The Secret Of The Resurrection
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Uranda April 18, 1954 Class
Kathy Meeker sang a beautiful rendition of Easter Hymn, accompanied by Lillian on the piano
On this Easter Day, the 18th of April, 1954, we pause to meditate upon the fact that another year has passed since last we gathered for an Easter Service, and, extending back through the years, we have in many places, individually, paused to consider the significance of Easter Day. And in the cycles of time, the outworking of events, the steps of progress along the Way, have brought us to this hour. We pause for only a moment to consider in retrospect that which has been, that we may realize that with the passage of time the cycle of our opportunity draws certainly to some type of climax in the outworking of life. And the nature of that climax in the cycle is something which will bring us satisfaction or sorrow. We have at hand for our meditations in this regard a unique and marvelous pattern from the records of the past—the story of our Master’s Life as He lived among men. For in the cycles of His Ministry, with the passage of time there came a point of climax—first with the appearance of sorrow, with the appearance of what seemed to be failure; but secondly, with unspeakable joy and positive Victory.
This Victory, emerging out of that which had brought such sorrow, is that which has stirred hope in human hearts down through many centuries, a hope which could not be given form in any adequate sense by the tens of millions who have felt it, but a surge of hope which extends to us in this day. This that has been vaguely felt and partially perceived must, if the passage of time is to have meaning, begin to take form so that we may develop an awareness of its specific and essential factors, so that we may comprehend the pattern of personal relatedness, that it may for us be more than the stirrings of a sense of hope in the human breast—that it may become for us a conscious recognition of the basis for that hope, not merely in some vague, far-distant time but in this present hour of life.
Looking back along the cycles of history, upon the pages which bear the record of so many lives, we see innumerable examples wherein human beings reached the climax of that cycle that was granted in the passage of time, wherein there was a sharing in the sorrow, in the sense of failure, in the feeling that if meaning was yet to derive from life it must be in some distant time, by some mystic or magic means. There are not so many examples from these same pages of history which show an acceptance of the privilege of Victory. This unique example, established high above all others in the historical record, shows how it is that man has a tendency to disregard the greater needs of his own being and to pass through the years with attention given to the surface of things, until an hour when it is too late for man to know the Victory. And yet, even so, there is the evidence that that which is not humanly distorted, that which is not subject to human limitations, in any case emerges, known or unknown, to continue in the pattern of eternal things.
The question then arises in our minds, in relationship to ourselves, as to that which shall emerge: “When the time of crisis comes for me,” the climax of the cycle, “how much of it shall be that which I have known, and revealed, and shared on earth? And how much of it shall be that which was unknown, obscure and hidden, unrevealed as far as my life is concerned?” It is not that there is that in any life which comes wholly to an end; for with each one there is something which shall surely endure and emerge into the eternal. But if that which emerges has been unknown, unseen, unrevealed during life, then that which is of such a life, as it has been known among men, does not emerge, nor does it continue. There is that with respect to every life which does emerge but if it has not been known during life on earth, the fact that it has emerged will likewise be unknown, and for the children of men there will be no evidence of Victory, no evidence that the life had true eternal meaning.
Here, in relationship to the Great Example, we have an opportunity which should not be passed lightly, an opportunity which is worthy of much meditation. If that which has been revealed in life by the living of any man or woman has been of the Divine Pattern revealed on earth, then that which emerges at the point of climax in the cycle of time will be of the life that was known among men and it will be possible to recognize that it does emerge—and there is the evidence of Victory.

Our Master, living among men, had of necessity to share with men the pattern of things as they then were. And while He expressed and revealed in the cycle of His life that which was of the eternal nature of His own Being so that it was given form on earth, those with whom He was associated, provided the Body of His Being in relationship to the children of men, and they failed to adequately share that revelation. So, for the time being it appeared that what He had revealed was to become submerged in their failure to reveal and to share. In the moment of the crisis, then, in the climax of that life cycle, it appeared that failure had been written upon the page of history. And yet there had been that which was of the Divine Design, revealed in form on earth, that which by its very nature could not pass away but was destined to endure in the eternal cycles of time. It had been revealed. It had been expressed in life. It had been shown forth by word and deed. This then, which was eternal by its very nature, and which had been revealed among men, could not come to an end. It could not cease to be.
And this is the secret of our Master's Glorious Victory. It was not something that came suddenly into action in the dark confines of a tomb, to produce some magic or mystic means by which He should come forth in the Resurrection. If He had waited until that hour to meet the issue it would have been too late, and no magic or mystic means would have appeared by which the Victory might have been revealed. This Victory had its form, its patterns of being, extending back through the years of His life. It was something that was inherent in the years of His public Ministry.
Let us examine this point a little, for human beings have tended to imagine, out of the vain imaginations of men's hearts, that the secret of the Resurrection was something that was contained in the grave, that it was the sound of a trumpet, that it was something mystical and magic which took over, as it were, in the hour of crisis, something above and beyond that which human beings may comprehend. But as long as such a concept is retained in consciousness man cannot share that Victory, man cannot know that which the Master revealed in the Victory. We need, as others likewise need, a consciousness of personal relatedness to that which was at work with Him in relationship to the Resurrection and the Life, not something which came suddenly from some unseen realm to produce this result, not something which we cannot know now, and not something for which we must wait unknown centuries yet to come.
The Master revealed the secret of the Resurrection and the Life, about which He spoke, before the moment of His Victory. And how did it appear? From whence did it come? If by some magic means, then we have nothing more than to hope that somehow, sometime, this mystic, magic means will be brought into play for us and we have no sense of sharing a responsibility in the manifestation of the Victory. It is as if God were going to hand such a gift to those of His choosing, at some time of His choice, and that man, aside from having made a claim of belief, has little to do with it. This erroneous concept, springing from the evil imaginations of men’s hearts, continues to maintain a prison to defeat man and make his hope to be in vain.
What was it that came forth, that emerged at the time of this great climax, that it might be seen and known that the Resurrection and the Life are a Reality? What was it that emerged? It was the personalized manifestation of that which the Master revealed during life. It was that of the eternal which was a part of His Being prior to the coming of the climax. It was that which was revealed in His nature and character, not something different afterward than that which had been known before, but identically the same thing—for the wholeness of the revelation, being eternal in its nature, emerged in the Resurrection. And man, no matter how villainous, no matter how degraded—no matter how spineless a Pilate might be—could not, by sword or spear, by cross or method of execution, destroy that which had been already revealed.
Now if, while we live on earth, we reveal by our lives that which can be destroyed, then most certainly, with the coming of the climax in the cycles of time, that will cease to be and, in such a case, for us there will be no outer evidence, no appearance of Victory—for that which has been revealed is not, by its nature, eternal. And having been destroyed, that which does emerge will be invisible, even as it was invisible during the life span of the human being involved. Here is the secret of the Resurrection. It is not that that which is subject to death shall emerge, but only that which is not subject to death. And what is it that is revealed by our living? For every man and woman must come to this time of climax sooner or later. No one can escape it.
This climax in the cycles of time was present in the days before the fall of man. The difference was that the man or the woman had learned to reveal in life only those things which were eternal by their very nature—and at that point of climax there was nothing to pass away. This opportunity is before us in this day as surely as it was before the fall, as surely as it was for our LORD on earth. It is not to be suggested that any man or woman may emerge into the cycle of eternal things without having to meet this climax. Each one will have to meet it. Always it has been so, and always it will be so, regardless of the state of the world. This must be faced by each and every one. The point is—what has been revealed on earth during life with the passage of time that leads to the great climax? Is there that adequately revealed, when segregated from all that has been revealed, that it may be in some revealed and known? Or, coming to the point of climax, when it is too late to do anything about it, will we find that most of that which has been revealed in the living of life must of necessity, by its very nature, pass away?
If, during life on earth, we learn to reveal in form on earth that which, by its very nature, must endure and cannot be destroyed, and if we give any degree of wholeness to such revelation, then at the point of climax there is little or nothing to pass away, and there is evidence of sharing in the Victory. But he who thinks to share the Victory after his body is dead deludes himself, for then there is no means by which whatever Victory there might be may be seen and known among men. And if it be not seen and known among men here on earth, of what value is it? For that which emerges in such a case into the invisible realms is no more than that which came from the invisible realms, and during the life of human beings was not seen or known on earth—therefore, there could be no consciousness of anything emerging. It was not revealed during life so how could it be revealed at the time of the climax in the cycle of life.
This secret is clearly revealed in the life of our Master, and in all the pages of history it is the only point where all of its aspects are clearly revealed. There are hints concerning it at other points but nowhere else were all the factors given form where they might be seen and known of men here on earth. This then, is of utmost importance to us, and we can see in a new light the value of Rebirth, the necessity of becoming a member of the Body through which the Christ is revealed on earth—for if in daily living we reveal that which must pass away, then that which is known of men when the crisis comes will be that which must pass away, and there is nothing visible to men to emerge in the Victory.
Think not that any can escape the crisis. It never has been so with any man or woman who lived on earth. It never will be so in any time to come. Each must face that crisis in his appointed time, soon or late as the case may seem to be. But face it he must! Our Master did. But that which was of the outer appearance, that which stood out in the body of form to be seen as the crisis approached was not that which He had revealed, for with the gathering of events to a point of focus, that which others were revealing became the cloak, the outer appearance, the form of things to be seen, and that which He was revealing was well nigh submerged, well nigh lost, under the cloak imposed by self-active human beings. And in that hour of climax the air had to clear; something had to pass away.
What was it that passed away? That which human beings were revealing which brought on the crisis at that point, yes. That which the Master had revealed Himself to be, in actual fact, the revelation on earth in life of eternal things—could that pass away? Was it some mystic, magic thing that suddenly appeared within the tomb to take over? Ah, no. It was the fact that that which He was before the crisis was a revelation of that which, by its very nature, endures—which by its very nature could not pass away. It was with this that He was identified in Himself and in the consciousness of others. Therefore, emerging from this point of climax, there came forth the revelation of that which human beings had known before. They had had an opportunity to know its character. They had seen it in its form, the things that endure. They had recognized that form as having identity, and, having seen it before, they recognized it after, when it was shown that the things that are eternal cannot pass away—that by their very nature they must endure.
With respect to any man or woman anywhere, at any time, in any generation, if he or she shall truly reveal, on the basis of identity, on the basis of form, in consistent expression here on earth, that which by its very nature must endure, then out of that crisis, the climax which must in season come, there will be emerging from that crisis the evidence of Victory in a form which human beings can see and recognize and know. He who hopes for some magic working by which he may emerge is asking God to give eternal life to that which must, by its very nature, pass away—and such a thing cannot be. If you, the human being, became identified, within yourself and in the eyes of others round about who have the capacity to recognize and know—if you become identified with that which endures and cannot pass away, then emerging from the climax there will be the evidence of Victory. How long and in what fashion that evidence will remain in form on earth visible to the children of men is not for any human mind to say. Our Master Himself so remained for only forty days in the form that was right and proper for Him. And yet we say, “For only forty days?” What is this thing then, which we share today after the passage of nineteen centuries? Is it not the same? Is it not this that He revealed that we are asked to reveal? If we have no personal relatedness in and with it, if we are not identified by that with which He was identified, how think we to endure? And of what value will be the passage of the years that lead to the climax? For then it will be nothing more than the vanishing away of that which must pass away. And what remains?
People talk about the corpse as if that were the remains. All too often it is. But there should be something else remaining, something remaining in the expression of that life which, by its very nature, cannot pass away—something with which you are identified. Now, you are not the whole. You are but a part. And there are questions which might, in vague and fanciful fashion, take form in your minds with respect to these things. But if you give yourselves to such fancies you will defeat yourselves and make our meditation of no effect in your life. Think, rather, upon that which you can see of this great Truth in its personal relatedness to you. For what think you? What is it that shall endure? What is it that is worthy of any Heaven up there, or here, or Heaven in any place, in any form? What in you, formed in you, identified with you, expressed and revealed through you, is it that is worthy of an enduring place and part in any Heaven anywhere?
Anything else must pass away, and pass away it will. Whether you are identified with it or not, whether you like it or not, in the cycles of time it shall be so. And in that moment when you face your climax it is too late to change it then, for the time allotted for the revelation of that which endures shall then be past, and that which takes place takes in you and with respect to you will be on the basis of that which has been revealed in your life, that which has been identified with you—that with which you yourself have become identified. And that which must pass away will, with certainty and surety. And that which endures, by its very nature, will be a part of eternal things with absolute assurance and certainty.
This does not change. The only thing is—with what are you identified, not by reason of the claim of your lips or the fancy of your mind, but with what are you identified according to the evidence of your life as it stands in the history of the years of your life? It is not what you claim with your lips, not according to the fancy of your mind and what you think to believe. The record of the years is that which shall be told, and if you have revealed in life, in form on earth, that which must pass away, then that with which you are identified, that which identifies you, must pass away. But if, in this passage of the years, that with which you are identified, that with which you have identified yourself, has been of the eternal nature and it has been given form in you, in your living day by day, then this revealed on earth as you, having come from God, cannot in any crisis pass away. It is, and it ever shall be.

This is what took place in the life of our Master—the unique example in all recorded history by which we may clearly see the difference, so that we may distinguish, in advance of the crisis, the nature of that which shall pass away and the nature of that which shall endure, as it relates to ourselves. And we can see that we, each one, have the responsibility and the right of free choice. God will not compel you into any Heaven if you should choose, rather, to live in hell—and in the end pass away with that which must pass away and which is then gone and is no more. There is that in each one which shall emerge and endure but if that has not been revealed on earth in form in the living of life, how shall we know it? How shall we recognize it, as having relationship to you? And from whence shall come the evidence that you have shared the Victory?
Our gracious LORD and Holy KING, I thank Thee that it is so, and that all these Blessed Ones here gathered, and all who are with us in Spirit, have the privilege of proving it in life here on earth, that they may have a part in giving form to the coming of Thy Kingdom, that they may have a part in letting Thy Will be done in the earth as it is in Heaven, that they may reveal in daily life that Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory, forever, in the Christ. Aum-en
And now for quiet meditation and in radiation ... a recording was played of Handel's Messiah
Peace be unto you and all who are with us in Spirit on this Easter Day, and as you behold these beautiful lillies here, so remember the Spirit of those who respond that you may so let the Light shine that all who will may be blessed in the Spirit of the Living Christ. Aum-en
© emissaries of divine light
The Master’s Prayer Of Intercession
Uranda November 2, 1949
The Spirit of Intercession gives meaning to one of the outstanding characteristics of the Christ Expression on earth. The Spirit of Intercession made manifest through our Master when He was on earth was outstanding, and as He outlined the basis upon which the One Christ Body should be formed, by reason of which His Ministry on earth might continue, He made it plain that the Spirit of Intercession should find expression through the Branches of the One Vine, through the Members of the One Body.
The world is full of those who are ready to sit in the judgment seat; the world is full of those who are quick to bring accusation; the world is full of those who are ready to portray in word and attitude that which they conceive to be wrong with others, which they look down upon or condemn. It is not good to be an accuser of the Children of God. Nowhere do we find the Master instructing that we should be accusers one of another, setting ourselves up in judgment to condemn one another, but rather He said: “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”
Of all the wonderful words which He spoke, there are none more touching, more illuminating, more revealing, than those which are recorded in the closing prayer of His Ministry on earth just before the mockery of His trial and the ignoble journey to Golgotha, the “Place of the Skull.” The prayer with which He concluded His Ministry and His instruction to those who should follow Him, whether in that day or in this, was recorded and has come down to us, and it is my thought that we should consider His Words together tonight. This Prayer is called His Prayer of Intercession, for you, for each one who turns to God, whosoever, wheresoever he may be. Uranda read John 17
When we meditate upon the wonder and the glory and the beauty of these words and of what they mean to us tonight, we must recognize that there is nothing that can be added to increase the wonder of them; there is nothing that can be said to increase the beauty. There only remains the necessity that, in letting go in Love Response to God, each one shall feel and know the Illuminating Fire that burns within every word that each may let these words have true and lasting meaning in heart and mind and body and soul, for He, when He was on earth, prayed for us tonight, and for all who should believe on Him. Therefore, let us let His Prayer of Intercession be answered in our lives that we may be made perfect in One, to His Glory and to the Blessing of all who will receive, IN the Christ.
O LORD of Lords, I thank Thee that it is so, for Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever. Aum-en. The Peace of our LORD Jesus Christ be with you in the Way, that you may rest in the Lord and let the Father do the works, to the end that the Light of His Love may shine through you in Blessing to all who will receive. Peace be unto you.
The Great Prayer Of Intercession
Uranda August 25, 1946
These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:
As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
I have glorified thee on earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were,
and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word.
Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee.
For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee,
and they have believed that thou didst send me.
I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.
And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them.
And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee.
Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.
While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost,
but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.
And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.
I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.
And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.
Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us:
that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:
I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me,
and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.
Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me:
for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.
O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me.
And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.
We find there a prayer which the Master spoke when He walked among men that includes us here tonight: “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word.” He Himself said that this prayer was a prayer which He prayed for you tonight. It applies to you here and now, and when this is realized it is recognized that what He expressed here is for you here tonight, to whatever degree you will let it be so. He said: “And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it.”
From that which we have considered with respect to what it means to be gathered in His Name, does that statement in the Master's prayer have any greater meaning for you? “And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them”—that the love wherewith the Father loved the manifestation that we speak of as Jesus Christ may be in you tonight—"and I in them.” Clearly, in all these things He revealed that those who truly believe on Him should be Members of His Body on earth, that the love wherewith the Father had loved Him might be in His Body on earth as it had been in the Body which He was, and that He might be in that Body.
His words in many places revealed that same glorious truth. When we therefore recognize the truth contained in this Great Prayer, and have actually realized that truth and its significance, we shall have been born again, which is the same as the resurrection which I have been talking about, or the adoption into the One Body, the entrance into the citizenship of the Christ Kingdom on earth. It all means the same thing, and it will mean that the Love of the LORD of Lords shall be in us; not something that is flowing merely toward us, not something that is offered to us, but something that will be in us. And if His love is in us, in that living, flowing current which is the very essence of His expression of being, think you that we can feel far away from Him? I think not.
Today we have considered what it means to be near to the heart of God. To me this means to be near to our LORD and KING, that He may do the works through His Body on earth today just as surely, just as effectively, as He did when He walked among men through that body which we know as Jesus, that body which ascended unto the Father. He plainly said that those who should follow Him would be Members of His Body on earth, and that He would be in them, just as the Father was in the body of Jesus.
And with respect to this Body He said: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do”—why?—"because I go unto my Father.” Jesus was ascending into oneness with His Father. It meant, then, that His Body on earth from thenceforth should be made up of many Members, and that through that Body He might perform greater works on earth than He had been privileged to perform while He was manifest as Jesus Christ. That is His Word. When will human beings so respond in love to Him that that Word may be fulfilled on earth? When will human beings so give thanks to Him, in the sense of letting go and letting Him receive that which is His own, that the love wherewith the Father loved Jesus may be in them?
He said, “...and I in them.” If the love of the Father that was in Jesus is in His Body today, and if He is in that Body made up of many Members—as He portrayed in the picture here, that it should be—then there is no question about His Kingdom coming on earth. He said, of those who remained, that if they had been enfolded in His Love, if they had been taught by Him, if they had loved and walked in His Love and in His Presence, they still had to be sanctified by the Truth. Even so, as I have brought you the word of Truth, have I said to you that no matter how much of the Truth you may know you must be sanctified by His Love, else it will not be the fulfilment of that pattern which He designed. So when we consider these things and draw near unto Him, when we respond in love to Him, we begin to know Him.
He says here: “O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me.” When we know Him because we have been drawn near unto Him, then we know that His Love is in us, then we know that His Love is flowing through us. And when we are sanctified by His Love—that is, when we have let His Love bring that fusion in the current of the Holy Spirit by means of which we cease to be instruments for human expression and become instruments of Divine Expression on earth—we know what it is to know Him. Nothing else matters. Human concepts are as nothing. Human ideas and desires and goals are as nothing. There is one thing only that counts: letting go in one-pointed Love Response to Him.
We have in this Great Prayer of Intercession [John 17], and especially coupled with other passages I have read previosly [John 12:24-28, 15:1, 16:7-14], the Master's magnificent and perfect focalization of His own Ministry at that point, and His opening of the vibrations for the cycle which should come with respect to what the disciples were supposed to accomplish and what we are supposed to accomplish as we share in that Ministry.
You notice that I used the word “perfect,” recognizing that that properly indicates the expression of complete Mastery and the fulness of Divine artistry with respect to all of the essential elements involved, an absolute focalization of absolute currents of power, on the basis of absolute laws and principles from the higher focal point of control in the Whole Holy World. In this we have a portrayal of what He had done in order to make the final outworking, through the Body that should be, not only possible but gloriously successful.
He recognized that through His personal manifestation He could accomplish only so much. He said it was expedient for Him to go away, because as long as He remained, the full formation of the Creative Triangle could not appear, and the operation of the Comforter, or the Spirit of Truth, through them could not bring the balance that was necessary with respect to their polarization in Love Response to Him. The primary vibration manifesting through Himself was of the Love Current, and it was that Current which primarily controlled those who responded to Him; and as He said, they needed to be sanctified by the Truth in addition to their complete polarization in Love, so that they might manifest that Body which He had outlined and permit that oneness to appear between that Body and Himself and the Father, that it might permit the manifestation of the works of God on earth.
With respect to the present time, the approach is made on the basis of Truth. The approach there was made on the basis of the primary current of Love, and then the sanctification had to be through the Truth. Now the sanctification must take place through Love, and that Love must come through Him in order that the works may be accomplished. That does not mean that the Truth does not sanctify, and it does not mean that the disciples had not been sanctified by the Love which He brought to them, but the complete sanctification rests on the perfect balance in the oneness of function, or the One Current of which there are two phases—the Spirit of Love and the Spirit of Truth—which, perfectly blended, in perfect balance, provide the Current by which the complete sanctification can be experienced, thereby permitting the individual to experience the reality of salvation in the true expression of Life.
Sanctification through Love is only a partial sanctification, and it takes a sanctification in the balance of the two to accomplish the real result. That is the reason why, for these many centuries, man has not experienced a true sanctification through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. There was either no balance with respect to the Truth or there was no balance with respect to Love. If people functioned on the Love Current, they let it carry over to emotional sprees, and if they undertook to function from the standpoint of Truth they tended to carry through in the intellectual realm and function on the basis of the letter of the law. When we permit a blended current of the Holy Spirit, which is made up of the Spirit of Love and the Spirit of Truth, to bring about a complete sanctification we can experience that which the Master is talking about here, and we will share the true expression of the Spirit of Love. Uranda read the Great Prayer of Intercession again.
© emissaries of divine light
Thanksgiving and Acknowledgement
Uranda April 7, 1946
“If you have experienced an increased illumination, if you felt the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, acknowledge it, because only direct acknowledgment permits an expansion of that which is working through you, and permits it to have focalization to those whom you represent. It is this completion of the cycle that is most important to the purpose for which we are working.”
As representatives of those working on your vibration, the important thing in relationship to a period of service in radiation as we have experienced it in our session, is the acknowledgment in yourself, on behalf of yourself and all whom you represent, of the actual fact of that which was experienced to the degree that it was individually experienced—a recognition of whether or not you individually felt the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and an acknowledgment of whatever degree of illumination you actually experienced. That is, in focalized vibration, the essential, in relationship to such response as I invite.
The expression does not have to be long but it needs to be focalized on the vibration. If it moves on to tangents, it tends to produce leaks. I am asking for a response on the vibration of what I have released. That means, basically, acknowledgment of the current that has been working and is working, and a recognition of increased illumination.
It is not just an acknowledgment of it to me; for I am simply a representative. You are acknowledging it to the LORD of Lords. If you have experienced an increased illumination, if you felt the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, acknowledge it, because only direct acknowledgment permits an expansion of that which is working through you, and permits it to have focalization to those whom you represent. It is this completion of the cycle that is most important to the purpose for which we are working.
The admonition has been oft repeated: “In all things give thanks.” We have emphasized the necessity of giving thanks in order to establish and maintain attunement. When an individual has experienced an outflow of the Spirit and an increased clarity of vision which we call illumination, the first spontaneous response should be of thanksgiving to God for it—of giving thanks for it not only on a personal vibration but also on the vibration of all whom you represent.
But it is essential individually. Except you individually give expression to that radiation on the vibration of thanksgiving and acknowledgment, you lose a tremendous part of that current individually as well as from the standpoint of the unified vibration. So the first spontaneous feeling is, properly, of thanksgiving to God that it is so, acknowledgment of what has been experienced, and of what one has felt flowing forth.
Now being careful to keep within the range of vibrations established, harmonized and coordinated with it, I should like you to give your individual expressions of response on the current of this radiation in correct form, basically or in essence.
© emissaries of divine light
Body Of The Intercessor
The Connecting Link
Martin Cecil May 13, 1964 am
We are aware that man, male and female, is supposed to be the connecting link between Creator and creation. As we bring this principle to a point of application with respect to ourselves we see that the immediate requirement is that a connecting link should be established between God and man. Long ago mankind stepped out of its true position; before it can come again into that position there must be a connection established between mankind and God. Looking back we may recognize that the LORD Himself came on earth specifically to refocalize this point of connection. At the time He came the children of men were adrift, without any adequate experienced connection with God. This is not to say that there were not in those days many sincere people who were seeking to worship God according to their highest vision. This is not to say that some of them did not find a relationship with God that brought many blessings; we have come to recognize, however, that God does not work on a haphazard basis. There is something very exact about the ways of the LORD. This exactness is evident in many different fields where human beings have the ability to analyze, examine and observe.
The connection, having been lost by mankind, needed to be restored. Our Master came into the world to initiate this means of restoring the connection, and it works according to specific laws and principles and according to a very definite design. The design which permits it to work is God-made, not man-made, and no matter how earnest and sincere human beings may be in their desire to serve God, they still cannot achieve what needs to be done except on the basis of the essential design which is divinely established.
Coming to this day and age, we have recognized something of these principles as they apply to our present field of ministry. Regardless of the sincerity and earnestness of human beings in many places, there is in fact only one way by which this connection with God can be established so that it might provide the means by which mankind could be restored, step by step, back into position so as to provide the complete connection between Creator and creation. The first step is to provide the connection between Creator and man. Until that is done man must remain out of place and there is no connection divinely established between Creator and creation here in the world. So we are very particularly concerned with this connecting point by which Creator and creation, in the sense of man, are connected together again.
Going back before our Master's time we have seen how a previous opportunity in this regard was worked out, coming to focus through the children of Israel. We have noted that this was a physical approach, which did not immediately provide the essential connection, because the essential connection between Creator and creation is at the level of the Spiritual Expression Plane of Being, or the highest level in this outer world. If therefore the need is, in any given cycle, to start at the lowest level—the physical—obviously there has to be a movement from level to level until the point is reached where the door can be opened and the connection made. The door is not opened simply from the standpoint of the physical plane of being. Neither is it opened simply from the standpoint of the mental plane of being. It only opens as we move to the apex of the Spiritual Expression Plane of Being. Then the connection can be made.
When our Master was on earth of course the approach at that time was from the level of the mental plane, under His direction; but even so, it had to move up to the spiritual expression plane level before the door could be opened. At this present time we proceed from the standpoint of the Spiritual Expression Plane of Being. In these previous two approaches we may be able to see that it was in some respects easier, because there was a consideration from the standpoint, first of all, of the physical level, where man has most of his experience, and the movement was then gradually, step by step, from the physical through the mental to the spiritual expression. At this present time we necessarily have to make the Spiritual Expression Plane approach without regard to the mental and the physical, in the sense of our approach. The mental and the physical begin to come into the picture to the extent that we have made the Spiritual Expression Plane approach. To the extent that we permit the door to be opened, then something comes through the door into the mental and into the physical. It is not a matter of clambering up the mountain, so to speak; it is a matter of standing on top of the mountain and letting that which comes down from God out of heaven flow down the mountainside. Once the connection has been made the process is easy. The difficulty, if there is one, is to make the connection from the standpoint of the direct approach from the Spiritual Expression Plane of Being. It is far less laborious, incidentally, than the physical plane approach or the mental plane approach, because we do not have to pass through these levels to get to the peak. We can move directly to the peak, to the apex, in order to let the connection be made.
Now in the physical plane approach a physical people was established, taken out of the peoples of the world to compose a nation, and they were supposed to keep moving forward and upward until they could be in position to represent all mankind to God and to represent God to all mankind. Of course they never reached that point. Within the scope of the body of the children of Israel there were Thirteen Tribes. Usually reference is made to the Twelve Tribes, but there was a Thirteenth—the Levites—who were the Priesthood, and the Priesthood permeated all the other Twelve Tribes. They had no specific possession in the promised land in the sense of an area but they were present in relationship to all Twelve Tribes, and the Levites, or the Priesthood, were supposed to represent the Twelve Tribes to God and God to the Twelve Tribes. It is apparent that they did not succeed too well in this responsibility. We could carry it still further and recognize that there was a High Priest who was supposed to represent the Levites to God and God to the Levites. It would seem that this didn't work too well either. In any case, while there was failure nevertheless we can observe the principles involved.
There must be that which represents man to God and that which represents God to man if there is to be the connection established between man and God. Human beings have been inclined to take the attitude that somehow they could make the connection directly, as individuals. Something can be achieved along those lines, and has been, but it is never adequate to restore man to the position of being the connecting link in the overall sense. Now this was the concern of the children of Israel, although they didn't adequately realize it. It was the concern of the disciples in our Master's time, although it is evident that they didn't adequately realize it. It is our concern at this time. The question is as to whether we adequately realize it. We are here to make that provision of connection, and the only way it can be done is from the standpoint of this matter of representation—representing mankind to God and God to mankind. Now perhaps we had better narrow the field down a little. Fundamentally, in the initial stages of the development, if it is the Spiritual Expression Plane approach, we are concerned with the apex pattern of connection and that relates to what might be described as the Priesthood. We have referred to this as the Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek.

There are those who have tried to follow out a pattern of this nature, at least using the name, but it is more than using a name. It requires an actual function, an actual experience. It requires that we actually be what is required, that we actually provide the necessary representation. Now the representation, while it ultimately includes all of mankind, may be presently seen as it relates to those whom we speak of as responding ones. Of course, if mankind is to be restored, it will be because of response, but we are concerned with those who are responding, and particularly with those who are reaching a level where they can begin to participate in conscious awareness. There are countless thousands of responding ones on earth who certainly have not reached a level where they could participate in a conscious awareness as yet, but there are others who are emerging, and we may recognize that there is more to it than what appears on the surface. In other words it is not just a matter of what we would call response in a general sense. Let us see if we can begin to bring something to point here.
Supposing there are a hundred people responding at the same level, approximately, to God. Each of those hundred people is the form of manifestation of a God Being. Each of those God Beings has a particular place and part to play in the Divine Design. Now the individual who is to participate, from the standpoint of the God Being involved, in the initial development of the emerging design will be the responding one who has the opportunity, at least, to experience a conscious awareness first. It is true that contact has been made by this ministry with many thousands of people who did not carry through. Some of these no doubt could have played a very valuable part in the development of our Program, because of the God Beings involved. The fact that some particular God Being does have a specific place in the initial stages of the emerging design does not necessarily mean that the human being will let that Divine expression come through adequately so that there may be a filling of the part and place, but the opportunity is provided.
I emphasize this point simply because there needs to be a recognition that that which makes possible a connecting link between God and man, His crowning creation, is very specific and exact; it is not a haphazard thing. It is not a matter of extending something into the world which would somehow enlighten all responding ones, so that all of them would immediately become consciously aware of this Program. On that basis there would tend to be a situation which would overwhelm that which was rightly emerging. The emergence must be on the basis of that which makes possible the filling out of the Divine Design, so that the initial formation of this connecting link, which is the Priesthood, or the Body of the Intercessor, may be adequately established. So, from the standpoint of those who have come to a point of conscious awareness, the representation to God is of the responding ones—those who are first of all emerging into conscious awareness, and also responding ones in general. I would make a distinction here also. There are those who have a conscious awareness of this ministry who do not have a conscious awareness of what this ministry is. The fact that some person is associated with this ministry—on the mailing list, we will say, or even in a closer association—does not necessarily mean that that person has a conscious awareness, actually, of what this ministry is. We might ask the question of you here: To what extent do you actually have a conscious awareness of what this ministry is? I have no doubt that all of you would say you think you do, but to what extent is it an awareness of the truth, or to what extent is it an awareness of your own ideas with respect to such truth as you have seen? There is a difference.

We are here, then, to the extent that we do have this awareness of the truth in fact, to provide this dual pattern of representation: representing what we might call the Twelve Tribes to God, and God to the Twelve Tribes—the Twelve Tribes of the responding ones of the earth. This establishes the nature of the proper attitude which we should hold toward the LORD and toward the Twelve Tribes. In our attitude toward the LORD we are, rightly, representing the Twelve Tribes of responding ones; we are representing, in other words, response; we are representing that which is right in attitude, wherever it may be present in human beings, toward the LORD. Now this relates to attitude within the design itself, of which we begin to have a conscious awareness. We can recognize something in this regard with respect to your attitude toward me, and incidentally my attitude toward you. It is my responsibility to represent the LORD to you, and to represent you to the LORD. It is your responsibility to represent responding ones to me, and me to responding ones.
Now in speaking of you and me I have reference to that which is of the Divine Pattern, not simply to the human beings concerned. There are those who have looked at me as a human being—pretty well all they have seen—and perhaps I reminded them of someone they had known back along the way somewhere whom they had either liked or disliked, and their attitude toward me was accordingly. We have noted this tendency on the part of human beings to react on the basis of feeling memory patterns with respect to each other. It has nothing at all to do with the facts, or the truth of the moment, but is something dredged up out of the past. And so there are those who simply consider the outer form, the manifest form, and fail to recognize that it is not that, but that which finds release in expression through the outer form, that is the factor of importance, and it is this which provides the possibility of representation of the LORD to responding ones. It is this in me which makes it possible for me to represent the LORD to you, and your attitude toward me should be based in the fact that you recognize yourselves as representing responding ones, so you represent to me only that which is of the response pattern. You do not represent to me those things which certainly are present in the body of mankind which are of the adversary pattern, or the rebellious pattern, or the rejection pattern. There must be a clear pattern of right representation, and it is this clear pattern of right representation between us that keeps the vibration clear and that makes it possible for you in turn to represent the LORD to each other, and to those who are the responding ones beyond you; and you remember, therefore, in your dealings with each other and in your dealings with other human beings, that you are representing the LORD.
No doubt you have had a recognition of these principles, but this evening I am seeking to bring it down to a point where you begin to accept the principles in relationship to yourselves to a greater degree than heretofore. In other words, that you may recognize that you are in actual fact now, in this present moment, representatives of the LORD to the responding ones, and representatives of the responding ones to the LORD. This is the conscious awareness which you must have if you are to know the truth with respect to this ministry. If you do not have this conscious awareness, only an intellectual recognition of it, you do not know the truth of this ministry. It must be something which you actually experience in your daily function, so that you have an awareness of your own position in this regard, your own place.
Now there are those who have been concerned about place. Well here perhaps you can see something with respect to place that carries a true vibration. It is the conscious awareness of the individual, in his particular position in the pattern of life, of his or her representation of the LORD to the responding ones and of the responding ones to the LORD that causes a person to be in place. In your attitude toward one another, and toward all those with whom you come in contact in the direct sense day by day, it is your responsibility to represent the LORD. Your attitude must be such that it is a conscious representation of the LORD in your dealings with others. To what extent would you at this present time consider this to be true of yourself? It is to some degree. Perhaps there are moments when it is emphasized in your consciousness and other moments when you forget all about it and you behave like a fallen human being.
There is a service to be rendered by the Priesthood, and this is it. It is only as we begin to have a conscious awareness of it in our function that we begin to understand the nature of the service which is to be rendered. If we forget, lose all consciousness of representing responding ones to the LORD, and the LORD to responding ones, we are at least in a coma, aren't we, from the Divine standpoint—in the tomb, in a coma! Of course this is true of the body of mankind as a whole. They have forgotten all this. This is being called to your remembrance by the spirit of truth, and to the degree that you do remember and consequently function accordingly, you are to that extent experiencing the resurrection from the tomb and you are beginning to move into place. It must be a conscious thing. We must emerge out of the coma, and it must become a constant thing so that at no moment could we be caught sleeping, caught in the state of unconsciousness with respect to this truth as it relates to ourselves, as it relates to actual living, as it relates to what we do and say, what we think and feel. And here is the key point with respect to the reestablishment of the connecting link between Creator and creation at this present time.
Obviously, in order to develop a state of wakefulness there is the necessity of some deliberate action. Did you ever wake up in the morning and you were between sleeping and waking? Perhaps it was rather a pleasant condition, and you were quite content to lie there in that condition, and if you lay there very long you lost consciousness again, didn't you? You went back to sleep. If you were to wake up you had to take some deliberate steps. So it is, also, in emergence from this coma. Sometimes human beings get themselves into states of coma, in the medical sense, and happily stay there, because the individual wants to stay there. It takes some deliberate action in such case for a person to come out of that coma. Now I am not saying there are not occasions when a coma is necessary from the standpoint of physical restoration. The individual may be rightly unconscious for a period of time in order to permit some restoration to take place. I am not speaking of that particularly. I am speaking of those comas into which human beings go sometimes when they are seeking to escape—escape from life. It is very convenient to be able to lie unconscious in a bed and have no responsibility. In such case it takes some deliberate action on the part of the individual to come out of that coma, and it takes deliberate action on our part to come out of this spiritual coma in which fallen man has been existing for so long.

We have to do something, and there is a need then for this awareness of what it is that needs to be done: deliberately to accept the responsibility now, in this moment and in each succeeding moment, for representing responding ones to God and representing God to the responding ones. Of course in fact we represent God to all people; we just simply represent God; but the responding ones are the only ones who will be influenced by our representation. It takes some thought, it takes a deliberate assumption of the right attitude, because no doubt there are many things in the world of man which are clamoring to be represented in us, many things that are wrong, many things that are certainly not of the response pattern. Our responsibility is to represent the response pattern to God, represent only that which is true of that pattern to the LORD, and we have to watch because no doubt there are those things seeking to be represented by us; the adversary is always on hand to try to gain a representative. The mass consciousness of humanity is present. The question is: What are we going to represent out of it? There are elements of response in the mass consciousness of humanity, and it is these that we select to represent, and we ignore the others because we recognize there is no need to bring those before the LORD. There is nothing gained by it. The LORD works through response. We represent response, then, to the LORD; and in our dealings one with another and in our dealings with people and circumstances in general, including everything, we represent the LORD.
We represent the Divine character in what we do, and what we say, and how we act. This is true whether we are alone or whether we are in company with others. We have a constant, conscious awareness of who we are: the Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek, representing man to God and God to man. Let us allow this truth to be emphasized in us tonight, that we may deliberately let it be so in us.
© emissaries of divine light