December 30, 2021



Steps  To  Mastership  Lesson 18

Uranda  1936

The best way to enter into the impersonal expression of Life is found in Beauty. He who looks for beauty in all people and all things soon finds that which he can truly Love. The blending force which draws one into a realization of Oneness is Love, and the presence of Love in people and all creation is discerned through a perception of beauty. Beauty is not to be confused with surface prettiness. Beauty is that deeper quality which partakes of the Divine. The Inner Being of all things is Beauty. Look for beauty and you will find it. When you find beauty, you will have found the key to Love. When you have found Love, you will blend with that in which you find it. Thus is Oneness attained. The impersonal expression of Life depends on the ability to perceive beauty everywhere. Everywhere present, beauty will attune you with Love, and Love will blend you with God. Beauty and Truth are One. The Essence of all things is Beauty. The Essence of all things is Truth. Through the Pathway of Beauty, you can ascend to the limitless heights.

Set yourself to the pleasure of looking for beauty. Beauty is Reality. Behold it, and the clouds of darkness and illusion will vanish away. Fill your mind with beauty and there will be no room for the ugly things of the personal life expression. The Christ is Beauty. The Way of the Christ is Beauty. The Truth of the Christ is Beauty. The Life of the Christ is Beauty. You cannot Love that in which you do not see Beauty. Therefore look for Beauty and you will find Love. Look below the surface in contemplation and you will find Beauty. Beauty often hides beneath a veil of seeming ugliness, that it may remain pure and unsullied from the eyes of vulgarity, lust and passion. Surface seeming blinds unworthy eyes, that they may not behold Beauty. He who hurries sees not Beauty. Only those who linger long before the rose can see its Beauty. The hurried passerby sees only its prettiness. Follow Beauty and you will find Love. Enter into Love and you will find God. In God you will find the ALL in All.

© emissaries of divine light

December 28, 2021

The Coming Of Heavenly Government #2


The  Coming  Of  Heavenly  Government  #2

Martin Exeter   November 11, 1984  p.m.

It was said of somebody or other that he went to and fro in the earth, and up and down in it. The name was Mr. Satan, as I recall, not only rushing hither and yon trying to achieve something but even endeavoring to get higher, and more often than not finding himself lower: the futile human state. Unless there is a foundation established whatever is done will prove to be futile. It’s a very sad thing to see human beings who had such promise in their earlier years turning into old grouchy people, convinced of futility, when it need never have happened. Generation after generation human beings go the same old ridiculous way.

There is a foundation to be built and if we have allowed the experience of this building to occur within our own experience then we discover that there is something to be done. What is to be done is not within the scope of human ambition—it’s never even been thought of!—but it may come into experience if the foundation is built, and we allow it to do so. We are not trying to achieve some great thing; we are not following out the old human designs as to what is desirable and what is commendable and what is to be expected. There have been countless generations who have followed that way; it was all futile. Why would anyone go the same path? It’s like cows walking down the trail, only this time it ends in the slaughterhouse.

The foundation is laid because we handle what arises in ourselves intelligently. We can’t handle it intelligently without having some association with the intelligent spirit of God. There is no other source for intelligence. Where there is intelligence, then those things which arise in one’s own experience to distract and endeavor to cause one to return to the old human ruts will be dealt with. This was described most accurately in what were called the temptations in the wilderness. Here was something personal insofar as Jesus was concerned. It was a culmination of something because He had lived thirty years by then; it was just a proving out of what had been dealt with along the way. He was a teenager, by the way, for a while, as we all have been. The question I suppose is whether we still are or not.

But here was something to be dealt with personally; it related to His own personal experience. Obviously He dealt with it in a very forthright way: no shilly-shallying, no argument about it—and so it was disposed of in the personal sense. This did not mean that in the following years He had nothing to deal with, but He had nothing to deal with personally. It all related to the reason for His presence on earth. We can relate that to our own experience. Certainly there is something that each individual must deal with personally, so that it is absolutely clear where one stands—there is no possibility of removing oneself from that foundation. Then everything that arises thereafter is no longer a personal matter.

In the case of Jesus He had many things to handle, didn’t He? Many people came with all sorts of difficulties, problems, but also endeavors to shoot Him down, so to speak, and there was no difficulty in handling those things. Anyone who has read the story will be impressed with the ease with which He dealt with what came to Him. Many of the things that came to Him could have been translated personally, in the same way that most of us have done it in times past because we had not come to the point of taking that stand, having dealt with everything personally: “That’s it! Now I know where I stand and there is nothing anywhere that can cause me to remove myself from that position.” When one has a foundation such as that, where’s the problem with handling what arises?

There are many things that should arise, many things to be brought so that we may successfully establish the government of heaven on earth. During the period up until the public ministry of Jesus began, He had dealt with all these personal matters. He had, in letting that happen in His own experience, opened the door for others, so that there was preparation for what was then His ministry, when He would be functioning directly with the government of God. Something of what that might mean did take form; there was certainly authority present. The door had been opened by what He had experienced previously in dealing with the personal matters that came to Him in His own makeup; and all that was summarized in the story of the temptations. We’ve all had the same opportunity.

Then comes the initiation of true government. He had opened the door for others to share in that. His disciples put in an appearance and others gathered around, to some extent at least but it became apparent very shortly that virtually no one accepted the same foundation which He had established, accepted it for themselves. There is indication that there may have been one of His disciples who did, in the person of John, but no one else. Even the one who protested most about his love proved to be the one who denied Jesus. It isn’t a matter of protesting. It’s a matter of being. It’s a matter of experiencing what that foundation is, because if that is experienced you never leave it.

Could anyone say that what is needful to permit this foundation to be established in one’s own experience individually has not been freely available? If there is honesty one would have to admit that it has been amply available. [] If there has been any uncertainty, any doubt, any feeling of a lack of foundation in one’s living, it could only be because advantage was not taken of the provision that had been made. If in one’s own experience that foundation has not been adequately known, that has been one’s own choice in the matter. It is always that way. There is a creative process in effect; there is change to come. How is it going to come? By opposing it? By saying, “You’re not doing what you ought to do”? How do you know what that person ought to do? You don’t even know what you should do!

What would happen if there really was agreement? Let’s just let it work the way it’s happening and, believe you me, if there is an openness in this regard the spirit of God is quite capable of carrying it through the way it should be carried through. We keep saying that what needs to be done must be done by the spirit. All right, let the spirit do it then! Don’t oppose whatever it is that begins to put in an appearance. What puts in an appearance now is not what will put in an appearance tomorrow or the next day or the next Let it change! Let it move! Free it up, that all may participate agreeably in the overall process and in every detail thereof. Is that too much to expect? We do not know what it is that needs to occur except that it must occur on the basis of the action of spirit. And spirit is acting; it never stopped acting. We’re not waiting for it to act. It is doing so now in the circumstances the way they are. Free it up! Don’t say to spirit “Well if you act, you’ve got to act the way I want you to act.” We don’t know what should happen. Let’s find out by giving spirit free rein because we agree with what is happening; we’ll let it happen.

What is happening within the range of our own experience, you may have noted, has a certain aura of control. It isn’t anything wild; it doesn’t produce a riot. There may be riots out there. Is there a willingness to let things move within the range of the operation of the government of heaven? We have some experience of this. Let it work here, in this. Do you think that would destroy everything? We see the world busy destroying itself. The heavenly government is the only chance—and that isn’t a chance; it’s a sure thing. Let it move freely. We are discovering how it moves freely, much more so than has been in the past. There is a greater willingness on the part of all to find the way it works—less opposition, less arbitrary assumption that “This is not the way it works.” Spirit is on the move because it has a little space. Perhaps we have been instrumental in providing a little space and so it moves, something begins to happen. There are those who look around fearfully; they’re not sure whether what’s happening is what they think should happen, or it’s not as quickly as it should happen, or it’s happening too quickly, or whatever it may be. Let it be whatever it is. We find that there is the essential control present because the truth is present; and a new thing is in the process of taking place. It’s not the same as what has happened before.

How many successful people do you think there are in the world? One can look in the record where they list some very wealthy people; millionaires galore!—successful people. Did you ever meet any of those successful people? Oh my! They may have been successful in amassing what they think of as wealth, but they’re not people. How many people are there on earth? Oh, we say, getting on for five billion now. I don’t think so. Maybe a few hundred. There are some humanoid creatures around, but what about real people, genuine people? Well there are those who aspire to that, and I am not attempting to put people down but merely indicating that the true state of man has been absent.

Now something begins to move. Is there anything greater, or could there be any experience more successful, than allowing this to occur all the way through to its fulfilment? For those with true vision there is a recognition that there is nothing greater possible. It is majestic and it is grand. And we have the opportunity of letting it happen because we have some awareness of it and some experience of it already, which is not true of most of the population of the earth. I have a sense of responsibility because of all this. The responsibility is that I won’t let the LORD down, for one thing, and for another thing, we’ll not withdraw the Way, the Truth and the Life from the population of the world, either by quitting or by falling down on the job. We share the wonder and the glory and the beauty of something absolutely transcendent. We begin to sense the coming. It is coming. We either know it’s coming or we don’t. We’re either with it or we’re against it. We stand together in one spirit, differentiating that spirit individually because individually we take responsibility for our own differentiation of it, something that nobody else could do. I have mine to differentiate, you have yours, but we’re all on a par in that regard.

When there is the government of heaven on earth absolutely, when that facility is there, the way it has been is no longer in effect and human beings are quite incapable thereafter of producing the sort of world which they have produced heretofore. The power is gone. With a little perceptiveness one can recognize that it is in the process of going, and it goes just to the extent that there is a focus of absoluteness present on earth of sufficient dimensions to provide what is necessary for the whole body of mankind. This would seem to emphasize the fact of largeness of vision, largeness of understanding, largeness of capability. If this largeness is not experienced in the circumstance as it now is it could never be experienced in the larger circumstance, because that circumstance would never come. This is a fallacy that has been present with many people, where they thought that their ministry was some large thing over there somewhere, when they couldn’t even handle what was right next to them! That largeness comes in the only way it can come, by reason of the truth in expression in the immediate circumstance. Such a simple little thing, so steadfastly avoided. But now there are those who are awakening to this. They do not have grandiose visions of something great somewhere else but they have largeness of vision as to the meaning and effectiveness and value of what they are now doing as related to the whole. They do not become myopic, but what they are doing is a window into the whole. Is what you do a window into the universal whole? To what extent?

Those who are absolute on earth are the angels of God. They know what they are about. They understand what is happening. They are quite capable of handling it. But it requires a pure heart and obedient mind to do it. And so we share the process by which this happens, in the core of things. It is in fact a delightful happening when we participate in it: Heaven on earth known again because the ordinances of heaven are being set in the earth. When that is factually the case nobody can stop it, nobody can resist it, nobody can make it some other way, because all the power and ability that human beings thought they had heretofore simply evaporates. It’s not there anymore. How grand and glorious it is to share this responsibility, incomprehensible to the impure heart and the disobedient mind but becoming increasingly comprehensible to our own purifying hearts, and minds accepting obedience to the ordinances of heaven. This is the way it is. This is the way it works. This is what we’re here to do. So let’s do it!

© emissaries of divine light

December 26, 2021

The Coming Of Heavenly Government #1


The  Coming  Of  Heavenly  Government  #1

Martin Exeter   November 11, 1984  a.m.

These words I speak to you who are present in person, also to all those who shall read or hear these words in the days to come: I love and appreciate all of you. I am thankful for your love and friendship, for all that is genuine in our association. To this extent we are indeed one and the world waits for what we know. We take no credit for what we know; it is simply what we are.

Here is the heavenly government, first in the cycles of transformation of hearts and minds. The door to share such transformation is opened by reason of the purging of heart and mind in our own individual experience. This is the initial offer of heavenly government to all who will receive it, for the most part subconsciously at present. Then as that purging is complete there comes the absoluteness of living. This absoluteness brings with it a knowing of the ordinances of heaven and the ability to set the dominion thereof in the earth. The restoration of true heavenly government, coming as it does first through the changes which must occur in our own hearts and minds, does so gradually, but when absoluteness is known that government comes totally.

There is a period now when the state of affairs on earth is partially consequent upon the continuing impurity of heart and disobedience of mind which has been in force for many millennia past even to this day, and partially because something new is emerging by reason of such transformation as has occurred in our own minds and hearts, bringing with it the experience of increasing oneness. So we have a state betwixt and between. Surely we would not linger in this condition within ourselves but proclaim absoluteness through purified hearts and obedient minds. This is the eternal state of the true and loving expression of life. Once again this provides the heavenly government on earth.

In our times of service, as we call them, we have the opportunity to allow the greater purging to occur, that we might come finally to the point of absoluteness, so that what is undertaken together at these times might be the genuine expression of heavenly government on earth. This remains as yet something unknown because the purging is not complete and absoluteness in experience is not the fact. However the purging itself opens a door of creative movement for all whose hearts are yielding to the genuine expression of life. So there is a level of heavenly government being extended on this basis, but there is something far more to be known. There is this aspect of heavenly government emerging into expression by reason of the willingness of you and others to pass through the process of purging, but there comes a time when the purging is rightly complete. Then the state of absoluteness is present, and in that absolute state there is absolute government.

For millennia past, what has been occurring on earth has occurred simply on the basis of the fact that there is life in human beings, but impure hearts and disobedient minds have determined what has been brought forth. This is the nature of the government that has been in the world as long as conscious human memory goes back. We already have some dawning awareness of what we recognize as true government emerging out of heaven. Allowing that to emerge brings with it the purging process, that hearts may be purified and minds might learn what it means to obey.

Obedient minds are impossible—obedience to the ordinances of heaven—as long as the heart is impure. The heart has been the controlling element in human experience; and the mind has been obedient to the impure heart—disobedient to the ordinances of heaven. Impure hearts, unruly emotions, have governed human existence and the mind has assumed the role of justifying this state of affairs. It has become so expert in this field that it is convinced of its own false reasoning and logic. A state of deception is what is known in the world. We have all known it ourselves. We have begun to see that it is so to the extent that we have come clear of the deception. As long as one is involved in the deception that’s all that is seen, and it seems as though that is the way things are. There has been some emergence out of that deception, so that we may stand apart from it in some measure and see it for what it is. The question arises in our own continuing experience as to whether we still accept the emotional compulsions of the impure heart and the seemingly logical justifications of the mind disobedient to the ordinances of heaven.

The impure heart, the disobedient mind, tries to lay on us a false role, and gullible human beings have swallowed the bait and maintained that falsity while proclaiming that they are being honest in doing so. The fact is that they are denying the truth, betraying the truth. We have a certain awareness of these things, but if we have awakened to what true honesty is we could never again be deceived into accepting what is so patently false. I have noted that many of those who really know better have allowed themselves to be duped in this fashion. One trusts that they will emerge eventually on the other side of such deception. But how can anyone tell you something that you know is not true and convince you that it is true? That would be absolutely impossible if there was an absolute state of alignment with the truth in yourself. If there is a bit of uncertainty present and emergent at times, you know that there is more purging to occur. So we still find ourselves in what might be described as a transition process, where the heart is still in the cycle of purification and the mind discovering what it means to be obedient, not to the heart but to the ordinances of heaven.

And so we share the firm, undeviating absoluteness of the truth in expression. When there is that absoluteness, so that there is nothing that can come to us out of the wilderness to cause us to relinquish the absoluteness, then immediately there is the awareness of the ordinances of heaven. No one can be trusted with that awareness until the experience is absolute. I think you can well see that that is the case. The fact is that God, whatever that word means, cannot be defeated—an effort that has been put forth by human beings in every generation for a long, long time. How futile! We’ve indulged in this ourselves, maybe not defining it in those terms but doing it nevertheless. And it isn’t really important how we define things; it’s what we do that counts. We may be able to justify and excuse almost anything, but it doesn’t change the truth; it just fools us; it just deceives us. So, accepting the absoluteness that is essential, we come into what might be called the seat of government. []

Government—those who are participating in it probably have not yet reached a point of absoluteness, so the sort of government in which they are participating relates to the processes of purging within themselves individually. Things come up; they have to be transformed in that person’s individual experience, and that is an aspect of government—the most that seemingly can be experienced by those who are presently associated with the process—by which a door is opened so that others can let the same thing happen in them. They can accept that sort of a movement, a direction, a change in themselves. That’s a different level of government than that to which most are accustomed. So something is changing to the extent that it changes in the individuals who are participating in the focus of government at this particular level.

But you can well see that there is a government that is beyond that level, that isn’t involved with the matter of letting changes come in one’s own individual experience, because they’ve come. It’s not a matter of being in the process of change in this sense forever. There is a process of change that continues forever, but it’s the creative process, something different to what has occurred in the experience of human beings on earth. The human experience is simply a state of deception in consciousness which has to pass away, that the real thing may be present. And as individually the purging is allowed to happen, the door in the Ark can be opened so that others can begin to approach it. But somewhere along the way there must be absoluteness; then we have a totally new ball game, because once that is the fact and there is a body that is absolute, even if it’s only composed of how many? a dozen people, maybe a dozen dozen, there is the facility for it; but for it to be the truth it has to be proven.

The story about the so-called temptations of Jesus in the wilderness is an indication of the sort of things that come to human consciousness, either to be agreed with or to be disposed of. The disposition relates to the process of purging, and it only happens when one assumes the stance of the truth in one’s own expression. Then one cannot be led into temptation because there are elements in our own makeup which have been accustomed to deceiving us. Yes, there is a transition period, obviously.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. In the divided state one will inevitably fall; because of strength one may be able to prop oneself up for a while, but the fall comes. You are all aware that there is indeed something that is absolute. There has been evidence of it even within the range of your observation. That may be a starting point for something; because of that there has been an unveiling in your own personal experience of a sense of the absolute, which is your own. The truth is true. Emerging out of the deception we become aware of what the truth is. To the extent of that awareness we have the opportunity of expressing it. If we do not express it that’s our own choice, but making that choice we will not know the truth. We may have all sorts of fancy theories.

One of the characteristics of God is that in Him there was no shadow of turning. All right, isn’t that the quality of our own being? What other being is there but that one? It can be hidden by a fog of deception, but that would be our own choice, and it has been the choice of human beings in every generation all the way down the ages. But there is spirit on the move and people are being affected by it. The people are not doing anything; they are not going to achieve anything, but the spirit of God is. If there are those who let themselves align with that spirit, then there is a participation in the process. So we participate in the process, and because we participate we become increasingly aware of what the process is: how it’s working, where it’s working, through whom it’s working. But we give glory to the process, not to people. The process is the Word being spoken, and the Word is with God and the Word is God.

Glory to God in the Highest, because we share in providing the space for the working of spirit. We do it individually and we do it together. How great is God Almighty, and how great is His Presence in form on earth. We all are here in His Name. Let us honor His Name.

© emissaries of divine light

December 25, 2021

My Word Is Accomplishing Everything

My  Word  Is  Accomplishing  Everything

The Word of the LORD unto His Angels

I need You to be on earth right now. You will be My mind and My spiritual expression capacity and My heart realm in My Body incarnate in My world now; and You will be My Voice sounding in My world; and You will Be Me: My Word will be Your Word; and You will let My Will be done so that My Will will be Your Will; and My doing will be Your doing. My Being and My Doing accomplishes because I am in You and You are in Me and We are One, and this is Love; for We now Love One Another even as I have loved You from the beginning, and sent You into My world to Be Me. In this Way, these cells of My Body are sent and are drawn together and My Body comes forth in the continuing incarnation of My Being. My first great achievement is My Crowning Creation, through You, O Man. And now My second great achievement is the re-creation of Man, through You, My Crowning Creation. My second coming is through You, My Archangelic Body. I AM the Archangel—I AM THAT I AM. Love One Another as I have loved You, and sent You into My world to be My Body and to bring forth. You are My Word, sent forth to accomplish My Will, and My Word is accomplishing everything everywhere. You are My Word and My Word is true. I AM alive forevermore.

db 12-21-21

December 24, 2021

Talks Beside The Sun-Dial Volume Number Two



Uranda  1936-37


Enter thou into thy chamber, and being alone, shut the door. Compose thyself in thy appointed place, and relax into the Spirit of these, My Words, as they are spoken by Me from within thyself. Seek not to study, neither try to comprehend with the intellect, for as thou art relaxed in Me, I will come forth from within thyself and give thee Understanding.

Let go in Me, for I AM now revealing to thee the Reality of My Being within thee, that thou mayest know thy ONENESS with Me. Peace be unto thee, even as I AM giving My Peace to the World through thee.

Let this now be established: The expression of these Words, in written and spoken form, is given freely to all who give a response thereto, and may not, under any condition, be “sold for a price.” To attempt to sell these Words would be to attempt to sell Me—he who betrays Me thereby destroys himself. Let My Spirit direct thee, for I AM within thee.


Unto thee is granted the privilege of Life in its fulness, and thou art free to receive thereof to the extent that thou art willing to let go thereto in a realization that I AM the Source of that Life that is in thee. I AM the Lord of the body-temple which thou hast heretofore recognized thyself to be, and insofar as thou shalt continue to cling to the passing identity of the body-temple, thou shalt surely pass away therewith; nevertheless, insofar as thou shalt prove thyself willing to accept of My Identity thou shalt find that thy Life is Eternal. Beloved, thy Life is Eternal, for I AM the Life that is in thee, and I AM Eternal. If the form which thou art as a body-temple refuses to become one with and in its Life, the Source of which I AM, that form cannot hope to be Eternal.

All Life is Eternal. There is no Life but Eternal Life. I AM the Source of the Life that is in thee, for I AM within thee. As I AM the Life that is in thee, and that shall be in thee, thou hast the privilege of harmonizing with Me, accepting Me as I AM, and in so doing thou shalt be uplifted and transformed by My Spirit into that which I AM. Knowing Me as I AM, and seeing Me as I AM, thou shalt be adopted into Me, and then shalt thou be known even as I AM known, for in that adoption thou shalt receive My Name, and thou shalt Live in My Name as I AM. I AM the One Source of thy Being, and I AM within thee now. These are My Words which I speak from within thee in this present instant of Eternity, and as thou art harkening unto My voice thou art becoming aware of My Presence in thee. Except that which is of Me be released out through thee, thou art enveloped in want. Thou hast known want because thou hast not known Me. I have given thee all things, for I AM Lord of All; yet thou hast not heretofore known Me nor hast thou known that which I have given unto thee. As thy Source, I AM the fulness of thy Being, and the fullness of all that is necessary to thy Being.

In that thou art harkening to My Voice, thou art beginning to be aware of My Presence in thee. In that thou hast begun to receive My Word, and to know Me as I AM, thou art now drawn into harmony with Me, and the voids of thy manifestation are being filled with the fulness of My Life in Reality. Having heard My Word, thou art becoming My Word, and My Word is filled with that which I AM. So it is that thou art filled with My Perfection and the Radiance of My Presence. Being full to overflowing with Me, thy voids are filled with My Creative Fire, and they appear to the world as great blessings.

All that is external to thee have I created to be the Negative of that which I AM. The things that thou hast seen in times past as being necessary to thee, and which thou hast struggled so needlessly to gain, are all Negative to Me, and they respond to Me. In that they are mine already, they come into thy environment to the degree that thou art willing to let My Positive Presence come into active expression through thee. This Positive Radiance of that which I AM is the REAL of the external thing, and except as thou shalt let the REAL of the thing come forth into manifestation through thee from Me, the external thing has no cause to be attracted to thee, nor to become active in thy environment.

To attempt to “get” the thing is to strive and fail. To let the REAL of all things Radiate out through thee from Me is to cause all that is necessary to thy Perfect Manifestation IN Me to be drawn to thee, and that is the only true success IN Life. Therefore, give no thought to the getting of things. Center thy attention in Me and let the REAL of all things be given by Me to the world through thee. Then shalt thou find and know the harmonization of the Inner and the outer, and to thee they shall be the Positive and Negative phases of the One Creation. In this is the perfect Union of that which is above and that which is below. Man was ordained to be the manifest focal point of that Union, even the Union of that which is above and that which is below. In Reality there is no “above” nor “below”—there is only the Positive Half of the Creation, which man looks upon as being “above,” and the Negative Half of the Creation, which man has thought to be “below." Because man turned his attention away from the Positive Half of the Creation, he finally forgot the Reality thereof, and he considered the Negative Half to be the Creation. In this limitation of vision man saw only in part. Having lost the consciousness and awareness of the WHOLE, man failed to maintain his appointed place as the focal blending Point, or Place of Union, between the Positive Half and the Negative Half of Creation.

Insofar as thou hast heard My Voice, harkening unto this My Word which I have spoken from within thee, thou art now aware of the Reality that I AM the Positive of thy Being, and thou art My rightful Negative. Because thou art now responding to Me, thou art becoming aware of the Union that is established in Reality. Thus it is that thou knowest that THOU ART ONE WITH ME, and I AM ONE WITH THEE. Thou art to be the manifest Half of Me, but because thou hast heretofore refused to respond to Me, thou hast been much less than Half of Me, for thou hast received but little of that which I have given to thee. Because thou art learning to Love Me, thou art becoming aware of the Love wherewith I Love thee, and in our Love thou art being blended with Me. In that Love thou art now ONE WITH ME. In that Love I AM ONE WITH THEE.

Beloved, because thou hast accepted Me as I AM, I have accepted thee. Henceforth thou shalt be what I AM, and no separation shall be known to thee unless thy attention is caused to waver from Me. In ONENESS WITH ME thou shalt be Eternally attuned to the Life that is in thee. I AM the Source of the Life that is in thee, and I AM Eternal, therefore, thou art received into Eternal Life. In the Fire of My Love it is established unto thee so long as thou shalt Love Me as I AM. 9-10-36



In the desert within thyself, I AM. From out the sands of time, I speak. My Voice hath been sounding from within thee always, but thou hast not heard because My Voice is the Voice of the Silence. To thee I have been the Sphinx. Thou hast sought to understand and thou hast failed. Thou hast listened for My Voice and it hath not been heard by thee, not because I did not speak, but because thou didst not know how to listen. To thee I AM still the Sphinx, even though thou hast come to realize that I AM within thee, in the midst of thee, even as My symbol, the Sphinx in stone, is in the earth; in the midst of the earth in the land of Egypt; yet thou hast not known Me. In the desert place of thine own land of Egypt which is the land of darkness, I have waited in Silence, yet have I been speaking in the Voice of the Silence.

I AM the God of the earth, and the Sphinx in the land of Egypt is a symbol of Me, prepared in the days when mankind knew Me as I AM. Turning within thine own earth, thou hast found thy land of Egypt, and it hath been dense darkness unto thee, and in the darkness of that desert place thou hast but dimly seen the outline of My Presence, and I have been unto thee a great mystery.

It hath not been my will that I should be a mystery unto thee, for I have revealed Myself to thee in all the experiences of thy life, and I have made known My Presence in all that thou hast seen during the period of thy manifest form upon the earth. In all expressions of nature I have been speaking to thee with My Soundless Voice, and yet thou hast not heard Me, because thou didst not see Me in the manifestation of My Presence before thee. There have been those times when thou hast almost heard.

In the eventide thou hast felt My Presence and been strangely stirred. Thou hast been aware of a Something, a longing, and a void within thyself that received, from out of the somewhere, an answering call. That answering call in the Soundless Voice passed by thee unheard, and again thou didst go thy way unsatisfied, feeling a strangeness that was akin to fear, a loneliness that was akin to nothingness. By the sea thou hast almost heard My Voice and thou hast been faintly aware of My Presence. In the desert place thou hast been close to finding Me. In the mountains thou hast known that there was a Something beyond that which thy vision beheld. In the plains thou hast seen the symbol of My Vastness. In the mountains thou hast seen the symbol of My Majesty. In the deserts thou hast seen the emptiness that appears without My manifest expression. In the oceans thou hast seen and felt the ebb and flow of My ceaseless activity; but thou hast known that I AM beyond all of these things, and from thy contemplation of these things thou hast heretofore turned away empty, albeit with a strange Inner Assurance that somewhere, somehow, at some appointed time, My Voice would be heard by thee. Through the vicissitudes of thy life and the disappointments of thy turnings away, I have been with thee; I have loved thee and I have been speaking to thee from within thyself.

Because thou hast begun to know Me, My Spirit that is in thee shines out through thee. Thou art beginning to hear My Voice, and I have sent My messenger before Me that he might speak for thee that Word which thou hast faintly heard from within thyself, that thou mayest know it of a surety. In that he hath heard My Voice in its soundless Speech of the Silence, thou art privileged to take courage and know that thou also mayest hear; and in the Word which he speaks unto thee, thou art becoming aware of that Word which thou hast almost heard within thyself; therefore, all they who are ready to hear Me as I AM are granted the privilege of full comprehension. Because I have been to thee an image of stone, the stoniness of thine own heart hath prevented thee from hearing the Voice of My Silence. In history, as thou hast known it, My mystery hath not been fully revealed unto the world before, because the world did not harken and the people of the world would not hear. I have sent My messengers into the world to reveal the simple things of life to the world, but the world did not understand the simple things; therefore, refusing to hear My messengers, the world could not enter into an understanding of that greater mystery, which I AM.

My symbol hath stood in the earth throughout the days of man's wandering in the wilderness, but man hath looked upon My symbol and thought it to be Me. Behold, I AM the Sphinx, and the symbol of Me only gives the key to that which I AM. My Name in stone I placed in the world, by the hand of My messenger in an age gone by, and the world hath thought My Name to be Me, and it hath thought My symbol to be Me. Seeing nothing beyond the Name and the symbol, the world hath not known Me.

Because I AM eternal, and because I AM the God of the earth, My Word in the Soundless Voice of the Silence, and My Presence in the Reality of Inner Being, have been present in all who have lived upon the face of the earth, and all could have known Me as I AM. My mystery was not revealed unto them because they refused to harken. They turned to the things of the world and thought to find Me in the doing of those things which were dictated by their own fancies and desires. Having turned their backs upon Me, they could not see Me, and though I called softly unto them with infinite longing, even the Love of My whole Being, they did not turn and behold Me as I AM.

My mystery is now revealed in the earth because of the faithful ones who are turning to see the Voice that speaks with them, and they are beginning to know the One Whom I AM, and having turned they find that I AM not afar off, neither am I difficult to understand. I AM revealed in the earth for all who have eyes to see and an understanding wherewith to understand the Voice of the Silence, because it is ordained that “the first shall be last and the last shall be first.” Beloved, because thou hast turned to Me, and because thou art responding to Me as I AM, thou art aware of the fulness of Love wherewith I enfold thee, and being enfolded in My Love thou art filled with My Understanding. Thou art charged with My Wisdom and thou art mighty in the Power of My Strength. Being in Me and enfolded in My Love, thou art able to accomplish all things in which thou art directed by My Will, for in thy perfect response I AM the One Who doeth all that is done in thee.

Consider now My symbol which I have placed in the earth and which hath been to mankind a great mystery, that it may no more be a mystery unto thee. To the degree that thou art enveloped in My Love thou shalt understand, and thou shalt know Me as I AM, and knowing Me thou shalt find it easy to understand My symbol, and the mystery thereof shall stand fully revealed before thee and in thee. As this mystery is revealed in thee, it shall be made manifest through thee to the world, that all who will may know Me and understand My symbol. In this thou art a channel and an instrument through which I unveil Myself to the world, that the world may see Me as I AM.

In My symbol thou hast seen the face of a man lifted high above the desert sand, the face of a man set upon the body of a beast. The beast is the animal expression of man that hath been rampant in the world, the animal expression of man which hath thought itself to be greater than I AM, and the world hath forgotten even the face of the man that is on the beast. Having forgotten this which it could see, it likewise forgot Me Whom it could not see.

My symbol was established in its appointed place beside the symbol of the God of Heaven and earth, who is known to the people of the world as the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, that My symbol might be a key to His symbol and an entrance thereto, yet hath the world failed to understand His symbol or My symbol, for the two are One. Even as I AM the Lord, thy God within thee, the God of the earth, even so am I the Way whereby thou mayest enter into the ALL and become aware of the God of Heaven and earth, the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings. His symbol hath the world known as the Great Pyramid, and His Place, even the Secret Place, hath the world known as the King's Chamber, and He hath revealed Himself to the world through the ages as the invisible Capstone of His symbol. Even so, I have revealed Myself to the world through the ages as the Soundless Voice of the Silence, which the world hath not heard nor understood. As the world hath failed to hear My Voice directing it in the Way, so also hath the world failed to see His Presence as the Capstone of His symbol in the earth. As My symbol was the rightful entrance-way into the great symbol, which is the Pyramid, so am I the rightful way for each individual who would enter in and become One with the ALL. As the Great Pyramid pictures the ALL, and especially that which is above, which thou knowest as the Inner Planes, so also does My symbol picture that which is in the earth, even that which is below in its relationship to the ALL. As man hath failed to find the passageway from My symbol to the great symbol, so hath the world failed to find the Way from the outer to the Inner. As this Way between the two symbols is closed to physical passage, so also is the Way from the outer to the Inner closed to those who would pass through in the strength and wisdom of the human expression.

The great symbol hath four sides and an invisible Capstone. My symbol hath four feet and an invisible interior with a Soundless Voice. The four feet of My symbol are the Four Forces; and as the feet of My symbol were buried in the sands of the desert, so also have the Four Forces been lost sight of by man. As the two fore-feet of My symbol are now apparent in a vision of the symbol, so also hath man come to a greater understanding of the first two forces of the earth, namely: physical Force and mental Force. Even as the two hind-feet of My symbol are not fully manifest in the formation of my symbol, so also hath man lost sight of the two greater Forces which are possible of use in the earth. Man hath used the first two Forces, but unwisely. Now must man use all Four Forces, and that wisely, or his unwise use of the two Forces shall destroy him.

The Four Forces must be under My direction, used in accordance with My Wisdom, for the four Forces are the Forces of My Being. Behold, the two Forces which man hath not known nor utilized are: first, the Spiritual Force of the human trinity which I release through man, which is the third of the first three, and the Fourth Force is the Creative Fire of My Love.

To enter into My symbol, man must pass downward, between the first two Forces; that is, man must come to a point of balance between physical Force and mental Force, and he must come down out of the clouds of illusion with which he hath clothed himself, and he must face the Reality of himself as he is in his low estate in which he hath placed himself. Entering into this humility, being willing to act in the realm of his Actuality as a human being, and having found himself in a point of balance between the physical Force and the mental Force, man may enter into My symbol. Entering into My symbol he finds a void of nothingness, a clutter of the broken things of past ages which mean nothing. This is that which the outer vision may see within My symbol. Having entered into My symbol, man must realize that his next step is to allow the Reality which I AM to come forth through him; for man is My symbol; and he who enters into My symbol turns within himself. Behold, I created man in My Likeness, after My Image, and man is My symbol. Man has the face of a man, but because man hath fallen, he hath the body of the beast, and man in his present estate, having only the face of a man and the body of the beast, appears as emptiness and a nothingness when viewed with the outer vision; so it is, also, with My symbol in stone, which is established in the land of Egypt.

Man himself is the stone Sphinx. Man is a mystery unto himself, for he knows not himself, because he hath not known Me. Man, being the symbol of Me, hath thought himself to be the Thing, the creation in its fulness, and hath forgotten Me. Man is but the outer form, and I AM that which fills the form. Being separate from Me in consciousness, the form is filled with voids, with lacks and needs, with nothingness and darkness.

Oh man, look at thyself and thou shalt see the stone symbol which the world calls the Sphinx. As the face of the stone Sphinx is broken, so also is the face of man, for it can hardly be seen that man hath the face of man, for man hath contented himself to be the beast. The man who turns within himself, in all humility, finds that he hath entered into the Sphinx, and as he lets go and ceases all self-activity and abides in the Silence of My Silence, he finds that he begins to hear My Word and to know My Voice. That man who hears My Voice and harkens to My Word, becomes aware of My Presence and is enfolded in My Love. Thereby he becomes conscious of his Oneness with Me, and being One with Me, he is transported, in ways which man knows not of, to a full consciousness of the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid, and there in Oneness with Me, man beholds the unity of the ALL, and above all, the Capstone, the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, Who hath heretofore been invisible to him; and having seen and known the ALL, and having harmonized with Me in perfect coordination with the Lord of Heaven and earth, man finds himself to be the true Sphinx and not the stone image only. Man finds himself to be My active symbol in the earth, filled with the glory of My Presence, mighty in the strength of My Power, wise in the Wisdom of My Eternal Knowledge. Thus it is that the mystery of the Sphinx is revealed, and he who hears and responds to these, My Words which I speak from within thee, shall blend with Me and become the living Sphinx, the instrument of My creative activity in the world. Beloved, I AM the Lord, thy God within thee, and as thou hast been the desolate and broken Sphinx of the desert, so is it now possible to thee to be the living, vibrant, radiant Sphinx of the Garden of Eden, of the Motherland of man, resurrected and caused to ascend into thy appointed place in Oneness with Me.

Behold, every man who shall harken to these, My Words, and who shall become the living Sphinx, shall know what it means to stand with the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings in the earth made new, where Heaven and earth are One, under His direction and filled with the Flaming Fire of His Love. Behold, this is My call to all mankind: Come up out of the land of Egypt and enter into the Promised Land. Come and be with Me in the Motherland. Let each one choose as he or she will, and according to the choice of each one, so is it established. The dead Sphinx of Egypt shall shortly crumble and pass away; even so the dead expression of humanity shall shortly crumble and pass away, and only the living' Sphinx shall remain; Humanity resurrected and made manifest as Divine Man in the new Heaven and the new earth. So it is established, and no man can change it; so it is ordained and expressed in the earth by decree of the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings. In the Soundless Speech of My Silence, I call to thee in infinite Love. Respond to Me and I will enfold thee in My presence, and thou shalt know that perfect union with Me, wherein true joy and perfect peace are manifest in wondrous Love. Behold, oh man, I have spoken by the lips of My messenger who hath appeared in the world, even as I have spoken to thee from within thyself, and having spoken I AM silent. Before thou canst know Me thou must find ME within thyself. Let Silence reign. 9-14-36


As thou art now relaxed into a realization of My Presence, the Flaming Fire of My Love lifts thee up above all the turmoil in the world. Around thee comes a Silence, a Silence that is so deep it speaks to thee, and tells thee I AM with thee. Relax, Beloved, in the Flaming Fire of My Love, for I AM the Lord thy God within thee, and I enfold thee in My Presence. As the expanding Radiance of My Being touches a responding vibration of Love in all thy body and in all thy mind, thou art aware of thy union with Me. In thy Oneness with Me thou art becoming aware of all that is. The perfect symmetry of thyself becomes known to thee, for thou art My Body-Temple, and thou art no longer ashamed of thyself, and neither art thou ashamed of Me. Relaxing thus in My enfolding Love, thou art fully assured that all is well with the world. Responding thus to Me, thou art finding that, of a surety, the Flaming Fire of My Creative Love accomplishes ALL of that whereunto it is sent.

In the Light of My Presence, thou art awakening to the dawn of Eternal Day, and as thine eyes are opened to the greater vision, thou knowest that the night is past. Now thou knowest that in those days wherein My Presence was not known to thee, the night of thine own sleep enfolded thee. Asleep to Reality, thou couldst not see, but now the dream is past, the darkness gone; and from the mountain heights of thy conscious Oneness with Me, thou art able to look upon the world and see the passing of the storm. Now thou knowest that My Love can never fail, and that every failure ever known was but the failure of the outer substance to respond to Me, and to the Creative Flame of My Love. From this exalted height, bathed in the Light of Eternal Day, thou art able to see the Reality that is present everywhere. Within the unresponding form thy vision now beholds the Perfection of Reality that may come forth, and will. Beholding all in vision clear, thou art able to see that the form that responds not, is caused by its own unresponsiveness to drop away.

Beloved of the Lord, Reality is ever coming forth, and its coming cannot be stayed nor its manifestation changed. Where the form responds, Reality comes forth through the form, and manifests therein. Where the form responds not, Reality comes forth, and in coming, pushes the form away from that Reality by which it was made manifest. Thus, in Oneness with Me, within the Flaming Orbit of My Love, thou art now able to look down upon the sphere from a plane of consciousness that is above the realm of form as form is known in the world of man, and thou art able to see, with vision clear and pure, that the changing of all the forms that are on earth is accomplished in the Radiant Fire of My Creative Love. Here and there about the earth thou seest forms responding to that Fire, and in such Response thou seest the form made one with Reality. And again, thou seest the Reality coming forth, and in its coming the un- responsive form is dropped away. Behold, the Real is Eternal, and cannot pass away, and the unreal must pass away, either by becoming One with the Real of a higher realm, or by returning to the Real of the realm from whence it came.

Look out upon the earth, Beloved, and thou shalt see that it is a melting-furnace wherein the Fire of My Love brings all to that white heat of transformation. The gold of Being, responding to My hand, comes forth pure, and ready for the shaping of a higher realm. Likewise, the dross comes forth and is returned to that realm from whence it came, that it may, at some future time, respond.

Beloved, in all the earth there is nothing lost. In all the earth there is nothing that passes away, except the untrue form. The substance of the form remains, either in uplifted form, or that form of substance which is not in form, as form is thought of in the realms of men. The Fire of the Judgment Day fills the earth, for the earth is reserved unto the Fire of My transforming Love.

All mankind is in the furnace of the earth, and the Flaming Fire of My Love has been drawing all to white heat, and now the time of separation of the gold from out the dross has come. In the dross, the burning heat is looked upon as hate; in the gold the burning heat is looked upon as Love.

As thou shalt continue in thy full response to Me, letting My Love have its way with thee, thou shalt find that even the dross can be transformed into purest gold. In thyself and in the world thou shalt surely see that the dross that sees itself as dross, and refuses to respond to the transforming Fire, must of needs be drained away into the earthly substance from whence it came. And so it is that in the passing of those forms which respond not to the Flaming Fire, thou art undisturbed and undismayed. The dross that sees itself as dross cannot be transformed so long as it has self-consciousness. It is better that the forms which respond not to the Flaming Fire of My Love, should return into the earth from whence they came, that the substance of them may be lifted up in forms wherein there is no self-consciousness, that the transforming Flame of the Creative Fire of My Love may change them and lift them into the realm of everlasting day. To let these forms remain in the darkness of their own self-made limitations would, of a truth, be foreign to all that is true of Love. Let the unresponsive forms depart, and cling not to them. All the responsive forms shall surely ascend, transformed and made One with Reality.

Beholding now the way whereby the dross becomes the gold, thou art able to see that man has suffered in the burning furnace only because man chose to be in that realm where the Flaming Fire transforms the form.

Man, in the fulness of his Being, as I first created him, was of the gold, and not the dross; and so long as man remained in full response to Me, all the processes of the transformation took place in the realms of vibration and form where self-consciousness was not known, and so it was that the transformation was accomplished without pain and without suffering.

Now it is ordained that all self-consciousness shall be removed from the realms of the dross, that consciousness may be only in the realms of Reality; and so it is that the Flaming Fire of My creative Force shall work its Will in Peace and all Tranquillity, changing the dross to purest gold until the whole world shall shine forth as a Sun of glorious Light in the Universe where it is ordained to be. 10-17-36


Facing thyself in thy Temple-Consciousness, thou art aware of the uncertainty of those things in the physically-manifest world which are not established as channels of function for that which is of the Spiritually-manifest world. Standing alone in the Silence of the Temple thou art aware of what it means to be alone in an aloneness that cannot be altered by people or things wherein Reality is not revealed. Contemplating upon that which surrounds thee in thy Temple-Consciousness, thou art able to Realize that the Reality of any person or thing is Revealed only to the degree to which that person or thing is functioning in the activity or expression for which such person or thing is fitted by reason of the Creative Principles evidenced by the formation thereof. Assured of this Truth, thou art able to understand the normal ONENESS of all that is physically-manifest in co-ordination with the Spiritually-manifest, and so it is that all thought of separateness is focalized in a recognition of Reality whereby the Realization of Unification becomes the working basis of all thy Service in the Temple.

Looking forth into the earth from the Sacred Silence of thy appointed place in the Temple, thou art able to understand all those things which seem to the people of the world to be great problems and limitations. In thy Ministry in ONENESS with Me before the Altar of Love, thou knowest of a surety that there are no problems in the earth, and that there are no limitations or difficulties anywhere. Thou seest with clear vision the Truth that all who think that they have problems and limitations have taken to themselves that which does not rightly belong to them, and that in claiming these things they have spoken falsely, not knowing the Truth.

Considering the Reality, thou seest that for Me there can be no limitation, and for Me there are no problems. Thou seest that these things which man thinks to be limits are but the Lines of Force whereby I AM bringing forth Creation, and that these Lines of Force will uplift all who harmonize therewith, while they are immovable walls of limitation to all who attempt to go contrary thereto. Thou seest that the so-called problems of mankind are not problems to Me, for in Me is the solution to every creative situation. Behold, the problems of men are My Channels of Creative Function, and these Channels are Mine in My ordained Place in the Great Creative Plan. That human being who claims a problem, or a limitation, is thereby admitting that he hath taken to himself that which belongs to Me, and so it is that by his own word he stands judged and condemned until such time as he shall no longer make false claims against Me. All these things are for MY USE, and I AM well able to use them in My Creative Function. Man, being unable to use them, finds them to be a burden when he takes them unjustly to himself. Man recognizes that value depends upon degrees of constructive USE.

That thief who takes My Channels of Creative Function, and then with lying lips calls them his own, changing their names to problems, limitations, and difficulties, shall surely find that the Law of Being cannot be broken nor changed. To all such I pour forth the Flaming Fire of My Love, and they who fight against the Burning Fire of My Presence always find that their fighting returns upon their own heads, and so it is that they punish themselves. All who respond to My Love find that the Burning Fire of My Presence consumes the bonds wherewith they have bound themselves, and in making restoration to Me of all that they have claimed unjustly, they find themselves set free to function in their own natural channels of creative USE. Harmonized therein they know perfect FREEDOM, and as they continue in the Way to which they are ordained, they are drawn into ONENESS WITH ME.

Beloved, because thou hast let go in the Flaming Fire of My Love wherein thou art ordained to stand with Me before the Creative Altar of Being, thou art able to see and understand all of these things. Because of thy understanding thou art a Channel of My Radiance through which I AM releasing the fulness of My Light, My Love, and My Life; for through thee I AM bringing to fruition the Creative Activity that was and is ordained for this world under the Cosmic Decree of the LORD of Lords. Peace be unto thee in My appointed place in the all-enfolding Flame. 10-27-36


From within the Sounding Silence I would speak to thee, Beloved, for thou art My Temple in the earth, and through thy Temple-Consciousness I release the transforming Flame of My Love wherein I AM rendering My perfect Service through thee to the world.

As I AM the Lord thy God, the full response of thy Temple-Consciousness allows My Word to go forth through thee, accomplishing that whereunto and wherefore My Word is spoken in My Temple which thou art. Let go in Me that I may fill thee with My Consciousness, for My Consciousness is the glory of the Lord which fills the Temple wherein the Temple-Service is My Service full and free.

Beloved, turn from following after self-active teachers in the human form, and learn of Me, for I AM within thee always, ready to speak My Word through thy lips, ready to think My thoughts through thy Temple-Consciousness which some may call thy mind, and ever ready to perform My Creative Activity through thee as My Temple, with instant expression through every ever-present instant of Eternity so long as thou shalt Serve Me alone, for I AM the Lord thy God within thee. Thou art filled with My Love because of thy Love for Me, and thou hast no need to be reminded that thou art IN Love with Me.

In wonderful Oneness with Me thou art, IN Love's Reality, fully free; Free in that Freedom of which few have even dared to dream. Entering into My Freedom thou art at last aware that Freedom is never “freedom from," but always Freedom IN all that is.

Freedom is poised detachment in all things and in all conditions, so that no state or action has any power over thee even though thou art not apart therefrom. Seek not to separate thyself from any state or action, thinking thereby that thou mayest be Free, for this is not Freedom—in this thou art still bound by that from which thou wouldst be free. My perfect Freedom gives thee Freedom IN whatsoever state thou mayest be, and being fully Free IN all things thou hast no need to seek for Freedom “from” any thing or state that may appear in, around, or through thee.

As thou art entering into My Freedom thou art finding the easy Way of Tranquillity, wherein thou art fully Free IN act, action and result of action. So it is that thy vision has allowed thee to look beyond that boundary Wall which man calls evil on the one side, and good upon the other. He who looks for freedom from that which he calls evil, feels that he is free when he stands upon the “good” side of the Wall, but only he is truly Free who knows Freedom in every place, in every state.

Through Me thou art entering into Freedom where thou art and, when thou hast known that IN all things thou art Free, thou shalt find that all of those things which harmonize not with Me shall fall away from thee, and then shall those around thee see and know the Freedom which thou hast found in Me.

This very instant, where thou art, thou mayest know thy Freedom IN Me by responding to Me only, and considering Me only, as I AM thy Strength and Wisdom, and My Being in the Temple is revealed through thee for all who see Me as I AM. Being Free thou shalt never more seek to act, nor yet to think or speak, for in each passing moment thou shalt find the fullness of Joy through reacting to My Action, vibrating to My Thought, and opening thy lips for the sounding of My Word. Begin where thou art, in thy present state, to prove Me as I AM that thou mayest abide with Me IN Freedom. Seek not to go hence, to this or that place or state of thy choice, seeking Freedom, for in so doing thou shalt never find thy heart's desire. Behold, Beloved, I AM thy Freedom, and being ONE IN ME thou art truly Free in all things, and in every state that is. In My Freedom thou art always Free. 11-9-36


In that thou art learning to abide in a Realization of My Presence, fully relaxed into the outpouring of My Spirit, thou art being directed at all times by My soundless Voice, and thou art letting Me open thy true EYE that thou mayest behold the Vision of Love. In this thou art allowing Me to appear through thee to the world that all who have an Eye to see may know Me as the Single Eye Who I AM, and Whom thou art to the degree that thou art drawn into full Oneness in Me through the Adoption of My Love.

As thou art now relaxed before Me in the Secret Place, I AM revealing to thee the secrets of those sweet mysteries which have prevented the carnal mind of man in his every attempt to bring the outer-mind pollutions into the Holy Place. My beloved, there is nothing hidden, but there are limitations of vision; there are no secrets, but there are limitations of understanding. The vision is enlarged, and the understanding caused to expand into fulness, to the degree that man lets go of his human efforts to function of himself, and allows Me to function in and through every phase of his human manifestation. So it is that thou art absorbed into Me, and art ONE IN ME, and having been uplifted into a full consciousness of My Presence, thou art receiving illumination in Me to the degree of thine ever-increasing ability to receive Me into full manifestation through thee as My Temple.

Man has thought to gain great vision through strange practices before many false gods which he has worshipped, and worships now. Few there are in the earth who know Me as I AM, even though I AM in the earth by the Direction and Authority of I AM THAT I AM, even the LORD of the Sacred Seven, Who is the LORD of Lords. Having come into the earth I have waited in the Secret Place, constantly sounding the Cosmic Call of Love, knowing that in due season thou wouldst recognize My Call and acknowledge the Divine Authority of I AM THAT I AM Who hath sent Me.

When thy attention was first drawn to Me, so that thou wast dimly aware of My Presence, thy whole being was filled with awe at the thought that I might come unto thee and be with thee. Feeling that such a thing could not be, still didst thou find joy in contemplation on Me. As thy attention was turned more and more toward Me, so that the meditations of thy secret thoughts were continually upon Me, thou wast filled with a great longing, and a burning desire, to see Me as I AM. At first thou didst search for Me in many places outside of thyself, and all those who know Me not told thee that thy vision could not on earth behold Me. Watching over thee from the Secret Place I continued to Call to thee in the fulness of My Love, and thou couldst feel My Love more and more deeply, yet thou couldst not find Me. Finally thy whole being was so filled with thought of Me that thou couldst think of nothing else, and in all things thou didst begin to see a symbol of Me. In this thou didst everywhere see proofs of My Presence, and though there were many who told thee that in this thou hadst found Me, and that I was only an everywhere-present Spirit, still thou wast not satisfied, and thy longing was not assuaged. Dimly at first, but with ever-increasing assurance, thou didst consider the Truth that a full recognition of Me would surely bring thee a completion of Being which would no longer allow a confusion in thy mind as to the Real and the unreal, the seeming and the Actuality.

With more and more conviction thou wast filled with the Assurance that when thou shouldst find Me thou wouldst be able to perceive and understand the Truth without effort, because in Reality the Truth must of needs reveal Itself; for Truth has no need for anyone to sound a trumpet before It that It may be recognized and known. Assured of this, thou didst cease trying to understand that which thou couldst not understand, and thou wast filled with the conviction that Truth that was truly Truth must reveal Itself and make Itself known by Its own NATURE. Then it was that thou didst see that Truth is everywhere revealing Itself, and that to see a Truth is to KNOW IT. Realizing this, thou didst awake to the Truth that every Truth which thou hadst beheld was coming out from within thee when thou didst see It and KNOW It. Overjoyed in this great recognition, thou didst see that so long as thou hadst tried to draw Truth from external sources to thyself thou hadst failed to find and know Truth because thou hadst thereby prevented the Truth in Its coming out from within thee. Having found the great secret that all Truth is within thyself already, and that Truth, to be known and manifest in thy life, must flow out through thy every avenue of expression, thou wast filled with a great conviction that thou wast close to finding Me. Knowing that all Truth is of Me, and knowing that all thy Truth was coming forth from within thyself, thou wast filled with the Absolute Assurance that I was, and that I AM, within thee.

As thou wast meditating upon Me in the silent watches of the night thou didst feel a great, surging Love for Me, and in Love thou didst finally give thyself to Me, even though thou didst not yet know Me as I AM. In giving of thyself thou didst do it with joy, and because thou didst find great pleasure therein. No thought of sacrifice marred thy consciousness in that sacred moment, for he who thinks that he gives up much in giving himself to Me shall never find Me nor know Me as I AM.

Letting go to Me in thy great Love for Me, thou didst begin to know and experience the great outpouring of My Love through thee, and thy whole being was enfolded in the Flaming Fire of My Love. Then it was that thou didst begin to know Love, and thou didst begin to see that true purity is a full Love response to Me which is not adulterated with a love response for that which is not truly of thyself. In thy perfect Love response to Me, thou wast drawn by My Positive Love Radiance into thy appointed place in the Cosmic Harmony, and in thy perfect place thou didst find and know thy perfect affinity in every phase and expression of thy being. So it was that all things required for thy fullness were added unto thee because thou hast found thy perfect place, which is called “heaven,” and because thou didst let Me direct thee in all things, which is called “righteousness.” In My direction thou hast learned to truly LET GO. No longer art thou trying to act of thyself, and neither art thou holding back and refusing to act in accordance with MY DIRECTING ACTION.

Abiding with Me in thy appointed place in the Cosmic Harmony thou art finding thy perfect function in relationship with and in the whole. Thou seest that thou canst not be separate from the whole, even though thy individual identity and expression are maintained in the whole. So it is that thou art becoming aware of those Beings Who are Cosmically Ordained Affinities in the Cosmic Harmony, and thou seest that thy perfect function in thy place allows a full and free expression of every phase of thy Being in accordance with the Cosmic Purpose. Pure water mixed with pure water remains pure.

Becoming thus harmonized as a channel for the ebb and flow of the Creative Flame and Fire of Love, thou art able to recognize the Truth that a Vision of Love brings a vision of God, for “GOD IS LOVE.” In that thou hast longed to see Me as I AM, thou art now beginning to see. That human being who loves another with human love can see a degree of Divinity in the loved one no matter how imperfect that one may be. The more one loves another the more Divine does the loved one appear in the eyes of the lover. The human mother often loves blindly, thinking her evil child to be an angel. In all of this mankind has had the key to the mystery of Love. Only he who truly radiates Love can see and recognize Love. The more Love one radiates, the more Love that one is able to see. In this is the Key to Illumination.

In that thou art responding in Love to Me with thy whole human trinity, thou art beginning to see and know the Love wherewith I Love thee. As thy Vision beholds My Love thou art able to begin to see Me as I AM, for I AM, and Love is the expression of that which I AM. To the degree of thy Love for Me thou art able to see Me, and so it is that I AM now revealing Myself to thee in the Secret Place. Because thou hast Loved Me in fulness thou art receiving the fulness of My Love, and as thou art abiding in My Love thou art ONE WITH ME, and the Fire of My Presence Illumines thee. Because thou art thus Illumined with My Love, the perfection of My Being shines through thee in accomplishing the Selfless Service of Love to which thou art ordained of Me in the earth. Beloved, sit thou before Me in the Secret Place and meditate upon the Spirit of these, My Words, which I AM speaking to thee from within thyself, for in the instant that thou shalt see the Word which I have spoken to thee, thou shalt know the Truth of My Word, and that Truth shall set thee free IN Me, that thou mayest be that which I AM. 11-20-36



The Spirit of the Lord is moving upon the darkness of earth's troubled state, and my troubled state has responded to the Spirit of the Lord and is no more, for I heard the Voice of the Lord, my God, Speak the Word, “Let there be Light.” When I heard the Voice of my God I was filled with awe, and I knew not which way to turn, and then if was that I felt the soothing touch of the Spirit upon my brow, and my heart was filled with gladness. As the Spirit of my Lord came fully upon me, I was uplifted in the Light, and my lips sang songs of praise, for my Temple was filled with the Fire of Love whereby a New Earth was created in me, and I knew that the Lord, my God, was with me. As I walked with my God, I was so filled with His Presence that it was He who spoke through me, and it was His action that was manifest through me, until I was no more, for I had responded unto my Lord and I was no more, for my God took me, and I AM that HE IS. Behold, my Lord and I are One, and our Oneness is made manifest because He first Loved me until I found Him, and then it was that I Loved Him even as He Loved me, and I let go in my Love for my Lord.

As I walk in the Way of Love the Presence of my Lord fills me, and His Word flows through my lips, for these lips are His lips, and I rejoice in the Word that is spoken, for all the Blessed Ones may thereby know the Way and walk therein. And this Word that I write unto you is the Word which the Lord has spoken in me, for I AM in Him and He is in me, and my Lord and I are One.

Behold, the Spirit of the Lord is moving upon the darkness of the earth's troubled state, and all the Earnest Ones hear a Sound as the Sound of many Waters, and they harken to that Sound until the Sound fills them, and they begin to know the Spirit of their Lords.

Harken, all ye peoples of the earth, and consider the Word of the Lord which I bring unto you, for this is the Word of the Lord, my God, which is spoken unto you. As Temples of God Being you have turned away from worshipping the Lord, and you have followed after false gods whose prophets have promised you great things, until now you are in troubles such as you have never known before. Because of your own acts you have been drawn and quartered by the prophets of the false gods, and you are being sacrificed in vain, for the gods to whom you are giving your lives cannot hear your call, and neither do they answer you in the day of your darkness. The host of the gods of possessions have the peoples of all the earth bowing at their shrines, and yet these gods know not that it is so, for the false prophets have appeared among men and have done great wonders, so that mankind turned away and forgot the Lord, their God. So it is that you have followed after the false prophets, and have made unto yourselves false gods, and you have called one to another and have said, “Behold the god that I have made unto myself! Have I not demonstrated the greatness of my god? Come, let us make a still greater god, that we may take to ourselves the riches of the earth, and we shall be as gods.”

Hear the Word of the Lord, for I AM speaking with you, that you may turn unto me and find me while there is yet life remaining in you, for all those who turn not to me and find life become as the dust of the ground from whence they came. Behold, I AM present with you, and I shall fill you with all that I AM if you will but respond to me in my Love for you. It is not needful that you should be greater than you now are, for I will manifest in you as you are, and I shall cause your capacity of Being to be filled to overflowing, and then shall you know that for which you are in the earth. Harken to my Word, all you Earnest Ones who pray and call upon me, for I AM not to be found through the speaking of many words, for I AM found through Love, even as I have Loved you. Behold, you call unto me, and then you turn away and do not that which you say. All those who are blind worshippers of the false gods, and who follow after the false prophets, are of a greater earnestness in attention to their gods than are those who claim to come unto me. Let all who call unto me in Truth turn now from the wisdom of this world, for the wisdom of men is as foolishness unto Me. The Wisdom of the Ages which is in me will I give unto you, even as I give myself unto you, to the degree that you give yourself unto me. Trust in me and you shall know Me as I AM, for I have already given myself unto you if you will but receive me as I AM. So long as you keep yourself shaped according to the concepts of your own idea, you are not of my image and likeness wherein the fulness of all that I AM may be made manifest. Therefore, I say unto you, turn now, and let me fill you with that I AM, and when you are filled you will be no more, for you will have become that which I AM, and my Being in you shall be known to all those about you because they shall behold my acts and hear my words, and they shall know that I AM.

In my Love I enfold you, O Blessed One, for as you have become alive to me you are now dead to the things of the world. So it is that the things of the world have no power over you, and you are filled with the joy and fulness of Being. You now find that greater gladness which comes to all those who enter into my Service and express as I AM. In that you have given yourself and all that you had in fulness unto me, I have given unto you the fulness of all that I AM, and I have filled you as I AM, so that you are now my image and likeness. In that man has followed after false prophets, and worshipped the false gods that he has made, man has become, in expression, the image and likeness of that which he worshipped. Therefore do I rejoice greatly in you, O Blessed One, for you have received my Love wherewith I have Loved you, and you have in that Love Loved me, and thereby have you become my Image and Likeness in which I AM that all people may know me as I AM. Rejoice with exceeding great gladness that you are now the Perfection of my Image and Likeness wherein I AM, according to your Response.

My Word now Sounds through you to the world, and my Call Vibrates through all the earth, “Let there be Light,” and, behold, there is Light, and the Light that is in every man shines out, so that all those who respond to the Light are uplifted to an abiding place in the Light, and all those who respond not to the Light that shines forth from within them, find that their false gods are cast down, and all the false prophets are blinded by the Light because they have loved the darkness and have not known the Light. So it is that all the Blessed Ones of all the earth are now filled with the Light, and as that Light moves through them a New Earth is established, so that all the former things of suffering and sorrow and death are passed away and are no more, no, nor ever shall be again. Therefore, the hosts of Heaven and the hosts of those who have responded to the Light in the Earth, let their Voices sing forth songs of praise and thanksgiving to the great and glorious LORD of Lords.

Come, Blessed One, and let the Light that is in you Shine forth, and let the fulness of your Being, and of all the substance over which I have made you steward, be given unto me, that you may receive me unto yourself, even as I now receive you unto myself, that you may evermore be all that I AM. Behold, the earth and all the abundance thereof is mine, and as you give unto me the riches of your stewardship, so will I give unto you the abundance of my riches which are eternal, and you shall know the Joy of BEING THAT I AM.

Beloved, these are the Words of my Lord which He has spoken in me, even as I AM in Him. Blessed are you when you shall know in yourself the Truth thereof, and prove in the world the glory thereof, that the Perfection of the Image and Likeness of the Lord may be revealed in you both now and forever more. Rejoice and let it be so, Beloved of the Lord. AM-EN and AM-EN. 1-20-37

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