July 15, 2014
I AM THAT I AM. And then he said, “I AM hath sent me unto
you.” So we have I AM THAT I AM and I AM. In other words we immediately
recognize the basic principles of two focalization points. The overall
focalization point, and the immediate manifest focalization point. In other
words, the LORD of Lords or KING of Kings: I AM THAT I AM.
Now what does that mean? We can
immediately see two possible applications. I AM that
particular I AM. I AM that I AM. Which I AM? That one.
So we can think of it in that sense. Or
we can take it: I AM that which I AM.
I AM that I AM or I AM THAT
I AM. And if you begin to meditate
on that a little, many wonderful things can open up to you because here is a
basic vibratory pattern of attunement, or association, with the LORD of Lords
and KING of Kings.
But, as there are the two
immediately recognized aspects of significance here, we are not under the
necessity of saying, “Well, which one?” But what are the significances of both,
for both apply? It is not a matter of deciding, “Well I must mean this or it
must mean that.” It means both. And, if we see it then from the standpoint of
the invisible—I AM—the invisible focalization of Being in Reality—that I AM—then the invisible is made
manifest in the visible realm. I AM that I AM. I am not separated, segregated, and set apart,
and limited to the heavenly realm only. I AM in action down here in this realm
of things, in the material world. I AM that I AM.
So we see here, immediately, the
union of heaven and earth—the union of heaven and earth. What was it God had
said to him a moment before? “Certainly”—not with any doubt whatsoever; but on a
positive, absolutely certain basis—“I will be with thee.” Certainly I will be with thee.
Therefore we begin to see, as one
aspect of significance, the fact that the focalization of deity in the inner,
invisible realm has a means for the manifestation of Himself in the outer realm
of Being. The focalization of the Whole, with respect to the focalization of
the Negative Triune World. But there is also the other meaning: I AM THAT I AM.
I AM—what? Human beings cannot
themselves answer that question. The old idea of questioning, “Whence did I
come? Whither do I go?” etc—and the human being says, “Well, I don’t know. I
don’t know what I am, where I am, where I am going; I don’t know where I came
from.” He is signifying that he does not understand himself and he does not
know what he is. I AM—what? In the outer, unreal realm the human being seems to
be something that he is not, in the limited sphere of being—he has come to
believe himself to be that which he is not. He has established patterns of
association with respect to himself which deny the Reality of Being. And the
human consciousness is inclined to resent anyone who suggests that he does
know; he is inclined to resist. That’s alright, as long as the resistance, or
scepticism, is on an honest basis which is willing to recognize the truth.
In relationship to myself, what man
as a human being could do what you have seen me do. There isn’t one on the face
of the earth, not one anywhere. No man, of himself, could do what you have seen
me do. Then that which I AM is not merely as a man. That which you are in Reality is not merely as a human being. But if we recognize the Reality of that
which I AM, and allow that to be made manifest as I AM, the Reality given form
in outer expression, then we begin to have the pattern of relatedness, correct
association, the union of the inner and the outer.
So, the second statement was, “Thus
shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me.” I AM hath sent
me. In other words, although recognizing the focalization higher than himself,
Moses was not being asked to deny the focalization of deity that was the Reality
of himself. The higher focalization, yes but speaking from an inner
standpoint, I AM hath sent me. So we have the manifestation of that which is
inner and outer.
But then—I AM THAT I AM. Recognizing
the principle of focalization here, we see that the manifest aspect of I AM is
related to other focalizations of deity, and all of these God Beings, or
focalizations of deity, angels, or whatever term one wishes to use, come to a
specific point, come to an apex. First in the manifest realm, and then in the
invisible realm where we have I AM THAT I AM—for here we have at the apex, the
LORD of Lords, the centering of every God Being in the Whole Holy World, the
whole sphere of things insofar as we are aware of it—as it relates to us, it is
the Whole Holy World. The absolute point
of focalization. So, just as the brain contains within itself a pattern of
focalization with respect to every cell of the body, so does the LORD of Lords
carry within Himself a focalization with respect to every aspect of deity in
the whole Body of God.
So, whether it be with respect to
you, or me, or anyone else, as far as the LORD of Lords is concerned, He can
say I AM THAT I AM—by the very reason of the fact of your own God Being for
which He provides the focalization—I AM THAT I AM—and thereby He is present in
relationship to every human being on the face of the earth without exception.
However, that which is the
focalization of deity within the individual does not generally have much
opportunity to express itself through the individual, and the outer man or woman
does not reveal the inner Reality of Being. So, in the sense of the manifest
pattern of action, He doesn’t say I AM that
man, or I AM that woman. No, He says
I AM THAT I AM—for by reason of the focalization of deity in you He is present
in you, because the focalization of deity in you is focalized by Him. And once
you begin to actually realize that, so that there is a consciousness of the
principles or patterns of association in the Divine sense, you begin to have a
sense of the meaningfulness of your own relatedness to God.
So, we do not begin to try to
explain, in the sense of knowledge, to the mind of man as to what I AM is. It
is enough for man to know that I AM THAT I AM. Having accepted that, and having
ample opportunity to prove the Reality of it, we can begin to let it manifest
in us, for it is not by our trying to analyze God that we can comprehend what
God is but by letting God come into manifestation through our capacities of
mind and heart, in the body, that we can begin to have awareness, and begin to
be the burning bush, the point for the manifestation of the Flame of Life that
is not consumed.
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