance we might call it.

When this substance is present, the true substance of the new heaven is present sufficiently to enfold our worlds, then there is a compulsion present in our worlds which will have its effect. The effect, as we have noted before, is of two kinds. A person may respond to the radiation which is moving through this substance and consequently transformation may begin to occur in that individual's experience. You yourselves have known something of this. Some rather miraculous things have occurred with some; others have remained a little sluggish; but it all depends on response, the intensity of it, the passion of it. If there is a really passionate response there is a really miraculous transformation. If the response is of a take-it-or-leave-it nature, not very much occurs. At the other end of the spectrum there are those who oppose. They feel the radiation, they don't know what it is, but they are agin it. As long as such an attitude is persisted in there is only one thing possible of occurrence: the substance contained in the form of opposition will have to move to a level where it may be included in response. If that is the substance of the human body then of course it moves back into the dust, participating thereby in the second resurrection, sooner or later. Fundamentally, then, the two possibilities here are Yes or No.  Something like a computer, isn't it? We either say Yes or we say No. If we say Yes genuinely then transformation occurs in the form as it presently exists. If we say No, transformation occurs but that transformation takes the substance out of the form that presently exists.

Of course there is an area in between here which contains altogether the largest quantity of substance. There are those who say Yes and there are those who say No, but there are some in between who may be spoken of as neither hot nor cold. This is the vast majority, or it has been in the world. As long as there are those in human form capable of hesitating between two opinions, this large body of nothing remains. But there is something else here that comes into the picture, in these days at least, and that is the fact that there are those who, having said Yes, are beginning to participate in the increasing generation of the required substance—not only the generation of it but the intensification of it. The temperature is raised.

The fire becomes more fiery. This is the fire which initially allows for transformation, but as the temperature is raised it comes to the point where what may be referred to as transmutation can occur. In using this word at the moment I have reference to a change in the experience of what is called heredity. We all start out with an earthly heredity. This has been defined, in the human intellect at least, mostly in physical terms. There are the genes and the chromosomes, the DNA and the RNA, all this which is supposed to explain earthly heredity. But of course there is something more than these physical factors present. There is a matter of this substance of which I have been speaking. It is present in some measure, as we recognize already, or we would not be sitting here assuming that we are alive. So there is this life plasma related to the genes, to the chromosomes, to the DNA, to the RNA, to everything else that is present in our physical bodies. We have noted that this substance in present human experience has been considerably distorted by reason of human behavior disconnected from the truth, from God, from the reality of life. So earthly heredity has perpetuated lots of trouble—the sins of the fathers have been visited upon the children even unto the third and fourth generation, and way beyond. It could be said that we all suffer from this universal disease, the disease of earthly heredity. It takes different forms but it is the same disease.

It is interesting to note that all the various disturbances which human beings experience and call disease are really one disease. This is why when some particular form of the disease is conquered it springs out in some other form, because the disease is still there. It has not been eliminated at all; it just takes a different form, that is all. And there is an endless struggle therefore to conquer all disease so that everyone might be healthy. Nobody knows what health is anyway. But could it be imagined that all disease could ever be conquered on this basis? Nobody understands yet what disease is. All that is being struggled with is in the realm of effects. Symptoms are sometimes corrected. I am sure you have found that when some of your symptoms have been corrected in a certain area it is not long before you have symptoms in some other area that need correcting again. So you go back and forth, up and down, round and round, usually just going down a little each time. So there is a universal disease now with which human beings everywhere are afflicted: the disease of earthly heredity. This in other terms, religious terms, is sometimes called original sin. We have spoken of it as human nature. Most people are inclined to admit that human nature cannot be changed; in other words we could never cure it, we could never shuck off this disease. Well we need to understand what the disease is, and we have some awareness in this regard of course.

Earthly heredity, which is incorporated into what human beings are in the external sense, cannot be cured by any technique devised by the human intellect. It doesn't recognize earthly heredity as being a disease anyway. It is a disease that always proves fatal in the end. Sometimes people can limp along quite a while. The means for the healing of the nations of the world of mankind is found in this life plasma, which, when it is generated and allowed to ascend to every vibrational level that is actually present here in the world and in each individual, may provide the facility for intensified radiation, the radiation which springs from the spirit of God by reason of the expression of the Word. So there is intensified radiation, because there is the substance of connection through which the radiation may operate. That intensification continues to the extent that there is response. The cycle must be completed. The intensification of response, which is the passionate love for the Word, permits the intensification of radiation; the temperature of this substance is raised. It begins to have an effect upon the distorted substance that may be present, vibrational substance still, relative to earthly heredity.

We are not considering operating on the genes or changing the chemicals in the DNA chain in some valuable fashion. We don't operate at that level. We are not operating at the physical level or at the mental level but from the standpoint of spirit, because what needs to be accomplished can only be accomplished by spirit. No amount of mental effort or physical effort can get the job done. I think we are here associated with this ministry because we realize that—even though we still have a lingering attitude present in ourselves, related to earthly heredity no doubt—that we need to do a little bit of manipulation at least to keep the ball rolling. Surely it could never be assumed that even if the whole human race was wiped out the universe would cease to exist. Something would continue, would it not? Everything would continue, almost everything. Whether man would be missed or not, of course, is another question. But with the intensification of radiation moving freely through this substance, because the substance is present, there is naturally and rightly an intensification of response.

This morning, I was speaking about that intensification of response. It is not really a matter of human beings deciding, “Well now I'm going to really intensify my response.” If you are open in the right direction and yielding in that direction, the intensification of response comes automatically because of the intensification of radiation. It is not generated, it is not manipulated; it simply happens. It is a part of the working of the Law.

I mentioned the word yielding. The yielding of course relates to human consciousness, our own in particular. This must be allowed to yield. There are many people who have recognized some necessity in this regard and have devised various means, various techniques, to participate in this yielding process. There are many methods of meditation, for instance, that have been designed over the millennia. Some of them may seem to be a little more modern but these things have been going on for millennia. They have never produced anything. Of course the idea is that here is a technique that may be useful to cure some of the diseases that human beings have, to make them more healthy human beings, more able to wreak destruction because of their improved health. I don't think the end and aim actually is to improve the health of human beings. It is to participate in this creative process of transformation and transmutation, so that when that is complete we don't have human beings anymore as they are now—in other words we don't have any hereditary human beings exhibiting their earthly heredity all over the place.

The earthly heredity needs to be dissolved.

There isn't any way that human beings can figure out to do this. There is some consideration being given by certain ones, I believe, to the possibility of developing some sort of superperson, again by the manipulation of the genes, etc. What a horrible thought! Human beings are bad enough as it is. No, we see a different way, which is not dependent at all upon human manipulation. It is simply consequent upon the true design of life, a true design which already exists but which has been blocked from actual experience, insofar as human beings are concerned, by their subjection to earthly heredity. We understand this. We know that human beings, ourselves included, are or have been subject to earthly heredity. And in some measure we all still are. We realize that this can be transcended, not particularly by meditation but by the quality of our living regardless of our earthly heredity, so that the earthly heredity is not allowed to dominate the scene. It is still on hand but something else emphasizes itself increasingly.

This experience comes by reason of the working of the Law: radiation, response. Substance is generated. It is then intensified, and it is this intensification which transforms human experience. In spite of earthly heredity still being present it transforms human experience. As I have already noted, it has transformed your experience to whatever extent, and that extent is based in the degree of passion in your response. So the transformation occurs in the world the way it now is. This is part of what might be called the process of resurrection. New life begins to be experienced because a new consciousness begins to be experienced. At a certain point the temperature may be raised sufficiently to allow for the cycles of transmutation. This relates to the dissolution of earthly heredity so that the factors of earthly heredity are no longer present. That doesn't leave a blank: “Oh dear, no heredity” Where would we be without any heredity? We would be nothing. It brings something else into the picture which may well be called heavenly heredity—a heredity that is of far longer standing than earthly heredity, for the heavenly heredity has always been there. The earthly heredity only put in an appearance somewhere back along the way when man started to misbehave himself. Well that needs to be disposed of, to be dissolved, to be changed; and I refer to this experience as transmutation. I am not suggesting that transmutation is going to occur tomorrow. I think there is quite a bit of transformation that can still happen that has not yet happened, and until it has happened there is not much likelihood of transmutation.

I merely point to this to indicate something of an ongoing experience, carrying into a level which is completely beyond the comprehension of the human mind. It doesn't know anything about it; it cannot understand it; and it certainly cannot explain it. Insofar as the human mind is concerned it is a process and an experience that doesn't really exist. Well I suppose such a view might be taken as being valid until someone, somewhere, experiences it. Of course it has been experienced in a very particular sense by the One called Jesus. So it is not an unknown experience actually, even though it may be quite inexplicable. Lots of people have tried to explain the resurrection and the ascension but no one has succeeded in making any sense out of it. So the majority of people either take it on faith or say that it was impossible, it never happened. Well let's not argue about it. Let's just experience what it is. That is the only valid thing, isn't it? And if we have known some transformation heretofore, why couldn't there be any more? I presume we all have hopes that there may be some more. We are not altogether satisfied with the present state of affairs—I hope not anyway. Let the cycle continue, but there must be the substance present if there is to be radiation. When there is radiation then there may be response, when the substance is present.

The radiation has never in fact been absent but it has been disconnected from human beings to a very large extent, for lack of substance. Now the substance comes into the picture; the radiation increases in our experience. It doesn't actually increase—it is always radiation, whatever it is—but it increases in our experience because of the substance. Because it increases in our experience we find ourselves compelled to say Yes with a greater enthusiasm, with a greater zeal, with a greater passion. Or on the other hand we are impelled to say No with greater zeal and with greater enthusiasm and with greater passion. And those who are in the middle, in the lukewarm state, find that they cannot stay lukewarm, because things are being hotted up; and you find that the Yes end begins to expand and the No end begins to expand, taking in more of the middle, until finally they meet in the middle and there is no more room there for anyone. Everything is spewed out. The lukewarm state is spewed out altogether. There is the state of Yes or No: “I would thou wert cold or hot.” Yes! This is our reply, I am sure. But there are those who say No, and that is fine too. It all contributes to the transformation.

There is no need to speculate about it. All we should do is to experience it for ourselves in an increasing sense. Let the substance be intensified in our experience. When it is intensified there is more generation of that substance, and there is more to spill over into our worlds, until our worlds are completely immersed in this creative substance. Then the temperature of the substance is raised in our worlds increasingly. The transformation continues until all that can be transformed is transformed—I suppose in the larger sense we would say when everybody has either said Yes or No. Here is the separation of the sheep from the goats. Here a line is being drawn on earth, and when the line is clear-cut then the transmutation can occur. As it was put: “The Lord ... is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance,” that all should make a choice.  And there is a point somewhere where everybody has made a choice, everybody who is present on earth at that time. And because there are those who say Yes here, there and everywhere on the face of the earth—this is not restricted in any way to race, color or anything else—because there are those who say Yes, then the good news is preached in all the world. At that point the end comes—in other words the transmutation comes. It is not of much value as far as we are concerned now to try to figure out what that means or what the experience would be, because nobody knows anyway until it happens. Isn't that right? We can speculate about many experiences but we don't know what they are until they actually happen in our experience. Then we know. So that is what we are concerned with.

I rejoice that we might take a look at those things which we have considered together this evening, simply because there is sufficient substance to do it, but let us not assume that because we have taken a glance at something we now know what it is. What we do know, or what we may know, is that here is indication of an ongoing creative cycle. All we actually know of this creative cycle is what we experience now. Let us let our present experience be what it may well be because of the substance which is present, because of the increased radiation which is with us, so that we may allow an increase of response thereto. So the substance is generated and intensified and all things work together to perfection. That is a good way of describing it!

© Emissaries of Divine Light

February 24, 2017

The Law Of Resistance

The  Law  of  Resistance 

Uranda   July 14, 1937

The earnest one who has chosen to let the will of the Lord be accomplished in and through him by the creative power of the fire of love, and has proven to be steadfast and unwavering in the mystical school of life, having true faith in the firm foundation of reality, is brought to the point of being, where he may begin to comprehend the wondrous workings of the Law of Resistance as it functions in the triune negative world wherein he is manifest.

Such an one knows that in the silence of the outer self the divine sounds of the Inner Self begin to sound in the outer. He who ceases speaking the words of carnal mind and lets go in love to his Lord is he who begins to speak the Word of his Lord. He who ceases all self‑activity, in a true response to his Lord, is he in whom the divine activity of his Lord begins to appear, and such an one joyously finds that he has more to do than ever before and he rejoices in the realization that every thought, word and deed released through him is sent forth in the creative fires, accomplishing that whereunto they are sent, to the glory of God.

It is not enough to cease self‑activity, for the responding one lets God‑activity have free function through himself, that insofar as he is concerned it may truly be said, “The will of our Father is now done in earth as it is in heaven.” For all such there is great rejoicing among the eternal ones of the Inner Planes, for these are they who are the windows of heaven, through whom the union of heaven and earth is accomplished. No longer does the blessed one try to get away from the earth and all the natural things therein, but rather does he rejoice that through himself the earth may be lifted up in that glorious ascension that blends heaven and earth as one, for that is the new heaven and the new earth.

With this vision of the way of the Lord in the earth, the blessed one may let his attention rest upon the Law of Resistance, that he may relax into a realization of the truths thereof and rejoice in the greater privilege of full harmonization therewith. God‑activity is the Christ radiance of light, love and life that issues forth through every expression of the Lord, whether that Lord be incarnated in a human body or not. The law of such divine expression is love, which is the creative fire that brought all things into manifestation; and so it is that the Law of Love becomes the One Law for the responding one who allows God‑activity to manifest through himself.

The Master, Jesus, as the LORD of Lords, is the central, supreme Being of the Christ expression in this world, and He spoke the word: “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.” This is the key to the Law of Resistance. Many there are who have thought to understand His words of instruction, “Judge not,” and so it is that they have followed after their own fancies, judging that “judge not” meant to part with one’s natural powers of perception to a degree that engendered self-delusion. The divinely keen powers of perception which enable one to face the facts, both of the inner reality and of the outer manifestation, are to be rejoiced in. Such perception allows one to have an understanding of all the influences and vibrations that are at work in any given situation or condition, so that the facts are known; but such clear analysis does not mean that the person or persons involved are judged. It may be noted of a certain person that he has light brown hair and blue eyes, without saying that his hair should be darker, or that his eyes should be grey. Noting the facts as manifest is not judging, for judging does not begin until that which is noted is accounted to be either good or evil.

In the mystical school of life the blessed one must prove that he can face the facts of manifestation, both in himself and in others, without fear or judging. Such an one is content to let all things prove themselves, whether they be of the real or the unreal, for he knows that whatever judgment is judged by any person determines the judgment wherein that person is judged; for each one judges himself. Much has been expressed concerning the judgments of God, but God does not judge any; He only allows the judgments judged by each to return upon the judging one, that each may prove himself. So it is that no one has any need to judge another; but this does not deny the fact that all should face the facts of being, both manifest and unmanifest, with clear perception.This becomes clear to the degree to which the Law of Resistance is understood.

In the positive planes of being the creative functions are eternally active, and each earnest one is aware thereof to the degree to which he is one with his Lord within. In the negative planes which form the outer triune world, or what is spoken of as creation, there are as many varying degrees of resistance as there are different creations. While resistance is necessary, the fact of resistance alone would be meaningless. The laws of electricity as known by man give abundant proof of these things. A wire of small resistance cannot carry a great current of electricity, but a wire of great resistance is of no value without its rightful current.

In every person on earth there is a degree of resistance, else life could not manifest; but the fact of resistance is valueless so long as it is alone. Many have thought that all resistance must be removed before a spiritual life could be lived, but to remove resistance would be to make the form into a spineless, meaningless mass. Response does not require the removal of resistance. Response means that whatever degree of resistance is present in the individual is allowed contact with the Lord, that the corresponding degree of positive radiance may be released therein, thus making the person to be alive in reality. All who do not allow their resistance to be controlled by the will of the Lord, but seek rather to do their own will, are dead already, in that they are not alive in the Lord. There is a great difference between a “dead wire” and a “live wire,” though both are wires and both may be suitable for purposes of conducting currents of electricity.

The purposes of the Emissaries of Divine Light include that of “resurrecting the dead,” in the sense of bringing those human beings who are dead to reality into contact with their Lords, that they may be charged with the Christ radiance and become eternally alive. It is God’s will that all should have eternal life now. He who lets his Father’s will be done in him now is now received into eternal life. No one can do the will of God and be subject to death, for the will of God is life eternal. Only that which refuses to let God’s will be done is capable of death. Eternal life is the natural state. Rejoice that it is so!

Step by step the Law of Resistance is being unveiled for you by these words. The resistance in any person is in direct ratio to his ability to live. When the resistance is high, and self‑controlled by the human being, the attainment in the chosen sphere of outer world function is high according to worldly standards, while the self‑active ones who have little resistance form the masses who are molded by the selfish will of the comparative few who have a high degree of self-controlled resistance. Nevertheless, the end of both the high and the low in self‑active resistance is the same, for both are subject to death, and their lives pass away as the shadow before the sunrise. These are they who defend their self‑will and cling to death, refusing to let the Lord’s will be done in them; and so it is that the dead bury their dead, not knowing that those who are not alive in the Lord are dead already. All such who respond not to their Lords within them are received into the earth and into the grave, wherein there is no knowledge or memory, for they are as if they had not been, and neither shall they be anymore; for if the dead be not resurrected while they are yet alive in the eyes of the world, they shall not be resurrected at all at any time, and their substance shall be given to another at an appointed time. So it is that the substance of all shall ascend in due season; for the “second resurrection” is that of the substance and not of the person, and it is only required for that which has been received of the “second death.” All human beings born upon the earth are at first subject to the first death, for they are dead already so long as they can die, and while they are yet alive in the eyes of the world they may receive the resurrection into eternal life. But the death of the world is the second death, and for all who die therein is the second resurrection prepared, that their substance may be lifted up by another at a time when it shall respond to the Lord.

When the resistance that is in any person is given fully and freely by him to his Lord, his outer manifestation of being becomes charged with his Lord’s presence, and to the degree of resistance is the power of the Lord released in accordance with the manifest need. He who thus gives his own free will to his Lord, that his every expression from that day onward may be of his Lord, is he who truly responds in the fire of love, thereby allowing himself to be drawn into contact with his Lord, by whom he is charged with light, love and life to the degree of his individual resistance. The Law of Resistance relates to the resistance to life that is present in the individual. So long as the resistance to life is kept away from the Lord through the self‑active will of the individual, the result sooner or later must be death. When the resistance to life is subject to eternal being through a responsive love contact with the Lord, so that the Lord’s will is done in the individual, the degree of resistance to life determines the individual’s ability to participate in eternal life.

The blessed one is he who has been drawn into contact with his Lord through a response in the Christ love, so that his resistance to life has become charged with eternal life which is allowed to manifest as perfection through his body and mind. The unresponsive one is he whose self‑active direction of his own resistance to life has proven him to be dead, in that he is subject to death, and his ill state is manifest in his body and mind as ailments and limitations. Between these two planes of manifestation are the hosts of responding ones in whom perfection is being made manifest as rapidly as the world release is accomplished, and these are they who are the contact points between the real and the unreal, in whom the wondrous works of the Lord are made known and through whom the glory of the Lord is established in the earth as an ever‑expanding radiance of the victory of the Lord our God, even the LORD of Lords. So it is that the responding ones are accounted as blessed ones in a vision of fully released reality.

A realization of the Law of Resistance allows the responding one to abide in absolute tranquility at all times, for he knows that the directionalization of any individual resistance to life will determine whether or not that person proves to be of the real or the unreal. The blessed one radiates the Christ love to all alike, but he knows that all do not receive alike, and so he knows that his love radiance will be established to each one in accordance with the response thereto. The blessed one faces the facts of manifestation as they appear in each one, all the while beholding a clear vision of reality in one and all, so that he may be conducted of his Lord into the specific expression that is required in meeting the conditions made manifest in and through all with whom he is associated. To such an one there are but two states among those of whom he is aware: namely, the state of those whose resistance is charged with life, and so is alive, and the state of those whose resistance is uncharged, and so is dead. The blessed one sees the functions of life expression as an active agent which separates these two states, as the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the chaff, and the gold from the dross.

When the responding one has allowed himself to be so drawn into oneness with his Lord that his Lord’s will begins to be done in and through him, he finds that there are various manifestations of resistance toward his expression of God‑activity. The Great Master plainly warned His disciples that they would meet such resistance, and His Word is recorded in Matthew 5:10‑12; and 10:32‑42, with special reference to verses 34‑37. The Master Jesus knew that the great tests of life would come when the responding one’s friends and relatives should begin to resist his divine expression, and our Master pointed out that those who wavered at such times of stress were not to be counted among the blessed ones.

To illustrate the action of the Law of Resistance, let your attention rest upon certain situations that have come within the range of your own awareness. The responding one is so certain of his position, and so firmly grounded on the rock of reality, that he functions serenely in the doing of his Father’s will, no matter what the resistance may be. Of himself he never makes a choice that affects another, for he continues on, waiting the time of outer proof, when those with whom he is associated make the choice, and then he acts accordingly.

The blessed one never judges another, nor chooses for another, but he lets each one judge himself and make his own choice. So it is that the blessed one always accepts the self‑judgment and choice of those around him; which is to say, as each one proves himself and judges himself and chooses for himself, the blessed one accepts each one on the basis each one establishes for himself. Nevertheless the blessed one never accepts the judgment and choice of another for himself.

The responding mate may not seek separation from his or her unresponsive mate, yet when the unresponsive mate chooses separation the responding mate may and should accept that separation, that he may be free in the Lord. Nevertheless, so long as the unresponsive mate does not choose separation, the responding mate so lives in the Christ radiance that the mate may find it easy to respond to the Lord at any time should that be the choice of the one who had not before responded. Whatever the choice of the unresponsive one may be, let that be the choice; for as surely as the responding one lives the Christ life, remaining true to reality, the unresponsive one must sooner or later make a choice, as the Lord forces the issue through the Law of Resistance. And whatever the unresponsive one may choose, whether it be to separate or to respond, let that choice stand, and let not the responding one waver therefrom.

When there is an issue concerning matters between individuals, whether they be relatives or not, so that there is a mutual responsibility, let the responding one function in the radiance of love in accordance with reality, knowing that in due season the Law of Resistance will force a choice from the unresponsive one if the responding one wavers not. And when that choice is once made, let it be established, and let the responding one act under the direction of the spirit in accordance with the choice of the unresponsive one. So it is that the earnest one may know of a surety that so long as he is true to himself, responding to his Lord in love, the Law of Resistance will bring a release in due season from any ill condition or limitation, if he wavers not. So it is that all things will work out in perfection for all who love the Lord, and the responding one finds that he never needs to resort to any ill act or expression in order to seek freedom, for he knows that an unwavering life expression in the Christ light, love and life will bring needed changes at the appointed times. And when those changes come, the responsive one accepts them instantly and acts accordingly, under the direction of the spirit in the firmness of the Law of Love. The blessed one never seeks to hurry matters, for he knows that he is living in eternity, and he knows that the unreal must surely fall of its own weight, thereby giving him release as surely as day follows night, if he but stands firmly upon the rock of reality. So it is that the Law of Resistance divides the gold from the dross, and thereby is the unreal caused to fall and the real is lifted up, for the full function of the Law of Resistance requires that the responding one shall never attempt to fight, but stand firmly on the Rock.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

February 18, 2017

Facing World Crisis—The Russian Situation

Facing  World  Crisis

YouTube  Audio

The  Russian  Situation

Uranda   March 5, 1953  Class

I was delayed slightly this evening because I was listening to the radio reports of the death of Joseph Stalin, the dictator of Soviet Russia, and the report of the general views as to probabilities of the outworking in Russia. There is the consensus of opinion it will be one of three men. I suppose you have listened to some of the reports. I shall not undertake to repeat particularly what is reported over the radio—that is available to you—but I would emphasize the point I brought to the attention of the Training School Class when the report first came through with respect to the fact that Stalin had been stricken by a stroke. No one can tell with any certainty what will happen inside of Russia under this particular circumstance. We know that there has never been on the face of the earth, in the period of recorded history, a more cruel and heartless tyrant than the one who has just been brought to the end of the life span on earth. Untold millions of people—and we have to say millions—have died, perished, been starved to death or slain, brutally tortured in every sort of vile and evil way, to serve the purposes of this tyrant who no longer lives. The men who are most likely to succeed Joseph Stalin are of the same breed. One is the quite well-known Molotov, who was present in San Francisco at the time of the organization of the UN, and anyone who has watched the pattern with respect to him knows that he is a cold and heartless creature who can hardly be called a man. The head of the dreaded Russian Secret Police, Beria, is another. The ten or twelve million slaves in Siberian concentration camps and other places are under his direct control. Consider the heartless treatment accorded to them: They are forced to labor hard, without adequate clothing in the extreme cold, and forced to sleep under conditions that we would not impose upon a dog. They are denied food except for slop that we would not feed a hog. Millions are subject to those conditions in this moment. And it is not at all uncommon for anyone who staggers out of the line, on the way to the salt mines or other endeavor in the cold gray dawn, to be shot for no more than just getting out of line, out of the line of the tramping slaves. The world has seen evil in many forms—tyrants of a terrible and heartless nature—but in all history there is nothing that compares with that which has been true, and is yet true, of Soviet Russia. The science of torturing people has been carried forward by the Russians in a way which makes the Spanish Inquisition look tame. I will not tax your stomachs by outlining some of the methods used. You probably know a little about it yourselves, but there is much more to know than you would have had any opportunity of knowing.

In any case, the leader in this criminal pattern of endeavor that defies God and has no regard for human life, let alone the dignity of man, has come to his end. In a land where there is no recognition of God, where no one trusts anyone else, where there is no love, fear and hate find their greatest possible expression. The soul-deadening influence of these conditions which have been imposed upon the Russian people when they exchanged the rulership of the czar for the tyranny of the Red regime has produced in the Russian people a condition which is difficult for any American or Canadian, anyone who has lived in a free land, to even begin to understand. But untold numbers have been reduced to an animalistic state, where their subjection to brutality might be compared to that which we knew more particularly on occasion before the automobile became so prevalent in this country: a horse with its spirit broken, owned by some cruel and heartless man who beat the horse and yet the horse went on working until it dropped in its tracks. The stigma of fear is something which you may have some ideas about but you cannot possibly know in the sense that it is known by untold millions of people on earth—the Red regime: the regime of spilt blood, human blood. There is little, in the ordinary nature of things, present in the men who will be struggling for power and position—as inevitably they will in a land controlled by fear and hate and greed—there is little in them which makes them susceptible to the influence of the spirit of God.

When our Master was on earth He made a statement which has been very little understood. He said, "Love your enemies"—love your enemies. Some have imagined that this was a rather spineless, weak-kneed attitude, but it isn't. And it is the only way by which we can be of any real service in helping to influence or meet the crisis which faces the world because there is a crisis in Russia. One of the greatest problems we have had in setting up any effective vibratory patterns with respect to conditions in Russia has come from the fact that the so-called Christian peoples of the world—including our own nation here—have forgotten the Master's statement. Or, to say the least, they do not understand it. There has been, on the one hand, indifference, an indifference which is difficult to understand, because anyone who wished to know anything of the facts could have awareness of the vileness and the evil of the Russian regime. But there was also a pattern of deep feeling with respect to Russia, a feeling of fear and hate. In other words those who had the privilege of living in what, comparatively speaking, are certainly free countries, who had the privilege of knowing something about the life of our Lord on earth, instead of remembering their responsibility, allowed themselves to be controlled by the Soviet regime, and because there was fear and hate there in Red Russia, millions who call themselves Christians became subject to fear and hate. To whom were they responding? To whom is anyone responding who yields to the fear and hate that emanates from Red Russia? Those who let themselves become subject to fear and hate with respect to Russia are subject to the Red regime, as surely as any peasant or slave in Russia itself or any of its satellites; not compelled by the Secret Police, who have no regard for any human right, but nevertheless subject to that Red regime, accepting the spirit that emanates from that point--fear and hate and related vibratory patterns. And this very attitude of fear and hate makes those who are so subject utterly useless in relationship to doing anything to clear the situation in Russia, at least in the vibratory sense. Those who are lethargic and indifferent, they certainly are of no value. Only those who remember the Master's word, "Love your enemies," are of any value in helping to meet the situation as it is. Becoming subject to fear and hate only supports the Red Russian regime.

How can we do our part here in a spiritual or vibrational sense? What happens when you actually obey the Master's admonition, "Love your enemies"? The fear cannot reach into one, because perfect love casts out all fear. If you are loving your enemy, so you have no fear of your enemy, the hate in your enemy cannot reach into you, because hate cannot penetrate where love is. Hate is a negative thing, in any case. It is like darkness, which can be present only where there is no light. Hate cannot be present where there is love. It can exist only in the shadows. Where does the darkness go when we turn on the lights? Where does hate go when we turn on love? As far as human beings are concerned, hate goes back to the one who sent it out. Hating someone who hates you will not hurt the one you hate, but loving the one who hates you will hurt the one who hates, unless he stops hating. The power of love, which will by its very nature protect you from the damaging results of fear and hate, returns the hate to those who send it out. Those who are subject to hate are not particularly disturbed by hate. If human beings subject to hate were bothered by hate in any real sense, the men in the Kremlin would have been, well, more crazy than they are long ago. The men in the Kremlin kept right on. Oh, they took precautions against being assassinated, but it did not bother them in any real sense as far as their own consciousness and attitude was concerned. What is it that they cannot stand, that they cannot understand, that sets them wild? It is love. If you are afraid of them, well that is what they want, that is what they are working for, that is what they are asking for. So you are just doing their bidding if you are afraid of them. But what is it that they cannot understand? Love.

Now I am not suggesting that you follow out some human pattern of trying to go over there and love them—not the human concept of approach, in any case. No. As I said before, the wrong attitudes in the people of the free world, as it is called, free in the sense of the political patterns of the world, have let them become subject to the fear and the hate, and they are of no value in meeting the situation. They only establish a vibrational pattern which means that if anything is really done over there to meet that situation the same current will reach them. They are asking for the same treatment that must be accorded to the evil leaders of the Red regime. So what is it that has protected Stalin for so long, for instance? The fact that those who have let themselves come under subjection to fear and hate—who are to a degree, or in a sense, partly innocent—inadvertently teamed right up with Stalin, right in our own churches and homes and the communities across our land. How? By joining the communist party? Oh no. By joining the ranks of those who hated and feared Joe Stalin, by becoming fearful, by giving themselves to hate. They joined right up vibrationally speaking. And though they may have been violently anti-communist according to all ordinary patterns, they were supporting the Red regime, and they established a situation wherein they protected Stalin and all the rest of his evil crowd. Now, letting the Christ light, love and life shine out, refusing to be subject to the evil patterns in the world, refusing to become centered in them through fear or hate, remaining centered in God, obedient to the two great commandments, the current of love goes out, and because there is a current of love in the world, those who give themselves to evil are exceedingly restless, they are uncomfortable, they are fearful, and that fearfulness shows itself in various desperation patterns which appear.

There has been a particularized current of God's love flowing out to Joe Stalin and others—I'm not asking you to believe it particularly, unless you feel it within yourselves that it is true—and from my standpoint I feel that it had a great deal to do with bringing Stalin's days on earth to an end, because that love is the one thing that can penetrate through the great, thick walls of the Kremlin. It can go right past the guards. It cannot be stopped by any of their security measures, because they don't understand it, they don't know what to do about it. And if the current of love is held centered on anyone whose life is dedicated to evil, that person will by reaction destroy himself. Assuming that he has reached a point where he has committed the unpardonable sin, there is no chance of his responding to that love and being set free—which is certainly true with anyone who has gone to the lengths and depths of evil, as these leaders have. Such a person will be much more inclined to fly into a rage; he will be much more likely to lose what he might call self-control. He will just never have a chance to rest. No matter how many guards are outside the door, no matter what the circumstances, or where one might go or turn, such a person just simply has no place to rest. If the current of love is kept steady the only rest possible would be to turn to God. And if the individual refuses that, then he has no rest, day or night--no rest. And in such a case, what does this business of high impatience, flying into a rage, etc., do to the physical organism? In your class you will be studying more about it. You probably know something of it now. That is the sort of thing that builds up blood pressure and produces a stroke.

In any case, they say Joe Stalin had a stroke, and it finished him. But that does not mean that the job is done. It means that we have the responsibility of loving our enemies, of keeping that current of love clear, clear of all fear, clear of hate--the clear, pure current of God's love flowing out—that it may work. It always leaves a door open for any human being who becomes the focus of that current of God's love, because that person can find peace by turning to God. But if he or she refuses that, there is no peace. That person is restless and troubled, and must sooner or later be destroyed by his or her own attitudes and patterns of action. So, far from being spineless or weak, this divine attitude is the one which ensures an outworking in the pattern of things by which evil shall destroy itself. There would be no difficulty, no difficulty at all, in eliminating the threat to world peace that arises in Red Russia if as many as one half of the people who call themselves Christians in the United States of America would let their own hearts be cleansed of fear and hate toward Red Russia, toward the Kremlin, and would let love flow out—"Love your enemies." And those men there who are given to living with such horrible skeletons, shall we say, who have made for themselves a tomb out of the bones of their own victims, do you think they could long withstand that love without going stark crazy? Oh no. They would go crazy so fast that they would be no threat to the world's peace, and they would destroy each other and destroy themselves. And that is all it would take: obedience to the Master's command, "Love your enemies."

This stands as a great object lesson, revealing what human beings do to themselves by failing to recognize the simple laws of life. These same principles work out in all of our human relationships. Human beings seem to think they are justified in having resentment toward someone, having hate, or perhaps just plain ignoring. People say, "Well I don't hate so-and-so, but I certainly don't have any love for so-and-so." That is still not obeying the Master's command. If there is someone who hates you, love that person. Not by going up and throwing your arms around them and trying to kiss them or something. Oh no, not at all, not at all. But by letting God's love flow through you to that person constantly, day and night, without a break. Just love that person. Keep that person enfolded in love, and if there is any chance that that person will yield to the spirit of God, you will be opening the door so that that person can arise and come out of the pattern of destruction. But if he or she keeps the door closed, refuses to yield to God's love, then that person will find that there is no place of peace. He may try to find peace in entertainment or drinking liquor or something else—it doesn't make any difference—but that person will find no peace, and sooner or later the end will come. By this simple working of God's love the pattern of evil could be very quickly cleared from the world. If one tenth of the people in the world who call themselves Christians would face up to this truth, evil and its power in the world would be quickly banished, and it would be comparatively easy to work out all the problems involved.

Blessed ones, here we have the responsibility of letting God's love have meaning on earth to all people alike, without regard to race or color or creed, without regard to the iron curtain. You know, the iron curtain cannot stop love. It can stop most anything that human beings ordinarily contrive to try to get through it. But from our standpoint the iron curtain is as helpless as if it were a pink ribbon stretched across the ground—it has no meaning. So whether it is an iron curtain or something else, the spirit of God overleaps all humanly established boundaries, and the power of God's love penetrates through every obstacle which human beings can raise. And those who give themselves to hate are the most vulnerable to God's love. Of all the people who leave themselves wide open, those who give themselves to hate are in the worst possible position. They can seek to hide behind the rocks in the highest mountains, or anywhere else, and they cannot escape. They can climb high or they can go low and they cannot get away from God's love. And the pursuit is absolutely constant until one of two things happens: either that individual yields and responds to God's love or yields to the results of hate. A small handful of people such as we are here can have a tremendous influence in the realm of world affairs. One of the things that has made a tremendous difference in the outworking of those affairs has been the change of administration in our own country—no longer temporizing, no longer given to Chamberlain's tactics, no longer carrying an umbrella. That change, from the standpoint of the focalization of our own government, means that the power of God at work in the world is allowed to be much more meaningful than it was a few short months ago. We can do a lot more now than we could before—by being true to God, by letting God's love have meaning in our lives, by doing as the Master said, "Love your enemies." And if you do not think that a person who is enfolded in love while he is subject to hate is in a difficult situation, you ought to watch one sometime. There is no place of rest, day or night. That is plain hell. All you have to do is to establish the fire of love around such a person and that person is in hell, where there is no rest day or night. What have I said so many times? The only fire there is in hell is the fire of God's love, and that fire of love, which blesses those who respond to it, is an eternal torment to those who fight against it. God's love is an eternal torment to those who fight against it, but to those who respond to it, it is soothing, healing, wonderful.

We learn to walk in the flame, untouched, unhurt, cool and comfortable--the flame that would just be hell to the human being who is fighting against God and whose heart is filled with hate. The indifferent people of the world do not count at the present time. They will be awakened sooner or later. The lethargic ones, the indifferent ones, don't count now. Don't try to awaken them even. Don't be bothered about it. Leave them alone. They will awaken in season and go one way or the other. You will not help them by trying to wake them up. There are enough people awake who need help. There are those who are responding to God's love and there are those who are subject to hate. And those who are subject to hate, no matter what they call themselves—Christians, or Mohammedans, or Communists—they are not serving God. They are not serving God. They are serving the prince of this world. What can one do to serve them? Love them, so that if there is anything in them that will awaken to the spirit of God's love, they will let themselves be changed. As long as life remains there is a chance for each and every one to change, change from the pattern of evil and move into the pattern of life. But just because someone is going the wrong direction under the current of love, do not stop loving. If you say, "Well, now I'm afraid to love so-and-so after what Uranda said tonight. Now he or she just might go the wrong way." Well if they go the wrong way under love, they will go the wrong way anyway. You will not help them any by refusing to obey the Master's command, "Love your enemies." And who are our enemies? Those who fight against God. We are not their enemies. Remember, there is a difference. They are our enemies, yes; they are enemies to us. But we are not their enemies; we are not an enemy to anyone, anywhere. But in daily life, human beings are so prone to feel that they are somehow justified in having resentment toward so-and-so. "Such and such a person did something I don't like and I'm justified in resenting that." Are you? Then you are becoming subject to that person; you are falling down and worshipping that person. That is the spineless way; that is the weak-kneed, nincompoop way. Yes, that is right. The way of strength and character is to love your enemies and enfold them in a little hell. It will be hell only if they fight against God's love. You do not make it a hell. You are offering them the things of heaven, God's love, the most beautiful and wonderful thing there is. That is what you are offering them. That is what you enfold them with. What do they do with it? They can let it be heaven or they can let it be hell. It is not your responsibility to try to determine what it shall be for them. So we love not only our enemies but our friends, too, all alike, without regard to race or color or creed, without regard to humanly established boundaries. To love. How? By letting God's love have meaning in our lives.

Now I suggest that you do not try to start loving, in this sense, the leaders of Russia's Red regime until you have learned to live for a least a week or ten days with absolutely nothing but a spirit of love toward all the people around you right here on Sunrise Ranch. If you go stretching yourself out to Moscow and then you have a reaction here, what will happen? You will be filled up with the spirit from Moscow so quick that you will get hurt. These are laws. I am not talking about figments of fancy. This is something that works under law as surely as the electricity that flows through the wire and gives us light from that globe. If you should, by some chance—you probably couldn't even get contact—but suppose you did get contact through to Moscow, and then you had a reaction right here, what would happen? You would get hurt. Learn to so live right here that there is not for any instant, not even a tenth of a second, at any time, resentment in you toward anyone here. When you have learned to so live for thirty days, shall we say, thirty days in which you have not felt a tiniest hint of resentment, let alone hate, toward any person at any time, under any circumstance—right here, for thirty days--then you come and tell me about it, and if I find you ready I will invite you to share in a special pattern of service and function on earth, about which I am not going to talk very much now, except I have told you the principles involved. But if you try individually just to go out and do this, without any recognition of coordination or pattern or anything, it will either turn out to be nothing or you will get hurt. Generally speaking it just turns out to be nothing. Why? Because human beings try to be the whole thing all by themselves and they do not make any contact, they do not get through. They are only playing children's games. It has no more meaning than a little child playing doctor or nurse, or something else. You can spend your time playing children's games if that is your choice, but this is not the place for it.

So what I am talking about has to be really done, not just something talked about. No children's games. The real thing. But when you can come to me and say honestly that you have not felt any resentment, not even for a tenth of a second—not to start to and then catch yourself and say, "Well now I'm not going to be resentful." I am talking about no resentment right from the start of the circumstance, not for a fraction of a second. And when you have gone thirty days and you can honestly say that, I would be very happy to consider you with respect to something I am not going to talk to you about now, but it is a very important sphere of service, very important, and there is room for a lot of people. There is a lot of room at the top. If it is crowded down at the bottom, come on up. And if you are ready to do the job, deliver the goods, stay centered, be faithful and true, there is a place for you. Remember the Master's word, "Love your enemies"—not after you have stopped to think about it, not after you have had five minutes of resentment or even five seconds. When you can love where most people would have resentment or hate—from the first fraction of an instant—where the ordinary human being would react and have resentment, then you are beginning to be something that God can use to great advantage here in this world. Here is an opportunity to serve to the glory of God and to the blessing of the children of men.

Our gracious Lord and King, we thank Thee for the holy privilege of living, living in the fire of Thy love, that the beauty of Thy truth may be extended to every man, woman and child on the face of the whole earth. We thank Thee that now we have another opportunity of maturing and accepting the responsibilities of men and women in Christ, that we may let Thy kingdom come, that we may let Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, that we may truly acknowledge by our lives that Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, in the Christ. Aum-en. 

© emissaries of divine light