October 28, 2018
October 27, 2018
And The Word Is God
Martin Exeter March 31, 1985 p.m.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
“All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.”
The Word has tended to be looked upon as something unrelated to human beings. Perhaps the One called Jesus Christ in the Christian religion is considered to be “the Word” to Christians. This One, who certainly did incarnate on earth in the form of Jesus, through that form represented all people. He revealed man in that particular setting, in those particular circumstances, in the world the way it was. That would not be the revelation of man as man was in the beginning but the revelation of man in the human circumstance as it now is, in order that that human circumstance might be transcended. It was there that the revelation was needful. So He did what He did on earth, representing the whole body of mankind. There is some slight recognition of this in a rather peculiar way in what is called Christianity: “He died to save us all," which seems to me to be rather an inane statement. He lived to open the door of life for all, because man is rightly the Word, the Word that was in the beginning with God, and was God; there was no separation. Such a view tends to smack of blasphemy, according to usual human ideas at least.
“All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.”
We ourselves have finally begun to acknowledge, partially at least, that we are responsible for making our own worlds. Human beings have continued to accept the responsibility—this they have accepted—in separation from the true state of man, to create a world. This has been done but subsequently virtually no one wants to take responsibility for it. I suppose some might be inclined to say, “Well if everybody will take responsibility, I will too.” But it would never work that way, would it? So we do take responsibility as individuals, that again there may be the evidence on earth of man in the circumstances the way they are. The acceptance of this has been put off for almost two thousand years now. The acceptance of this attitude was of course available to those who were present at the time when the Master Himself was on earth; but who received Him, received what He represented? To receive Him, as I say, would be considered to be blasphemy.
“In the beginning was the Word.” In this beginning once again there is the Word, and the Word is with God, and the Word is God. All things were made, are made, will be made, by Him; and without Him nothing is made. All this has been plainly stated in the book which Christianity claims to be the Word of God; so far who has not only acknowledged that here is the truth but has also received it? It is joy to receive the truth. It is discomfort, at minimum, to reject it, to react to it. We see, I am sure, very clearly what the choice is; it’s quite clear-cut; there are no halfway measures.
Sometimes we say that we meet some very fine people as we move along the way of life, and no doubt we do. But have any of those fine people whom we meet not only acknowledged the truth but received it? I haven’t met any of them. While we may have respect for people and understand the potential that is present, we certainly have no reason to try to delude ourselves into supposing that the truth is made manifest anywhere except within the immediate range of our own awareness. That, after all, is where we know the truth, isn’t it? To know the truth, we acknowledge the fact of it and receive it. Receiving it, we share it.
“In the beginning was the Word.” This was the way things were created to be: the Word with God and the Word being God on earth. That's the way it was. Surely it is our acknowledgment in this moment that that's the way it is. If we acknowledge it as being the way it is, is it not natural and reasonable to receive it? All things are made by the Word. This is the design. If the true state is to put in an appearance it is because there are those present who make it, not because some imaginary God waves a magic wand. All things are made by the Word. Seeing this we surely would associate ourselves with the Word, that we may be as it was in the beginning, as it is in this beginning. This is the beginning, after all, of what is to be made.
In the Word is life. It’s not hard to acknowledge that in our own experience. The question arises as to whether this life is in fact the light of men. As individuals we are responsible that that light should be revealed. After all, we know the reality of life as being present. In the Word, in the truth of man, is life; and that life is the light of all those who know it not. The only way to know it is to be it; otherwise you merely have a system of beliefs, which is characteristic of Christianity. But to know the truth: “If ye continue in my word.” This is the Word of God. This is man. This is me! Is there that acknowledgment individually insofar as each one is concerned?—receiving the Word, so that it might be said by each: I am the Word of God. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” So we share the immediate opportunity of acknowledging the truth and of receiving it.
There is a rising tide of life, of truth, of love present in the world—there certainly are pulsations, but it is rising to the extent that this tide is acknowledged and received. Then it becomes increasingly evident as being a rising tide, rising into the experience of mankind, lifting mankind to a level where the acknowledgment may be made and the truth received. That has been done on earth through the One called Jesus, but who else? Now it must be done if it is ever to be done. We ourselves finally begin to know this, not with fear and trepidation—if that’s still hanging around there has been little experience of the rising tide other than in the processes of drowning; that’s a fearful thing apparently. But why drown? Why not stand where man belongs, that all things may be made, remade, in the way it’s done?
We are not alone in seeing these things, and we are not alone if we acknowledge them. It seems to be a little more of a lonely business to receive the truth, to be a part of the Word, of the creative expression of the Almighty. Is it imaginable that any real change could occur in this so thoroughly depraved human race without the speaking of the Word of God? I am sure we are all convinced of the futility of human effort. At least we are with respect to the larger picture. Maybe we are not quite so sure with respect to what is immediately at hand.
We have had a marvelous illustration of the way things work in the true process, when there are those on hand who are willing to move with it. The process continues—it is sure. What is sent forth accomplishes that whereunto it is sent. Let us be available to let it be sent forth in all the momentary circumstances of our living. The spirit, the essences, are to be brought into the world because we provide the way by which these essences may come. We can’t stand aside and shepherd the essences into the world. They come because they are in us, emerging through us, expressed by us. Then they are in the world.
So we share this grand and awful responsibility—it is full of awe. We should be filled with awe with respect to it, but not afraid of it. It’s just wonderful, marvelous; it's tremendous! It is the work of God Almighty inseparable from oneself. So we continue in this acknowledgment and receiving, now and in the days to come, wherever we may happen to be in the geographical sense, knowing oneness in the Word. I thank God that there are those who begin to know this oneness, relinquish their dis- honesties, their judgments, their cursings, that the world may be blessed by the shining of the light of life in the Word. Where there is understanding of these things truly, no one would ever even consider relinquishing the Word.
© Emissaries of Divine Light
October 26, 2018
Loyalty And Patriotism
Loyalty And Patriotism
Uranda October 16, 1947 100 Mile House, B.C.
Our Great Master came into the world and, facing the limitations, the prevailing levels of consciousness, the ceilings, the bigotry and self-righteousness, and above all, the unresponsiveness of the world, He carried through to Victory. It remains for us, and for all who are willing to give consideration to the Way, the Truth and the Life, to prove our allegiance to our KING by likewise carrying through to Victory. When we accept citizenship in the Kingdom of God on earth, so that we begin to fulfill those specifications that He set down by which we might prove that we are in the world but not of it, there is the necessity of our recognizing loyalty to our KING, and our daily lives should prove our patriotism in His Kingdom.
All too often individuals who claim to have accepted our KING are inclined to act as if personal considerations were of primary moment when they consider the problems and the choices that come before them. God gave His only begotten Son in the focalized expression or manifestation of Jesus on earth, and also in His provision that the One Christ Body should continue on earth. As it was essential then that there be a recognition of Jesus the Christ, it is essential now; but it is also essential now that there be a recognition of the One Christ Body on earth. Only by believing in the One Christ Body on earth can any individual truly accept Jesus Christ, and it is only through believing on the only begotten Son of God that any can hope to experience that fulfillment that they might not perish but have everlasting life. Those who think that they can believe on Jesus Christ and not believe on the One Christ Body on earth but delude themselves and fall into the snare of the serpent. But that patriotism to the Christ and that loyalty to our KING is something that must be given with the whole heart, gladly, joyously and not as one who would bargain with God. The gift of Eternal Life is given; protection against the prince of this world is given and provided by our KING; but loyalty is not something that is purchased.
Patriotism and loyalty are the natural, spontaneous products that spring forth in the heart and life of the individual who loves his country and his king. If we Love our KING, and we Love our country, then loyalty and patriotism are spontaneously there, having their influence every moment of every day, in relationship to every question, conditioning our attitudes in the face of every problem. Those who claim loyalty in one breath and then insist on viewpoints in relationship to problems that arise or choices that must be made, that the consideration shall be on a purely personal basis, are giving the lie to their own claims. Personal considerations are never primary factors in the face of true loyalty and patriotism. The governments of this outer world, although they are essential with things as they are, cannot offer the blessings or provide the joys and satisfactions that are to be found in the Kingdom that is ruled by the Prince of Peace. Nevertheless, if any undertakes to give his allegiance, his loyalty and patriotism in return for these blessings and joys and satisfactions, as if he would bargain with God, he will surely fail.
When we cross the line from one country to another in this world, our citizenship has to be recognized in relationship to such border crossings. There are many individuals in the world today—thousands upon thousands of them—who would like to cross the border from the place where they are, to some other country, who, by reason of conditions or restrictions imposed, cannot do so. We have, in relationship to our Ministry, the problem of assisting those who would become citizens of the Christ Kingdom to cross the boundaries into the Kingdom. There is a boundary line. Tens of thousands move toward that boundary line—and the world calls them good. Some reach the boundary line and decide to camp there, or to return back to the places from whence they came. A few are willing to accept the conditions of entry into the Kingdom. Yet, all who will come find that the Way is opened before them if they will but let it be so. The problems of development in the Spiritual sense are, essentially, the problems of crossing that boundary line, so that the individual is no more of the world, although he is in it; and, crossing that boundary line, the individual finds that he cannot penetrate to the open freedom of the Heart of the Kingdom until he passes through what we might call a Borderland.
In this Borderland the individual begins to truly comprehend the meaning of the Master's Words, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love, one to another”. In this Borderland the individual learns the customs and the language of the people of the Kingdom. In this Borderland the individual proves his loyalty to our KING, and by his life he reveals as to whether or not he is truly a Patriot of the Kingdom. In this Borderland the individual must establish the facts as to whether or not he believes in the only begotten Son of God on earth. There is absolutely no way by which any may enter on a basis of deception. Some undertake to deceive, as a conscious act or a consciously determined course of action; others undertake to deceive unconsciously because they have deceived themselves, and because they are trying to carry the methods and customs of the outer world into the Kingdom. It cannot be done. No one, under any circumstance, can pass beyond this Borderland into the Kingdom on earth until he has learned to be true to God, true to his KING, true to his country, true to himself, true to his brother man. If one loves one's KING and one's country more than life itself, he is not going to pose personal considerations as being of primary importance in his attitude toward problems in his expression of choices as they arise in daily life.
At the present time we are working in that Borderland. To varying degrees you have ascended the pleasant slopes of the range of hills that is to be found in this Borderland, and from such vantage points as you have attained, you have looked into the Kingdom, so to speak, you have glimpsed some of the Glory, you have felt something of the Peace and known something of the Joy, you have experienced something of the satisfaction and the wonder of Being which are known in the Kingdom. It is impossible for anyone to slip in by disguising himself to make himself appear to be something that he is not. Each must come just as he is, willing to become a citizen of the Christ Kingdom, willing to learn the manners and customs, willing to learn the language, willing to be cleansed and purified and made Whole, willing to let the outer mind be stilled, willing to let the great calm be a Reality in the feeling realm.
He who looks back overmuch to the kingdom of the prince of this world will find himself moving outward from the Borderland and slipping back across the boundary into the realm of the prince of death. He whose eyes are steadfastly set upon that of true citizenship in the Kingdom cannot be turned aside by conditions or circumstances or by what any may think or say or do. Such an one is not looking for excuse to turn back. This gives a key to attitudes that are made manifest with respect to the obstacles that appear in the path. He who is looking for excuses to turn back always finds them, even in the Borderland, but he whose eyes are steadfastly set upon Kingdom will accept no excuses. Obstacles do not suggest that he cannot get through; obstacles simply raise the question, “How can I get through or around or over, because get around or through or over I must and will, in the Name of my KING”. Those who turn back under any pretext whatsoever, because of any excuse or because of obstacles or for anything else that may be called a reason, are utterly unworthy of citizenship in the Kingdom, for those who are worthy do not see excuses when they see obstacles; they do not see reasons for turning back when they are faced with problems; they only see an opportunity to prove that they Love their KING and their Country.
Our Ministry is to those who come to the Borderland and to those who are passing through the Borderland. Those who do not, willingly and of themselves, come to the Borderland are beyond our range of Ministry. Those who cross back out of the Borderland into the world are beyond our range of Ministry. Our Ministry begins at the Border. Our Ministry is to those who would cross the Border and who would pass through the Borderland. For the time being, we simply are not concerned, from the standpoint of individuals who are on the other side of the Border. Each will, in season, be given his opportunity if he remains true to the inherent longing within himself to find fulfillment in relationship to the things of God, but, for the present, our Ministry is at the Border and in the Borderland. Those who think to gain some point for themselves or to benefit in some fashion, by placing personal considerations first in relationship to their problems and their choices, are only closing the gates in front of themselves. They gain utterly and absolutely nothing. Such action brings loss always.
Once the individual has stepped across the Border into the Borderland, every thought, every word, every feeling, every deed, reveals something as to where one's allegiance rests. If it is to our KING, to the Christ Kingdom, if it is to the Banner of the Prince of Peace, then it will be revealed through thought and word and feeling and deed—but, if allegiance still rests with the prince of this world, it will likewise be revealed. No matter how hard any may try, he cannot learn the language of the Kingdom while he retains an attitude of allegiance to the banner of the prince of this world. It is essential that the individual should learn the language and the customs of the Kingdom, and these things cannot be learned except as the individual gives full, one-pointed, loyal Response to the KING. When one has his heart set on the Kingdom he never thinks of anything that may arise as a possible excuse for turning back. He sees all such things as opportunities to prove his allegiance to his KING.
I feel and recognize and acknowledge before God our KING the meditations of your hearts as you consider these things, and the solemnity which contains joy as you enter into a deeper realization of the Way, the Truth and the Life. It is in living that we prove these things. It is not by doing deeds that one can enter in, but when entering in one does the deeds that reveal the spirit of His Being, and as we maintain a focalized recognition of our KING and of our country, the spirit of our living must surely shine forth to encourage all of those who are earnestly moving forward on their pilgrimage to the Promised Land, that the weary ones may be given strength, that the hesitant ones may be given courage, that the doubting ones may have their minds stilled, until they shall be able to hear the Spirit speak. When human beings have noisy minds and hearts they cannot hear the Spirit speak. They may hear with their ears but they understand not; they may see with their eyes but they comprehend not. The turmoils of the feeling realm must be calmed, the waves must be stilled and the clamoring of the mind must be stilled, so that the Word may be heard and so that the Spirit of the Word may be felt, and then there is comprehension and understanding; and then it is seen that the Way is open, then it is recognized that the Truth is present and then it is realized that the Life is a Reality now.
© Emissaries of Divine Light
October 24, 2018
The Incarnate Archangel
The Incarnate Archangel
Martin Cecil September 18, 1977 p.m.
I trust that there is a newness emerging in your consciousness which gives evidence that the angel who you are is at hand on earth. The angels of God have been present in the world generation after generation all down through the ages but hidden, concealed, behind the darkened veil that has been maintained in human consciousness. Perhaps that veil is thinning in these days so that you may begin to see as an angel more clearly through your human consciousness. As an angel this is the only facility you have for observation in the world. This human consciousness present in people everywhere has kept the angel in darkness on earth—imprisoned for a brief season, the season of the human life span. Now surely there is what might well be termed a breakthrough at hand so that the angels of the Lord might be consciously present in human form on earth.
As the angel and the expression of the angel emerge more particularly in your consciousness you begin to see more particularly those things which need to be rebuked. When you are rightly identified with the angel you do not see the angel. You are the angel. Being one with the angel you see those things which are not angelic in your human consciousness. You do not have to go searching for them. They will present themselves to you as you move through the circumstances of a day. It is not necessary that one should see all of them at once, and rebuke all of them at once. I doubt if that would be wise. One at a time. As the rebuke is effective whatever is rebuked moves back, leaving space in which you begin to discern what has been uncovered by the fact of the moving back of the thing that was rebuked. It is like peeling an onion—it may even bring tears to your eyes at times—but you find another skin underneath. When you have rebuked the top skin, which was beginning to look a little ready for rebuke, shriveled and so on, then what is underneath looks pretty good—a nice, white appearance. But you will find that while you may rejoice in something new in your consciousness it will prove in season that there is the necessity of further rebuke. Here is a refining process, a purifying process, by which your consciousness may be clarified so that it becomes a fitting container for the consciousness of the angel who you are.
Looking at these things from the standpoint of the angel, we may see that your physical body is composed of many parts. All these parts are unified into one whole by reason of the presence of the angel. Everything that is present in what we think of as the universe gives evidence of the presence of a specific aspect of the spirit of God. There is nothing that exists in the external sense—and there is far more incidentally in the external sense than is perceptible generally speaking to the human senses—but there is nothing that exists in the external sense that does not give evidence of the presence of an aspect of the spirit of God. There is no existence without the spirit of God being present.
We can see that this applies in the individual sense from the standpoint of what is present in our physical forms. There are a multitude of parts and each part gives evidence of the presence of the spirit of God, an aspect of the spirit of God. The nature of the part gives some hint as to the nature of the aspect of the spirit of God, which is the reason for its being. All these parts, right down to and including the cells and beyond, are present by reason of differentiated aspects of the spirit of yourself as the angel. The spirit of the angel is differentiated through your physical body. Of course we recognize that the physical body itself makes possible the consciousness of the body. The consciousness of the body and what is present in that consciousness then will rather naturally interfere if it isn’t in harmony with the angel or the spirit of the angel; it will interfere with the angelic expression relative to all the parts of the body. This is one reason why health sometimes seems to be such an elusive thing. So your body is rightly, when your consciousness is clear, permeated by all the differentiated aspects of your spirit as the angel. If this is so, then obviously there is one whole here. It would no longer be a human being on the one hand and the possibility of an angel on the other. It would be the angel in manifest expression on earth by reason of human form and there would be no distinction really between the form and the angel.
There are larger forms present than the individual body. The form of this ministry is composed of many human bodies. There is the spirit of God incarnate in that larger body. In order to make plain the point it might be said that there is an Archangel incarnate in the collective body and all the angels who are present in human form in that body are the differentiations of the spirit of the Archangel which permeates the whole collective body. Human beings so often tend to think of the angel as being somehow isolated. There tends to be the idea that the whole exercise is to do what is necessary so that the individual may experience the expression of the angel, and when the expression of the angel is there then the individual can do all the things that are necessary. But of course when the expression of the angel is there it is found to be an expression included in the body of the Archangel.
I would not wish anyone to speculate as to the identity of the Archangel, because it would hardly mean anything to you anyway; but we can see something from the standpoint of what has been portrayed for us in various ways, in the Bible in particular. We have recently been considering Michael and his angels fighting the dragon and his angels. This is something taking place in what was referred to as heaven. I think perhaps the picture there is of an archangel with his banner fluttering in the breeze and armies of angels marching along, but of course we begin to know better. We begin to know what the actual experience is that is being portrayed. It is a body, one body, the body of the Archangel. Every part of that body is differentiated by reason of the presence of an angel who in turn is a differentiation of the Archangel. We’ve also been considering oneness. Here it is, no separation whatsoever. Looking at your physical body you may say there are separate parts—but it is one body, isn’t it? It moves around as one body; it is capable of doing things as one body. What it is capable of doing is because it is one body. The same thing is true of this larger body, the body of the Archangel. We may recognize that there is something beyond that again but we do not need to consider the matter particularly, because we are concerned immediately with the manifestation of the body of this ministry—which is the body of the Archangel.
You may recall also the passage in the Book of Jude where there was the dispute over the body of Moses, between the devil and the Archangel Michael. Here is portrayed the reason for the incarnation of Michael in this collective and unified body. He engages in this dispute, and the means that he uses to achieve what is needful is said to be rebuke. He didn’t enter into railing accusation against the devil but simply said, “The Lord rebuke thee.” The Archangel is concerned about rebuking all that rises up to be rebuked in the consciousness of His body, but the consciousness of His body is composed of the human consciousness of each member of His body. So the rebuke is being offered to whatever rises up in His body by the Archangel through the angel. We could say the angel is His agent in the matter. To the extent that you begin to have a true consciousness of being the angel, then you are aware that you are present incarnate in this part of the larger body for the immediate purpose of obeying the command of the Archangel. And that command is: Rebuke what does not belong in consciousness.
We may remember the Master’s word, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” Here is the evidence of love as, individually speaking, we undertake this matter of rebuke, the rebuke which causes those things which should not be present in the human consciousness of the body of the incarnate Archangel to be pushed back. As these things are pushed back what was underneath is uncovered. Every secret thing shall be revealed. Most people are inclined to think that this might reveal some particular nastinesses, but not necessarily. Gradually, presumably, as there is rebuke offered, the things that don’t belong are pushed back and the things that do belong begin to emerge. We begin to discern them.
This also relates to what we were considering about the movement from chaos to order. When we rebuke something that doesn’t belong, and we do it definitely—we don’t hedge—that moves the experience into one of order at a higher level in the creative spiral which is purifying the human consciousness. We tend to have taken the attitude in the past that what is happening is cleansing us. Not at all! If you are the angel you don’t need any cleansing, but your human consciousness certainly does. So there is concern that this should transpire and you are in an effective position to do something about it, intelligently, when you see the things rising up that need to be rebuked. If you see them there they are separate from yourself; you are no longer identified with them. You see them as a part of your human consciousness and out they go!
In this process of moving in the creative spiral human beings are inclined to dawdle along the way. In fact for the most part they may, with great effort, take a step, but then they collapse on the step and just stay there. How about us? Most of those who have associated themselves with the Emissary ministry began to develop some ideas as to how he should behave, what the pattern was of behavior collectively, how all these things should be put together, and that was perhaps a step along the way. But how many have sat down on that step or hung out a sign, “Do Not Disturb”? So there is the necessity, as it has been put, of getting off one’s backside. Steps, after a while of sitting, do fortunately become rather uncomfortable.
There are certain steps that need to be taken in order to allow the participation in the creative process. It is not as though by our steps we are going to be able to achieve great things. How often people take these steps and, well, they work them to death. One has to relinquish one step in order to step onto the next. I suppose one can tentatively put one’s foot up one step and still have one’s foot on the lower step, but that isn’t getting anywhere very fast. There are those things which are to be rebuked and left behind. There always something to rebuke in the creative spiral as we move up. In fact it is the rebuke that releases us into the upward movement. To offer that rebuke we have to be honest, and it is necessary that we increasingly accept the quality and character of the angel in our momentary living. To the extent that this is done then the things that are not angelic stick out like sore thumbs. That is good, isn’t it? Let’s not try to cover them up so that we can keep our sore thumbs forever. Rebukes are necessary.
This collective body, the body of the Archangel, is properly the one who comes in the name of the Lord.
The Archangel, who provides the identity for the collective body, is the one who comes in the name of the Lord, offering the opportunity to people everywhere to assume the attitude, “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” Of course everybody is not likely to assume that attitude but the offer is there, the opportunity is present, when there is one who comes in the name of the Lord. The one who comes in the name of the Lord is the Archangel incarnate in this collective body, but the evidence of the presence of the Archangel is made known as the evidence of the presence of the angel is revealed by reason of the individuals who compose the body of the Archangel. This is the angel’s sole concern. He has no other reason for being present in form on earth. If we say that with respect to the angel, is it being said with respect to you? Or do you have some other human reasons for being around?
The consciousness of the truth of being is emerging into the consciousness of those who offer themselves, offer their consciousness, into the body of the Archangel. To the extent that this is being done by you and others your consciousness on earth clarifies. The onion is being peeled. As an angel you have an increasingly useful consciousness on earth which you may use for what needs to be done from the angelic standpoint, which is what needs to be done from the standpoint of the Archangel. It was stated that the spirit of truth should come, “And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.” With respect to that spirit of truth it is also stated that “he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” This statement doesn’t only relate to the time when it was first expressed—it has been true right along.
The spirit of truth is with human beings. Because of identification with the wrong things, because of earthly identity, human beings see the spirit of truth as being separate from themselves. They don’t know what the spirit of truth really is but it is over there, so that the view would be taken that he has to come. And when he is come he has to do something. As long as identity remains earthly that is the way it looks. It can be said that the spirit of truth is with us. The spirit of truth is with human beings but the experience of the fact that the spirit of truth is in human beings only comes when the identity shifts from the earthly level of identity to the heavenly level of identity. Then it is known that the spirit of truth is present. We don’t have to look for it anymore—it needs to be known as the spirit of this collective body. The spirit of truth relates to the spirit of the Archangel, specifically the Archangel Michael—whatever that means—who incarnates in this collective body.
Incarnating in this collective body, He comes into position somewhere along the way to reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. He does this by reason of His body—that is His only connection with the world—by reason of your bodies and by reason of the consciousness of your bodies. And the authority for the rebuke is in the hands of the angel who you are; you accept that responsibility. You are not particularly interested in rebuking anybody else. You may have the opportunity on occasion to rebuke those things that are present in others because you have a means of doing so in yourself. You will find that when you push something back in yourself it will be pushed back in a lot of other people too. We are not separate. The angels are certainly not isolated from each other. They are all aspects of the Archangel, responsible for differentiating specific parts of the Archangelic spirit. And the whole body is healthy on this basis; it is all in agreement; it is the body of the Archangel; it belongs to Him. Our flesh belongs to the Archangel. Our consciousness belongs to Him too, and He reaches our consciousness through the angel which we are, to rebuke what needs to be rebuked.
As we assume the responsibility individually, the rebuke is carried through the whole body so that the Archangel can come forth. There is a facility available which will accommodate the coming forth of the expression of His spirit. This is the means by which salvation is offered to the world, because the consciousness of the world body will be rebuked, and those who hang on to the things that are being rebuked will be pushed out. We don’t have to judge. We just let the creative process work and see what happens, rejoicing in what happens, because what happens will be what should happen.
As we share in a closeness of spirit we have an increasing consciousness of oneness. However separate the individual bodies may look, the spirit is one. There is a joy and a delight to experience the natural release and expression of the spirit of the Archangel in our own living. How could we be closer to the one who gives identity to this body than that? And how indeed could we be closer to each other? The oneness is known in spirit, in the expression of the spirit of the living God, according to our angelic responsibilities, which are initially a rebuke. “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.” Let the human consciousness be cleared so that the Archangel has a free hand. It is not really a mysterious thing. You have experience of what I am talking about. How could there be a greater privilege than to have been sent as angels to let all these things come to pass? As we abide in oneness of spirit it doesn’t matter particularly where our physical form may be for the moment. The spirit of God begins to permeate human consciousness, our own, which is a part of the consciousness of the whole of this collective body, and there is a sense of oneness in that. We may move easily, letting the will of the Archangel be done in earth as it is in heaven.
Roger de Winton — Martin, your words certainly kindle a great sense of loyalty to this great spirit. And of course from that loyalty springs the tremendous desire to undertake the command as our rebuke. What a magnificent hour! What a wonderful takeoff, one might say, into these days ahead with you in this very beautiful way.
Martin Cecil — There is indeed a mutual loyalty as members of this one body. The devil’s tactics are to divide and conquer. It has worked very well heretofore. And human beings have gone right along as dupes. We begin to experience the loyalty which is inherent in the spirit of the Archangel. We are loyal to each other, we are loyal to the body which we share, we are loyal to the particular parts which we play in that body, and to the particular associations we have as members of the body. This loyalty relates to integrity. We keep our integrity. We are loyal, and there is nothing that arises in our human consciousness which would be allowed to cause us to violate that loyalty.
© Emissaries of Divine Light
October 21, 2018
Precedents of Victory
The Transcendent Nation
Out of the Tomb
Don Hynes October 20, 2018
The big earthquake
already happened,
land split apart,
tsunamis over the coast,
damage and desolation
to souls everywhere
from the great rending.
How much more broken
will spiritual life become
before we realize apocalypse
is in our rear view mirror
and what we are faced with
is the long re-integration.
Not survival, that bleak term,
but the reformation
of the human spirit,
the re-grounding of the soul
in the vast root system
Unmoved by the shaking
the house of spirit
remains on its foundation
and already the green land
heals the wounds
of mindless invention.
Grafts on the tree of life
fall away and perish
as new growth rises
from the dark root
and branches out
into the chill blue sky.
We are changers
not the changed.
All we lose are grave clothes
as we step forward
out of the tomb
into the welcoming light
of the new garden.
The big earthquake
Precedents of Victory
Martin Cecil November 22, 1981
Come into Thy world, O King of glory. This of course is not telling the Lord what to do. There has never been any indication that there was reluctance with respect to His coming, but obviously there must be a means by which this might be brought to pass. “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.” The plural is used to describe the means of that coming: gates and doors. We are very much aware that this refers to people, men and women. “Lift up your heads.” Certainly this is indication of a raising of consciousness. As long as human consciousness remains bound in the realm of belief the King of glory is excluded. Lift up your heads; turn the attention upward, away from the structured state of earthly consciousness. The means by which the King of glory comes into the world is composed of human beings whose heads have been lifted up, whose consciousness is capable of operating at a new level, a level which welcomes the coming, no longer insisting upon excluding it.
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It might be profitable to remind ourselves of some words. The spirit of these words conveys something to us now, even though they were recorded a long time ago: “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
These words are looked upon as being a promise, a promise that evidently has not yet been adequately fulfilled. I don’t think this promise was withdrawn at any point, even though the initial evidences of the emergence of the fulfilment did not find successful completion. This promise is usually tied to the subsequent unfoldment of events, which established the Israelites and continued in their movement out of Egypt into the promised land, as it was called. Here was a nation established on earth, destined to be a great nation. There certainly was some movement in that direction. From this small beginning, one man, Abram, there came the thirteen tribes of the children of Israel, an external manifestation of a nation. The people who composed this nation never really caught the vision of what the reason for their existence was. They saw themselves as an earthly nation and in due season insisted upon doing as the other nations of the world did. They insisted upon a king, a form of government that was like unto the nations of the world. At the time it was made plain by the prophet of the Lord that this was an unwise decision, but they insisted upon it. So the Lord went along with it, as He has been required to do, I am sure, in our experience of life so far. If we are still alive the Lord went along with whatever it was, so that the door to the right way was kept open, both for the children of Israel and for each one of us.
The Israelites saw themselves as a nation similar to the other nations of the world, except that they felt they had the backing of the Lord. They saw themselves as an earthly nation with divine support. A lot of other people have done that too, haven't they? Earthly people with divine support! Some are really convinced that they have divine support in their earthly ways. There never came a recognition in a general sense, insofar as the Israelites were concerned, that they were in fact rightly the evidence of a heavenly nation. Evidently the Lord referred to them as a peculiar people, even a holy people, but not all that much notice was taken of this except to claim divine support for whatever they had in mind. This certainly does not provide a facility for the King of glory to come into the world. It, rather, tends to produce a condition where human beings glorify themselves, saying to themselves, “We are special, a chosen people; we have the backing of the Lord.” So this nation never allowed the truth to be made manifest and, because they did not, the nation failed, as all nations must if they likewise do not allow the truth to be made manifest.
So the promise of this great nation was not fulfilled in the Israelites. It has not yet been fulfilled in the worldly sense to this very day. But the promise still stands. It was certainly not fulfilled at the time when Jesus was on earth, even though He spoke of the manner in which it could be fulfilled and Himself provided the way by which it might have been fulfilled. That was rejected, as we are well aware. At one point, in the presence of Pilate, it is indicated that Jesus said that His kingdom was not of this world—it did not derive from the human world, from the world of earthly heredity. His kingdom was not from hence. It was spoken of as the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of God. The word kingdom is used, but the word nation could be used—probably this would be more appropriate in these days.
It was said to Abraham that out of him would come a great nation. This was simply seen in terms of an earthly nation. Certainly a nation to have meaning on earth must have earthly form, but the form of the great nation springs from above. It is not created by human beings for human beings. It is a heavenly nation, the nation of God. Anything that is initiated on earth from the heavenly standpoint within the world as we now know it always has small beginnings in the manifest sense. This necessarily must be so because there isn’t any available form already in existence in the world which human beings have made. There isn't anything. So if this transcendent nation is to put in an appearance in form it always has a small beginning.
In the records that have come down to us we see this small beginning as related to one person. That is just about it, isn’t it? How else could the Lord start? Maybe He can claim the attention of one person out of whatever millions or billions may be present. Here is an evident indictment upon the children of men. He has from time to time been able to find one person. We have taken note of Abram, who became aware of the promise; however I am sure he saw that in extended terms too. It was going to take quite a while to fulfil, when his progeny would be sufficient in number to compose a nation. This did emerge as an earthly nation because this was the approach necessary at that time. The Israelites were established as an earthly nation with the anticipation that they would awaken to the truth as to the reason for their existence, which was a heavenly one. Then there might be an awakening to the realization of the primary need for the heavenly nation, which was far more important than the earthly nation that had taken form, although the earthly nation might reveal that importance. This never occurred. There was failure in the collective sense. There certainly was no precedent of victory established on the basis of this national grouping. If any precedent was set it was a precedent of failure—in the collective sense. That having been set, it was not possible to proceed on that basis anymore. The only basis left would be an individual one.
The precedent of collective failure had been established; the precedent of individual victory was still open. And so the Master came on earth. He did establish the precedent of individual victory. He offered to let that expand so that a precedent of collective victory might have been established at that time. But He was rejected. The opportunity was lost on that occasion for anything more than the establishment of the precedent of individual victory. He did this. There is such a precedent. Heretofore there has been no precedent for a collective victory, nothing out of which the restoration of mankind collectively could come. All that was finally established was this one point of individual victory, so that anything that might occur to allow for the restoration of mankind would necessarily have to spring out of this one point of victory. There wasn’t any other way to let it happen.
So in this sense it is true that this One was the savior of the world, at least He would prove to be the savior of the world if there were those who would share His individual victory. If no one else can be found to share that, then the fact that He provided what could have been salvation would never be known, except in imagination and belief. We have recognized that individual victory and we have not allowed it to rest in our consciousness as relating merely to Him. It did relate to Him and He did establish the precedent. There is a point out of which victory may come into the experience of the whole body of mankind, but to come into the experience of the whole body of mankind this individual victory must be translated into collective victory. This cannot be transferred somehow to a group of human beings; it was, after all, a precedent of individual victory, not of collective victory. He never had the chance to provide what was necessary to reveal that at the time when He was on earth. It has never been done. There is no precedent of collective victory.
So the only way by which the restoration of mankind may come would be as there is a grouping of people who allow this collective precedent to be set. But they are not going to allow it to be set as a grouping of people. They are only going to be able to let it be set as individual people. If all who are here present as individuals allow this to be the experience individually, then we certainly do have a precedent of victory group-wise. But it is only done because the individuals let it happen, not because by some magic means the group lets it happen. The group as a transcendent nation does not exist until individually the victory has been experienced. I trust that this awareness is really coming home, finally, to a few people on earth.
There has always been in the background of consciousness the idea that, somehow, being associated with a group, one would then be in position to know the victory. Oh no! One cannot know the truth because someone hands it to us on a silver platter—or on a wooden platter, any platter, even a golden one. The individual must experience it for himself, accept the responsibility as an individual for the experience, as though nobody else existed on earth. We cannot know the victory by clinging to the coattails of somebody else, not even the coattails of Jesus Christ—if we could find them anywhere around. It is a matter of individual experience, each one for him- or herself. Otherwise the truth isn’t known, just beliefs, just hopes.
If there is to be the evidence of the transcendent nation, the coming of the kingdom, it is because of participation in the precedent of individual victory that has been set. Then this transcendent nation may put in an appearance. We certainly don’t want a repeat of the Israelite situation. That would be a repeat of failure, wouldn’t it?—as though we could somehow organize a program with spiritual backing. It can’t be done; it simply does not work that way. As there are individual human beings who assume absolute responsibility for themselves in the expression of the creative spirit of the living God, in all aspects of their living, such individual human beings proving this out will be found to be the transcendent nation manifest in form on earth. I have been thinking a little bit about Emissaries of Divine Light in this context, seeking to find a suitable definition at this point for ourselves and for other people too. Here are some words at this point—definitions can change, you know, as time goes on.
Here are some words: “Emissaries of Divine Light: A transcendent nation emerging into form on earth through people of all nations in the world.” I have sought to use words that cannot be easily misinterpreted and which cannot all that easily be understood, because it is impossible for people in general to understand. This leads into the definition of an Emissary of Divine Light. That one should be interesting: “Emissary of Divine Light: A person sent on a mission, not immediately comprehensible in the understanding of many, to bring the transforming power of the truth of love into human experience.”
If anything is needed in the world it is the truth of love, is it not? Clearly one cannot know what an Emissary of Divine Light is without being an Emissary of Divine Light. You have to be the truth to know the truth. You cannot know the truth and then become the truth, which is what human beings try to do. Only as there are Emissaries of Divine Light individually is there the nation that might be called Emissaries of Divine Light. Emissaries of Divine Light does not exist on earth, except perhaps as a legal entity in various states and countries, but the reality does not exist on earth, except as there are individual Emissaries. And yet it is the precedent of victory revealed by this heavenly nation, this transcendent nation, which then makes possible the collective victory of the body of mankind. If we were to suppose that every individual on the face of the earth had to prove what we see as necessary for ourselves now, we would wait a long time for the victory.
Clearly the victory comes because of the precedent of collective victory, but the precedent of collective victory can only now be set by reason of individual victory, because that is the only precedent we have. That is all that is left to us. It is enough! And once there is this transcendent nation composed of nationals who know that is what they are, no matter from what worldly nation they may have come, there can be the precedent of victory which allows for the restoration of mankind. Then mankind can be restored as a body, collectively, because there is a collective precedent. We ourselves, and others who are awakening to the truth, or are awake to it, establish the precedent of collective victory, not because we see that collectiveness as being primary but we see the individual, ourselves individually, as being primary. Unless it happens in me it won’t happen collectively, and we could each say that.
Somewhere in the Book of Revelation it says something about “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ.” There is the collective victory, the restoration of mankind, but it comes because of the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and that is present only because of the individual victory of the King. He set the precedent and we are quite capable of acknowledging that precedent in our own experience here and now. As this is done all the rest comes quickly. This has been the sticker, hasn’t it? There have been lots of people who have been willing to organize in bodies and try to experience something collectively, but who has been willing to be so seemingly arrogant as to accept the responsibility personally? That is exactly what Jesus did. Oh yes, but He was the Son of God! Well who are you? The son or the daughter of God? or a miserable, dying sinner? Take your pick!
There is a transcendent nation with seemingly small beginnings but capable of accommodating the power and the glory of the King. It doesn't require vast numbers of people but it requires some people to let it happen collectively, to let that precedent be set. Mention has been made of a critical number in this regard. I wouldn’t try to figure out what that is; there is no need. Just take responsibility for oneself; that is all that is required; it’s the only way it comes anyway. Then we will find that the job gets done. The Lord is not going to be mocked.
So, here in our own experience is emerging into form a transcendent nation. Individually, to the extent that we have thus far taken responsibility, we know this. As I pointed out before, we recognize each other, even though initially we may not always like each other. But, as is quite obvious, likes and dislikes spring from the earthly nations. The recognition springs from the heavenly nation, and that is all that is important to us, to be an emissary of that nation. But we can only be an emissary of that nation because we are a citizen of that nation, because this is our nationality—a transcendent nationality. As this nation takes form because there are indeed individuals who compose it, the gates and the doors are wide open and the King of glory comes in. We have not been waiting for His coming. He has been waiting for us to lift up our heads.
And so we share the victory, first of all as individuals, and because of that, as the beginnings of this nation in the fulfilment of the promises which have been given in very specific ways over the ages. Those promises have been preserved for our awareness now. Of course we only recognize what they really are to the extent that we ourselves have awakened to the experience of the fulfilment of them. Then we know it for a fact. It is no longer a belief, it is no longer a hope. We share the glory of the King individually and together, that the restoration of mankind may be brought to pass, all to the glory of the One by whom it is brought to pass. As the nation does become a manifest reality because of the individual citizens thereof, then the name Emissaries of Divine Light is likely to change, because it would no longer be a matter of Emissaries, just citizens of the Transcendent Nation.
© emissaries of divine light
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