May 30, 2014

The Veil Is Rent In Twain


The  Veil  Is  Rent  In  Twain

Loveland Fireside Talks No. Thirteen

Uranda   August 8, 1944

In our study of the Book of Job, we must remember that this story has its setting in a period prior to the submersion of Lemuria, which means prior to the portrayal of man being driven from the Garden of Eden as pictured in Genesis. In other words, it pictures for us the close relationship between man in this outer world, even in the fallen state, with God. At that time, especially for those who sought to find the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the veil was very thin and easily penetrated. That which separates man in the realm of his consciousness from the Divine was pictured in Solomon's temple, as well as in the tabernacle before it, as the veil between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. When Jesus was crucified on Golgotha, the Place of the Skull, the veil in the temple was rent in twain, showing that once again in man's progress toward the state of the Divine the Way had been opened so that it was possible, even as it now is possible, for human beings who recognize the Law and harmonize with the Principles of Reality, to penetrate through the veil, that they may perceive, recognize and understand things Divine, and what we call the Inner Planes, which were symbolized by the Holy of Holies in both the tabernacle and Solomon's temple.

From the time of the fall onward to the submersion of Lemuria, the veil became gradually more dense, and after the submersion of Atlantis the separation was quite complete for a long period of time. The Prophets of the Old Testament period penetrated through that veil to a degree, but from the time of the submersion of Atlantis until the time of the crucifixion of Jesus the veil had not been completely rent in twain. The Council of the Golden Veil is composed of that body of beings who, consciously from an outer sense and constantly from an inner sense, seek to assist human beings in recognizing the fact that the veil has been rent in twain. From the standpoint of the illumined one it is indeed the Golden Veil, because beyond it one finds the full revelation of Eternal Spiritual Truths, and because from a standpoint of the outer world the presence of the veil gives fallen man an opportunity to live long enough to find the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If it were not for the Golden Veil, all those who function contrary to the realms of Reality would be quickly destroyed, and they would have no opportunity to learn to harmonize with the Way and the Will of God.

Human beings have resorted to various humanly conceived methods in an attempt to penetrate the veil, but such efforts have been to no avail. Many of those who have sought the Way have, by reason of ignorance, complained that the veil existed, little realizing that if it were not for the protection of the Golden Veil they would not have had the opportunities of finding the Way, or of entering into the Divine Estate. Let no one bemoan the fact that the veil exists, for he who is ready to see through or beyond the veil finds that it is rent in twain and the Way is easy and the burden is Light; and let those who have not yet so seen abide in patience, remembering that to strive is to fail, and that, in due season, as the faithful one continues on, all that is necessary to his or her proper function in the world shall surely be revealed. Let no one begin to try to penetrate the veil, and let no one become discouraged because he may think that he has not seen as much of the Divine Estate as he would like. As Jesus, our Lord and Master, proved that the veil can be penetrated, and as it was rent in twain even though the world rejected Him, each faithful one should remember that the responsibility of perception and of knowledge and of understanding must be born nobly and wisely with each advance into the realm of that which is unknown to the world; therefore, each should rejoice that the Lord does not at any time place a greater burden of responsibility upon any individual than he or she can bear in the state of his expansion of consciousness, and at his point of progress along the Way.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

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