September 03, 2014

Every  Human  Being  is  a  Focalization  Point


  Principles  of  Focalization

Uranda   June 11, 1954

Anything that is done or said, experienced, lived, anything in the expression of life, must come to focus before it can have real meaning. If we remember this it will make it easier. Human beings do not at first appreciate and understand adequately the principle of focalization. The principle of focalization must work in relationship to each one individually, as a person, because there are those things which come to focus in you. But we all find that the problem of bringing something to focus in ourselves is insoluble, it cannot be worked out, until or unless we ourselves begin to accept a focalization that is higher than ourselves. This is the basic principle of worshipping God, and we must come to point in relationship to Deity somehow, if we are to achieve.

If that which is to appear or is appearing in our environments through us, or in some manner in relationship to us, is to have meaning, it must come to focus in ourselves individually. You as a person are a specific focal point in the world, for the world, with respect to that for which you are responsible in the divine design. No one else can provide your focus point; it is impossible. It is strictly up to you. And unless that which is properly related to you comes to point in you, you cannot experience the fulfilment of the goal, you cannot come to the point of your own true limits.

We begin to see here the operation of the One Law. There is always a pushing and there is always a pulling, properly. If the pushings and pullings are not coordinated, if we do not learn how to use them, we will conceive them to be something contrary to us, something against which we should fight, something which seems to be unpleasant, and in fact can be. But we need to realize that it is not a matter of getting away from pushings and pullings. Now that may convey to your mind, for the moment, something I do not mean to convey, but we will seek to clear it if it does. But always there is something pushing you—probably many things—and always there are many things, or many aspects of one thing, pulling you.

If because of a failure to bring these factors to focus properly in ourselves as individuals we feel discommoded, we feel ourselves out of orientation, we feel a lack of control, we feel perhaps as if we were puppets on a string being made to dance some way that we do not want to dance in the expression of life, then there tends to be a sense of futility. Now these cords that are inherent in the development of the life pattern are not there to cause us to be as puppets, they are not there to cause us discomfort or some unhappiness or a sense of futility, but if we do not function correctly in relationship to them we are inclined to feel all of these adverse things.

The first step in establishing a control point, which is to say a focalization point in the individual life, is to recognize the principles of the Law in relationship to focalization, and to recognize that we have a personal responsibility, individually, in this matter of focalization. We establish the nature of the vibrational field in ourselves with respect to that which should be focalized in us, by reason of the attitude which we maintain toward that in which we should be focalized.

This principle must be clearly seen. We need to touch on it in various ways so that we do not come into some state of confusion and futility. To illustrate in a personal sense—if, for instance, I had an attitude of resistance or questioning toward that in which I am focalized, then I would never be able to hold steady the pattern of that which is properly focalized in me. You would not find anything to trust, to depend upon. You would feel that it was one thing one day and another another. Now sometimes the limited human vision imagines that to be the case when it is not, but it would in actual fact be the case if I did not have a correct pattern in relationship to that in which I am focalized, for I cannot provide a true point in focalization unless I am in turn maintaining the right pattern in relationship to that in which I am focalized.

Individual characteristics enter into the picture here, and from the standpoint of the truth, the real design, they are never violated. But at first the human vision tends to imagine some things to be personal or characteristic when in fact they are unrealities and that which is true, as we noted yesterday, is not yet clear to one's own vision as it relates to oneself, coming to the point of knowing oneself. But if we begin to see that the meaningfulness of life experience, and life expression in any form, depends upon the effectiveness of focalization in ourselves, we will begin to see how there is a tendency to waste energies with respect to those things which are not yet in the field in a manner which permits them to be brought to focus in ourselves.

For instance, I could conceivably say that there are certain persons over here who should be focalized in me, and certain things over there, etc., and they are not, and I could get into such a stew, such a dither about it, that I would absolutely ruin the pattern for that which is focalized in me, and if I tried to do something about that which is not focalized in me I would fail. I could exert ever so many efforts, I could strive, I could struggle, and I would fail, because you cannot do anything about that which is not focalized in you. It is because human beings are forever trying to do something about that which is not focalized in themselves that they waste so much energy, so much precious time, and accomplish so little. 

There may be things which should be focalized in you which are not yet; you have to leave them alone. You find that if you are going to function in the current of the spirit on a meaningful basis, whether in giving an attunement or doing anything else under the sun, it must be in the range of that which is already focalized in you, at least in part. You must have a contact factor from the standpoint of your own focalization, and you are all focalization points, everyone.

Every human being on the face of the earth should be a focalization point. Most do not have any idea that it is so, or what the principle is.

However as there are things that begin to come into the range of your focalization you learn to work with those, to nurture the response where there is a weak factor shall we say; it is not focalized very strongly in you yet, it has to grow. But you do not arbitrarily put undue strain on that factor which is developing its pattern of response to your focalization. You nurture it and protect it and know that if there are things with respect to it which are not yet right, the time will come when you can do something about it. But if you try to do something about it too quickly you will break the tender thread and it is gone. So part of the time you are nurturing that which is beginning to find focalization in you, and doing very little with respect to it, except radiating through it perhaps—but not very active with respect to it in the sense of outer form. With other things, where there is a definite contact factor, the focalization is definite, the responsibility and the privilege is clear, you are free to act in that field, and if it is truly focalized in you, and you understand what you are doing, you can make adjustments, you can clear things that ought not to be; you have authority there.

Now there cannot be dominion or control without authority, and to the degree that we accept privilege and correlating responsibility, and develop the proper focalizations with respect to that for which we are responsible, we begin to be in position of authority with respect to that, and then we begin to experience a certain dominion—not dominion in the arbitrary sense of human rule, but dominion in the benevolent and beautiful pattern of divine rule or control.

When one attempts to exert authority in a field that is not yet focalized in himself, even though in the potential sense it should be focalized in him, he will fail. If something of that nature has reached a point where it is beginning to be focalized in him and he attempts too quickly to exert authority merely because he may say within himself, "I have the right," he will spoil it, because the channels of action are not yet clearly established and the exercise of authority will apply too much pressure and the response pattern will break under it. Then there will be failure. So we are not concerned about the exercise of authority.

Actually, if you have observed with any clear vision here, you find that I do my best to avoid the exercise of authority. I make no rules or regulations unless improper function forces me to do so. The exercise of authority is something that we hold to a minimum, and its level is always dependent upon the pattern of function in relationship to the individuals involved. If for the sake of those individuals we sometimes develop some protective rules and regulations, they are withdrawn as rapidly as the individuals involved accept responsibility in relationship to privilege and begin to discharge that responsibility on a constructive basis. We cannot have privilege without responsibility.

We begin to see that focalization is something that works in relationship to everyone—not just a few, but to absolutely everyone. But we cannot successfully bring something into focus in a true sense, in the divine design, in ourselves and in relationship to ourselves, except in the degree to which we accept focalization in that in which we should be focalized. Because, look, here is the pattern of the fall of man, and here is the secret for man's failure, down through the centuries and millennia, to exert the power and have the dominion; for if any person attempts to be a focalization point without having accepted the higher focalization point, he is by that act attempting to be as God. This basic point, in relationship to the cause of the fall of man, and the basic reason as to why man does not have dominion or control in his own life, is something that needs to be seen very clearly if we are to succeed.

The human being attempts to establish unto himself, for himself, a focalization in which he is supposed, according to his own concept, to have dominion and control, to be able to exercise authority and to take unto himself privileges, without first himself having accepted his true responsibilities in the range of that in which he should himself be focalized.    

If we are not focalized first in that which is above us, which is to say, in God, we cannot exercise true authority or dominion with respect to the ill conditions which may exist in body or mind or heart, environment or what have you. The establishment of this true pattern of attunement is absolutely basic if we are to achieve our goal and find our places in the divine scheme of things. The acceptance of focalization must precede the reality of becoming a point of focalization.

We might transpose that into the simple statement, "He who would lead must first learn to follow. He who would command must first learn to obey"; for if we cannot be trusted to obey, if we cannot be trusted to conform to the divine principles of being, we cannot be trusted with authority with respect to life, environment, or the situations which may come to us through those who seek assistance.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

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