June 22, 2014

A  Blazing  Sun

Radiant  with  Light,  Love  and  Life

Uranda   1930's

I tell you this Story as it was, because I was there and I took part in all of the events of which I speak. It is not by "memory," as human beings think of memory, that I am able to reveal this picture to you. It is not some strange and “mystic memory” which has been conjured up by some strange experience. It is not something that anyone has told me—and, as it has not before been written during present recorded history, it certainly is not something that I have read somewhere. Neither have I any ancient and mysterious “tablets” or writing of any sort whatsoever. Some there are who will attribute my story to imagination, and they will look upon it as fiction—and to all who so think, I give assurance that I have no objection to their attitude. This Story is to each on according to his response thereto—Reality to all who respond to reality; fiction to all who respond to fiction. I ask no one to believe it; for spiritual things must be spiritually discerned in the Light of the Fire of the Christ Love.

The Cosmos is without end and without beginning. Your Lord within you is eternal—He never “began,” because he has always been. Seek not to comprehend the things of God which go back into the eternal past, or on onto the eternal future. It is enough for you to be assured that your own individual, personal Lord within you now, has the eternal identity which He has always had, and which He always will have—but I speak not of that which you think yourself to be, nor of that which the world has called you.

Your Lord was with me in the beginning, before the world was—this I assure you; but be not concerned about “trying to know it” for yourself. Many hundreds of thousands, yes millions, of years ago, your Lord was one of a vast company of millions of Lords, or God Beings, who were all working together in the creation and transformation of a huge world which became our sun long ago. Your own Lord was, and is, one of the God Beings about whom this Story is told—but as we continue it is to be understood, without my repeating it, that your Lord was one of those of whom I speak when I say "we.”

In the creation of the huge planet which is now the sun of this solar system, we created wonderful plant and animal kingdoms which were marvelous beyond all the imaginings of men. In that whole creation there was no evil; no suffering; no sorrow; no death. The magnificent race of Divine Men and Women who lived in that huge world were always perfect and without sin of any kind. Their beauty of body, their symmetry of form, and their magnificence of stature were more wonderful than you can imagine; and they always functioned in perfect Wisdom, in full Harmony of Oneness With the God beings who dwelt in them—and we were among those God Beings!

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Let us now consider the creation of the world. The creation of the sun, having already taken place, was consummated, so that the world that was was transformed, or spiritualized, and became one in radiance with the God Beings who had created it, and in the transformed state it was, and is, a Sun of Radiant Action. This cycle of creation being consummated, the sun must take part in further cre­ative expression. Twelve groups of these God Beings (one of which Beings was and is the Master-Self within thee) went forth from the sun, and each group began the creation of another world. Thus it is that there are now twelve worlds surrounding our sun. One of these twelve worlds is the world in which we now dwell, continuing the creative action which shall in due season be consummated, that this world may also become a sun.

The group of God Beings of which thy Master-Self was and is a member came to this part of space to begin creative action. So-called space is filled, everywhere, with what may be called unformed substance. This group of Divine Beings, which were about seven billion in number, began a unified radiation into the unformed, which set up vibratory action and reaction in the unformed, and then it was no longer unformed, for as it responded, the formation took place on the lines of force radiated by the God Beings.

The word God, as used in the story of creation found in Genesis is translated from the term ELOHIM. The Elohim were the seven leaders of this group of God Beings, and it was under their direction that the creation of this world began, and still continues. This cycle of creation in this world will not end until the whole earth shall become a blazing sun, radiant with Light, Love and Life, which is the Christ expression of God Being. Then shall it, the world, take its place in the process of creative expression.

Seven different ranges of vibration were set up in the creation of the world. These seven are symbolized by the seven days of creation, in the colors of the rainbow, in the octave of music, and in many other ways. The vibratory radiation of this group of God Beings set up the seven ranges, and all that responded not to the highest vibration was automatically pushed into the next lower range, and that which responded not in this range was pushed, by its own nature, into the next lower range. And so the process continued until the lowest range was, and is, manifest as the physical earth, which might be called the ash remaining from the action of the creative radiations, or fires, of Love.

Thy Inner Self, Soul, or Father, had a part in the creation of the whole earth, and He it is who hath created thy body-world also. As He is a creator, a God Being from eternity to eternity, He is well able to create perfection in thy body-world this very instant if thou wilt only let Him have His way with thee.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

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