October 29, 2014

Entering The Silence

Entering  The  Silence

from   Steps  to  Mastership

Uranda   1936

The true aim of the Silence is to attune one's receptivity to a phase of Being which is not ordinarily within the range of comprehension. We may well ask, "What is the Silence?"  It is not allowing one's self to drift into an insensible state where control of the faculties is relinquished to chance influences. 

What is spoken of as Entering the Silence is in reality a change of attunement, so that the usual sound vibrations are not detected and the unusual sound vibrations are brought within the range of receptivity. The person who learns to rightly enter the Silence attunes himself to a world that is new to him, and he becomes aware of things of which he knew nothing before.

You must Silence, or "turn off," the usual faculties of reception if you wish to have any success in attuning yourself to the higher vibration receptivity. This is the reason the process is rightly called the Silence. When you learn to Silence the usual receptive faculties, by turning your attention away from them and directing your attention to the vibrations of Higher Consciousness, you will find that you will begin to perceive vibrations of a very unusual nature.


In this higher state of reception, you begin to experience a blending of senses which is very difficult to explain in words. It is as if a blending of Sight, Hearing and Feeling took place without diminishing from any, but rather increasing the perception of each through the blending. In this way all vibrations are perceived simultaneously as sound, vision and feeling.


In the physical planes, one can see vibrations which cannot be heard or felt; for instance, in the rainbow. But suppose you could hear and feel the vibrations of the rainbow as well as see them. The joy of perception would be multiplied. Likewise, the average person can hear things that he cannot see or feel, such as music. A true musician or lover of music learns to feel the music as well as hear it. But many cannot get the "feel" of music, especially if it is classical. Imagine the joy of a perfectly harmonious seeing, hearing and feeling of musical expression. Also, we can feel things that cannot be seen or heard. For instance, cold. You can see the effects of cold, but you cannot see the cold itself. Suppose you could see, hear and feel cold without suffering any discomfort from it. You can be assured that the result would be delightful. A vague idea of the result may be seen in the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights.


Thus it is seen that the Silence is really a process of expanding the receptive faculties so that one becomes aware of the Spiritual Essence of all things. In this way the door is opened to Absolute Knowledge. A hint of the process involved may be seen in true Intuition, which is a knowing of fact without being fully aware of the means by which the knowledge was obtained. Intuition is a step in the right direction, but the faculties of Intuition must be developed until complete Absolute Perception is consciously induced. When this has been accomplished, the individual has progressed from Intuition to Illumination.


The first necessity for complete entrance into the Silence is a room where you can be free from interruption. A partial Silence may be enjoyed at any time, in any place, but a regular time in the same room is required for full results. A set time each day helps to establish a rhythmic response to Cosmic Harmony. The time of day depends on the Student. The most important considerations in selecting a time, night or day, are probability of regularity, likelihood of freedom from interruptions, and the responsiveness of the Student. Each must make his own selection. Some find the morning hours best. Others have trouble with the mind wandering soon after waking, and for them it may be that the evening would be best. Select the hour when you feel that your faculties are most subject to perfect control, and then stick to that hour no matter what else must go undone.


Some get best results while reclining, but if one is inclined to go to sleep too easily, a sitting position is best. Others get best results in the sitting position, regardless of the tendency to sleep. If you feel yourself going to sleep, and you are unable to control the inclination, stop the Silence at once and wait for another time. After you have found the best way for yourself, use the same position, in the same place, in the same chair or couch, in the same room, at the same time each day. After a time the room and chair or couch will become charged with your Spiritual Vibrations and you will find it easier to harmonize quickly.


After you are in position, relax thoroughly in a comfortable way. Begin to breathe deeply, slowly and rhythmically. Then gradually reduce the depth of the inhalation, until you are breathing as little as you can without strain. Then forget your breathing. During the period of conscious breathing, feel as if you are Breathing the Spirit of God and that the Spirit is flowing down through your whole body, charging you with Light, Love and Life.


The next step in entering the Silence should be prayer. The prayer should be a thankful realization of the Light, Love and Life of God as filling your whole body and the room where you are. Also you should express the idea that you are letting yourself be opened to whatever wisdom and understanding God may see fit to reveal to you, or for which you are ready.


After your prayer, relax your mind and let it be bathed in a realization of the words you have expressed. During this period of mind relaxation you should feel your attention drawn to some one word, and that word is the Word of Wisdom for you during that particular Silence. It may be a word in your prayer, or it may be another word, such as Joy, Peace, Understanding, or Strength. As a rule, the best Key Words of Wisdom are found in one of the following—but do not force a selection of one of them if you are drawn to another word—Father, God, Light, Son, Christ, Love, Soul, Holy Spirit, Life, Radiance, Blending, Oneness, Cosmic, Universe, or Universal. It is best not to try to select a Key Word of Wisdom before entering the Silence. Trust to Divine Guidance to draw your attention to the Word which is most needed by you. Your human mind is not capable of making the correct selection.


When you feel your attention drawn to one word, pick it up mentally with all the love and tenderness that you would show in handling your firstborn child. Without tension, let your perception of it blend into seeing, hearing and feeling. Recognize it as one avenue of approach to limitless Absolute Knowledge. Begin to follow mentally the leading of your one word. Questions about it may arise. That is good. Do not try to answer them yourself but let the answers come through you. Consider the word as a name card attached to a single Ribbon of Light which will lead you to a priceless treasure when you trace it through to its Source. Avoid an attitude of study toward your word, but rather let your attention dwell upon it without effort as you watch it unfold—just as you would watch the theme of a motion picture unfold.


No matter how interesting the unfolding theme of a Word may be, do not try to pick it up again in your next Silence. Enter the Silence without thought of a Key Word, and then take up the one that is drawn to you during the period of relaxed meditation following your prayer. In this way you will be gradually drawn into an understanding of all that you need to know. As you become accustomed to sailing on the deep blue Sea of Truth, you will be able to go farther, and still farther, on the Ocean of Absolute Knowledge. And lo, it will not be long till you have the thrill of seeing the Beacon Light which welcomes you to your Haven, the Port of Illumination.


At first devote fifteen to twenty minutes once or twice a day to your Devotional Period of Realization, or Silence, and then increase the time as you are able to develop mental control. At the first signs of wavering, stop and wait for the next time. No one can tell another how long he should remain in the Silence.


Always close your Silence with a prayer, giving thanks for the privilege of going Home to your Father, and for the understanding you have gained. Let the Spirit within guide you in your expression of prayer. Express what you feel. It is often best to pray aloud in both prayers, as this helps to exclude other thoughts from your mind and it gives you a greater sense of Reality. After you have gained absolute control, you may offer a silent prayer if you choose. Let the Spirit direct.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

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